define: DUK_USE_HOBJECT_HASH_PROP_LIMIT introduced: 2.1.0 default: 8 tags: - performance - lowmemory description: > Minimum number of properties needed for a hash part to be included in the object property table. This limit is checked whenever an object is resized. A hash part improves property lookup performance even for small objects, starting from roughly 4 properties. However, this ignores the cost of setting up and managing the hash part, which is offset only if property lookups made through the hash part can offset the setup cost. A hash part is worth it for heavily accessed small objects or large objects (even those accessed quite infrequently). The limit doesn't take into account property access frequency, so it is necessarily a compromise. A lower value improves performance (a value as low a 4-8 can be useful) while a higher value conserves memory.