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Custom Metrics
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Metric name Example value Description
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xse.mybms.HW.rev 12,38,0 BMS hardware-revision year, week, patchlevel
xse.mybms.SW.rev 12,35,1 BMS soft-revision year, week, patchlevel
xse.mybms.adc.cvolts.max 4171 maximum cell voltages in mV, add offset +1500
xse.mybms.adc.cvolts.mean 4165 average cell voltage in mV, no offset
xse.mybms.adc.cvolts.min 4145 minimum cell voltages in mV, add offset +1500
xse.mybms.adc.volts.offset 103 calculated offset between RAW cell voltages and ADCref, about 90mV
xse.mybms.amps 65483A battery current in ampere (x/32) reported by by BMS
xse.mybms.amps2 2046.34A battery current in ampere read by live data on CAN or from BMS
xse.mybms.batt.vin WME4513901K661441 VIN stored in BMS
xse.mybms.dc.fault 0 Flag to show DC-isolation fault
xse.mybms.hv total voltage of HV system in V
xse.mybms.hv.contact.cycles.left 281991 counter related to ON/OFF cyles of the car
xse.mybms.hv.contact.cycles.max 300000 static, seems to be maxiumum of contactor cycles
xse.mybms.isolation 10239 Isolation in DC path, resistance in kOhm
xse.mybms.power 794.186kW power as product of voltage and amps in kW
xse.v.b.c.capacity 18491,18536,18536,... Cell capacity [As]
xse.v.b.c.capacity.dev.max 45.1,90.1,90.1,... Cell maximum capacity deviation observed [As]
xse.v.b.c.capacity.max 18491,18536,18536,... Cell maximum capacity [As]
xse.v.b.c.capacity.min 18491,18536,18536,... Cell minimum capacity [As]
xse.v.b.energy.used.reset 16.34kWh Energy used Reset (Dashbord)
xse.v.b.energy.used.start 16.9kWh Energy used Start (Dashbord)
xse.v.b.hv.active no HV Batterie Status
xse.v.b.p.capacity.as.average 18625 cell capacity statistics from BMS measurement cycle
xse.v.b.p.capacity.as.maximum 19193 cell capacity statistics from BMS measurement cycle
xse.v.b.p.capacity.as.minimum 18843 cell capacity statistics from BMS measurement cycle
xse.v.b.p.capacity.avg 18445.9 Cell capacity - pack average [As]
xse.v.b.p.capacity.combined.quality 0.515328 some sort of estimation factor??? constantly updated
xse.v.b.p.capacity.max 18670 Cell capacity - strongest cell in pack [As]
xse.v.b.p.capacity.max.cell 9 Cell capacity - number of strongest cell in pack
xse.v.b.p.capacity.min 18229 Cell capacity - weakest cell in pack [As]
xse.v.b.p.capacity.min.cell 59 Cell capacity - number of weakest cell in pack
xse.v.b.p.capacity.quality 0.742092 some sort of estimation factor??? after measurement cycle
xse.v.b.p.capacity.stddev 90.8 Cell capacity - current standard deviation [As]
xse.v.b.p.capacity.stddev.max 90.8 Cell capacity - maximum standard deviation observed [As]
xse.v.b.p.hv.lowcurrent 0Sec counter time of no current, reset e.g. with PLC heater or driving
xse.v.b.p.hv.off.time 0Sec HighVoltage contactor off time in seconds
xse.v.b.p.last.meas.days 13 days elapsed since last successful measurement
xse.v.b.p.ocv.timer 2676Sec counter time in seconds to reach OCV state
xse.v.b.p.voltage.max.cell 1 Cell volatage - number of strongest cell in pack
xse.v.b.p.voltage.min.cell 5 Cell volatage - number of weakest cell in pack
xse.v.b.real.soc 97.8% real state of charge
xse.v.bus.awake no CAN-Bus Status
xse.v.c.active no Charging Status
xse.v.display.time 738Min Dashbord Time
xse.v.display.trip.reset 2733.2km Dashbord Trip value at Reset
xse.v.display.trip.start 17.5km Dashbord Trip value at Start
xse.v.nlg6.amps.cablecode 0A Onboard Charger Ampere Cable
xse.v.nlg6.amps.chargingpoint 0A Onboard Charger Ampere ...
xse.v.nlg6.amps.setpoint 41A Onboard Charger Ampere setpoint
xse.v.nlg6.dc.current 0A Onboard Charger LV current Ampere
xse.v.nlg6.dc.hv 0V Onboard Charger HV Voltage
xse.v.nlg6.dc.lv 13.5V Onboard Charger LV Voltage
xse.v.nlg6.main.amps 0,0,0A Onboard Charger main Phasen Ampere
xse.v.nlg6.main.volts 0,0,0V Onboard Charger main Phasen Voltage
xse.v.nlg6.pn.hw 4519820621 Onboard Charger Hardware Serial No.
xse.v.nlg6.present no Onboard Charger OBL or NLG6 present
xse.v.nlg6.temp.coolingplate 0°C Onboard Charger coolingplate Temperature
xse.v.nlg6.temp.reported 0°C Onboard Charger reported Temperature
xse.v.nlg6.temp.socket 0°C Onboard Charger socket Temperature
xse.v.nlg6.temps Onboard Charger Temperatures
xse.v.pos.odometer.start 41940km Odo at last Ignition on. For Trip calc Value
xse.v.display.accel 89% Eco score on acceleration over last 6 hours
xse.v.display.const 18% Eco score on constant driving over last 6 hours
xse.v.display.coast 100% Eco score on coasting over last 6 hours
xse.v.display.ecoscore 69% Eco score shown on dashboard over last 6 hours
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