
808 lines
26 KiB

* Duktape debugger web client
* Talks to the NodeJS server using socket.io.
* http://unixpapa.com/js/key.html
// Update interval for custom source highlighting.
// Source view
var activeFileName = null; // file that we want to be loaded in source view
var activeLine = null; // scroll to line once file has been loaded
var activeHighlight = null; // line that we want to highlight (if any)
var loadedFileName = null; // currently loaded (shown) file
var loadedLineCount = 0; // currently loaded file line count
var loadedFileExecuting = false; // true if currFileName (loosely) matches loadedFileName
var loadedLinePending = null; // if set, scroll loaded file to requested line
var highlightLine = null; // highlight line
var sourceEditedLines = []; // line numbers which have been modified
// (added classes etc, tracked for removing)
var sourceUpdateInterval = null; // timer for updating source view
var sourceFetchXhr = null; // current AJAX request for fetching a source file (if any)
var forceButtonUpdate = false; // hack to reset button states
var bytecodeDialogOpen = false; // bytecode dialog active
var bytecodeIdxHighlight = null; // index of currently highlighted line (or null)
var bytecodeIdxInstr = 0; // index to first line of bytecode instructions
// Execution state
var prevState = null; // previous execution state ('paused', 'running', etc)
var prevAttached = null; // previous debugger attached state (true, false, null)
var currFileName = null; // current filename being executed
var currFuncName = null; // current function name being executed
var currLine = 0; // current line being executed
var currPc = 0; // current bytecode PC being executed
var currState = 0; // current execution state ('paused', 'running', 'detached', etc)
var currAttached = false; // current debugger attached state (true or false)
var currLocals = []; // current local variables
var currCallstack = []; // current callstack (from top to bottom)
var currBreakpoints = []; // current breakpoints
var startedRunning = 0; // timestamp when last started running (if running)
// (used to grey out the source file if running for long enough)
* Helpers
function formatBytes(x) {
if (x < 1024) {
return String(x) + ' bytes';
} else if (x < 1024 * 1024) {
return (x / 1024).toPrecision(3) + ' kB';
} else {
return (x / (1024 * 1024)).toPrecision(3) + ' MB';
* Source view periodic update handling
function doSourceUpdate() {
var elem;
// Remove previously added custom classes
sourceEditedLines.forEach(function (linenum) {
elem = $('#source-code div')[linenum - 1];
if (elem) {
sourceEditedLines.length = 0;
// If we're executing the file shown, highlight current line
if (loadedFileExecuting) {
elem = $('#source-code div')[currLine - 1];
if (elem) {
// Add breakpoints
currBreakpoints.forEach(function (bp) {
if (bp.fileName === loadedFileName) {
elem = $('#source-code div')[bp.lineNumber - 1];
if (elem) {
if (highlightLine !== null) {
elem = $('#source-code div')[highlightLine - 1];
if (elem) {
// Bytecode dialog highlight
if (loadedFileExecuting && bytecodeDialogOpen && bytecodeIdxHighlight !== bytecodeIdxInstr + currPc) {
if (typeof bytecodeIdxHighlight === 'number') {
$('#bytecode-preformatted div')[bytecodeIdxHighlight].classList.remove('highlight');
bytecodeIdxHighlight = bytecodeIdxInstr + currPc;
$('#bytecode-preformatted div')[bytecodeIdxHighlight].classList.add('highlight');
// If no-one requested us to scroll to a specific line, finish.
if (loadedLinePending == null) {
var reqLine = loadedLinePending;
loadedLinePending = null;
// Scroll to requested line. This is not very clean, so a better solution
// should be found:
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element.scrollIntoView
// http://erraticdev.blogspot.fi/2011/02/jquery-scroll-into-view-plugin-with.html
// http://flesler.blogspot.fi/2007/10/jqueryscrollto.html
var tmpLine = Math.max(reqLine - 5, 0);
elem = $('#source-code div')[tmpLine];
if (elem) {
// Source is updated periodically. Other code can also call doSourceUpdate()
// directly if an immediate update is needed.
sourceUpdateInterval = setInterval(doSourceUpdate, SOURCE_UPDATE_INTERVAL);
* UI update handling when exec-status update arrives
function doUiUpdate() {
var now = Date.now();
// Note: loadedFileName can be either from target or from server, but they
// must match exactly. We could do a loose match here, but exact matches
// are needed for proper breakpoint handling anyway.
loadedFileExecuting = (loadedFileName === currFileName);
// If we just started running, store a timestamp so we can grey out the
// source view only if we execute long enough (i.e. we're not just
// stepping).
if (currState !== prevState && currState === 'running') {
startedRunning = now;
// If we just became paused, check for eval watch
if (currState !== prevState && currState === 'paused') {
if ($('#eval-watch').is(':checked')) {
submitEval(); // don't clear eval input
// Update current execution state
if (currFileName === '' && currLine === 0) {
} else {
$('#current-fileline').text(String(currFileName) + ':' + String(currLine));
if (currFuncName === '' && currPc === 0) {
} else {
$('#current-funcpc').text(String(currFuncName) + '() pc ' + String(currPc));
// Update buttons
if (currState !== prevState || currAttached !== prevAttached || forceButtonUpdate) {
$('#stepinto-button').prop('disabled', !currAttached || currState !== 'paused');
$('#stepover-button').prop('disabled', !currAttached || currState !== 'paused');
$('#stepout-button').prop('disabled', !currAttached || currState !== 'paused');
$('#resume-button').prop('disabled', !currAttached || currState !== 'paused');
$('#pause-button').prop('disabled', !currAttached || currState !== 'running');
$('#attach-button').prop('disabled', currAttached);
if (currAttached) {
} else {
$('#detach-button').prop('disabled', !currAttached);
$('#eval-button').prop('disabled', !currAttached);
$('#add-breakpoint-button').prop('disabled', !currAttached);
$('#delete-all-breakpoints-button').prop('disabled', !currAttached);
$('.delete-breakpoint-button').prop('disabled', !currAttached);
$('#putvar-button').prop('disabled', !currAttached);
$('#getvar-button').prop('disabled', !currAttached);
$('#heap-dump-download-button').prop('disabled', !currAttached);
if (currState !== 'running' || forceButtonUpdate) {
// Remove pending highlight once we're no longer running.
forceButtonUpdate = false;
// Make source window grey when running for a longer time, use a small
// delay to avoid flashing grey when stepping.
if (currState === 'running' && now - startedRunning >= 500) {
} else {
// Force source view to match currFileName only when running or when
// just became paused (from running or detached).
var fetchSource = false;
if (typeof currFileName === 'string') {
if (currState === 'running' ||
(prevState !== 'paused' && currState === 'paused') ||
(currAttached !== prevAttached)) {
if (activeFileName !== currFileName) {
fetchSource = true;
activeFileName = currFileName;
activeLine = currLine;
activeHighlight = null;
// Force line update (scrollTop) only when running or just became paused.
// Otherwise let user browse and scroll source files freely.
if (!fetchSource) {
if ((prevState !== 'paused' && currState === 'paused') ||
currState === 'running') {
loadedLinePending = currLine || 0;
* Init socket.io and add handlers
var socket = io(); // returns a Manager
setInterval(function () {
socket.emit('keepalive', {
userAgent: (navigator || {}).userAgent
}, 30000);
socket.on('connect', function () {
currState = 'connected';
socket.on('disconnect', function () {
$('#socketio-info').text('not connected');
currState = 'disconnected';
socket.on('reconnecting', function () {
currState = 'reconnecting';
socket.on('error', function (err) {
socket.on('replaced', function () {
// XXX: how to minimize the chance we'll further communciate with the
// server or reconnect to it? socket.reconnection()?
// We'd like to window.close() here but can't (not allowed from scripts).
// Alert is the next best thing.
alert('Debugger connection replaced by a new one, do you have multiple tabs open? If so, please close this tab.');
socket.on('keepalive', function (msg) {
// Not really interesting in the UI
// $('#server-info').text(new Date() + ': ' + JSON.stringify(msg));
socket.on('basic-info', function (msg) {
socket.on('exec-status', function (msg) {
// Not 100% reliable if callstack has several functions of the same name
if (bytecodeDialogOpen && (currFileName != msg.fileName || currFuncName != msg.funcName)) {
socket.emit('get-bytecode', {});
currFileName = msg.fileName;
currFuncName = msg.funcName;
currLine = msg.line;
currPc = msg.pc;
currState = msg.state;
currAttached = msg.attached;
// Duktape now restricts execution status updates quite effectively so
// there's no need to rate limit UI updates now.
prevState = currState;
prevAttached = currAttached;
// Update the "console" output based on lines sent by the server. The server
// rate limits these updates to keep the browser load under control. Even
// better would be for the client to pull this (and other stuff) on its own.
socket.on('output-lines', function (msg) {
var elem = $('#output');
var i, n, ent;
for (i = 0, n = msg.length; i < n; i++) {
ent = msg[i];
if (ent.type === 'print') {
} else if (ent.type === 'alert') {
elem.append($('<div class="alert"></div>').text(ent.message));
} else if (ent.type === 'log') {
elem.append($('<div class="log loglevel' + ent.level + '"></div>').text(ent.message));
} else if (ent.type === 'debugger-info') {
elem.append($('<div class="debugger-info"><div>').text(ent.message));
} else if (ent.type === 'debugger-debug') {
elem.append($('<div class="debugger-debug"><div>').text(ent.message));
} else {
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14918787/jquery-scroll-to-bottom-of-div-even-after-it-updates
// Stop queued animations so that we always scroll quickly to bottom
$('#output').animate({ scrollTop: $('#output')[0].scrollHeight}, 1000);
socket.on('callstack', function (msg) {
var elem = $('#callstack');
var s1, s2, div;
currCallstack = msg.callstack;
msg.callstack.forEach(function (e) {
s1 = $('<a class="rest"></a>').text(e.fileName + ':' + e.lineNumber + ' (pc ' + e.pc + ')'); // float
s1.on('click', function () {
activeFileName = e.fileName;
activeLine = e.lineNumber || 1;
activeHighlight = activeLine;
s2 = $('<span class="func"></span>').text(e.funcName + '()');
div = $('<div></div>');
socket.on('locals', function (msg) {
var elem = $('#locals');
var s1, s2, div;
var i, n, e;
currLocals = msg.locals;
for (i = 0, n = msg.locals.length; i < n; i++) {
e = msg.locals[i];
s1 = $('<span class="value"></span>').text(e.value); // float
s2 = $('<span class="key"></span>').text(e.key);
div = $('<div></div>');
socket.on('debug-stats', function (msg) {
$('#debug-rx-kbrate').text((msg.rxBytesPerSec / 1024).toFixed(2));
$('#debug-tx-kbrate').text((msg.txBytesPerSec / 1024).toFixed(2));
socket.on('breakpoints', function (msg) {
var elem = $('#breakpoints');
var div;
var sub;
currBreakpoints = msg.breakpoints;
// First line is special
div = $('<div></div>');
sub = $('<button id="delete-all-breakpoints-button"></button>').text('Delete all breakpoints');
sub.on('click', function () {
sub = $('<input id="add-breakpoint-file"></input>').val('file.js');
sub = $('<span></span>').text(':');
sub = $('<input id="add-breakpoint-line"></input>').val('123');
sub = $('<button id="add-breakpoint-button"></button>').text('Add breakpoint');
sub.on('click', function () {
socket.emit('add-breakpoint', {
fileName: $('#add-breakpoint-file').val(),
lineNumber: Number($('#add-breakpoint-line').val())
sub = $('<span id="breakpoint-hint"></span>').text('or dblclick source');
// Active breakpoints follow
msg.breakpoints.forEach(function (bp) {
var div;
var sub;
div = $('<div class="breakpoint-line"></div>');
sub = $('<button class="delete-breakpoint-button"></button>').text('Delete');
sub.on('click', function () {
socket.emit('delete-breakpoint', {
fileName: bp.fileName,
lineNumber: bp.lineNumber
sub = $('<a></a>').text((bp.fileName || '?') + ':' + (bp.lineNumber || 0));
sub.on('click', function () {
activeFileName = bp.fileName || '';
activeLine = bp.lineNumber || 1;
activeHighlight = activeLine;
forceButtonUpdate = true;
socket.on('eval-result', function (msg) {
$('#eval-output').text((msg.error ? 'ERROR: ' : '') + msg.result);
// Remove eval button "pulsating" glow when we get a result
socket.on('getvar-result', function (msg) {
$('#var-output').text(msg.found ? msg.result : 'NOTFOUND');
socket.on('bytecode', function (msg) {
var elem, div;
var div;
elem = $('#bytecode-preformatted');
msg.preformatted.split('\n').forEach(function (line, idx) {
div = $('<div></div>');
bytecodeIdxHighlight = null;
bytecodeIdxInstr = msg.idxPreformattedInstructions;
$('#stepinto-button').click(function () {
socket.emit('stepinto', {});
$('#stepover-button').click(function () {
socket.emit('stepover', {});
$('#stepout-button').click(function () {
socket.emit('stepout', {});
$('#pause-button').click(function () {
socket.emit('pause', {});
// Pause may take seconds to complete so indicate it is pending.
$('#resume-button').click(function () {
socket.emit('resume', {});
$('#attach-button').click(function () {
socket.emit('attach', {});
$('#detach-button').click(function () {
socket.emit('detach', {});
$('#about-button').click(function () {
$('#show-bytecode-button').click(function () {
bytecodeDialogOpen = true;
elem = $('#bytecode-preformatted');
elem.empty().text('Loading bytecode...');
socket.emit('get-bytecode', {});
function submitEval() {
socket.emit('eval', { input: $('#eval-input').val() });
// Eval may take seconds to complete so indicate it is pending.
$('#eval-button').click(function () {
$('#getvar-button').click(function () {
socket.emit('getvar', { varname: $('#varname-input').val() });
$('#putvar-button').click(function () {
// The variable value is parsed as JSON right now, but it'd be better to
// also be able to parse buffer values etc.
var val = JSON.parse($('#varvalue-input').val());
socket.emit('putvar', { varname: $('#varname-input').val(), varvalue: val });
$('#source-code').dblclick(function (event) {
var target = event.target;
var elems = $('#source-code div');
var i, n;
var line = 0;
// XXX: any faster way; elems doesn't have e.g. indexOf()
for (i = 0, n = elems.length; i < n; i++) {
if (target === elems[i]) {
line = i + 1;
socket.emit('toggle-breakpoint', {
fileName: loadedFileName,
lineNumber: line
function setSourceText(data) {
var elem, div;
elem = $('#source-code');
data.split('\n').forEach(function (line) {
div = $('<div></div>');
sourceEditedLines = [];
function setSourceSelect(fileName) {
var elem;
var i, n, t;
if (fileName == null) {
elem = $('#source-select option');
for (i = 0, n = elem.length; i < n; i++) {
// Exact match is required.
t = $(elem[i]).val();
if (t === fileName) {
* AJAX request handling to fetch source files
function requestSourceRefetch() {
// If previous update is pending, abort and start a new one.
if (sourceFetchXhr) {
sourceFetchXhr = null;
// Make copies of the requested file/line so that we have the proper
// values in case they've changed.
var fileName = activeFileName;
var lineNumber = activeLine;
// AJAX request for the source.
sourceFetchXhr = $.ajax({
type: 'POST',
url: '/source',
data: JSON.stringify({ fileName: fileName }),
contentType: 'application/json',
success: function (data, status, jqxhr) {
var elem;
sourceFetchXhr = null;
loadedFileName = fileName;
loadedLineCount = data.split('\n').length; // XXX: ignore issue with last empty line for now
loadedFileExecuting = (loadedFileName === currFileName);
loadedLinePending = activeLine || 1;
highlightLine = activeHighlight; // may be null
activeLine = null;
activeHighlight = null;
// XXX: hacky transition, make source change visible
$('#source-pre').fadeTo('fast', 0.25, function () {
$('#source-pre').fadeTo('fast', 1.0);
error: function (jqxhr, status, err) {
// Not worth alerting about because source fetch errors happen
// all the time, e.g. for dynamically evaluated code.
sourceFetchXhr = null;
// XXX: prevent retry of no-such-file by negative caching?
loadedFileName = fileName;
loadedLineCount = 1;
loadedFileExecuting = false;
setSourceText('// Cannot load source file: ' + fileName);
loadedLinePending = 1;
activeLine = null;
activeHighlight = null;
// XXX: error transition here
$('#source-pre').fadeTo('fast', 0.25, function () {
$('#source-pre').fadeTo('fast', 1.0);
dataType: 'text'
* AJAX request for fetching the source list
function fetchSourceList() {
type: 'POST',
url: '/sourceList',
data: JSON.stringify({}),
contentType: 'application/json',
success: function (data, status, jqxhr) {
var elem = $('#source-select');
data = JSON.parse(data);
var opt = $('<option></option>').attr({ 'value': '__none__' }).text('No source file selected');
data.forEach(function (ent) {
var opt = $('<option></option>').attr({ 'value': ent }).text(ent);
elem.change(function () {
activeFileName = elem.val();
activeLine = 1;
error: function (jqxhr, status, err) {
// This is worth alerting about as the UI is somewhat unusable
// if we don't get a source list.
alert('Failed to load source list: ' + err);
dataType: 'text'
* Initialization
$(document).ready(function () {
var showAbout = true;
// About dialog, shown automatically on first startup.
autoOpen: false,
hide: 'fade', // puff
show: 'fade', // slide, puff
width: 500,
height: 300
// Bytecode dialog
autoOpen: false,
hide: 'fade', // puff
show: 'fade', // slide, puff
width: 700,
height: 600,
close: function () {
bytecodeDialogOpen = false;
bytecodeIdxHighlight = null;
bytecodeIdxInstr = 0;
// http://diveintohtml5.info/storage.html
if (typeof localStorage !== 'undefined') {
if (localStorage.getItem('about-shown')) {
showAbout = false;
} else {
localStorage.setItem('about-shown', 'yes');
if (showAbout) {
// onclick handler for exec status text
function loadCurrFunc() {
activeFileName = currFileName;
activeLine = currLine;
$('#exec-other').on('click', loadCurrFunc);
// Enter handling for eval input
// https://forum.jquery.com/topic/bind-html-input-to-enter-key-keypress
$('#eval-input').keypress(function (event) {
if (event.keyCode == 13) {
// Eval watch handling
$('#eval-watch').change(function () {
// nop
// Function keys
//alert("keydown: "+e.which);
switch (e.which) {
case 116: // F5: step into
socket.emit('stepinto', {});
case 117: // F6: step over
socket.emit('stepover', {});
case 118: // F7: step out (= step return)
socket.emit('stepout', {});
case 119: // F8: resume
socket.emit('resume', {});
forceButtonUpdate = true;