/* ; Project: Open Vehicle Monitor System ; Date: 14th March 2017 ; ; Changes: ; 1.0 Initial release ; ; (C) 2011 Michael Stegen / Stegen Electronics ; (C) 2011-2017 Mark Webb-Johnson ; (C) 2011 Sonny Chen @ EPRO/DX ; ; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy ; of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal ; in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights ; to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell ; copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is ; furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ; ; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in ; all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ; ; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ; IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ; AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER ; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, ; OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN ; THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "ovms_log.h" static const char *TAG = "ovms-server-v3"; #include #include #include "ovms_server_v3.h" #include "buffered_shell.h" #include "ovms_command.h" #include "ovms_metrics.h" #include "metrics_standard.h" #include "ovms_tls.h" OvmsServerV3 *MyOvmsServerV3 = NULL; size_t MyOvmsServerV3Modifier = 0; size_t MyOvmsServerV3Reader = 0; bool OvmsServerV3ReaderCallback(OvmsNotifyType* type, OvmsNotifyEntry* entry) { if (MyOvmsServerV3) return MyOvmsServerV3->IncomingNotification(type, entry); else return true; // No server v3 running, so just discard } bool OvmsServerV3ReaderFilterCallback(OvmsNotifyType* type, const char* subtype) { if (MyOvmsServerV3) return MyOvmsServerV3->NotificationFilter(type, subtype); else return false; } static void OvmsServerV3MongooseCallback(struct mg_connection *nc, int ev, void *p) { struct mg_mqtt_message *msg = (struct mg_mqtt_message *) p; switch (ev) { case MG_EV_CONNECT: { int *success = (int*)p; ESP_LOGV(TAG, "OvmsServerV3MongooseCallback(MG_EV_CONNECT=%d)",*success); if (*success == 0) { // Successful connection ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Connection successful"); struct mg_send_mqtt_handshake_opts opts; memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts)); opts.user_name = MyOvmsServerV3->m_user.c_str(); opts.password = MyOvmsServerV3->m_password.c_str(); opts.will_topic = MyOvmsServerV3->m_will_topic.c_str(); opts.will_message = "no"; opts.flags |= MG_MQTT_WILL_RETAIN; mg_set_protocol_mqtt(nc); mg_send_mqtt_handshake_opt(nc, MyOvmsServerV3->m_vehicleid.c_str(), opts); } else { // Connection failed ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Connection failed"); if (MyOvmsServerV3) { StandardMetrics.ms_s_v3_connected->SetValue(false); StandardMetrics.ms_s_v3_peers->SetValue(0); MyOvmsServerV3->SetStatus("Error: Connection failed", true, OvmsServerV3::WaitReconnect); MyOvmsServerV3->m_connretry = 60; } } } break; case MG_EV_MQTT_CONNACK: ESP_LOGV(TAG, "OvmsServerV3MongooseCallback(MG_EV_MQTT_CONNACK)"); if (msg->connack_ret_code != MG_EV_MQTT_CONNACK_ACCEPTED) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Got mqtt connection error: %d\n", msg->connack_ret_code); if (MyOvmsServerV3) { MyOvmsServerV3->Disconnect(); MyOvmsServerV3->m_connretry = 60; } } else { if (MyOvmsServerV3) { MyOvmsServerV3->m_sendall = true; MyOvmsServerV3->m_notify_info_pending = true; MyOvmsServerV3->m_notify_error_pending = true; MyOvmsServerV3->m_notify_alert_pending = true; MyOvmsServerV3->m_notify_data_pending = true; MyOvmsServerV3->m_notify_data_waitcomp = 0; MyOvmsServerV3->m_notify_data_waittype = NULL; MyOvmsServerV3->m_notify_data_waitentry = NULL; StandardMetrics.ms_s_v3_connected->SetValue(true); MyOvmsServerV3->SetStatus("OVMS V3 MQTT login successful", false, OvmsServerV3::Connected); } } break; case MG_EV_MQTT_SUBACK: ESP_LOGV(TAG, "OvmsServerV3MongooseCallback(MG_EV_MQTT_SUBACK)"); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Subscription acknowledged"); break; case MG_EV_MQTT_PUBLISH: ESP_LOGV(TAG, "OvmsServerV3MongooseCallback(MG_EV_MQTT_PUBLISH)"); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Incoming message %.*s: %.*s", (int) msg->topic.len, msg->topic.p, (int) msg->payload.len, msg->payload.p); if (MyOvmsServerV3) { MyOvmsServerV3->IncomingMsg(std::string(msg->topic.p,msg->topic.len), std::string(msg->payload.p,msg->payload.len)); } if (msg->qos == 1) { mg_mqtt_puback(nc, msg->message_id); } else if (msg->qos == 2) { mg_mqtt_pubrec(nc, msg->message_id); } break; case MG_EV_MQTT_PUBACK: ESP_LOGV(TAG, "OvmsServerV3MongooseCallback(MG_EV_MQTT_PUBACK)"); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Message publishing acknowledged (msg_id: %d)", msg->message_id); break; case MG_EV_MQTT_PUBREL: ESP_LOGV(TAG, "OvmsServerV3MongooseCallback(MG_EV_MQTT_PUBREL)"); mg_mqtt_pubcomp(nc, msg->message_id); break; case MG_EV_MQTT_PUBREC: ESP_LOGV(TAG, "OvmsServerV3MongooseCallback(MG_EV_MQTT_PUBCOMP)"); if (MyOvmsServerV3) { MyOvmsServerV3->IncomingPubRec(msg->message_id); } break; case MG_EV_MQTT_PUBCOMP: ESP_LOGV(TAG, "OvmsServerV3MongooseCallback(MG_EV_MQTT_PUBCOMP)"); break; case MG_EV_CLOSE: ESP_LOGV(TAG, "OvmsServerV3MongooseCallback(MG_EV_CLOSE)"); if (MyOvmsServerV3) { MyOvmsServerV3->Disconnect(); MyOvmsServerV3->m_connretry = 60; } break; default: break; } } OvmsServerV3::OvmsServerV3(const char* name) : OvmsServer(name) { if (MyOvmsServerV3Modifier == 0) { MyOvmsServerV3Modifier = MyMetrics.RegisterModifier(); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "OVMS Server V3 registered metric modifier is #%d",MyOvmsServerV3Modifier); } SetStatus("Server has been started", false, WaitNetwork); m_connretry = 0; m_mgconn = NULL; m_sendall = false; m_lasttx = 0; m_lasttx_stream = 0; m_lasttx_sendall = 0; m_peers = 0; m_streaming = 0; m_updatetime_idle = 600; m_updatetime_connected = 60; m_updatetime_awake = m_updatetime_idle; m_updatetime_on = m_updatetime_idle; m_updatetime_charging = m_updatetime_idle; m_updatetime_sendall = 0; m_notify_info_pending = false; m_notify_error_pending = false; m_notify_alert_pending = false; m_notify_data_pending = false; m_notify_data_waitcomp = 0; m_notify_data_waittype = NULL; m_notify_data_waitentry = NULL; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "OVMS Server v3 running"); #undef bind // Kludgy, but works using std::placeholders::_1; using std::placeholders::_2; MyMetrics.RegisterListener(TAG, "*", std::bind(&OvmsServerV3::MetricModified, this, _1)); if (MyOvmsServerV3Reader == 0) { MyOvmsServerV3Reader = MyNotify.RegisterReader("ovmsv3", COMMAND_RESULT_NORMAL, std::bind(OvmsServerV3ReaderCallback, _1, _2), true, std::bind(OvmsServerV3ReaderFilterCallback, _1, _2)); } else { MyNotify.RegisterReader(MyOvmsServerV3Reader, "ovmsv3", COMMAND_RESULT_NORMAL, std::bind(OvmsServerV3ReaderCallback, _1, _2), true, std::bind(OvmsServerV3ReaderFilterCallback, _1, _2)); } // init event listener: MyEvents.RegisterEvent(TAG,"network.up", std::bind(&OvmsServerV3::NetUp, this, _1, _2)); MyEvents.RegisterEvent(TAG,"network.down", std::bind(&OvmsServerV3::NetDown, this, _1, _2)); MyEvents.RegisterEvent(TAG,"network.reconfigured", std::bind(&OvmsServerV3::NetReconfigured, this, _1, _2)); MyEvents.RegisterEvent(TAG,"network.mgr.init", std::bind(&OvmsServerV3::NetmanInit, this, _1, _2)); MyEvents.RegisterEvent(TAG,"network.mgr.stop", std::bind(&OvmsServerV3::NetmanStop, this, _1, _2)); MyEvents.RegisterEvent(TAG,"ticker.1", std::bind(&OvmsServerV3::Ticker1, this, _1, _2)); MyEvents.RegisterEvent(TAG,"ticker.60", std::bind(&OvmsServerV3::Ticker60, this, _1, _2)); MyEvents.RegisterEvent(TAG,"system.modem.received.ussd", std::bind(&OvmsServerV3::EventListener, this, _1, _2)); MyEvents.RegisterEvent(TAG,"config.changed", std::bind(&OvmsServerV3::EventListener, this, _1, _2)); MyEvents.RegisterEvent(TAG,"config.mounted", std::bind(&OvmsServerV3::EventListener, this, _1, _2)); // read config: ConfigChanged(NULL); if (MyNetManager.m_connected_any) { Connect(); // Kick off the connection } } OvmsServerV3::~OvmsServerV3() { MyMetrics.DeregisterListener(TAG); MyEvents.DeregisterEvent(TAG); MyNotify.ClearReader(MyOvmsServerV3Reader); Disconnect(); MyEvents.SignalEvent("server.v3.stopped", NULL); } void OvmsServerV3::TransmitAllMetrics() { OvmsMutexLock mg(&m_mgconn_mutex); if (!m_mgconn) return; OvmsMetric* metric = MyMetrics.m_first; while (metric != NULL) { metric->ClearModified(MyOvmsServerV3Modifier); if (!metric->AsString().empty()) { TransmitMetric(metric); } metric = metric->m_next; } } void OvmsServerV3::TransmitModifiedMetrics() { OvmsMutexLock mg(&m_mgconn_mutex); if (!m_mgconn) return; OvmsMetric* metric = MyMetrics.m_first; while (metric != NULL) { if (metric->IsModifiedAndClear(MyOvmsServerV3Modifier)) { TransmitMetric(metric); } metric = metric->m_next; } } void OvmsServerV3::TransmitMetric(OvmsMetric* metric) { std::string topic(m_topic_prefix); topic.append("metric/"); topic.append(metric->m_name); // Replace '.' inside the metric name by '/' for MQTT like namespacing. for(size_t i = m_topic_prefix.length(); i < topic.length(); i++) { if(topic[i] == '.') topic[i] = '/'; } std::string val = metric->AsString(); mg_mqtt_publish(m_mgconn, topic.c_str(), m_msgid++, MG_MQTT_QOS(0) | MG_MQTT_RETAIN, val.c_str(), val.length()); ESP_LOGI(TAG,"Tx metric %s=%s",topic.c_str(),val.c_str()); } int OvmsServerV3::TransmitNotificationInfo(OvmsNotifyEntry* entry) { std::string topic(m_topic_prefix); topic.append("notify/info/"); topic.append(entry->m_subtype); const extram::string result = mp_encode(entry->GetValue()); int id = m_msgid++; mg_mqtt_publish(m_mgconn, topic.c_str(), id, MG_MQTT_QOS(1), result.c_str(), result.length()); ESP_LOGI(TAG,"Tx notify %s=%s",topic.c_str(),result.c_str()); return id; } int OvmsServerV3::TransmitNotificationError(OvmsNotifyEntry* entry) { std::string topic(m_topic_prefix); topic.append("notify/error/"); topic.append(entry->m_subtype); const extram::string result = mp_encode(entry->GetValue()); int id = m_msgid++; mg_mqtt_publish(m_mgconn, topic.c_str(), id, MG_MQTT_QOS(1), result.c_str(), result.length()); ESP_LOGI(TAG,"Tx notify %s=%s",topic.c_str(),result.c_str()); return id; } int OvmsServerV3::TransmitNotificationAlert(OvmsNotifyEntry* entry) { std::string topic(m_topic_prefix); topic.append("notify/alert/"); topic.append(entry->m_subtype); const extram::string result = mp_encode(entry->GetValue()); int id = m_msgid++; mg_mqtt_publish(m_mgconn, topic.c_str(), id, MG_MQTT_QOS(1), result.c_str(), result.length()); ESP_LOGI(TAG,"Tx notify %s=%s",topic.c_str(),result.c_str()); return id; } int OvmsServerV3::TransmitNotificationData(OvmsNotifyEntry* entry) { char base[32]; std::string topic(m_topic_prefix); topic.append("notify/data/"); topic.append(entry->m_subtype); topic.append("/"); topic.append(itoa(entry->m_id,base,10)); topic.append("/"); uint32_t now = esp_log_timestamp(); topic.append(itoa(-((int)(now - entry->m_created) / 1000),base,10)); // terminate payload at first LF: extram::string msg = entry->GetValue(); size_t eol = msg.find('\n'); if (eol != std::string::npos) msg.resize(eol); const char* result = msg.c_str(); int id = m_msgid++; mg_mqtt_publish(m_mgconn, topic.c_str(), id, MG_MQTT_QOS(2), result, strlen(result)); ESP_LOGI(TAG,"Tx notify %s=%s",topic.c_str(),result); return id; } void OvmsServerV3::TransmitPendingNotificationsInfo() { // Find the type object OvmsNotifyType* info = MyNotify.GetType("info"); if (info == NULL) { m_notify_info_pending = false; return; } // Find the first entry OvmsNotifyEntry* e = info->FirstUnreadEntry(MyOvmsServerV3Reader, 0); if (e == NULL) { m_notify_info_pending = false; return; } TransmitNotificationInfo(e); info->MarkRead(MyOvmsServerV3Reader, e); } void OvmsServerV3::TransmitPendingNotificationsError() { // Find the type object OvmsNotifyType* error = MyNotify.GetType("error"); if (error == NULL) { m_notify_error_pending = false; return; } // Find the first entry OvmsNotifyEntry* e = error->FirstUnreadEntry(MyOvmsServerV3Reader, 0); if (e == NULL) { m_notify_error_pending = false; return; } TransmitNotificationError(e); error->MarkRead(MyOvmsServerV3Reader, e); } void OvmsServerV3::TransmitPendingNotificationsAlert() { // Find the type object OvmsNotifyType* alert = MyNotify.GetType("alert"); if (alert == NULL) { m_notify_alert_pending = false; return; } // Find the first entry OvmsNotifyEntry* e = alert->FirstUnreadEntry(MyOvmsServerV3Reader, 0); if (e == NULL) { m_notify_alert_pending = false; return; } TransmitNotificationAlert(e); alert->MarkRead(MyOvmsServerV3Reader, e); } void OvmsServerV3::TransmitPendingNotificationsData() { if (m_notify_data_waitcomp != 0) return; // Find the type object OvmsNotifyType* data = MyNotify.GetType("data"); if (data == NULL) { m_notify_data_pending = false; return; } // Find the first entry OvmsNotifyEntry* e = data->FirstUnreadEntry(MyOvmsServerV3Reader, 0); if (e == NULL) { m_notify_data_pending = false; return; } m_notify_data_waittype = data; m_notify_data_waitentry = e; m_notify_data_waitcomp = TransmitNotificationData(e); m_notify_data_pending = false; } void OvmsServerV3::IncomingMsg(std::string topic, std::string payload) { if (topic.compare(0,m_topic_prefix.length(),m_topic_prefix)==0) { topic = topic.substr(m_topic_prefix.length()); if (topic.compare(0,7,"client/")==0) { topic = topic.substr(7); size_t delim = topic.find('/'); if (delim != string::npos) { std::string clientid = topic.substr(0,delim); topic = topic.substr(delim+1); if (topic == "active") { if ((payload.empty())||(payload == "0")) RemoveClient(clientid); else AddClient(clientid); } else if (topic.compare(0,8,"command/") == 0) { topic = topic.substr(8); RunCommand(clientid, topic, payload); } } } } } void OvmsServerV3::IncomingPubRec(int id) { mg_mqtt_pubrel(m_mgconn, id); if ((id == m_notify_data_waitcomp)&& (m_notify_data_waittype != NULL)&& (m_notify_data_waitentry != NULL)) { m_notify_data_waittype->MarkRead(MyOvmsServerV3Reader, m_notify_data_waitentry); m_notify_data_waitcomp = 0; m_notify_data_waittype = NULL; m_notify_data_waitentry = NULL; m_notify_data_pending = true; TransmitPendingNotificationsData(); } } void OvmsServerV3::IncomingEvent(std::string event, void* data) { // Publish the event, if we are connected... if (m_mgconn == NULL) return; if (!StandardMetrics.ms_s_v3_connected->AsBool()) return; std::string topic(m_topic_prefix); topic.append("event"); ESP_LOGI(TAG,"Tx event %s",event.c_str()); mg_mqtt_publish(m_mgconn, topic.c_str(), m_msgid++, MG_MQTT_QOS(0), event.c_str(), event.length()); } void OvmsServerV3::RunCommand(std::string client, std::string id, std::string command) { ESP_LOGI(TAG,"Run command: %s",command.c_str()); BufferedShell* bs = new BufferedShell(false, COMMAND_RESULT_NORMAL); bs->SetSecure(true); // this is an authorized channel bs->ProcessChars(command.c_str(), command.length()); bs->ProcessChar('\n'); std::string val; bs->Dump(val); delete bs; std::string topic(m_topic_prefix); topic.append("client/"); topic.append(client); topic.append("/response/"); topic.append(id); mg_mqtt_publish(m_mgconn, topic.c_str(), m_msgid++, MG_MQTT_QOS(1), val.c_str(), val.length()); } void OvmsServerV3::AddClient(std::string id) { auto k = m_clients.find(id); if (k == m_clients.end()) { // Create a new client m_clients[id] = monotonictime + 120; ESP_LOGI(TAG,"MQTT client %s has connected",id.c_str()); } else { // Update existing client k->second = monotonictime + 120; } CountClients(); } void OvmsServerV3::RemoveClient(std::string id) { auto k = m_clients.find(id); if (k != m_clients.end()) { // Remove the specified client m_clients.erase(k); ESP_LOGI(TAG,"MQTT client %s has disconnected",id.c_str()); CountClients(); } } void OvmsServerV3::CountClients() { for (auto it = m_clients.begin(); it != m_clients.end();) { if (it->second < monotonictime) { // Expired, so delete it... ESP_LOGI(TAG,"MQTT client %s has timed out",it->first.c_str()); it = m_clients.erase(it); } else { it++; } } int nc = m_clients.size(); StandardMetrics.ms_s_v3_peers->SetValue(nc); if (nc > m_peers) ESP_LOGI(TAG, "One or more peers have connected"); if ((nc == 0)&&(m_peers != 0)) MyEvents.SignalEvent("app.disconnected",NULL); else if ((nc > 0)&&(nc != m_peers)) MyEvents.SignalEvent("app.connected",NULL); if (nc != m_peers) m_lasttx = 0; // Our peers have changed, so force a transmission of status messages m_peers = nc; } void OvmsServerV3::Connect() { m_msgid = 1; m_vehicleid = MyConfig.GetParamValue("vehicle", "id"); m_server = MyConfig.GetParamValue("server.v3", "server"); m_user = MyConfig.GetParamValue("server.v3", "user"); m_password = MyConfig.GetParamValue("password", "server.v3"); m_port = MyConfig.GetParamValue("server.v3", "port"); m_tls = MyConfig.GetParamValueBool("server.v3","tls", false); m_topic_prefix = MyConfig.GetParamValue("server.v3", "topic.prefix", ""); if(m_topic_prefix.empty()) { m_topic_prefix = std::string("ovms/"); m_topic_prefix.append(m_user); m_topic_prefix.append("/"); if(!m_vehicleid.empty()) { m_topic_prefix.append(m_vehicleid); m_topic_prefix.append("/"); } } m_will_topic = std::string(m_topic_prefix); m_will_topic.append("metric/s/v3/connected"); m_conn_topic[0] = std::string(m_topic_prefix); m_conn_topic[0].append("client/+/active"); m_conn_topic[1] = std::string(m_topic_prefix); m_conn_topic[1].append("client/+/command/+"); if (m_port.empty()) { m_port = (m_tls)?"8883":"1883"; } std::string address(m_server); address.append(":"); address.append(m_port); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Connection is %s:%s %s/%s topic %s", m_server.c_str(), m_port.c_str(), m_vehicleid.c_str(), m_user.c_str(), m_topic_prefix.c_str()); if (m_server.empty()) { SetStatus("Error: Parameter server.v3/server must be defined", true, WaitReconnect); m_connretry = 20; // Try again in 20 seconds... return; } SetStatus("Connecting...", false, Connecting); OvmsMutexLock mg(&m_mgconn_mutex); struct mg_mgr* mgr = MyNetManager.GetMongooseMgr(); struct mg_connect_opts opts; const char* err; memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts)); opts.error_string = &err; if (m_tls) { opts.ssl_ca_cert = MyOvmsTLS.GetTrustedList(); opts.ssl_server_name = m_server.c_str(); } if ((m_mgconn = mg_connect_opt(mgr, address.c_str(), OvmsServerV3MongooseCallback, opts)) == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "mg_connect(%s) failed: %s", address.c_str(), err); m_connretry = 20; // Try again in 20 seconds... return; } return; } void OvmsServerV3::Disconnect() { OvmsMutexLock mg(&m_mgconn_mutex); if (m_mgconn) { m_mgconn->flags |= MG_F_CLOSE_IMMEDIATELY; m_mgconn = NULL; SetStatus("Disconnected from OVMS Server V3", false, Disconnected); } m_connretry = 0; StandardMetrics.ms_s_v3_connected->SetValue(false); StandardMetrics.ms_s_v3_peers->SetValue(0); } void OvmsServerV3::SetStatus(const char* status, bool fault /*=false*/, State newstate /*=Undefined*/) { if (fault) ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Status: %s", status); else ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Status: %s", status); m_status = status; if (newstate != Undefined) { m_state = newstate; switch (m_state) { case OvmsServerV3::WaitNetwork: MyEvents.SignalEvent("server.v3.waitnetwork", (void*)m_status.c_str(), m_status.length()+1); break; case OvmsServerV3::ConnectWait: MyEvents.SignalEvent("server.v3.connectwait", (void*)m_status.c_str(), m_status.length()+1); break; case OvmsServerV3::Connecting: MyEvents.SignalEvent("server.v3.connecting", (void*)m_status.c_str(), m_status.length()+1); break; case OvmsServerV3::Authenticating: MyEvents.SignalEvent("server.v3.authenticating", (void*)m_status.c_str(), m_status.length()+1); break; case OvmsServerV3::Connected: MyEvents.SignalEvent("server.v3.connected", (void*)m_status.c_str(), m_status.length()+1); break; case OvmsServerV3::Disconnected: MyEvents.SignalEvent("server.v3.disconnected", (void*)m_status.c_str(), m_status.length()+1); break; case OvmsServerV3::WaitReconnect: MyEvents.SignalEvent("server.v3.waitreconnect", (void*)m_status.c_str(), m_status.length()+1); break; default: break; } } } void OvmsServerV3::MetricModified(OvmsMetric* metric) { if (!StandardMetrics.ms_s_v3_connected->AsBool()) return; if (m_streaming) { OvmsMutexLock mg(&m_mgconn_mutex); if (!m_mgconn) return; metric->ClearModified(MyOvmsServerV3Modifier); TransmitMetric(metric); } } bool OvmsServerV3::NotificationFilter(OvmsNotifyType* type, const char* subtype) { if (strcmp(type->m_name, "info") == 0 || strcmp(type->m_name, "error") == 0 || strcmp(type->m_name, "alert") == 0 || strcmp(type->m_name, "data") == 0) return true; else return false; } bool OvmsServerV3::IncomingNotification(OvmsNotifyType* type, OvmsNotifyEntry* entry) { if (strcmp(type->m_name,"info")==0) { // Info notifications if (!StandardMetrics.ms_s_v3_connected->AsBool()) return false; TransmitNotificationInfo(entry); return true; // Mark it as read, as we've managed to send it } else if (strcmp(type->m_name,"error")==0) { // Error notification if (!StandardMetrics.ms_s_v3_connected->AsBool()) return false; TransmitNotificationError(entry); return true; // Mark it as read, as we've managed to send it } else if (strcmp(type->m_name,"alert")==0) { // Alert notifications if (!StandardMetrics.ms_s_v3_connected->AsBool()) return false; TransmitNotificationAlert(entry); return true; // Mark it as read, as we've managed to send it } else if (strcmp(type->m_name,"data")==0) { // Data notifications if (!StandardMetrics.ms_s_v3_connected->AsBool()) return false; m_notify_data_pending = true; return false; // We just flag it for later transmission } else return true; // Mark it read, as no interest to us } void OvmsServerV3::EventListener(std::string event, void* data) { if (event == "config.changed" || event == "config.mounted") { ConfigChanged((OvmsConfigParam*) data); } } /** * ConfigChanged: read new configuration * - param: NULL = read all configurations */ void OvmsServerV3::ConfigChanged(OvmsConfigParam* param) { m_streaming = MyConfig.GetParamValueInt("vehicle", "stream", 0); m_updatetime_connected = MyConfig.GetParamValueInt("server.v3", "updatetime.connected", 60); m_updatetime_idle = MyConfig.GetParamValueInt("server.v3", "updatetime.idle", 600); m_updatetime_awake = MyConfig.GetParamValueInt("server.v3", "updatetime.awake", m_updatetime_idle); m_updatetime_on = MyConfig.GetParamValueInt("server.v3", "updatetime.on", m_updatetime_idle); m_updatetime_charging = MyConfig.GetParamValueInt("server.v3", "updatetime.charging", m_updatetime_idle); m_updatetime_sendall = MyConfig.GetParamValueInt("server.v3", "updatetime.sendall", 0); } void OvmsServerV3::NetUp(std::string event, void* data) { // workaround for wifi AP mode startup (manager up before interface) if ( (m_mgconn == NULL) && MyNetManager.MongooseRunning() ) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Network is up, so attempt network connection"); Connect(); // Kick off the connection } } void OvmsServerV3::NetDown(std::string event, void* data) { if (m_mgconn) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Network is down, so disconnect network connection"); Disconnect(); } } void OvmsServerV3::NetReconfigured(std::string event, void* data) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Network was reconfigured: disconnect, and reconnect in 10 seconds"); Disconnect(); m_connretry = 10; } void OvmsServerV3::NetmanInit(std::string event, void* data) { if ((m_mgconn == NULL)&&(MyNetManager.m_connected_any)) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Network is up, so attempt network connection"); Connect(); // Kick off the connection } } void OvmsServerV3::NetmanStop(std::string event, void* data) { if (m_mgconn) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Network is down, so disconnect network connection"); Disconnect(); } } void OvmsServerV3::Ticker1(std::string event, void* data) { if (m_connretry > 0) { if (MyNetManager.m_connected_any) { m_connretry--; if (m_connretry == 0) { if (m_mgconn) Disconnect(); // Disconnect first (timeout) Connect(); // Kick off the connection return; } } } if (StandardMetrics.ms_s_v3_connected->AsBool()) { int now = StandardMetrics.ms_m_monotonic->AsInt(); if (m_sendall) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Subscribe to MQTT topics"); struct mg_mqtt_topic_expression topics[MQTT_CONN_NTOPICS]; for (int k=0;kAsBool(); // Next send time depends on the state of the car int next = (m_peers != 0) ? m_updatetime_connected : (caron) ? m_updatetime_on : (StandardMetrics.ms_v_charge_inprogress->AsBool()) ? m_updatetime_charging : (StandardMetrics.ms_v_env_awake->AsBool()) ? m_updatetime_awake : m_updatetime_idle; if ((m_lasttx_sendall == 0) || (m_updatetime_sendall > 0 && now > (m_lasttx_sendall + m_updatetime_sendall))) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Transmit all metrics"); TransmitAllMetrics(); m_lasttx_sendall = now; } else if ((m_lasttx==0)||(now>(m_lasttx+next))) { TransmitModifiedMetrics(); m_lasttx = m_lasttx_stream = now; } else if (m_streaming && caron && m_peers && now > m_lasttx_stream+m_streaming) { // TODO: transmit streaming metrics m_lasttx_stream = now; } } } void OvmsServerV3::RequestUpdate(bool txall) { if (txall) { m_lasttx_sendall = 0; } else { m_lasttx = 0; } } void OvmsServerV3::Ticker60(std::string event, void* data) { CountClients(); } void OvmsServerV3::SetPowerMode(PowerMode powermode) { m_powermode = powermode; switch (powermode) { case On: break; case Sleep: break; case DeepSleep: break; case Off: break; default: break; } } void ovmsv3_start(int verbosity, OvmsWriter* writer, OvmsCommand* cmd, int argc, const char* const* argv) { if (MyOvmsServerV3 == NULL) { MyOvmsServerV3 = new OvmsServerV3("oscv3"); } } void ovmsv3_stop(int verbosity, OvmsWriter* writer, OvmsCommand* cmd, int argc, const char* const* argv) { if (MyOvmsServerV3 != NULL) { delete MyOvmsServerV3; MyOvmsServerV3 = NULL; } } void ovmsv3_status(int verbosity, OvmsWriter* writer, OvmsCommand* cmd, int argc, const char* const* argv) { if (MyOvmsServerV3 == NULL) { writer->puts("OVMS v3 server has not been started"); } else { switch (MyOvmsServerV3->m_state) { case OvmsServerV3::WaitNetwork: writer->puts("State: Waiting for network connectivity"); break; case OvmsServerV3::ConnectWait: writer->printf("State: Waiting to connect (%d second(s) remaining)\n",MyOvmsServerV3->m_connretry); break; case OvmsServerV3::Connecting: writer->puts("State: Connecting..."); break; case OvmsServerV3::Authenticating: writer->puts("State: Authenticating..."); break; case OvmsServerV3::Connected: writer->puts("State: Connected"); break; case OvmsServerV3::Disconnected: writer->puts("State: Disconnected"); break; case OvmsServerV3::WaitReconnect: writer->printf("State: Waiting to reconnect (%d second(s) remaining)\n",MyOvmsServerV3->m_connretry); break; default: writer->puts("State: undetermined"); break; } writer->printf(" %s\n",MyOvmsServerV3->m_status.c_str()); } } void ovmsv3_update(int verbosity, OvmsWriter* writer, OvmsCommand* cmd, int argc, const char* const* argv) { if (MyOvmsServerV3 == NULL) { writer->puts("ERROR: OVMS v3 server has not been started"); } else { bool txall = (strcmp(cmd->GetName(), "all") == 0); MyOvmsServerV3->RequestUpdate(txall); writer->printf("Server V3 data update for %s metrics has been scheduled\n", txall ? "all" : "modified"); } } OvmsServerV3Init MyOvmsServerV3Init __attribute__ ((init_priority (6200))); OvmsServerV3Init::OvmsServerV3Init() { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Initialising OVMS V3 Server (6200)"); OvmsCommand* cmd_server = MyCommandApp.FindCommand("server"); OvmsCommand* cmd_v3 = cmd_server->RegisterCommand("v3","OVMS Server V3 Protocol", ovmsv3_status, "", 0, 0, false); cmd_v3->RegisterCommand("start","Start an OVMS V3 Server Connection",ovmsv3_start); cmd_v3->RegisterCommand("stop","Stop an OVMS V3 Server Connection",ovmsv3_stop); cmd_v3->RegisterCommand("status","Show OVMS V3 Server connection status",ovmsv3_status); OvmsCommand* cmd_update = cmd_v3->RegisterCommand("update", "Request OVMS V3 Server data update", ovmsv3_update); cmd_update->RegisterCommand("all", "Transmit all metrics", ovmsv3_update); cmd_update->RegisterCommand("modified", "Transmit modified metrics only", ovmsv3_update); using std::placeholders::_1; using std::placeholders::_2; MyEvents.RegisterEvent(TAG, "*", std::bind(&OvmsServerV3Init::EventListener, this, _1, _2)); MyConfig.RegisterParam("server.v3", "V3 Server Configuration", true, true); // Our instances: // 'server': The server name/ip // 'user': The server username // 'port': The port to connect to (default: 1883) // Also note: // Parameter "vehicle", instance "id", is the vehicle ID // Parameter "password", instance "server.v3", is the server password } void OvmsServerV3Init::AutoInit() { if (MyConfig.GetParamValueBool("auto", "server.v3", false)) MyOvmsServerV3 = new OvmsServerV3("oscv3"); } void OvmsServerV3Init::EventListener(std::string event, void* data) { if (event.compare(0,7,"ticker.") == 0) return; // Skip ticker.* events if (event.compare("system.event") == 0) return; // Skip event if (event.compare("system.wifi.scan.done") == 0) return; // Skip event if (MyOvmsServerV3) { MyOvmsServerV3->IncomingEvent(event, data); } }