/* ; Project: Open Vehicle Monitor System ; Module: CAN dump framework ; Date: 18th January 2018 ; ; (C) 2018 Mark Webb-Johnson ; ; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy ; of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal ; in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights ; to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell ; copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is ; furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ; ; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in ; all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ; ; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ; IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ; AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER ; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, ; OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN ; THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "ovms_log.h" static const char *TAG = "canformat-gvret"; #include "canformat_gvret.h" #include "canlog.h" #include #include #include "pcp.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Initialisation and Registration //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class OvmsCanFormatGVRETInit { public: OvmsCanFormatGVRETInit(); } MyOvmsCanFormatGVRETInit __attribute__ ((init_priority (4505))); OvmsCanFormatGVRETInit::OvmsCanFormatGVRETInit() { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Registering CAN Format: GVRET (4505)"); MyCanFormatFactory.RegisterCanFormat("gvret-a"); MyCanFormatFactory.RegisterCanFormat("gvret-b"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base GVRET implementation (utility) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// canformat_gvret::canformat_gvret(const char* type) : canformat(type) { } canformat_gvret::~canformat_gvret() { } std::string canformat_gvret::get(CAN_log_message_t* message) { return std::string(""); } std::string canformat_gvret::getheader(struct timeval *time) { return std::string(""); } size_t canformat_gvret::put(CAN_log_message_t* message, uint8_t *buffer, size_t len, bool* hasmore, canlogconnection* clc) { return len; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ASCII format GVRET //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// canformat_gvret_ascii::canformat_gvret_ascii(const char* type) : canformat_gvret(type) { } std::string canformat_gvret_ascii::get(CAN_log_message_t* message) { char buf[CANFORMAT_GVRET_MAXLEN]; if ((message->type != CAN_LogFrame_RX)&& (message->type != CAN_LogFrame_TX)) { return std::string(""); } char busnumber = (message->origin != NULL)?message->origin->m_busnumber + '0':'0'; sprintf(buf,"%u - %x %s %c %d", (uint32_t)((message->timestamp.tv_sec * 1000000) + message->timestamp.tv_usec), message->frame.MsgID, (message->frame.FIR.B.FF == CAN_frame_std) ? "S" : "X", busnumber, message->frame.FIR.B.DLC); for (int k=0; kframe.FIR.B.DLC; k++) sprintf(buf+strlen(buf)," %02x", message->frame.data.u8[k]); strcat(buf,"\n"); return std::string(buf); } size_t canformat_gvret_ascii::put(CAN_log_message_t* message, uint8_t *buffer, size_t len, bool* hasmore, canlogconnection* clc) { if (m_buf.FreeSpace()==0) SetServeDiscarding(true); // Buffer full, so discard from now on if (IsServeDiscarding()) return len; // Quick return if discarding size_t consumed = Stuff(buffer,len); // Stuff m_buf with as much as possible if (m_buf.HasLine()<0) { return consumed; // No line, so quick exit } else { std::string line = m_buf.ReadLine(); char *b = strdup(line.c_str()); // We look for something like // 1000 - 100 S 0 4 01 02 03 04 // timestamp, message ID (hex), S or X, length, data bytes message->type = CAN_LogFrame_RX; uint32_t timestamp = strtol(b,&b,10); message->timestamp.tv_sec = timestamp % 1000000; message->timestamp.tv_usec = timestamp / 1000000; b += 2; // Skip the '-' message->frame.MsgID = strtol(b,&b,16); if (b[1] == 'S') { message->frame.FIR.B.FF = CAN_frame_std; } else if (b[1] == 'X') { message->frame.FIR.B.FF = CAN_frame_ext; } else { // Bad frame type - discard free(b); return consumed; } b += 2; // Skip the frame type uint32_t busnumber = strtol(b,&b,10); message->frame.FIR.B.DLC = strtol(b,&b,10); if (message->frame.FIR.B.DLC > 8) { // Bad frame length - discard free(b); return consumed; } for (size_t x=0;xframe.FIR.B.DLC;x++) { message->frame.data.u8[x] = strtol(b,&b,16); } message->origin = MyCan.GetBus(busnumber-'0'); free(b); return consumed; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BINARY format GVRET //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// canformat_gvret_binary::canformat_gvret_binary(const char* type) : canformat_gvret(type) { } std::string canformat_gvret_binary::get(CAN_log_message_t* message) { gvret_binary_frame_t frame; memset(&frame,0,sizeof(frame)); if ((message->type != CAN_LogFrame_RX)&& (message->type != CAN_LogFrame_TX)) { return std::string(""); } char busnumber = (message->origin != NULL)?message->origin->m_busnumber:0; frame.startbyte = GVRET_START_BYTE; frame.command = BUILD_CAN_FRAME; frame.microseconds = (uint32_t)((message->timestamp.tv_sec * 1000000) + message->timestamp.tv_usec); frame.id = (uint32_t)message->frame.MsgID | ((message->frame.FIR.B.FF == CAN_frame_std)? 0 : 0x80000000); frame.lenbus = message->frame.FIR.B.DLC + (busnumber<<4); for (int k=0; kframe.FIR.B.DLC; k++) frame.data[k] = message->frame.data.u8[k]; return std::string((const char*)&frame,12 + message->frame.FIR.B.DLC); } std::string canformat_gvret_binary::getheader(struct timeval *time) { // Nasty kludge workaround to SavvyCAN issue // (when SavvyCAN reconnects, it doesn't request GET_CANBUS_PARAMS, but if // it doesn't get a GET_CANBUS_PARAMS reply it times out and disconnects; // so we send it unsolicited, upon initial connection). gvret_replymsg_t r; PopulateBusList12(&r); return std::string((char*)&r,12); } size_t canformat_gvret_binary::put(CAN_log_message_t* message, uint8_t *buffer, size_t len, bool* hasmore, canlogconnection* clc) { if (m_buf.FreeSpace()==0) SetServeDiscarding(true); // Buffer full, so discard from now on if (IsServeDiscarding()) return len; // Quick return if discarding size_t consumed = Stuff(buffer,len); // Stuff m_buf with as much as possible uint8_t firstbyte; while ((m_buf.Peek(1,&firstbyte) == 1)&&(firstbyte != GVRET_START_BYTE)) { if (firstbyte == GVRET_SET_BINARY) { ESP_LOGV(TAG,"GVRET request to set binary mode"); } m_buf.Pop(1,&firstbyte); } if (m_buf.UsedSpace() >= 2) { gvret_replymsg_t r; gvret_commandmsg_t m; memset(&m,0,sizeof(m)); memset(&r,0,sizeof(r)); m_buf.Peek(2,(uint8_t*)&m); r.startbyte = m.startbyte; r.command = m.command; switch (m.command) { case BUILD_CAN_FRAME: if (m_buf.UsedSpace() >= 8) { m_buf.Peek(8,(uint8_t*)&m); if (m_buf.UsedSpace() >= 8 + m.body.build_can_frame.length) { m_buf.Pop(8 + m.body.build_can_frame.length,(uint8_t*)&m); CAN_frame_t msg; memset(&msg,0,sizeof(msg)); msg.origin = MyCan.GetBus(m.body.build_can_frame.bus); if (m.body.build_can_frame.id & 0x8000000) { msg.MsgID = m.body.build_can_frame.id & 0x7fffffff; msg.FIR.B.FF = CAN_frame_ext; } else { msg.MsgID = m.body.build_can_frame.id; msg.FIR.B.FF = CAN_frame_std; } msg.FIR.B.DLC = m.body.build_can_frame.length; memcpy(&msg.data, &m.body.build_can_frame.data, m.body.build_can_frame.length); ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Rx BUILD_CAN_FRAME ID=%0x",msg.MsgID); *hasmore = true; // Call us again to see if we have more frames to process // We have a frame to be transmitted / simulated switch (m_servemode) { case Transmit: if (msg.origin) msg.origin->Write(&msg); break; case Simulate: if (msg.origin) MyCan.IncomingFrame(&msg); break; default: break; } } } break; case TIME_SYNC: ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Rx %02x TIME_SYNC",m.command); m_buf.Pop(2,(uint8_t*)&m); r.body.time_sync.microseconds = 0; if (clc) clc->TransmitCallback((uint8_t*)&r,6); *hasmore = true; // Call us again to see if we have more frames to process break; case GET_DIG_INPUTS: ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Rx %02x GET_DIG_INPUTS",m.command); m_buf.Pop(2,(uint8_t*)&m); if (clc) clc->TransmitCallback((uint8_t*)&r,4); *hasmore = true; // Call us again to see if we have more frames to process break; case GET_ANALOG_INPUTS: ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Rx %02x GET_ANALOG_INPUTS",m.command); m_buf.Pop(2,(uint8_t*)&m); if (clc) clc->TransmitCallback((uint8_t*)&r,11); *hasmore = true; // Call us again to see if we have more frames to process break; case SET_DIG_OUTPUTS: ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Rx %02x GET_DIG_OUTPUTS",m.command); m_buf.Pop(2,(uint8_t*)&m); *hasmore = true; // Call us again to see if we have more frames to process break; case SETUP_CANBUS: ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Rx %02x SETUP_CANBUS",m.command); m_buf.Pop(2,(uint8_t*)&m); *hasmore = true; // Call us again to see if we have more frames to process break; case GET_CANBUS_PARAMS: ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Rx %02x GET_CANBUS_PARAMS",m.command); m_buf.Pop(2,(uint8_t*)&m); PopulateBusList12(&r); if (clc) clc->TransmitCallback((uint8_t*)&r,12); *hasmore = true; // Call us again to see if we have more frames to process break; case GET_DEVICE_INFO: ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Rx %02x GET_DEVICE_INFO",m.command); m_buf.Pop(2,(uint8_t*)&m); r.body.get_device_info.build = 0; r.body.get_device_info.eeprom = 0; r.body.get_device_info.filetype = 0; r.body.get_device_info.autolog = 0; r.body.get_device_info.singlewire = 0; if (clc) clc->TransmitCallback((uint8_t*)&r,8); *hasmore = true; // Call us again to see if we have more frames to process break; case SET_SINGLEWIRE_MODE: ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Rx %02x SET_SINGLEWIRE_MODE",m.command); m_buf.Pop(2,(uint8_t*)&m); *hasmore = true; // Call us again to see if we have more frames to process break; case KEEP_ALIVE: // Don't log keepalive, as we get four of these a second //ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Rx %02x KEEP_ALIVE",m.command); m_buf.Pop(2,(uint8_t*)&m); r.body.keep_alive.notdead1 = GVRET_NOTDEAD_1; r.body.keep_alive.notdead2 = GVRET_NOTDEAD_2; if (clc) clc->TransmitCallback((uint8_t*)&r,4); *hasmore = true; // Call us again to see if we have more frames to process break; case SET_SYSTEM_TYPE: ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Rx %02x SET_SYSTEM_TYPE",m.command); m_buf.Pop(2,(uint8_t*)&m); *hasmore = true; // Call us again to see if we have more frames to process break; case ECHO_CAN_FRAME: ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Rx %02x ECHO_CAN_FRAME",m.command); m_buf.Pop(2,(uint8_t*)&m); *hasmore = true; // Call us again to see if we have more frames to process break; case GET_NUM_BUSES: ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Rx %02x GET_NUM_BUSES",m.command); m_buf.Pop(2,(uint8_t*)&m); r.body.get_num_buses.buses = 3; if (clc) clc->TransmitCallback((uint8_t*)&r,3); *hasmore = true; // Call us again to see if we have more frames to process break; case GET_EXT_BUSES: ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Rx %02x GET_EXT_BUSES",m.command); m_buf.Pop(2,(uint8_t*)&m); PopulateBusList3(&r); if (clc) clc->TransmitCallback((uint8_t*)&r,17); *hasmore = true; // Call us again to see if we have more frames to process break; default: ESP_LOGW(TAG,"Rx %02x command unrecognised - skipping",m.command); m_buf.Pop(2,(uint8_t*)&m); *hasmore = true; // Call us again to see if we have more frames to process } } return consumed; } void canformat_gvret_binary::PopulateBusList12(gvret_replymsg_t* r) { memset(r,0,sizeof(*r)); r->startbyte = GVRET_START_BYTE; r->command = GET_CANBUS_PARAMS; canbus* bus = (canbus*)MyPcpApp.FindDeviceByName("can1"); r->body.get_canbus_params.can1_mode = (bus->m_mode != CAN_MODE_OFF) | ((bus->m_mode == CAN_MODE_LISTEN)<<4); r->body.get_canbus_params.can1_speed = MAP_CAN_SPEED(bus->m_speed); bus = (canbus*)MyPcpApp.FindDeviceByName("can2"); r->body.get_canbus_params.can2_mode = (bus->m_mode != CAN_MODE_OFF) | ((bus->m_mode == CAN_MODE_LISTEN)<<4); r->body.get_canbus_params.can2_speed = MAP_CAN_SPEED(bus->m_speed); } void canformat_gvret_binary::PopulateBusList3(gvret_replymsg_t* r) { canbus* bus = (canbus*)MyPcpApp.FindDeviceByName("can3"); r->body.get_ext_buses.swcan_mode = (bus->m_mode != CAN_MODE_OFF) | ((bus->m_mode == CAN_MODE_LISTEN)<<4); r->body.get_ext_buses.swcan_speed = MAP_CAN_SPEED(bus->m_speed); }