
39 lines
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Standard Metrics
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Metric name Notes
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ms_v_env_throttle Resolution of 0.4 %
ms_v_pos_speed Resolution of 0.1 km/h
ms_v_pos_odometer Resolution of 0.1 km
ms_v_bat_12v_voltage Resolution of 0.1 V
ms_v_bat_power Car reports percents, so the kW is just calculated by multiplying by 132 kW. Negative side is saturated to -50 kW. This is just guess work..
ms_v_bat_consumption Instantious consumption, Wh/km
ms_v_env_cabinsetpoint There are two figures, left and right. Using just one for now.
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Custom Metrics
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Metric name Example value Description
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xmb.v.display.trip.reset 2733.2km Dashbord Trip value since Reset
xmb.v.display.trip.start 17.5km Dashbord Trip value since Start (today)
xmb.v.display.consumption.start 25.9 kWh Dashbord Trip consumption since Start (today)
xmb.v.display.accel 89% Eco score on acceleration over last 6 hours
xmb.v.display.const 18% Eco score on constant driving over last 6 hours
xmb.v.display.coast 100% Eco score on coasting over last 6 hours
xmb.v.display.ecoscore 69% Eco score shown on dashboard over last 6 hours
xmb.v.fl_speed 37.83 km/h Front Left wheel speed
xmb.v.fr_speed 37.85 km/h Front Right wheel speed
xmb.v.rl_speed 37.80 km/h Rear Left wheel speed
xmb.v.rr_speed 37.82 km/h Rear Right wheel speed
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