Definition of RoutineControl
Data: RoutineIdentifierList
Contains the list of all routine identifier that may be used with InputOutputControl service.
0x4501 - ROUTINE_Temperature_Wave
If some of these routine identifer have parameters, you should defined a data with the same name as the routine identifer followed by a dot and a text
Data: ROUTINE_Temperature_Wave.Min
Data: ROUTINE_Temperature_Wave.Max
Data: ROUTINE_Temperature_Wave.Freq
Then, you should add theses data in the "Send tab" of the RoutineControl request, after the RoutineIdentifierList data.
]]>Data: IOCTL.DataIdentifierList
Contains the list of all IO devices that may be
controlled by InputOutputControl service.
0 - DID_Pump
1 - DID_Wiper
If some of these IO devices have parameters, you should defined a data with the same name as the IO devices followed by a dot and a text
Data: DID_Wiper.Mode
Type: List
0 - Slow speed
1 - High speed
Then, you should add theses data in the "Send tab" of the InputOutpuControl request, after the IOCTL.OptionRecord.Parameter data.