.. highlight:: none ------------- Configuration ------------- The Twizy configuration is stored in the OVMS config parameter (section) ``xrt``. To list the current values, issue:: config list xrt For reference, the following table includes the equivalent OVMS V2 feature or parameter number & bit value where applicable. You may use the parameter & feature editors on the App (values are mapped), the commands have been merged into the ``config`` command in V3. ======================= ============== ========== ============================================ Config instance name Example value V2 F/P Description ======================= ============== ========== ============================================ autopower yes F15/8 Bool: SEVCON automatic power level adjustment (Default: yes) autoreset yes F15/2 Bool: SEVCON reset on error (Default: yes) aux_charger_port 0 -- EGPIO port to control auxiliary charger (Default: 0 = disabled) aux_fan_port 0 -- EGPIO port to control auxiliary charger fan (Default: 0 = disabled) canwrite yes F15/1 Bool: CAN write enabled (Default: no) cap_act_prc 82.2288 F13 Battery actual capacity level [%] (Default: 100.0) cap_nom_ah 108 -- Battery nominal capacity [Ah] (Default: 108.0) chargelevel 0 F7 Charge power level [1-7] (Default: 0=unlimited) chargemode 0 F6 Charge mode: 0=notify, 1=stop at sufficient SOC/range (Default: 0) console no F15/16 -unused- (reserved for possible V3 SimpleConsole presence) dtc_autoreset no -- Reset DTC statistics on every drive/charge start (Default: no) gpslogint 5 (F8) Seconds between RT-GPS-Log entries while driving (Default: 0 = disabled) kd_compzero 120 F2 Kickdown pedal compensation (Default: 120) kd_threshold 35 F1 Kickdown threshold (Default: 35) kickdown yes F15/4 Bool: SEVCON automatic kickdown (Default: yes) lock_on 6 -- Speed limit [kph] to engage lock mode at (Default: undefined = off) maxrange 55 F12 Maximum ideal range at 20 °C [km] (Default: 80) motor_rpm_rated 2050 -- Powermap V3 control: rated speed [RPM] (Default: 0 = V2) motor_trq_breakdown 210.375 -- Powermap V3 control: breakdown torque [Nm] (Default: 0 = V2) profileNN XaZwt5ehZQ… (P16-21) Tuning profile #NN [NN=01…99] base64 code profileNN.label PWR -- … button label profileNN.title Power -- … title profile_buttons 0,1,2,3 -- Tuning drivemode button configuration profile_cfgmode 2 -- Tuning profile last loaded in config (pre-op) mode profile_user 2 P15 Tuning profile last loaded in user (op) mode suffrange 0 F11 Sufficient range [km] (Default: 0=disabled) suffsoc 80 F10 Sufficient SOC [%] (Default: 0=disabled) type -- -- Twizy custom SEVCON/Gearbox type: [SC80GB45,SC45GB80] (Default: - = auto detect) valet_on 12345.6 -- Odometer limit [km] to engage valet mode at (Default: undefined = off) ======================= ============== ========== ============================================