/*! \ingroup Signature \brief This function returns the maximum size of the resulting signature. \return Returns SIG_TYPE_E if sig_type is not supported. Returns BAD_FUNC_ARG if sig_type was invalid. A positive return value indicates the maximum size of a signature. \param sig_type A signature type enum value such as WC_SIGNATURE_TYPE_ECC or WC_SIGNATURE_TYPE_RSA. \param key Pointer to a key structure such as ecc_key or RsaKey. \param key_len Size of the key structure. _Example_ \code // Get signature length enum wc_SignatureType sig_type = WC_SIGNATURE_TYPE_ECC; ecc_key eccKey; word32 sigLen; wc_ecc_init(&eccKey); sigLen = wc_SignatureGetSize(sig_type, &eccKey, sizeof(eccKey)); if (sigLen > 0) { // Success } \endcode \sa wc_HashGetDigestSize \sa wc_SignatureGenerate \sa wc_SignatureVerify */ WOLFSSL_API int wc_SignatureGetSize(enum wc_SignatureType sig_type, const void* key, word32 key_len); /*! \ingroup Signature \brief This function validates a signature by hashing the data and using the resulting hash and key to verify the signature. \return 0 Success \return SIG_TYPE_E -231, signature type not enabled/ available \return BAD_FUNC_ARG -173, bad function argument provided \return BUFFER_E -132, output buffer too small or input too large. \param hash_type A hash type from the “enum wc_HashType” such as “WC_HASH_TYPE_SHA256”. \param sig_type A signature type enum value such as WC_SIGNATURE_TYPE_ECC or WC_SIGNATURE_TYPE_RSA. \param data Pointer to buffer containing the data to hash. \param data_len Length of the data buffer. \param sig Pointer to buffer to output signature. \param sig_len Length of the signature output buffer. \param key Pointer to a key structure such as ecc_key or RsaKey. \param key_len Size of the key structure. _Example_ \code int ret; ecc_key eccKey; // Import the public key wc_ecc_init(&eccKey); ret = wc_ecc_import_x963(eccPubKeyBuf, eccPubKeyLen, &eccKey); // Perform signature verification using public key ret = wc_SignatureVerify( WC_HASH_TYPE_SHA256, WC_SIGNATURE_TYPE_ECC, fileBuf, fileLen, sigBuf, sigLen, &eccKey, sizeof(eccKey)); printf("Signature Verification: %s (%d)\n", (ret == 0) ? "Pass" : "Fail", ret); wc_ecc_free(&eccKey); \endcode \sa wc_SignatureGetSize \sa wc_SignatureGenerate */ WOLFSSL_API int wc_SignatureVerify( enum wc_HashType hash_type, enum wc_SignatureType sig_type, const byte* data, word32 data_len, const byte* sig, word32 sig_len, const void* key, word32 key_len); /*! \ingroup Signature \brief This function generates a signature from the data using a key. It first creates a hash of the data then signs the hash using the key. \return 0 Success \return SIG_TYPE_E -231, signature type not enabled/ available \return BAD_FUNC_ARG -173, bad function argument provided \return BUFFER_E -132, output buffer too small or input too large. \param hash_type A hash type from the “enum wc_HashType” such as “WC_HASH_TYPE_SHA256”. \param sig_type A signature type enum value such as WC_SIGNATURE_TYPE_ECC or WC_SIGNATURE_TYPE_RSA. \param data Pointer to buffer containing the data to hash. \param data_len Length of the data buffer. \param sig Pointer to buffer to output signature. \param sig_len Length of the signature output buffer. \param key Pointer to a key structure such as ecc_key or RsaKey. \param key_len Size of the key structure. \param rng Pointer to an initialized RNG structure. _Example_ \code int ret; WC_RNG rng; ecc_key eccKey; wc_InitRng(&rng); wc_ecc_init(&eccKey); // Generate key ret = wc_ecc_make_key(&rng, 32, &eccKey); // Get signature length and allocate buffer sigLen = wc_SignatureGetSize(sig_type, &eccKey, sizeof(eccKey)); sigBuf = malloc(sigLen); // Perform signature verification using public key ret = wc_SignatureGenerate( WC_HASH_TYPE_SHA256, WC_SIGNATURE_TYPE_ECC, fileBuf, fileLen, sigBuf, &sigLen, &eccKey, sizeof(eccKey), &rng); printf("Signature Generation: %s (%d)\n", (ret == 0) ? "Pass" : "Fail", ret); free(sigBuf); wc_ecc_free(&eccKey); wc_FreeRng(&rng); \endcode \sa wc_SignatureGetSize \sa wc_SignatureVerify */ WOLFSSL_API int wc_SignatureGenerate( enum wc_HashType hash_type, enum wc_SignatureType sig_type, const byte* data, word32 data_len, byte* sig, word32 *sig_len, const void* key, word32 key_len, WC_RNG* rng);