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Test/Development/Documentation page
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<div class="panel panel-primary">
<div class="panel-heading">Dialog Test/Demo</div>
<div class="panel-body">
<h4>Core Widget</h4>
<button class="btn btn-default" id="action-load">Dialog 1</button>
<button class="btn btn-default" id="action-save">Dialog 2</button>
<button class="btn btn-default" id="action-both">Both together</button>
<button class="btn btn-default" id="action-dyn">Dynamic custom</button>
<hr />
<h4>Utility Wrappers</h4>
<button class="btn btn-default" id="action-info">Alert</button>
<button class="btn btn-default" id="action-confirm">Confirm</button>
<button class="btn btn-default" id="action-choice">Choice</button>
<button class="btn btn-default" id="action-prompt">Prompt</button>
<button class="btn btn-default" id="action-password">Password</button>
<hr />
<pre id="log" />
<div id="dialog1" />
<div id="dialog2" />
<div id="dialog3" />
// =======================================================================================
// Dialog core widget:
// options: {
// title: '',
// body: '',
// show: false, / true = open directly on init
// remote: false,
// backdrop: true, background overlay
// keyboard: true, ESC = close
// transition: 'fade', / ''
// size: '', / 'sm' / 'lg'
// contentClass: '', added to .modal-content
// onShown: null, function(input)
// onHidden: null, function(input)
// onShow: null, function(input)
// onHide: null, function(input)
// onUpdate: null, function(input)
// buttons: [{}], see example
// timeout: 0, in seconds
// input: null, predefined/shared input object to use
// },
// Note: use static dialogs (attached to the document) for speed and to store reusable
// input, e.g. for a promptdialog.
// The default dialog will contain just a "Close" button:
title: 'Please note',
body: '<p>This is just a test.</p>'
title: 'Alert',
body: '<p>Danger, Will Robinson, danger!</p>',
contentClass: 'alert-danger', // note: looks strange, just an example -- don't use
// You can simply open preconfigured dialogs like this:
$('#action-load').on('click', function(){
$('#action-save').on('click', function(){
// …or you can reconfigure dialogs on the fly like this:
// Note: the new configuration is stored in the dialog.
$('#action-both').on('click', function(){
$('#dialog1').dialog('show', { body: '<p>This is now another test.</p>' });
// This example also opens a second dialog on top of the first:
$('#dialog2').dialog('show', { body: '<p>This is a second layer dialog.</p>' });
// Use dynamic dialogs for single shot purposes:
$('#action-dyn').on('click', function(){
$('<div />').dialog({
title: 'Dynamic…',
body: '<p>…dialog with custom buttons.</p>',
buttons: [
// Buttons default to auto hiding the dialog:
{ label: "Nope" },
// You can get the button clicked in the onHidden callback, or you can
// add specific action callbacks to each button.
{ label: "Maybe…", btnClass: "warning", autoHide: false, action: function(input) {
// input is the data container of the widget, with only predefined
// member being "button" = the button clicked (or null).
// You can use this container for custom extensions:
input.clicked_maybe = true;
$(this).find(".modal-body").append("<p>You're now a maybe person.</p>");
} },
// autoHide callbacks are called on the hidden event, so a fade out
// is guaranteed to be finished in the callback.
{ label: "Done", btnClass: "primary", action: function(input) {
$("#log").text(JSON.stringify(input, null, 2));
} },
// =======================================================================================
// Dialog utility wrappers:
// confirmdialog(title, body, buttons, [callback,] timeout)
// promptdialog(type, title, body, buttons, callback)
// Both can be used plugin style or standalone for dynamic dialogs.
// Dynamic alert() style dialog with 5 seconds timeout:
$('#action-info').on('click', function(){
confirmdialog("Sorry…", "I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave.", ["OK"], 5);
// Note: you can also add a callback here to know when the dialog is dismissed.
// Dynamic confirm() style dialog:
$('#action-confirm').on('click', function(){
confirmdialog("Load file", "Discard unsaved changes?", ["No", "Yes"], function(confirmed){
if (confirmed)
$("#log").text("Loading now…");
$("#log").text("Load aborted.");
// The callback argument is the index of the button clicked (or null), so
// simple choice dialogs can be done like this:
$('#action-choice').on('click', function(){
confirmdialog("Select", "Please select the slot to use:", ["1", "2", "3", "4"], function(button){
if (button != null)
$("#log").text("Using slot " + (button+1));
// Static prompt() style text input dialog (with #dialog3 keeping the dialog):
$('#action-prompt').on('click', function(){
$('#dialog3').promptdialog("text", "Save data", "Please enter file name:", ["Cancel", "Save"], function(button, input){
if (button && input)
$("#log").text("Saving to file: " + input);
$("#log").text("Save aborted.");
// All single field HTML5 input types can be used:
$('#action-password').on('click', function(){
promptdialog("password", "Authentication", "Please enter PIN:", ["Cancel", "Continue"], function(button, input){
if (button && input)
$("#log").text("PIN entered: " + input);
$("#log").text("Auth aborted.");