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CANopen API Usage
Synchronous API
The synchronous use is very simple, all you need is a ``CANopenClient`` instance.
On creation the client automatically connects to the active CANopen worker or starts a
new worker instance if necessary.
The ``CANopenClient`` methods will block until the job is done (or has failed).
Job results and/or error details are returned in the caller provided job.
.. caution:: Do not make synchronous calls from code that may run in a restricted context,
e.g. within a metric update handler. Avoid using synchronous calls from time critical
code, e.g. a CAN or event handler.
.. code-block:: c++
#include "canopen.h"
// find CAN interface:
canbus* bus = (canbus*) MyPcpApp.FindDeviceByName("can1");
// …or simply use m_can1 if you're a vehicle subclass
// create CANopen client:
CANopenClient client(bus);
// a CANopen job holds request and response data:
CANopenJob job;
// read value from node #1 SDO 0x1008.00:
uint32_t value;
if (client.ReadSDO(&job, 1, 0x1008, 0x00, (uint8_t)&value, sizeof(value)) == COR_OK) {
// read result is now in value
// start node #2, wait for presence:
if (client.SendNMT(&job, 2, CONC_Start, true) == COR_OK) {
// node #2 is now started
// write value into node #3 SDO 0x2345.18:
if (client.WriteSDO(&job, 3, 0x2345, 0x18, (uint8_t)&value, 0) == COR_OK) {
// value has now been written into register 0x2345.18
Main API methods
.. code-block:: c++
* SendNMT: send NMT request and optionally wait for NMT state change
* a.k.a. heartbeat message.
* Note: NMT responses are not a part of the CANopen NMT protocol, and
* sending "heartbeat" NMT state updates is optional for CANopen nodes.
* If the node sends no state info, waiting for it will result in timeout
* even though the state has in fact changed -- there's no way to know
* if the node doesn't tell.
CANopenResult_t SendNMT(CANopenJob& job,
uint8_t nodeid, CANopenNMTCommand_t command,
bool wait_for_state=false, int resp_timeout_ms=1000, int max_tries=3);
* ReceiveHB: wait for next heartbeat message of a node,
* return state received.
* Use this to read the current state or synchronize to the heartbeat.
* Note: heartbeats are optional in CANopen.
CANopenResult_t ReceiveHB(CANopenJob& job,
uint8_t nodeid, CANopenNMTState_t* statebuf=NULL,
int recv_timeout_ms=1000, int max_tries=1);
* ReadSDO: read bytes from SDO server into buffer
* - reads data into buf (up to bufsize bytes)
* - returns data length read in job.sdo.xfersize
* - … and data length available in job.sdo.contsize (if known)
* - remaining buffer space will be zeroed
* - on result COR_ERR_BufferTooSmall, the buffer has been filled up to bufsize
* - on abort, the CANopen error code can be retrieved from job.sdo.error
* Note: result interpretation is up to caller (check device object dictionary
* for data types & sizes). As CANopen is little endian as ESP32, we don't
* need to check lengths on numerical results, i.e. anything from int8_t to
* uint32_t can simply be read into a uint32_t buffer.
CANopenResult_t ReadSDO(CANopenJob& job,
uint8_t nodeid, uint16_t index, uint8_t subindex, uint8_t* buf, size_t bufsize,
int resp_timeout_ms=50, int max_tries=3);
* WriteSDO: write bytes from buffer into SDO server
* - sends bufsize bytes from buf
* - … or 4 bytes from buf if bufsize is 0 (use for integer SDOs of unknown type)
* - returns data length sent in job.sdo.xfersize
* - on abort, the CANopen error code can be retrieved from job.sdo.error
* Note: the caller needs to know data type & size of the SDO register (check
* device object dictionary). As CANopen servers normally are intelligent,
* anything from int8_t to uint32_t can simply be sent as a uint32_t with
* bufsize=0, the server will know how to convert it.
CANopenResult_t WriteSDO(CANopenJob& job,
uint8_t nodeid, uint16_t index, uint8_t subindex, uint8_t* buf, size_t bufsize,
int resp_timeout_ms=50, int max_tries=3);
If you want to create custom jobs, use the low level method ``ExecuteJob()`` to execute them.
Asynchronous API
The ``CANopenAsyncClient`` class provides the asynchronous interface and the response queue.
To use the asynchronous API you need to handle asynchronous responses, which normally
means adding a dedicated task for this. A minimal handling would be to simply discard
the responses (just empty the queue), if you don't need to care about the results.
Instantiate the async client for a CAN bus and a queue size like this:
.. code-block:: c++
CANopenAsyncClient m_async(m_can1, 50);
Example response handler task:
.. code-block:: c++
void MyAsyncTask()
CANopenJob job;
while (true) {
if (m_async.ReceiveDone(job, portMAX_DELAY) != COR_ERR_QueueEmpty) {
// …process job results…
Sending requests is following the same scheme as with the synchronous API. Standard
result code is ``COR_WAIT``, an error may occur if the queue is full.
.. code-block:: c++
if (m_async.WriteSDO(m_nodeid, index, subindex, (uint8_t*)value, 0) != COR_WAIT) {
// …handle error…
Main API methods
The API methods are similar to the synchronous methods (see above).
.. code-block:: c++
CANopenResult_t SendNMT(uint8_t nodeid, CANopenNMTCommand_t command,
bool wait_for_state=false, int resp_timeout_ms=1000, int max_tries=3);
CANopenResult_t ReceiveHB(uint8_t nodeid, CANopenNMTState_t* statebuf=NULL,
int recv_timeout_ms=1000, int max_tries=1);
CANopenResult_t ReadSDO(uint8_t nodeid, uint16_t index, uint8_t subindex,
uint8_t* buf, size_t bufsize,
int resp_timeout_ms=100, int max_tries=3);
CANopenResult_t WriteSDO(uint8_t nodeid, uint16_t index, uint8_t subindex,
uint8_t* buf, size_t bufsize,
int resp_timeout_ms=100, int max_tries=3);
``CANopenJob`` objects are created automatically by these methods. Jobs done
need to be fetched by looping ``ReceiveDone()`` until it returns ``COR_ERR_QueueEmpty``.
If you want to create custom jobs, use the low level method ``SubmitJob()`` to add them
to the worker queue.
Error Handling
If an error occurs, it will be given as a ``CANopenResult_t`` other than ``COR_OK`` or
``COR_WAIT``, either by a method result or by the ``CANopenJob.result`` field.
Result codes are:
.. code-block:: c++
COR_OK = 0,
// API level:
COR_WAIT, // job waiting to be processed
// Protocol level:
// General purpose application level:
COR_ERR_DeviceOffline = 0x80,
Additionally, if an SDO read/write error occurs, an abortion error code may be given
by the slave. These codes follow the CANopen standard and may be extended by device
specific codes.
To translate a ``CANopenResult_t`` and/or a known SDO abort code into a string,
use the ``CANopen`` class utility methods:
.. code-block:: c++
std::string GetAbortCodeName(const uint32_t abortcode);
std::string GetResultString(const CANopenResult_t result);
std::string GetResultString(const CANopenResult_t result, const uint32_t abortcode);
std::string GetResultString(const CANopenJob& job);
.. code-block:: c++
if (job.result != COR_OK) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Result for %s: %s",
Custom Address Schemes
The standard clients use the CiA DS301 default IDs for node addressing, i.e.::
NMT request → 0x000
NMT response → 0x700 + nodeid
SDO request → 0x600 + nodeid
SDO response → 0x580 + nodeid
If you need another address scheme, create a sub class of ``CANopenAsyncClient``
or ``CANopenClient`` and override the ``Init…()`` methods as necessary.
More Code Examples
* See shell commands in ``canopen_shell.cpp``
* See classes ``SevconClient`` and ``SevconJob`` in the Twizy SEVCON module