/** * Project: Open Vehicle Monitor System * Module: Power Management Webserver * * (c) 2019 Marko Juhanne * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #ifdef CONFIG_OVMS_COMP_WEBSERVER #include "ovms_log.h" //static const char *TAG = "powermgmt"; #include "ovms_metrics.h" #include "ovms_config.h" #include "ovms_webserver.h" #include "powermgmt.h" using namespace std; #define _attr(text) (c.encode_html(text).c_str()) #define _html(text) (c.encode_html(text).c_str()) /** * WebInit: register pages */ void powermgmt::WebInit() { MyWebServer.RegisterPage("/cfg/powermgmt", "Power management", WebCfgPowerManagement, PageMenu_Config, PageAuth_Cookie); } void powermgmt::WebCleanup() { MyWebServer.DeregisterPage("/cfg/powermgmt"); } /** * WebCfgPowerManagement: configure general parameters (URL /cfg/powermgmt) */ void powermgmt::WebCfgPowerManagement(PageEntry_t& p, PageContext_t& c) { std::string error; bool enabled; std::string modemoff_delay, wifioff_delay, b12v_shutdown_delay; if (c.method == "POST") { // process form submission: enabled = (c.getvar("enabled") == "yes"); #ifdef CONFIG_OVMS_COMP_CELLULAR modemoff_delay = c.getvar("modemoff_delay"); #endif wifioff_delay = c.getvar("wifioff_delay"); b12v_shutdown_delay = c.getvar("12v_shutdown_delay"); // check values if (!modemoff_delay.empty()) { if (modemoff_delay.find_first_not_of("0123456789") != std::string::npos) error += "
  • Invalid Modem off delay!
  • "; if (wifioff_delay.find_first_not_of("0123456789") != std::string::npos) error += "
  • Invalid WiFi off delay!
  • "; if (b12v_shutdown_delay.find_first_not_of("0123456789") != std::string::npos) error += "
  • Invalid shutdown delay!
  • "; } if (error == "") { // store: MyConfig.SetParamValueBool("power", "enabled", enabled); #ifdef CONFIG_OVMS_COMP_CELLULAR MyConfig.SetParamValue("power", "modemoff_delay", modemoff_delay); #endif MyConfig.SetParamValue("power", "wifioff_delay", wifioff_delay); MyConfig.SetParamValue("power", "12v_shutdown_delay", b12v_shutdown_delay); c.head(200); c.alert("success", "

    Power management configuration saved.

    "); MyWebServer.OutputHome(p, c); c.done(); return; } // output error, return to form: error = "


    "; c.head(400); c.alert("danger", error.c_str()); } else { // read configuration: enabled = MyConfig.GetParamValueBool("power", "enabled", false); #ifdef CONFIG_OVMS_COMP_CELLULAR modemoff_delay = MyConfig.GetParamValue("power", "modemoff_delay", STR(POWERMGMT_MODEMOFF_DELAY)); #endif wifioff_delay = MyConfig.GetParamValue("power", "wifioff_delay", STR(POWERMGMT_WIFIOFF_DELAY)); b12v_shutdown_delay = MyConfig.GetParamValue("power", "12v_shutdown_delay", STR(POWERMGMT_12V_SHUTDOWN_DELAY)); c.head(200); } // generate form c.panel_start("primary", "Power management configuration"); c.form_start(p.uri); c.input_checkbox("Enable automatic power management", "enabled", enabled, "

    Most electric cars have a small 12V battery which could get depleted if OVMS is left active for long periods (weeks) without charging. " "12V battery usually is charged concurrently with the larger main battery or when the drive train is enabled and the Auxiliary Power Module provides " "electricity from the main battery to 12V peripherals. If power saving features are enabled, some modules can be switched off after certain time period of " "inactivity (non charging)

    "); c.fieldset_end(); #ifdef CONFIG_OVMS_COMP_CELLULAR c.input("number", "Delay before modem is turned off", "modemoff_delay", modemoff_delay.c_str(), "Default: " STR(POWERMGMT_MODEMOFF_DELAY) " hours", "

    0 = disabled

    ", "min=\"0\" step=\"1\"", "hours"); #endif c.input("number", "Delay before WiFi is turned off", "wifioff_delay", wifioff_delay.c_str(), "Default: " STR(POWERMGMT_WIFIOFF_DELAY) " hours", "

    0 = disabled

    ", "min=\"0\" step=\"1\"", "hours"); c.input("number", "Delay before OVMS is shut down (after initial 12V battery level alert)", "12v_shutdown_delay", b12v_shutdown_delay.c_str(), "Default: " STR(POWERMGMT_12V_SHUTDOWN_DELAY) " minutes", "

    0 = disabled

    " "

    This depends on a proper 12V calibration " "(see vehicle configuration).

    " "

    If 12V battery is depleted under certain threshold, an alarm is set. OVMS waits this time period during which user can begin charging the batteries. " "If this period is exceeded without canceled alarm, OVMS will be shut down (sleep) to prevent further battery depletion.

    " "

    The module will then check the 12V level once per minute, and automatically reboot when the voltage has ben restored.

    ", "min=\"0\" step=\"1\"", "minutes"); c.print("
    "); c.input_button("default", "Save"); c.form_end(); c.panel_end(); c.done(); } #endif //CONFIG_OVMS_COMP_WEBSERVER