/* * Minimal debug web console for Duktape command line tool * * See debugger/README.rst. * * The web UI socket.io communication can easily become a bottleneck and * it's important to ensure that the web UI remains responsive. Basic rate * limiting mechanisms (token buckets, suppressing identical messages, etc) * are used here now. Ideally the web UI would pull data on its own terms * which would provide natural rate limiting. * * Promises are used to structure callback chains. * * https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird * https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/blob/master/API.md * https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/wiki/Promise-anti-patterns */ var Promise = require('bluebird'); var events = require('events'); var stream = require('stream'); var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs'); var net = require('net'); var byline = require('byline'); var util = require('util'); var readline = require('readline'); var sprintf = require('sprintf').sprintf; var utf8 = require('utf8'); var yaml = require('yamljs'); var recursiveReadSync = require('recursive-readdir-sync'); // Command line options (defaults here, overwritten if necessary) var optTargetHost = ''; var optTargetPort = 9091; var optHttpPort = 9092; var optJsonProxyPort = 9093; var optJsonProxy = false; var optSourceSearchDirs = [ '../tests/ecmascript' ]; var optDumpDebugRead = null; var optDumpDebugWrite = null; var optDumpDebugPretty = null; var optLogMessages = false; // Constants var UI_MESSAGE_CLIPLEN = 128; var LOCALS_CLIPLEN = 64; var EVAL_CLIPLEN = 4096; var GETVAR_CLIPLEN = 4096; var SUPPORTED_DEBUG_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 2; // Commands initiated by Duktape var CMD_STATUS = 0x01; var CMD_UNUSED_2 = 0x02; // Duktape 1.x: print notify var CMD_UNUSED_3 = 0x03; // Duktape 1.x: alert notify var CMD_UNUSED_4 = 0x04; // Duktape 1.x: log notify var CMD_THROW = 0x05; var CMD_DETACHING = 0x06; // Commands initiated by the debug client (= us) var CMD_BASICINFO = 0x10; var CMD_TRIGGERSTATUS = 0x11; var CMD_PAUSE = 0x12; var CMD_RESUME = 0x13; var CMD_STEPINTO = 0x14; var CMD_STEPOVER = 0x15; var CMD_STEPOUT = 0x16; var CMD_LISTBREAK = 0x17; var CMD_ADDBREAK = 0x18; var CMD_DELBREAK = 0x19; var CMD_GETVAR = 0x1a; var CMD_PUTVAR = 0x1b; var CMD_GETCALLSTACK = 0x1c; var CMD_GETLOCALS = 0x1d; var CMD_EVAL = 0x1e; var CMD_DETACH = 0x1f; var CMD_DUMPHEAP = 0x20; var CMD_GETBYTECODE = 0x21; // Errors var ERR_UNKNOWN = 0x00; var ERR_UNSUPPORTED = 0x01; var ERR_TOOMANY = 0x02; var ERR_NOTFOUND = 0x03; // Marker objects for special protocol values var DVAL_EOM = { type: 'eom' }; var DVAL_REQ = { type: 'req' }; var DVAL_REP = { type: 'rep' }; var DVAL_ERR = { type: 'err' }; var DVAL_NFY = { type: 'nfy' }; // String map for commands (debug dumping). A single map works (instead of // separate maps for each direction) because command numbers don't currently // overlap. So merge the YAML metadata. var debugCommandMeta = yaml.load('duk_debugcommands.yaml'); var debugCommandNames = []; // list of command names, merged client/target debugCommandMeta.target_commands.forEach(function (k, i) { debugCommandNames[i] = k; }); debugCommandMeta.client_commands.forEach(function (k, i) { // override debugCommandNames[i] = k; }); var debugCommandNumbers = {}; // map from (merged) command name to number debugCommandNames.forEach(function (k, i) { debugCommandNumbers[k] = i; }); // Duktape heaphdr type constants, must match C headers var DUK_HTYPE_STRING = 0; var DUK_HTYPE_OBJECT = 1; var DUK_HTYPE_BUFFER = 2; // Duktape internal class numbers, must match C headers var dukClassNameMeta = yaml.load('duk_classnames.yaml'); var dukClassNames = dukClassNameMeta.class_names; // Bytecode opcode/extraop metadata var dukOpcodes = yaml.load('duk_opcodes.yaml'); if (dukOpcodes.opcodes.length != 256) { throw new Error('opcode metadata length incorrect'); } /* * Miscellaneous helpers */ var nybbles = '0123456789abcdef'; /* Convert a buffer into a string using Unicode codepoints U+0000...U+00FF. * This is the NodeJS 'binary' encoding, but since it's being deprecated, * reimplement it here. We need to avoid parsing strings as e.g. UTF-8: * although Duktape strings are usually UTF-8/CESU-8 that's not always the * case, e.g. for internal strings. Buffer values are also represented as * strings in the debug protocol, so we must deal accurately with arbitrary * byte arrays. */ function bufferToDebugString(buf) { var cp = []; var i, n; /* // This fails with "RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded" for some // reason, so use a much slower variant. for (i = 0, n = buf.length; i < n; i++) { cp[i] = buf[i]; } return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, cp); */ for (i = 0, n = buf.length; i < n; i++) { cp[i] = String.fromCharCode(buf[i]); } return cp.join(''); } /* Write a string into a buffer interpreting codepoints U+0000...U+00FF * as bytes. Drop higher bits. */ function writeDebugStringToBuffer(str, buf, off) { var i, n; for (i = 0, n = str.length; i < n; i++) { buf[off + i] = str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff; // truncate higher bits } } /* Encode an ordinary Unicode string into a dvalue compatible format, i.e. * into a byte array represented as codepoints U+0000...U+00FF. Concretely, * encode with UTF-8 and then represent the bytes with U+0000...U+00FF. */ function stringToDebugString(str) { return utf8.encode(str); } /* Pretty print a dvalue. Useful for dumping etc. */ function prettyDebugValue(x) { if (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null) { if (x.type === 'eom') { return 'EOM'; } else if (x.type === 'req') { return 'REQ'; } else if (x.type === 'rep') { return 'REP'; } else if (x.type === 'err') { return 'ERR'; } else if (x.type === 'nfy') { return 'NFY'; } } return JSON.stringify(x); } /* Pretty print a number for UI usage. Types and values should be easy to * read and typing should be obvious. For numbers, support Infinity, NaN, * and signed zeroes properly. */ function prettyUiNumber(x) { if (x === 1 / 0) { return 'Infinity'; } if (x === -1 / 0) { return '-Infinity'; } if (Number.isNaN(x)) { return 'NaN'; } if (x === 0 && 1 / x > 0) { return '0'; } if (x === 0 && 1 / x < 0) { return '-0'; } return x.toString(); } /* Pretty print a dvalue string (bytes represented as U+0000...U+00FF) * for UI usage. Try UTF-8 decoding to get a nice Unicode string (JSON * encoded) but if that fails, ensure that bytes are encoded transparently. * The result is a quoted string with a special quote marker for a "raw" * string when UTF-8 decoding fails. Very long strings are optionally * clipped. */ function prettyUiString(x, cliplen) { var ret; if (typeof x !== 'string') { throw new Error('invalid input to prettyUiString: ' + typeof x); } try { // Here utf8.decode() is better than decoding using NodeJS buffer // operations because we want strict UTF-8 interpretation. ret = JSON.stringify(utf8.decode(x)); } catch (e) { // When we fall back to representing bytes, indicate that the string // is "raw" with a 'r"' prefix (a somewhat arbitrary convention). // U+0022 = ", U+0027 = ' ret = 'r"' + x.replace(/[\u0022\u0027\u0000-\u001f\u0080-\uffff]/g, function (match) { var cp = match.charCodeAt(0); return '\\x' + nybbles[(cp >> 4) & 0x0f] + nybbles[cp & 0x0f]; }) + '"'; } if (cliplen && ret.length > cliplen) { ret = ret.substring(0, cliplen) + '...'; // trailing '"' intentionally missing } return ret; } /* Pretty print a dvalue string (bytes represented as U+0000...U+00FF) * for UI usage without quotes. */ function prettyUiStringUnquoted(x, cliplen) { var ret; if (typeof x !== 'string') { throw new Error('invalid input to prettyUiStringUnquoted: ' + typeof x); } try { // Here utf8.decode() is better than decoding using NodeJS buffer // operations because we want strict UTF-8 interpretation. // XXX: unprintable characters etc? In some UI cases we'd want to // e.g. escape newlines and in others not. ret = utf8.decode(x); } catch (e) { // For the unquoted version we don't need to escape single or double // quotes. ret = x.replace(/[\u0000-\u001f\u0080-\uffff]/g, function (match) { var cp = match.charCodeAt(0); return '\\x' + nybbles[(cp >> 4) & 0x0f] + nybbles[cp & 0x0f]; }); } if (cliplen && ret.length > cliplen) { ret = ret.substring(0, cliplen) + '...'; } return ret; } /* Pretty print a dvalue for UI usage. Everything comes out as a ready-to-use * string. * * XXX: Currently the debug client formats all values for UI use. A better * solution would be to pass values in typed form and let the UI format them, * so that styling etc. could take typing into account. */ function prettyUiDebugValue(x, cliplen) { if (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null) { // Note: typeof null === 'object', so null special case explicitly if (x.type === 'eom') { return 'EOM'; } else if (x.type === 'req') { return 'REQ'; } else if (x.type === 'rep') { return 'REP'; } else if (x.type === 'err') { return 'ERR'; } else if (x.type === 'nfy') { return 'NFY'; } else if (x.type === 'unused') { return 'unused'; } else if (x.type === 'undefined') { return 'undefined'; } else if (x.type === 'buffer') { return '|' + x.data + '|'; } else if (x.type === 'object') { return '[object ' + (dukClassNames[x.class] || ('class ' + x.class)) + ' ' + x.pointer + ']'; } else if (x.type === 'pointer') { return ''; } else if (x.type === 'lightfunc') { return ''; } else if (x.type === 'number') { // duk_tval number, any IEEE double var tmp = new Buffer(x.data, 'hex'); // decode into hex var val = tmp.readDoubleBE(0); // big endian ieee double return prettyUiNumber(val); } } else if (x === null) { return 'null'; } else if (typeof x === 'boolean') { return x ? 'true' : 'false'; } else if (typeof x === 'string') { return prettyUiString(x, cliplen); } else if (typeof x === 'number') { // Debug protocol integer return prettyUiNumber(x); } // We shouldn't come here, but if we do, JSON is a reasonable default. return JSON.stringify(x); } /* Pretty print a debugger message given as an array of parsed dvalues. * Result should be a pure ASCII one-liner. */ function prettyDebugMessage(msg) { return msg.map(prettyDebugValue).join(' '); } /* Pretty print a debugger command. */ function prettyDebugCommand(cmd) { return debugCommandNames[cmd] || String(cmd); } /* Decode and normalize source file contents: UTF-8, tabs to 8, * CR LF to LF. */ function decodeAndNormalizeSource(data) { var tmp; var lines, line, repl; var i, n; var j, m; try { tmp = data.toString('utf8'); } catch (e) { console.log('Failed to UTF-8 decode source file, ignoring: ' + e); tmp = String(data); } lines = tmp.split(/\r?\n/); for (i = 0, n = lines.length; i < n; i++) { line = lines[i]; if (/\t/.test(line)) { repl = ''; for (j = 0, m = line.length; j < m; j++) { if (line.charAt(j) === '\t') { repl += ' '; while ((repl.length % 8) != 0) { repl += ' '; } } else { repl += line.charAt(j); } } lines[i] = repl; } } // XXX: normalize last newline (i.e. force a newline if contents don't // end with a newline)? return lines.join('\n'); } /* Token bucket rate limiter for a given callback. Calling code calls * trigger() to request 'cb' to be called, and the rate limiter ensures * that 'cb' is not called too often. */ function RateLimited(tokens, rate, cb) { var _this = this; this.maxTokens = tokens; this.tokens = this.maxTokens; this.rate = rate; this.cb = cb; this.delayedCb = false; // Right now the implementation is setInterval-based, but could also be // made timerless. There are so few rate limited resources that this // doesn't matter in practice. this.tokenAdder = setInterval(function () { if (_this.tokens < _this.maxTokens) { _this.tokens++; } if (_this.delayedCb) { _this.delayedCb = false; _this.tokens--; _this.cb(); } }, this.rate); } RateLimited.prototype.trigger = function () { if (this.tokens > 0) { this.tokens--; this.cb(); } else { this.delayedCb = true; } }; /* * Source file manager * * Scan the list of search directories for ECMAScript source files and * build an index of them. Provides a mechanism to find a source file * based on a raw 'fileName' property provided by the debug target, and * to provide a file list for the web UI. * * NOTE: it's tempting to do loose matching for filenames, but this does * not work in practice. Filenames must match 1:1 with the debug target * so that e.g. breakpoints assigned based on filenames found from the * search paths will match 1:1 on the debug target. If this is not the * case, breakpoints won't work as expected. */ function SourceFileManager(directories) { this.directories = directories; this.extensions = { '.js': true, '.jsm': true }; this.fileMap = {}; // filename as seen by debug target -> file path this.files = []; // filenames as seen by debug target } SourceFileManager.prototype.scan = function () { var _this = this; var fileMap = {}; // relative path -> file path var files; this.directories.forEach(function (dir) { console.log('Scanning source files: ' + dir); try { recursiveReadSync(dir).forEach(function (fn) { // Example: dir ../../tests // normFn ../../tests/foo/bar.js // relFn foo/bar.js var normDir = path.normalize(dir); var normFn = path.normalize(fn); var relFn = path.relative(normDir, normFn); if (fs.existsSync(normFn) && fs.lstatSync(normFn).isFile() && _this.extensions[path.extname(normFn)]) { // We want the fileMap to contain the filename relative to // the search dir root. First directory containing a // certail relFn wins. if (relFn in fileMap) { console.log('Found', relFn, 'multiple times, first match wins'); } else { fileMap[relFn] = normFn; } } }); } catch (e) { console.log('Failed to scan ' + dir + ': ' + e); } }); files = Object.keys(fileMap); files.sort(); this.files = files; this.fileMap = fileMap; console.log('Found ' + files.length + ' source files in ' + this.directories.length + ' search directories'); }; SourceFileManager.prototype.getFiles = function () { return this.files; }; SourceFileManager.prototype.search = function (fileName) { var _this = this; // Loose matching is tempting but counterproductive: filenames must // match 1:1 between the debug client and the debug target for e.g. // breakpoints to work as expected. Note that a breakpoint may be // assigned by selecting a file from a dropdown populated by scanning // the filesystem for available sources and there's no way of knowing // if the debug target uses the exact same name. // // We intentionally allow any files from the search paths, not just // those scanned to this.fileMap. function tryLookup() { var i, fn, data; for (i = 0; i < _this.directories.length; i++) { fn = path.join(_this.directories[i], fileName); if (fs.existsSync(fn) && fs.lstatSync(fn).isFile()) { data = fs.readFileSync(fn); // Raw bytes return decodeAndNormalizeSource(data); // Unicode string } } return null; } return tryLookup(fileName); }; /* * Debug protocol parser * * The debug protocol parser is an EventEmitter which parses debug messages * from an input stream and emits 'debug-message' events for completed * messages ending in an EOM. The parser also provides debug dumping, stream * logging functionality, and statistics gathering functionality. * * This parser is used to parse both incoming and outgoing messages. For * outgoing messages the only function is to validate and debug dump the * messages we're about to send. The downside of dumping at this low level * is that we can't match request and reply/error messages here. * * http://www.sitepoint.com/nodejs-events-and-eventemitter/ */ function DebugProtocolParser(inputStream, protocolVersion, rawDumpFileName, textDumpFileName, textDumpFilePrefix, hexDumpConsolePrefix, textDumpConsolePrefix) { var _this = this; this.inputStream = inputStream; this.closed = false; // stream is closed/broken, don't parse anymore this.bytes = 0; this.dvalues = 0; this.messages = 0; this.requests = 0; this.prevBytes = 0; this.bytesPerSec = 0; this.statsTimer = null; this.readableNumberValue = true; events.EventEmitter.call(this); var buf = new Buffer(0); // accumulate data var msg = []; // accumulated message until EOM var versionIdentification; var statsInterval = 2000; var statsIntervalSec = statsInterval / 1000; this.statsTimer = setInterval(function () { _this.bytesPerSec = (_this.bytes - _this.prevBytes) / statsIntervalSec; _this.prevBytes = _this.bytes; _this.emit('stats-update'); }, statsInterval); function consume(n) { var tmp = new Buffer(buf.length - n); buf.copy(tmp, 0, n); buf = tmp; } inputStream.on('data', function (data) { var i, n, x, v, gotValue, len, t, tmpbuf, verstr; var prettyMsg; if (_this.closed || !_this.inputStream) { console.log('Ignoring incoming data from closed input stream, len ' + data.length); return; } _this.bytes += data.length; if (rawDumpFileName) { fs.appendFileSync(rawDumpFileName, data); } if (hexDumpConsolePrefix) { console.log(hexDumpConsolePrefix + data.toString('hex')); } buf = Buffer.concat([ buf, data ]); // Protocol version handling. When dumping an output stream, the // caller gives a non-null protocolVersion so we don't read one here. if (protocolVersion == null) { if (buf.length > 1024) { _this.emit('transport-error', 'Parse error (version identification too long), dropping connection'); _this.close(); return; } for (i = 0, n = buf.length; i < n; i++) { if (buf[i] == 0x0a) { tmpbuf = new Buffer(i); buf.copy(tmpbuf, 0, 0, i); consume(i + 1); verstr = tmpbuf.toString('utf-8'); t = verstr.split(' '); protocolVersion = Number(t[0]); versionIdentification = verstr; _this.emit('protocol-version', { protocolVersion: protocolVersion, versionIdentification: versionIdentification }); break; } } if (protocolVersion == null) { // Still waiting for version identification to complete. return; } } // Parse complete dvalues (quite inefficient now) by trial parsing. // Consume a value only when it's fully present in 'buf'. // See doc/debugger.rst for format description. while (buf.length > 0) { x = buf[0]; v = undefined; gotValue = false; // used to flag special values like undefined if (x >= 0xc0) { // 0xc0...0xff: integers 0-16383 if (buf.length >= 2) { v = ((x - 0xc0) << 8) + buf[1]; consume(2); } } else if (x >= 0x80) { // 0x80...0xbf: integers 0-63 v = x - 0x80; consume(1); } else if (x >= 0x60) { // 0x60...0x7f: strings with length 0-31 len = x - 0x60; if (buf.length >= 1 + len) { v = new Buffer(len); buf.copy(v, 0, 1, 1 + len); v = bufferToDebugString(v); consume(1 + len); } } else { switch (x) { case 0x00: v = DVAL_EOM; consume(1); break; case 0x01: v = DVAL_REQ; consume(1); break; case 0x02: v = DVAL_REP; consume(1); break; case 0x03: v = DVAL_ERR; consume(1); break; case 0x04: v = DVAL_NFY; consume(1); break; case 0x10: // 4-byte signed integer if (buf.length >= 5) { v = buf.readInt32BE(1); consume(5); } break; case 0x11: // 4-byte string if (buf.length >= 5) { len = buf.readUInt32BE(1); if (buf.length >= 5 + len) { v = new Buffer(len); buf.copy(v, 0, 5, 5 + len); v = bufferToDebugString(v); consume(5 + len); } } break; case 0x12: // 2-byte string if (buf.length >= 3) { len = buf.readUInt16BE(1); if (buf.length >= 3 + len) { v = new Buffer(len); buf.copy(v, 0, 3, 3 + len); v = bufferToDebugString(v); consume(3 + len); } } break; case 0x13: // 4-byte buffer if (buf.length >= 5) { len = buf.readUInt32BE(1); if (buf.length >= 5 + len) { v = new Buffer(len); buf.copy(v, 0, 5, 5 + len); v = { type: 'buffer', data: v.toString('hex') }; consume(5 + len); // Value could be a Node.js buffer directly, but // we prefer all dvalues to be JSON compatible } } break; case 0x14: // 2-byte buffer if (buf.length >= 3) { len = buf.readUInt16BE(1); if (buf.length >= 3 + len) { v = new Buffer(len); buf.copy(v, 0, 3, 3 + len); v = { type: 'buffer', data: v.toString('hex') }; consume(3 + len); // Value could be a Node.js buffer directly, but // we prefer all dvalues to be JSON compatible } } break; case 0x15: // unused/none v = { type: 'unused' }; consume(1); break; case 0x16: // undefined v = { type: 'undefined' }; gotValue = true; // indicate 'v' is actually set consume(1); break; case 0x17: // null v = null; gotValue = true; // indicate 'v' is actually set consume(1); break; case 0x18: // true v = true; consume(1); break; case 0x19: // false v = false; consume(1); break; case 0x1a: // number (IEEE double), big endian if (buf.length >= 9) { v = new Buffer(8); buf.copy(v, 0, 1, 9); v = { type: 'number', data: v.toString('hex') }; if (_this.readableNumberValue) { // The value key should not be used programmatically, // it is just there to make the dumps more readable. v.value = buf.readDoubleBE(1); } consume(9); } break; case 0x1b: // object if (buf.length >= 3) { len = buf[2]; if (buf.length >= 3 + len) { v = new Buffer(len); buf.copy(v, 0, 3, 3 + len); v = { type: 'object', 'class': buf[1], pointer: v.toString('hex') }; consume(3 + len); } } break; case 0x1c: // pointer if (buf.length >= 2) { len = buf[1]; if (buf.length >= 2 + len) { v = new Buffer(len); buf.copy(v, 0, 2, 2 + len); v = { type: 'pointer', pointer: v.toString('hex') }; consume(2 + len); } } break; case 0x1d: // lightfunc if (buf.length >= 4) { len = buf[3]; if (buf.length >= 4 + len) { v = new Buffer(len); buf.copy(v, 0, 4, 4 + len); v = { type: 'lightfunc', flags: buf.readUInt16BE(1), pointer: v.toString('hex') }; consume(4 + len); } } break; case 0x1e: // heapptr if (buf.length >= 2) { len = buf[1]; if (buf.length >= 2 + len) { v = new Buffer(len); buf.copy(v, 0, 2, 2 + len); v = { type: 'heapptr', pointer: v.toString('hex') }; consume(2 + len); } } break; default: _this.emit('transport-error', 'Parse error, dropping connection'); _this.close(); } } if (typeof v === 'undefined' && !gotValue) { break; } msg.push(v); _this.dvalues++; // Could emit a 'debug-value' event here, but that's not necessary // because the receiver will just collect statistics which can also // be done using the finished message. if (v === DVAL_EOM) { _this.messages++; if (textDumpFileName || textDumpConsolePrefix) { prettyMsg = prettyDebugMessage(msg); if (textDumpFileName) { fs.appendFileSync(textDumpFileName, (textDumpFilePrefix || '') + prettyMsg + '\n'); } if (textDumpConsolePrefix) { console.log(textDumpConsolePrefix + prettyMsg); } } _this.emit('debug-message', msg); msg = []; // new object, old may be in circulation for a while } } }); // Not all streams will emit this. inputStream.on('error', function (err) { _this.emit('transport-error', err); _this.close(); }); // Not all streams will emit this. inputStream.on('close', function () { _this.close(); }); } DebugProtocolParser.prototype = Object.create(events.EventEmitter.prototype); DebugProtocolParser.prototype.close = function () { // Although the underlying transport may not have a close() or destroy() // method or even a 'close' event, this method is always available and // will generate a 'transport-close'. // // The caller is responsible for closing the underlying stream if that // is necessary. if (this.closed) { return; } this.closed = true; if (this.statsTimer) { clearInterval(this.statsTimer); this.statsTimer = null; } this.emit('transport-close'); }; /* * Debugger output formatting */ function formatDebugValue(v) { var buf, dec, len; // See doc/debugger.rst for format description. if (typeof v === 'object' && v !== null) { // Note: typeof null === 'object', so null special case explicitly if (v.type === 'eom') { return new Buffer([ 0x00 ]); } else if (v.type === 'req') { return new Buffer([ 0x01 ]); } else if (v.type === 'rep') { return new Buffer([ 0x02 ]); } else if (v.type === 'err') { return new Buffer([ 0x03 ]); } else if (v.type === 'nfy') { return new Buffer([ 0x04 ]); } else if (v.type === 'unused') { return new Buffer([ 0x15 ]); } else if (v.type === 'undefined') { return new Buffer([ 0x16 ]); } else if (v.type === 'number') { dec = new Buffer(v.data, 'hex'); len = dec.length; if (len !== 8) { throw new TypeError('value cannot be converted to dvalue: ' + JSON.stringify(v)); } buf = new Buffer(1 + len); buf[0] = 0x1a; dec.copy(buf, 1); return buf; } else if (v.type === 'buffer') { dec = new Buffer(v.data, 'hex'); len = dec.length; if (len <= 0xffff) { buf = new Buffer(3 + len); buf[0] = 0x14; buf[1] = (len >> 8) & 0xff; buf[2] = (len >> 0) & 0xff; dec.copy(buf, 3); return buf; } else { buf = new Buffer(5 + len); buf[0] = 0x13; buf[1] = (len >> 24) & 0xff; buf[2] = (len >> 16) & 0xff; buf[3] = (len >> 8) & 0xff; buf[4] = (len >> 0) & 0xff; dec.copy(buf, 5); return buf; } } else if (v.type === 'object') { dec = new Buffer(v.pointer, 'hex'); len = dec.length; buf = new Buffer(3 + len); buf[0] = 0x1b; buf[1] = v.class; buf[2] = len; dec.copy(buf, 3); return buf; } else if (v.type === 'pointer') { dec = new Buffer(v.pointer, 'hex'); len = dec.length; buf = new Buffer(2 + len); buf[0] = 0x1c; buf[1] = len; dec.copy(buf, 2); return buf; } else if (v.type === 'lightfunc') { dec = new Buffer(v.pointer, 'hex'); len = dec.length; buf = new Buffer(4 + len); buf[0] = 0x1d; buf[1] = (v.flags >> 8) & 0xff; buf[2] = v.flags & 0xff; buf[3] = len; dec.copy(buf, 4); return buf; } else if (v.type === 'heapptr') { dec = new Buffer(v.pointer, 'hex'); len = dec.length; buf = new Buffer(2 + len); buf[0] = 0x1e; buf[1] = len; dec.copy(buf, 2); return buf; } } else if (v === null) { return new Buffer([ 0x17 ]); } else if (typeof v === 'boolean') { return new Buffer([ v ? 0x18 : 0x19 ]); } else if (typeof v === 'number') { if (Math.floor(v) === v && /* whole */ (v !== 0 || 1 / v > 0) && /* not negative zero */ v >= -0x80000000 && v <= 0x7fffffff) { // Represented signed 32-bit integers as plain integers. // Debugger code expects this for all fields that are not // duk_tval representations (e.g. command numbers and such). if (v >= 0x00 && v <= 0x3f) { return new Buffer([ 0x80 + v ]); } else if (v >= 0x0000 && v <= 0x3fff) { return new Buffer([ 0xc0 + (v >> 8), v & 0xff ]); } else if (v >= -0x80000000 && v <= 0x7fffffff) { return new Buffer([ 0x10, (v >> 24) & 0xff, (v >> 16) & 0xff, (v >> 8) & 0xff, (v >> 0) & 0xff ]); } else { throw new Error('internal error when encoding integer to dvalue: ' + v); } } else { // Represent non-integers as IEEE double dvalues buf = new Buffer(1 + 8); buf[0] = 0x1a; buf.writeDoubleBE(v, 1); return buf; } } else if (typeof v === 'string') { if (v.length < 0 || v.length > 0xffffffff) { // Not possible in practice. throw new TypeError('cannot convert to dvalue, invalid string length: ' + v.length); } if (v.length <= 0x1f) { buf = new Buffer(1 + v.length); buf[0] = 0x60 + v.length; writeDebugStringToBuffer(v, buf, 1); return buf; } else if (v.length <= 0xffff) { buf = new Buffer(3 + v.length); buf[0] = 0x12; buf[1] = (v.length >> 8) & 0xff; buf[2] = (v.length >> 0) & 0xff; writeDebugStringToBuffer(v, buf, 3); return buf; } else { buf = new Buffer(5 + v.length); buf[0] = 0x11; buf[1] = (v.length >> 24) & 0xff; buf[2] = (v.length >> 16) & 0xff; buf[3] = (v.length >> 8) & 0xff; buf[4] = (v.length >> 0) & 0xff; writeDebugStringToBuffer(v, buf, 5); return buf; } } // Shouldn't come here. throw new TypeError('value cannot be converted to dvalue: ' + JSON.stringify(v)); } /* * Debugger implementation * * A debugger instance communicates with the debug target and maintains * persistent debug state so that the current state can be resent to the * socket.io client (web UI) if it reconnects. Whenever the debugger state * is changed an event is generated. The socket.io handler will listen to * state change events and push the necessary updates to the web UI, often * in a rate limited fashion or using a client pull to ensure the web UI * is not overloaded. * * The debugger instance assumes that if the debug protocol connection is * re-established, it is always to the same target. There is no separate * abstraction for a debugger session. */ function Debugger() { events.EventEmitter.call(this); this.web = null; // web UI singleton this.targetStream = null; // transport connection to target this.outputPassThroughStream = null; // dummy passthrough for message dumping this.inputParser = null; // parser for incoming debug messages this.outputParser = null; // parser for outgoing debug messages (stats, dumping) this.protocolVersion = null; this.dukVersion = null; this.dukGitDescribe = null; this.targetInfo = null; this.attached = false; this.handshook = false; this.reqQueue = null; this.stats = { // stats for current debug connection rxBytes: 0, rxDvalues: 0, rxMessages: 0, rxBytesPerSec: 0, txBytes: 0, txDvalues: 0, txMessages: 0, txBytesPerSec: 0 }; this.execStatus = { attached: false, state: 'detached', fileName: '', funcName: '', line: 0, pc: 0 }; this.breakpoints = []; this.callstack = []; this.locals = []; this.messageLines = []; this.messageScrollBack = 100; } Debugger.prototype = events.EventEmitter.prototype; Debugger.prototype.decodeBytecodeFromBuffer = function (buf, consts, funcs) { var i, j, n, m, ins, pc; var res = []; var op, str, args, comments; // XXX: add constants inline to preformatted output (e.g. for strings, // add a short escaped snippet as a comment on the line after the // compact argument list). for (i = 0, n = buf.length; i < n; i += 4) { pc = i / 4; // shift forces unsigned if (this.endianness === 'little') { ins = buf.readInt32LE(i) >>> 0; } else { ins = buf.readInt32BE(i) >>> 0; } op = dukOpcodes.opcodes[ins & 0xff]; args = []; comments = []; if (op.args) { for (j = 0, m = op.args.length; j < m; j++) { var A = (ins >>> 8) & 0xff; var B = (ins >>> 16) & 0xff; var C = (ins >>> 24) & 0xff; var BC = (ins >>> 16) & 0xffff; var ABC = (ins >>> 8) & 0xffffff; var Bconst = op & 0x01; var Cconst = op & 0x02; switch (op.args[j]) { case 'A_R': args.push('r' + A); break; case 'A_RI': args.push('r' + A + '(indirect)'); break; case 'A_C': args.push('c' + A); break; case 'A_H': args.push('0x' + A.toString(16)); break; case 'A_I': args.push(A.toString(10)); break; case 'A_B': args.push(A ? 'true' : 'false'); break; case 'B_RC': args.push((Bconst ? 'c' : 'r') + B); break; case 'B_R': args.push('r' + B); break; case 'B_RI': args.push('r' + B + '(indirect)'); break; case 'B_C': args.push('c' + B); break; case 'B_H': args.push('0x' + B.toString(16)); break; case 'B_I': args.push(B.toString(10)); break; case 'C_RC': args.push((Cconst ? 'c' : 'r') + C); break; case 'C_R': args.push('r' + C); break; case 'C_RI': args.push('r' + C + '(indirect)'); break; case 'C_C': args.push('c' + C); break; case 'C_H': args.push('0x' + C.toString(16)); break; case 'C_I': args.push(C.toString(10)); break; case 'BC_R': args.push('r' + BC); break; case 'BC_C': args.push('c' + BC); break; case 'BC_H': args.push('0x' + BC.toString(16)); break; case 'BC_I': args.push(BC.toString(10)); break; case 'ABC_H': args.push(ABC.toString(16)); break; case 'ABC_I': args.push(ABC.toString(10)); break; case 'BC_LDINT': args.push(BC - (1 << 15)); break; case 'BC_LDINTX': args.push(BC - 0); break; // no bias in LDINTX case 'ABC_JUMP': { var pc_add = ABC - (1 << 23) + 1; // pc is preincremented before adding var pc_dst = pc + pc_add; args.push(pc_dst + ' (' + (pc_add >= 0 ? '+' : '') + pc_add + ')'); break; } default: args.push('?'); break; } } } if (op.flags) { for (j = 0, m = op.flags.length; j < m; j++) { if (ins & op.flags[j].mask) { comments.push(op.flags[j].name); } } } if (args.length > 0) { str = sprintf('%05d %08x %-12s %s', pc, ins, op.name, args.join(', ')); } else { str = sprintf('%05d %08x %-12s', pc, ins, op.name); } if (comments.length > 0) { str = sprintf('%-44s ; %s', str, comments.join(', ')); } res.push({ str: str, ins: ins }); } return res; }; Debugger.prototype.uiMessage = function (type, val) { var msg; if (typeof type === 'object') { msg = type; } else if (typeof type === 'string') { msg = { type: type, message: val }; } else { throw new TypeError('invalid ui message: ' + type); } this.messageLines.push(msg); while (this.messageLines.length > this.messageScrollBack) { this.messageLines.shift(); } this.emit('ui-message-update'); // just trigger a sync, gets rate limited }; Debugger.prototype.sendRequest = function (msg) { var _this = this; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var dvals = []; var dval; var data; var i; if (!_this.attached || !_this.handshook || !_this.reqQueue || !_this.targetStream) { throw new Error('invalid state for sendRequest'); } for (i = 0; i < msg.length; i++) { try { dval = formatDebugValue(msg[i]); } catch (e) { console.log('Failed to format dvalue, dropping connection: ' + e); console.log(e.stack || e); _this.targetStream.destroy(); throw new Error('failed to format dvalue'); } dvals.push(dval); } data = Buffer.concat(dvals); _this.targetStream.write(data); _this.outputPassThroughStream.write(data); // stats and dumping if (optLogMessages) { console.log('Request ' + prettyDebugCommand(msg[1]) + ': ' + prettyDebugMessage(msg)); } if (!_this.reqQueue) { throw new Error('no reqQueue'); } _this.reqQueue.push({ reqMsg: msg, reqCmd: msg[1], resolveCb: resolve, rejectCb: reject }); }); }; Debugger.prototype.sendBasicInfoRequest = function () { var _this = this; return this.sendRequest([ DVAL_REQ, CMD_BASICINFO, DVAL_EOM ]).then(function (msg) { _this.dukVersion = msg[1]; _this.dukGitDescribe = msg[2]; _this.targetInfo = msg[3]; _this.endianness = { 1: 'little', 2: 'mixed', 3: 'big' }[msg[4]] || 'unknown'; _this.emit('basic-info-update'); return msg; }); }; Debugger.prototype.sendGetVarRequest = function (varname, level) { var _this = this; return this.sendRequest([ DVAL_REQ, CMD_GETVAR, (typeof level === 'number' ? level : -1), varname, DVAL_EOM ]).then(function (msg) { return { found: msg[1] === 1, value: msg[2] }; }); }; Debugger.prototype.sendPutVarRequest = function (varname, varvalue, level) { var _this = this; return this.sendRequest([ DVAL_REQ, CMD_PUTVAR, (typeof level === 'number' ? level : -1), varname, varvalue, DVAL_EOM ]); }; Debugger.prototype.sendInvalidCommandTestRequest = function () { // Intentional invalid command var _this = this; return this.sendRequest([ DVAL_REQ, 0xdeadbeef, DVAL_EOM ]); }; Debugger.prototype.sendStatusRequest = function () { // Send a status request to trigger a status notify, result is ignored: // target sends a status notify instead of a meaningful reply var _this = this; return this.sendRequest([ DVAL_REQ, CMD_TRIGGERSTATUS, DVAL_EOM ]); }; Debugger.prototype.sendBreakpointListRequest = function () { var _this = this; return this.sendRequest([ DVAL_REQ, CMD_LISTBREAK, DVAL_EOM ]).then(function (msg) { var i, n; var breakpts = []; for (i = 1, n = msg.length - 1; i < n; i += 2) { breakpts.push({ fileName: msg[i], lineNumber: msg[i + 1] }); } _this.breakpoints = breakpts; _this.emit('breakpoints-update'); return msg; }); }; Debugger.prototype.sendGetLocalsRequest = function (level) { var _this = this; return this.sendRequest([ DVAL_REQ, CMD_GETLOCALS, (typeof level === 'number' ? level : -1), DVAL_EOM ]).then(function (msg) { var i; var locals = []; for (i = 1; i <= msg.length - 2; i += 2) { // XXX: do pretty printing in debug client for now locals.push({ key: msg[i], value: prettyUiDebugValue(msg[i + 1], LOCALS_CLIPLEN) }); } _this.locals = locals; _this.emit('locals-update'); return msg; }); }; Debugger.prototype.sendGetCallStackRequest = function () { var _this = this; return this.sendRequest([ DVAL_REQ, CMD_GETCALLSTACK, DVAL_EOM ]).then(function (msg) { var i; var stack = []; for (i = 1; i + 3 <= msg.length - 1; i += 4) { stack.push({ fileName: msg[i], funcName: msg[i + 1], lineNumber: msg[i + 2], pc: msg[i + 3] }); } _this.callstack = stack; _this.emit('callstack-update'); return msg; }); }; Debugger.prototype.sendStepIntoRequest = function () { var _this = this; return this.sendRequest([ DVAL_REQ, CMD_STEPINTO, DVAL_EOM ]); }; Debugger.prototype.sendStepOverRequest = function () { var _this = this; return this.sendRequest([ DVAL_REQ, CMD_STEPOVER, DVAL_EOM ]); }; Debugger.prototype.sendStepOutRequest = function () { var _this = this; return this.sendRequest([ DVAL_REQ, CMD_STEPOUT, DVAL_EOM ]); }; Debugger.prototype.sendPauseRequest = function () { var _this = this; return this.sendRequest([ DVAL_REQ, CMD_PAUSE, DVAL_EOM ]); }; Debugger.prototype.sendResumeRequest = function () { var _this = this; return this.sendRequest([ DVAL_REQ, CMD_RESUME, DVAL_EOM ]); }; Debugger.prototype.sendEvalRequest = function (evalInput, level) { var _this = this; // Use explicit level if given. If no level is given, use null if the call // stack is empty, -1 otherwise. This works well when we're paused and the // callstack information is not liable to change before we do an Eval. if (typeof level !== 'number') { level = this.callstack && this.callstack.length > 0 ? -1 : null; } return this.sendRequest([ DVAL_REQ, CMD_EVAL, level, evalInput, DVAL_EOM ]).then(function (msg) { return { error: msg[1] === 1 /*error*/, value: msg[2] }; }); }; Debugger.prototype.sendDetachRequest = function () { var _this = this; return this.sendRequest([ DVAL_REQ, CMD_DETACH, DVAL_EOM ]); }; Debugger.prototype.sendDumpHeapRequest = function () { var _this = this; return this.sendRequest([ DVAL_REQ, CMD_DUMPHEAP, DVAL_EOM ]).then(function (msg) { var res = {}; var objs = []; var i, j, n, m, o, prop; res.type = 'heapDump'; res.heapObjects = objs; for (i = 1, n = msg.length - 1; i < n; /*nop*/) { o = {}; o.ptr = msg[i++]; o.type = msg[i++]; o.flags = msg[i++] >>> 0; /* unsigned */ o.refc = msg[i++]; if (o.type === DUK_HTYPE_STRING) { o.blen = msg[i++]; o.clen = msg[i++]; o.hash = msg[i++] >>> 0; /* unsigned */ o.data = msg[i++]; } else if (o.type === DUK_HTYPE_BUFFER) { o.len = msg[i++]; o.data = msg[i++]; } else if (o.type === DUK_HTYPE_OBJECT) { o['class'] = msg[i++]; o.proto = msg[i++]; o.esize = msg[i++]; o.enext = msg[i++]; o.asize = msg[i++]; o.hsize = msg[i++]; o.props = []; for (j = 0, m = o.enext; j < m; j++) { prop = {}; prop.flags = msg[i++]; prop.key = msg[i++]; prop.accessor = (msg[i++] == 1); if (prop.accessor) { prop.getter = msg[i++]; prop.setter = msg[i++]; } else { prop.value = msg[i++]; } o.props.push(prop); } o.array = []; for (j = 0, m = o.asize; j < m; j++) { prop = {}; prop.value = msg[i++]; o.array.push(prop); } } else { console.log('invalid htype: ' + o.type + ', disconnect'); _this.disconnectDebugger(); throw new Error('invalid htype'); return; } objs.push(o); } return res; }); }; Debugger.prototype.sendGetBytecodeRequest = function () { var _this = this; return this.sendRequest([ DVAL_REQ, CMD_GETBYTECODE, -1 /* level; could be other than -1 too */, DVAL_EOM ]).then(function (msg) { var idx = 1; var nconst; var nfunc; var val; var buf; var i, n; var consts = []; var funcs = []; var bcode; var preformatted; var ret; var idxPreformattedInstructions; //console.log(JSON.stringify(msg)); nconst = msg[idx++]; for (i = 0; i < nconst; i++) { val = msg[idx++]; consts.push(val); } nfunc = msg[idx++]; for (i = 0; i < nfunc; i++) { val = msg[idx++]; funcs.push(val); } val = msg[idx++]; // Right now bytecode is a string containing a direct dump of the // bytecode in target endianness. Decode here so that the web UI // doesn't need to. buf = new Buffer(val.length); writeDebugStringToBuffer(val, buf, 0); bcode = _this.decodeBytecodeFromBuffer(buf, consts, funcs); preformatted = []; consts.forEach(function (v, i) { preformatted.push('; c' + i + ' ' + JSON.stringify(v)); }); preformatted.push(''); idxPreformattedInstructions = preformatted.length; bcode.forEach(function (v) { preformatted.push(v.str); }); preformatted = preformatted.join('\n') + '\n'; ret = { constants: consts, functions: funcs, bytecode: bcode, preformatted: preformatted, idxPreformattedInstructions: idxPreformattedInstructions }; return ret; }); }; Debugger.prototype.changeBreakpoint = function (fileName, lineNumber, mode) { var _this = this; return this.sendRequest([ DVAL_REQ, CMD_LISTBREAK, DVAL_EOM ]).then(function (msg) { var i, n; var breakpts = []; var deleted = false; // Up-to-date list of breakpoints on target for (i = 1, n = msg.length - 1; i < n; i += 2) { breakpts.push({ fileName: msg[i], lineNumber: msg[i + 1] }); } // Delete matching breakpoints in reverse order so that indices // remain valid. We do this for all operations so that duplicates // are eliminated if present. for (i = breakpts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var bp = breakpts[i]; if (mode === 'deleteall' || (bp.fileName === fileName && bp.lineNumber === lineNumber)) { deleted = true; _this.sendRequest([ DVAL_REQ, CMD_DELBREAK, i, DVAL_EOM ], function (msg) { // nop }, function (err) { // nop }); } } // Technically we should wait for each delbreak reply but because // target processes the requests in order, it doesn't matter. if ((mode === 'add') || (mode === 'toggle' && !deleted)) { _this.sendRequest([ DVAL_REQ, CMD_ADDBREAK, fileName, lineNumber, DVAL_EOM ], function (msg) { // nop }, function (err) { _this.uiMessage('debugger-info', 'Failed to add breakpoint: ' + err); }); } // Read final, effective breakpoints from the target _this.sendBreakpointListRequest(); }); }; Debugger.prototype.disconnectDebugger = function () { if (this.targetStream) { // We require a destroy() method from the actual target stream this.targetStream.destroy(); this.targetStream = null; } if (this.inputParser) { this.inputParser.close(); this.inputParser = null; } if (this.outputPassThroughStream) { // There is no close() or destroy() for a passthrough stream, so just // close the outputParser which will cancel timers etc. } if (this.outputParser) { this.outputParser.close(); this.outputParser = null; } this.attached = false; this.handshook = false; this.reqQueue = null; this.execStatus = { attached: false, state: 'detached', fileName: '', funcName: '', line: 0, pc: 0 }; }; Debugger.prototype.connectDebugger = function () { var _this = this; this.disconnectDebugger(); // close previous target connection // CUSTOMTRANSPORT: to use a custom transport, change this.targetStream to // use your custom transport. console.log('Connecting to ' + optTargetHost + ':' + optTargetPort + '...'); this.targetStream = new net.Socket(); this.targetStream.connect(optTargetPort, optTargetHost, function () { console.log('Debug transport connected'); _this.attached = true; _this.reqQueue = []; _this.uiMessage('debugger-info', 'Debug transport connected'); }); this.inputParser = new DebugProtocolParser( this.targetStream, null, optDumpDebugRead, optDumpDebugPretty, optDumpDebugPretty ? 'Recv: ' : null, null, null // console logging is done at a higher level to match request/response ); // Use a PassThrough stream to debug dump and get stats for output messages. // Simply write outgoing data to both the targetStream and this passthrough // separately. this.outputPassThroughStream = stream.PassThrough(); this.outputParser = new DebugProtocolParser( this.outputPassThroughStream, 1, optDumpDebugWrite, optDumpDebugPretty, optDumpDebugPretty ? 'Send: ' : null, null, null // console logging is done at a higher level to match request/response ); this.inputParser.on('transport-close', function () { _this.uiMessage('debugger-info', 'Debug transport closed'); _this.disconnectDebugger(); _this.emit('exec-status-update'); _this.emit('detached'); }); this.inputParser.on('transport-error', function (err) { _this.uiMessage('debugger-info', 'Debug transport error: ' + err); _this.disconnectDebugger(); }); this.inputParser.on('protocol-version', function (msg) { var ver = msg.protocolVersion; console.log('Debug version identification:', msg.versionIdentification); _this.protocolVersion = ver; _this.uiMessage('debugger-info', 'Debug version identification: ' + msg.versionIdentification); if (ver !== SUPPORTED_DEBUG_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { console.log('Unsupported debug protocol version (got ' + ver + ', support ' + SUPPORTED_DEBUG_PROTOCOL_VERSION + ')'); _this.uiMessage('debugger-info', 'Protocol version ' + ver + ' unsupported, dropping connection'); _this.targetStream.destroy(); } else { _this.uiMessage('debugger-info', 'Debug protocol version: ' + ver); _this.handshook = true; _this.execStatus = { attached: true, state: 'attached', fileName: '', funcName: '', line: 0, pc: 0 }; _this.emit('exec-status-update'); _this.emit('attached'); // inform web UI // Fetch basic info right away _this.sendBasicInfoRequest(); } }); this.inputParser.on('debug-message', function (msg) { _this.processDebugMessage(msg); }); this.inputParser.on('stats-update', function () { _this.stats.rxBytes = this.bytes; _this.stats.rxDvalues = this.dvalues; _this.stats.rxMessages = this.messages; _this.stats.rxBytesPerSec = this.bytesPerSec; _this.emit('debug-stats-update'); }); this.outputParser.on('stats-update', function () { _this.stats.txBytes = this.bytes; _this.stats.txDvalues = this.dvalues; _this.stats.txMessages = this.messages; _this.stats.txBytesPerSec = this.bytesPerSec; _this.emit('debug-stats-update'); }); }; Debugger.prototype.processDebugMessage = function (msg) { var req; var prevState, newState; var err; if (msg[0] === DVAL_REQ) { // No actual requests sent by the target right now (just notifys). console.log('Unsolicited reply message, dropping connection: ' + prettyDebugMessage(msg)); } else if (msg[0] === DVAL_REP) { if (this.reqQueue.length <= 0) { console.log('Unsolicited reply message, dropping connection: ' + prettyDebugMessage(msg)); this.targetStream.destroy(); } req = this.reqQueue.shift(); if (optLogMessages) { console.log('Reply for ' + prettyDebugCommand(req.reqCmd) + ': ' + prettyDebugMessage(msg)); } if (req.resolveCb) { req.resolveCb(msg); } else { // nop: no callback } } else if (msg[0] === DVAL_ERR) { if (this.reqQueue.length <= 0) { console.log('Unsolicited error message, dropping connection: ' + prettyDebugMessage(msg)); this.targetStream.destroy(); } err = new Error(String(msg[2]) + ' (code ' + String(msg[1]) + ')'); err.errorCode = msg[1] || 0; req = this.reqQueue.shift(); if (optLogMessages) { console.log('Error for ' + prettyDebugCommand(req.reqCmd) + ': ' + prettyDebugMessage(msg)); } if (req.rejectCb) { req.rejectCb(err); } else { // nop: no callback } } else if (msg[0] === DVAL_NFY) { if (optLogMessages) { console.log('Notify ' + prettyDebugCommand(msg[1]) + ': ' + prettyDebugMessage(msg)); } if (msg[1] === CMD_STATUS) { prevState = this.execStatus.state; newState = msg[2] === 0 ? 'running' : 'paused'; this.execStatus = { attached: true, state: newState, fileName: msg[3], funcName: msg[4], line: msg[5], pc: msg[6] }; if (prevState !== newState && newState === 'paused') { // update run state now that we're paused this.sendBreakpointListRequest(); this.sendGetLocalsRequest(); this.sendGetCallStackRequest(); } this.emit('exec-status-update'); } else if (msg[1] === CMD_THROW) { this.uiMessage({ type: 'throw', fatal: msg[2], message: (msg[2] ? 'UNCAUGHT: ' : 'THROW: ') + prettyUiStringUnquoted(msg[3], UI_MESSAGE_CLIPLEN), fileName: msg[4], lineNumber: msg[5] }); } else if (msg[1] === CMD_DETACHING) { this.uiMessage({ type: 'detaching', reason: msg[2], message: 'DETACH: ' + (msg.length >= 5 ? prettyUiStringUnquoted(msg[3]) : 'detaching') }); } else { // Ignore unknown notify messages console.log('Unknown notify, ignoring: ' + prettyDebugMessage(msg)); //this.targetStream.destroy(); } } else { console.log('Invalid initial dvalue, dropping connection: ' + prettyDebugMessage(msg)); this.targetStream.destroy(); } }; Debugger.prototype.run = function () { var _this = this; // Initial debugger connection this.connectDebugger(); // Poll various state items when running var sendRound = 0; var statusPending = false; var bplistPending = false; var localsPending = false; var callStackPending = false; setInterval(function () { if (_this.execStatus.state !== 'running') { return; } // Could also check for an empty request queue, but that's probably // too strict? // Pending flags are used to avoid requesting the same thing twice // while a previous request is pending. The flag-based approach is // quite awkward. Rework to use promises. switch (sendRound) { case 0: if (!statusPending) { statusPending = true; _this.sendStatusRequest().finally(function () { statusPending = false; }); } break; case 1: if (!bplistPending) { bplistPending = true; _this.sendBreakpointListRequest().finally(function () { bplistPending = false; }); } break; case 2: if (!localsPending) { localsPending = true; _this.sendGetLocalsRequest().finally(function () { localsPending = false; }); } break; case 3: if (!callStackPending) { callStackPending = true; _this.sendGetCallStackRequest().finally(function () { callStackPending = false; }); } break; } sendRound = (sendRound + 1) % 4; }, 500); }; /* * Express setup and socket.io */ function DebugWebServer() { this.dbg = null; // debugger singleton this.socket = null; // current socket (or null) this.keepaliveTimer = null; this.uiMessageLimiter = null; this.cachedJson = {}; // cache to avoid resending identical data this.sourceFileManager = new SourceFileManager(optSourceSearchDirs); this.sourceFileManager.scan(); } DebugWebServer.prototype.handleSourcePost = function (req, res) { var fileName = req.body && req.body.fileName; var fileData; console.log('Source request: ' + fileName); if (typeof fileName !== 'string') { res.status(500).send('invalid request'); return; } fileData = this.sourceFileManager.search(fileName, optSourceSearchDirs); if (typeof fileData !== 'string') { res.status(404).send('not found'); return; } res.status(200).send(fileData); // UTF-8 }; DebugWebServer.prototype.handleSourceListPost = function (req, res) { console.log('Source list request'); var files = this.sourceFileManager.getFiles(); res.header('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.status(200).json(files); }; DebugWebServer.prototype.handleHeapDumpGet = function (req, res) { console.log('Heap dump get'); this.dbg.sendDumpHeapRequest().then(function (val) { res.header('Content-Type', 'application/json'); //res.status(200).json(val); res.status(200).send(JSON.stringify(val, null, 4)); }).catch(function (err) { res.status(500).send('Failed to get heap dump: ' + (err.stack || err)); }); }; DebugWebServer.prototype.run = function () { var _this = this; var express = require('express'); var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); var app = express(); var http = require('http').Server(app); var io = require('socket.io')(http); app.use(bodyParser.json()); app.post('/source', this.handleSourcePost.bind(this)); app.post('/sourceList', this.handleSourceListPost.bind(this)); app.get('/heapDump.json', this.handleHeapDumpGet.bind(this)); app.use('/', express.static(__dirname + '/static')); http.listen(optHttpPort, function () { console.log('Listening on *:' + optHttpPort); }); io.on('connection', this.handleNewSocketIoConnection.bind(this)); this.dbg.on('attached', function () { console.log('Debugger attached'); }); this.dbg.on('detached', function () { console.log('Debugger detached'); }); this.dbg.on('debug-stats-update', function () { _this.debugStatsLimiter.trigger(); }); this.dbg.on('ui-message-update', function () { // Explicit rate limiter because this is a source of a lot of traffic. _this.uiMessageLimiter.trigger(); }); this.dbg.on('basic-info-update', function () { _this.emitBasicInfo(); }); this.dbg.on('breakpoints-update', function () { _this.emitBreakpoints(); }); this.dbg.on('exec-status-update', function () { // Explicit rate limiter because this is a source of a lot of traffic. _this.execStatusLimiter.trigger(); }); this.dbg.on('locals-update', function () { _this.emitLocals(); }); this.dbg.on('callstack-update', function () { _this.emitCallStack(); }); this.uiMessageLimiter = new RateLimited(10, 1000, this.uiMessageLimiterCallback.bind(this)); this.execStatusLimiter = new RateLimited(50, 500, this.execStatusLimiterCallback.bind(this)); this.debugStatsLimiter = new RateLimited(1, 2000, this.debugStatsLimiterCallback.bind(this)); this.keepaliveTimer = setInterval(this.emitKeepalive.bind(this), 30000); }; DebugWebServer.prototype.handleNewSocketIoConnection = function (socket) { var _this = this; console.log('Socket.io connected'); if (this.socket) { console.log('Closing previous socket.io socket'); this.socket.emit('replaced'); } this.socket = socket; this.emitKeepalive(); socket.on('disconnect', function () { console.log('Socket.io disconnected'); if (_this.socket === socket) { _this.socket = null; } }); socket.on('keepalive', function (msg) { // nop }); socket.on('attach', function (msg) { if (_this.dbg.targetStream) { console.log('Attach request when debugger already has a connection, ignoring'); } else { _this.dbg.connectDebugger(); } }); socket.on('detach', function (msg) { // Try to detach cleanly, timeout if no response Promise.any([ _this.dbg.sendDetachRequest(), Promise.delay(3000) ]).finally(function () { _this.dbg.disconnectDebugger(); }); }); socket.on('stepinto', function (msg) { _this.dbg.sendStepIntoRequest(); }); socket.on('stepover', function (msg) { _this.dbg.sendStepOverRequest(); }); socket.on('stepout', function (msg) { _this.dbg.sendStepOutRequest(); }); socket.on('pause', function (msg) { _this.dbg.sendPauseRequest(); }); socket.on('resume', function (msg) { _this.dbg.sendResumeRequest(); }); socket.on('eval', function (msg) { // msg.input is a proper Unicode strings here, and needs to be // converted into a protocol string (U+0000...U+00FF). var input = stringToDebugString(msg.input); _this.dbg.sendEvalRequest(input, msg.level).then(function (v) { socket.emit('eval-result', { error: v.error, result: prettyUiDebugValue(v.value, EVAL_CLIPLEN) }); }); // An eval call quite possibly changes the local variables so always // re-read locals afterwards. We don't need to wait for Eval to // complete here; the requests will pipeline automatically and be // executed in order. // XXX: move this to the web UI so that the UI can control what // locals are listed (or perhaps show locals for all levels with // an expandable tree view). _this.dbg.sendGetLocalsRequest(); }); socket.on('getvar', function (msg) { // msg.varname is a proper Unicode strings here, and needs to be // converted into a protocol string (U+0000...U+00FF). var varname = stringToDebugString(msg.varname); _this.dbg.sendGetVarRequest(varname, msg.level) .then(function (v) { socket.emit('getvar-result', { found: v.found, result: prettyUiDebugValue(v.value, GETVAR_CLIPLEN) }); }); }); socket.on('putvar', function (msg) { // msg.varname and msg.varvalue are proper Unicode strings here, they // need to be converted into protocol strings (U+0000...U+00FF). var varname = stringToDebugString(msg.varname); var varvalue = msg.varvalue; // varvalue is JSON parsed by the web UI for now, need special string // encoding here. if (typeof varvalue === 'string') { varvalue = stringToDebugString(msg.varvalue); } _this.dbg.sendPutVarRequest(varname, varvalue, msg.level) .then(function (v) { console.log('putvar done'); // XXX: signal success to UI? }); // A PutVar call quite possibly changes the local variables so always // re-read locals afterwards. We don't need to wait for PutVar to // complete here; the requests will pipeline automatically and be // executed in order. // XXX: make the client do this? _this.dbg.sendGetLocalsRequest(); }); socket.on('add-breakpoint', function (msg) { _this.dbg.changeBreakpoint(msg.fileName, msg.lineNumber, 'add'); }); socket.on('delete-breakpoint', function (msg) { _this.dbg.changeBreakpoint(msg.fileName, msg.lineNumber, 'delete'); }); socket.on('toggle-breakpoint', function (msg) { _this.dbg.changeBreakpoint(msg.fileName, msg.lineNumber, 'toggle'); }); socket.on('delete-all-breakpoints', function (msg) { _this.dbg.changeBreakpoint(null, null, 'deleteall'); }); socket.on('get-bytecode', function (msg) { _this.dbg.sendGetBytecodeRequest().then(function (res) { socket.emit('bytecode', res); }); }); // Resend all debugger state for new client this.cachedJson = {}; // clear client state cache this.emitBasicInfo(); this.emitStats(); this.emitExecStatus(); this.emitUiMessages(); this.emitBreakpoints(); this.emitCallStack(); this.emitLocals(); }; // Check if 'msg' would encode to the same JSON which was previously sent // to the web client. The caller then avoid resending unnecessary stuff. DebugWebServer.prototype.cachedJsonCheck = function (cacheKey, msg) { var newJson = JSON.stringify(msg); if (this.cachedJson[cacheKey] === newJson) { return true; // cached } this.cachedJson[cacheKey] = newJson; return false; // not cached, send (cache already updated) }; DebugWebServer.prototype.uiMessageLimiterCallback = function () { this.emitUiMessages(); }; DebugWebServer.prototype.execStatusLimiterCallback = function () { this.emitExecStatus(); }; DebugWebServer.prototype.debugStatsLimiterCallback = function () { this.emitStats(); }; DebugWebServer.prototype.emitKeepalive = function () { if (!this.socket) { return; } this.socket.emit('keepalive', { nodeVersion: process.version }); }; DebugWebServer.prototype.emitBasicInfo = function () { if (!this.socket) { return; } var newMsg = { duk_version: this.dbg.dukVersion, duk_git_describe: this.dbg.dukGitDescribe, target_info: this.dbg.targetInfo, endianness: this.dbg.endianness }; if (this.cachedJsonCheck('basic-info', newMsg)) { return; } this.socket.emit('basic-info', newMsg); }; DebugWebServer.prototype.emitStats = function () { if (!this.socket) { return; } this.socket.emit('debug-stats', this.dbg.stats); }; DebugWebServer.prototype.emitExecStatus = function () { if (!this.socket) { return; } var newMsg = this.dbg.execStatus; if (this.cachedJsonCheck('exec-status', newMsg)) { return; } this.socket.emit('exec-status', newMsg); }; DebugWebServer.prototype.emitUiMessages = function () { if (!this.socket) { return; } var newMsg = this.dbg.messageLines; if (this.cachedJsonCheck('output-lines', newMsg)) { return; } this.socket.emit('output-lines', newMsg); }; DebugWebServer.prototype.emitBreakpoints = function () { if (!this.socket) { return; } var newMsg = { breakpoints: this.dbg.breakpoints }; if (this.cachedJsonCheck('breakpoints', newMsg)) { return; } this.socket.emit('breakpoints', newMsg); }; DebugWebServer.prototype.emitCallStack = function () { if (!this.socket) { return; } var newMsg = { callstack: this.dbg.callstack }; if (this.cachedJsonCheck('callstack', newMsg)) { return; } this.socket.emit('callstack', newMsg); }; DebugWebServer.prototype.emitLocals = function () { if (!this.socket) { return; } var newMsg = { locals: this.dbg.locals }; if (this.cachedJsonCheck('locals', newMsg)) { return; } this.socket.emit('locals', newMsg); }; /* * JSON debug proxy */ function DebugProxy(serverPort) { this.serverPort = serverPort; this.server = null; this.socket = null; this.targetStream = null; this.inputParser = null; // preformatted dvalues this.dval_eom = formatDebugValue(DVAL_EOM); this.dval_req = formatDebugValue(DVAL_REQ); this.dval_rep = formatDebugValue(DVAL_REP); this.dval_nfy = formatDebugValue(DVAL_NFY); this.dval_err = formatDebugValue(DVAL_ERR); } DebugProxy.prototype.determineCommandNumber = function (cmdName, cmdNumber) { var ret; if (typeof cmdName === 'string') { ret = debugCommandNumbers[cmdName]; } else if (typeof cmdName === 'number') { ret = cmdName; } ret = ret || cmdNumber; if (typeof ret !== 'number') { throw Error('cannot figure out command number for "' + cmdName + '" (' + cmdNumber + ')'); } return ret; }; DebugProxy.prototype.commandNumberToString = function (id) { return debugCommandNames[id] || String(id); }; DebugProxy.prototype.formatDvalues = function (args) { if (!args) { return []; } return args.map(function (v) { return formatDebugValue(v); }); }; DebugProxy.prototype.writeJson = function (val) { this.socket.write(JSON.stringify(val) + '\n'); }; DebugProxy.prototype.writeJsonSafe = function (val) { try { this.writeJson(val); } catch (e) { console.log('Failed to write JSON in writeJsonSafe, ignoring: ' + e); } }; DebugProxy.prototype.disconnectJsonClient = function () { if (this.socket) { this.socket.destroy(); this.socket = null; } }; DebugProxy.prototype.disconnectTarget = function () { if (this.inputParser) { this.inputParser.close(); this.inputParser = null; } if (this.targetStream) { this.targetStream.destroy(); this.targetStream = null; } }; DebugProxy.prototype.run = function () { var _this = this; console.log('Waiting for client connections on port ' + this.serverPort); this.server = net.createServer(function (socket) { console.log('JSON proxy client connected'); _this.disconnectJsonClient(); _this.disconnectTarget(); // A byline-parser is simple and good enough for now (assume // compact JSON with no newlines). var socketByline = byline(socket); _this.socket = socket; socketByline.on('data', function (line) { try { // console.log('Received json proxy input line: ' + line.toString('utf8')); var msg = JSON.parse(line.toString('utf8')); var first_dval; var args_dvalues = _this.formatDvalues(msg.args); var last_dval = _this.dval_eom; var cmd; if (msg.request) { // "request" can be a string or "true" first_dval = _this.dval_req; cmd = _this.determineCommandNumber(msg.request, msg.command); } else if (msg.reply) { first_dval = _this.dval_rep; } else if (msg.notify) { // "notify" can be a string or "true" first_dval = _this.dval_nfy; cmd = _this.determineCommandNumber(msg.notify, msg.command); } else if (msg.error) { first_dval = _this.dval_err; } else { throw new Error('Invalid input JSON message: ' + JSON.stringify(msg)); } _this.targetStream.write(first_dval); if (cmd) { _this.targetStream.write(formatDebugValue(cmd)); } args_dvalues.forEach(function (v) { _this.targetStream.write(v); }); _this.targetStream.write(last_dval); } catch (e) { console.log(e); _this.writeJsonSafe({ notify: '_Error', args: [ 'Failed to handle input json message: ' + e ] }); _this.disconnectJsonClient(); _this.disconnectTarget(); } }); _this.connectToTarget(); }).listen(this.serverPort); }; DebugProxy.prototype.connectToTarget = function () { var _this = this; console.log('Connecting to ' + optTargetHost + ':' + optTargetPort + '...'); this.targetStream = new net.Socket(); this.targetStream.connect(optTargetPort, optTargetHost, function () { console.log('Debug transport connected'); }); this.inputParser = new DebugProtocolParser( this.targetStream, null, optDumpDebugRead, optDumpDebugPretty, optDumpDebugPretty ? 'Recv: ' : null, null, null // console logging is done at a higher level to match request/response ); // Don't add a 'value' key to numbers. this.inputParser.readableNumberValue = false; this.inputParser.on('transport-close', function () { console.log('Debug transport closed'); _this.writeJsonSafe({ notify: '_Disconnecting' }); _this.disconnectJsonClient(); _this.disconnectTarget(); }); this.inputParser.on('transport-error', function (err) { console.log('Debug transport error', err); _this.writeJsonSafe({ notify: '_Error', args: [ String(err) ] }); }); this.inputParser.on('protocol-version', function (msg) { var ver = msg.protocolVersion; console.log('Debug version identification:', msg.versionIdentification); _this.writeJson({ notify: '_TargetConnected', args: [ msg.versionIdentification ] // raw identification string }); if (ver !== 1) { console.log('Protocol version ' + ver + ' unsupported, dropping connection'); } }); this.inputParser.on('debug-message', function (msg) { var t; //console.log(msg); if (typeof msg[0] !== 'object' || msg[0] === null) { throw new Error('unexpected initial dvalue: ' + msg[0]); } else if (msg[0].type === 'eom') { throw new Error('unexpected initial dvalue: ' + msg[0]); } else if (msg[0].type === 'req') { if (typeof msg[1] !== 'number') { throw new Error('unexpected request command number: ' + msg[1]); } t = { request: _this.commandNumberToString(msg[1]), command: msg[1], args: msg.slice(2, msg.length - 1) }; _this.writeJson(t); } else if (msg[0].type === 'rep') { t = { reply: true, args: msg.slice(1, msg.length - 1) }; _this.writeJson(t); } else if (msg[0].type === 'err') { t = { error: true, args: msg.slice(1, msg.length - 1) }; _this.writeJson(t); } else if (msg[0].type === 'nfy') { if (typeof msg[1] !== 'number') { throw new Error('unexpected notify command number: ' + msg[1]); } t = { notify: _this.commandNumberToString(msg[1]), command: msg[1], args: msg.slice(2, msg.length - 1) }; _this.writeJson(t); } else { throw new Error('unexpected initial dvalue: ' + msg[0]); } }); this.inputParser.on('stats-update', function () { }); }; /* * Command line parsing and initialization */ function main() { console.log('((o) Duktape debugger'); // Parse arguments. var argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2)); //console.dir(argv); if (argv['target-host']) { optTargetHost = argv['target-host']; } if (argv['target-port']) { optTargetPort = argv['target-port']; } if (argv['http-port']) { optHttpPort = argv['http-port']; } if (argv['json-proxy-port']) { optJsonProxyPort = argv['json-proxy-port']; } if (argv['json-proxy']) { optJsonProxy = argv['json-proxy']; } if (argv['source-dirs']) { optSourceSearchDirs = argv['source-dirs'].split(path.delimiter); } if (argv['dump-debug-read']) { optDumpDebugRead = argv['dump-debug-read']; } if (argv['dump-debug-write']) { optDumpDebugWrite = argv['dump-debug-write']; } if (argv['dump-debug-pretty']) { optDumpDebugPretty = argv['dump-debug-pretty']; } if (argv['log-messages']) { optLogMessages = true; } // Dump effective options. Also provides a list of option names. console.log(''); console.log('Effective options:'); console.log(' --target-host: ' + optTargetHost); console.log(' --target-port: ' + optTargetPort); console.log(' --http-port: ' + optHttpPort); console.log(' --json-proxy-port: ' + optJsonProxyPort); console.log(' --json-proxy: ' + optJsonProxy); console.log(' --source-dirs: ' + optSourceSearchDirs.join(' ')); console.log(' --dump-debug-read: ' + optDumpDebugRead); console.log(' --dump-debug-write: ' + optDumpDebugWrite); console.log(' --dump-debug-pretty: ' + optDumpDebugPretty); console.log(' --log-messages: ' + optLogMessages); console.log(''); // Create debugger and web UI singletons, tie them together and // start them. if (optJsonProxy) { console.log('Starting in JSON proxy mode, JSON port: ' + optJsonProxyPort); var prx = new DebugProxy(optJsonProxyPort); prx.run(); } else { var dbg = new Debugger(); var web = new DebugWebServer(); dbg.web = web; web.dbg = dbg; dbg.run(); web.run(); } } main();