#!/usr/bin/env python2 # # Prepare a duk_config.h and combined/separate sources for compilation, # given user supplied config options, built-in metadata, Unicode tables, etc. # # This is intended to be the main tool application build scripts would use # before their build step, so convenient, versions, Python compatibility, # etc all matter. # # When obsoleting options, leave the option definitions behind (with # help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) and give useful suggestions when obsolete # options are used. This makes it easier for users to fix their build # scripts. # import logging import sys logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, stream=sys.stdout, format='%(name)-21s %(levelname)-7s %(message)s') logger = logging.getLogger('configure.py') logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) import os import re import shutil import glob import optparse import tarfile import json import yaml import tempfile import subprocess import atexit import genconfig # Helpers def exec_get_stdout(cmd, input=None, default=None, print_stdout=False): try: proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) ret = proc.communicate(input=input) if print_stdout: sys.stdout.write(ret[0]) sys.stdout.flush() if proc.returncode != 0: sys.stdout.write(ret[1]) # print stderr on error sys.stdout.flush() if default is not None: logger.info('WARNING: command %r failed, return default' % cmd) return default raise Exception('command failed, return code %d: %r' % (proc.returncode, cmd)) return ret[0] except: if default is not None: logger.info('WARNING: command %r failed, return default' % cmd) return default raise def exec_print_stdout(cmd, input=None): ret = exec_get_stdout(cmd, input=input, print_stdout=True) def mkdir(path): os.mkdir(path) def copy_file(src, dst): with open(src, 'rb') as f_in: with open(dst, 'wb') as f_out: f_out.write(f_in.read()) def copy_files(filelist, srcdir, dstdir): for i in filelist: copy_file(os.path.join(srcdir, i), os.path.join(dstdir, i)) def copy_and_replace(src, dst, rules): # Read and write separately to allow in-place replacement keys = sorted(rules.keys()) res = [] with open(src, 'rb') as f_in: for line in f_in: for k in keys: line = line.replace(k, rules[k]) res.append(line) with open(dst, 'wb') as f_out: f_out.write(''.join(res)) def copy_and_cquote(src, dst): with open(src, 'rb') as f_in: with open(dst, 'wb') as f_out: f_out.write('/*\n') for line in f_in: line = line.decode('utf-8') f_out.write(' * ') for c in line: if (ord(c) >= 0x20 and ord(c) <= 0x7e) or (c in '\x0a'): f_out.write(c.encode('ascii')) else: f_out.write('\\u%04x' % ord(c)) f_out.write(' */\n') def read_file(src, strip_last_nl=False): with open(src, 'rb') as f: data = f.read() if len(data) > 0 and data[-1] == '\n': data = data[:-1] return data def delete_matching_files(dirpath, cb): for fn in os.listdir(dirpath): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirpath, fn)) and cb(fn): logger.debug('Deleting %r' % os.path.join(dirpath, fn)) os.unlink(os.path.join(dirpath, fn)) def create_targz(dstfile, filelist): # https://docs.python.org/2/library/tarfile.html#examples def _add(tf, fn): # recursive add logger.debug('Adding to tar: ' + fn) if os.path.isdir(fn): for i in sorted(os.listdir(fn)): _add(tf, os.path.join(fn, i)) elif os.path.isfile(fn): tf.add(fn) else: raise Exception('invalid file: %r' % fn) with tarfile.open(dstfile, 'w:gz') as tf: for fn in filelist: _add(tf, fn) def cstring(x): return '"' + x + '"' # good enough for now # DUK_VERSION is grepped from duktape.h.in: it is needed for the # public API and we want to avoid defining it in two places. def get_duk_version(apiheader_filename): r = re.compile(r'^#define\s+DUK_VERSION\s+(.*?)L?\s*$') with open(apiheader_filename, 'rb') as f: for line in f: m = r.match(line) if m is not None: duk_version = int(m.group(1)) duk_major = duk_version / 10000 duk_minor = (duk_version % 10000) / 100 duk_patch = duk_version % 100 duk_version_formatted = '%d.%d.%d' % (duk_major, duk_minor, duk_patch) return duk_version, duk_major, duk_minor, duk_patch, duk_version_formatted raise Exception('cannot figure out duktape version') # Python module check and friendly errors def check_python_modules(): # dist.py doesn't need yaml but other dist utils will; check for it and # warn if it is missing. failed = False def _warning(module, aptPackage, pipPackage): sys.stderr.write('\n') sys.stderr.write('*** NOTE: Could not "import %s" needed for dist. Install it using e.g.:\n' % module) sys.stderr.write('\n') sys.stderr.write(' # Linux\n') sys.stderr.write(' $ sudo apt-get install %s\n' % aptPackage) sys.stderr.write('\n') sys.stderr.write(' # Windows\n') sys.stderr.write(' > pip install %s\n' % pipPackage) try: import yaml except ImportError: _warning('yaml', 'python-yaml', 'PyYAML') failed = True if failed: sys.stderr.write('\n') raise Exception('Missing some required Python modules') check_python_modules() # Option parsing def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser( usage='Usage: %prog [options]', description='Prepare Duktape source files and a duk_config.h configuration header for compilation. ' + \ 'Source files can be combined (amalgamated) or kept separate. ' + \ 'See http://wiki.duktape.org/Configuring.html for examples.' ) # Forced options from multiple sources are gathered into a shared list # so that the override order remains the same as on the command line. force_options_yaml = [] def add_force_option_yaml(option, opt, value, parser): # XXX: check that YAML parses force_options_yaml.append(value) def add_force_option_file(option, opt, value, parser): # XXX: check that YAML parses with open(value, 'rb') as f: force_options_yaml.append(f.read()) def add_force_option_define(option, opt, value, parser): tmp = value.split('=') if len(tmp) == 1: doc = { tmp[0]: True } elif len(tmp) == 2: doc = { tmp[0]: tmp[1] } else: raise Exception('invalid option value: %r' % value) force_options_yaml.append(yaml.safe_dump(doc)) def add_force_option_undefine(option, opt, value, parser): tmp = value.split('=') if len(tmp) == 1: doc = { tmp[0]: False } else: raise Exception('invalid option value: %r' % value) force_options_yaml.append(yaml.safe_dump(doc)) fixup_header_lines = [] def add_fixup_header_line(option, opt, value, parser): fixup_header_lines.append(value) def add_fixup_header_file(option, opt, value, parser): with open(value, 'rb') as f: for line in f: if line[-1] == '\n': line = line[:-1] fixup_header_lines.append(line) # Options for configure.py tool itself. parser.add_option('--source-directory', dest='source_directory', default=None, help='Directory with raw input sources (defaulted based on configure.py script path)') parser.add_option('--output-directory', dest='output_directory', default=None, help='Directory for output files (created automatically if it doesn\'t exist, reused if safe)') parser.add_option('--license-file', dest='license_file', default=None, help='Source for LICENSE.txt (defaulted based on configure.py script path)') parser.add_option('--authors-file', dest='authors_file', default=None, help='Source for AUTHORS.rst (defaulted based on configure.py script path)') parser.add_option('--git-commit', dest='git_commit', default=None, help='Force git commit hash') parser.add_option('--git-describe', dest='git_describe', default=None, help='Force git describe') parser.add_option('--git-branch', dest='git_branch', default=None, help='Force git branch name') parser.add_option('--duk-dist-meta', dest='duk_dist_meta', default=None, help='duk_dist_meta.json to read git commit etc info from') # Options for combining sources. parser.add_option('--separate-sources', dest='separate_sources', action='store_true', default=False, help='Output separate sources instead of combined source (default is combined)') parser.add_option('--line-directives', dest='line_directives', action='store_true', default=False, help='Output #line directives in combined source (default is false)') # Options forwarded to genbuiltins.py. parser.add_option('--rom-support', dest='rom_support', action='store_true', help='Add support for ROM strings/objects (increases duktape.c size considerably)') parser.add_option('--rom-auto-lightfunc', dest='rom_auto_lightfunc', action='store_true', default=False, help='Convert ROM built-in function properties into lightfuncs automatically whenever possible') parser.add_option('--user-builtin-metadata', dest='obsolete_builtin_metadata', default=None, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option('--builtin-file', dest='builtin_files', metavar='FILENAME', action='append', default=[], help='Built-in string/object YAML metadata to be applied over default built-ins (multiple files may be given, applied in sequence)') # Options for Unicode. parser.add_option('--unicode-data', dest='unicode_data', default=None, help='Provide custom UnicodeData.txt') parser.add_option('--special-casing', dest='special_casing', default=None, help='Provide custom SpecialCasing.txt') # Options forwarded to genconfig.py. genconfig.add_genconfig_optparse_options(parser) # Log level options. parser.add_option('--quiet', dest='quiet', action='store_true', default=False, help='Suppress info messages (show warnings)') parser.add_option('--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='Show verbose debug messages') (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) > 0: raise Exception('unexpected arguments: %r' % args) if opts.obsolete_builtin_metadata is not None: raise Exception('--user-builtin-metadata has been removed, use --builtin-file instead') # Log level. forward_loglevel = [] if opts.quiet: logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) forward_loglevel = [ '--quiet' ] elif opts.verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) forward_loglevel = [ '--verbose' ] # Figure out directories, git info, etc entry_cwd = os.getcwd() script_path = sys.path[0] # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4934806/how-can-i-find-scripts-directory-with-python def default_from_script_path(optname, orig, alternatives): if orig is not None: orig = os.path.abspath(orig) if os.path.exists(orig): logger.debug(optname + ' ' + orig) return orig else: raise Exception('invalid argument to ' + optname) for alt in alternatives: cand = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(script_path, '..', alt)) if os.path.exists(cand): logger.debug('default ' + optname + ' to ' + cand) return cand raise Exception('no ' + optname + ' and cannot default based on script path') if opts.output_directory is None: raise Exception('missing --output-directory') opts.output_directory = os.path.abspath(opts.output_directory) outdir = opts.output_directory opts.source_directory = default_from_script_path('--source-directory', opts.source_directory, [ 'src-input' ]) srcdir = opts.source_directory opts.config_metadata = default_from_script_path('--config-metadata', opts.config_metadata, [ 'config' ]) opts.license_file = default_from_script_path('--license-file', opts.license_file, [ 'LICENSE.txt' ]) license_file = opts.license_file opts.authors_file = default_from_script_path('--authors-file', opts.authors_file, [ 'AUTHORS.rst' ]) authors_file = opts.authors_file duk_dist_meta = None if opts.duk_dist_meta is not None: with open(opts.duk_dist_meta, 'rb') as f: duk_dist_meta = json.loads(f.read()) duk_version, duk_major, duk_minor, duk_patch, duk_version_formatted = \ get_duk_version(os.path.join(srcdir, 'duktape.h.in')) git_commit = None git_branch = None git_describe = None if duk_dist_meta is not None: git_commit = duk_dist_meta['git_commit'] git_branch = duk_dist_meta['git_branch'] git_describe = duk_dist_meta['git_describe'] if opts.git_commit is not None: git_commit = opts.git_commit if opts.git_describe is not None: git_describe = opts.git_describe if opts.git_branch is not None: git_branch = opts.git_branch if git_commit is None: logger.debug('Git commit not specified, autodetect from current directory') git_commit = exec_get_stdout([ 'git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD' ], default='external').strip() if git_describe is None: logger.debug('Git describe not specified, autodetect from current directory') git_describe = exec_get_stdout([ 'git', 'describe', '--always', '--dirty' ], default='external').strip() if git_branch is None: logger.debug('Git branch not specified, autodetect from current directory') git_branch = exec_get_stdout([ 'git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD' ], default='external').strip() git_commit = str(git_commit) git_describe = str(git_describe) git_branch = str(git_branch) git_commit_cstring = cstring(git_commit) git_describe_cstring = cstring(git_describe) git_branch_cstring = cstring(git_branch) if opts.unicode_data is None: unicode_data = os.path.join(srcdir, 'UnicodeData.txt') else: unicode_data = opts.unicode_data if opts.special_casing is None: special_casing = os.path.join(srcdir, 'SpecialCasing.txt') else: special_casing = opts.special_casing logger.info('Configuring Duktape version %s, commit %s, describe %s, branch %s' % \ (duk_version_formatted, git_commit, git_describe, git_branch)) logger.info(' - source input directory: ' + opts.source_directory) logger.info(' - license file: ' + opts.license_file) logger.info(' - authors file: ' + opts.authors_file) logger.info(' - config metadata directory: ' + opts.config_metadata) logger.info(' - output directory: ' + opts.output_directory) # Create output directory. If the directory already exists, reuse it but # only when it's safe to do so, i.e. it contains only known output files. allow_outdir_reuse = True outdir_whitelist = [ 'duk_config.h', 'duktape.c', 'duktape.h', 'duk_source_meta.json' ] if os.path.exists(outdir): if not allow_outdir_reuse: raise Exception('configure target directory %s already exists, please delete it first' % repr(outdir)) for fn in os.listdir(outdir): if fn == '.' or fn == '..' or (fn in outdir_whitelist and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(outdir, fn))): continue else: raise Exception('configure target directory %s already exists, cannot reuse because it contains unknown files such as %s' % (repr(outdir), repr(fn))) logger.info('Reusing output directory (already exists but contains only safe, known files)') for fn in outdir_whitelist: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(outdir, fn)): os.unlink(os.path.join(outdir, fn)) else: logger.debug('Output directory doesn\'t exist, create it') os.mkdir(outdir) # Temporary directory. tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tmp-duk-prepare-') atexit.register(shutil.rmtree, tempdir) mkdir(os.path.join(tempdir, 'src')) logger.debug('Using temporary directory %r' % tempdir) # Separate sources are mostly copied as is at present. copy_files([ 'duk_alloc_default.c', 'duk_api_internal.h', 'duk_api_stack.c', 'duk_api_heap.c', 'duk_api_buffer.c', 'duk_api_call.c', 'duk_api_codec.c', 'duk_api_compile.c', 'duk_api_bytecode.c', 'duk_api_inspect.c', 'duk_api_memory.c', 'duk_api_object.c', 'duk_api_random.c', 'duk_api_string.c', 'duk_api_time.c', 'duk_api_debug.c', 'duk_bi_array.c', 'duk_bi_boolean.c', 'duk_bi_buffer.c', 'duk_bi_cbor.c', 'duk_bi_date.c', 'duk_bi_date_unix.c', 'duk_bi_date_windows.c', 'duk_bi_duktape.c', 'duk_bi_encoding.c', 'duk_bi_error.c', 'duk_bi_function.c', 'duk_bi_global.c', 'duk_bi_json.c', 'duk_bi_math.c', 'duk_bi_number.c', 'duk_bi_object.c', 'duk_bi_performance.c', 'duk_bi_pointer.c', 'duk_bi_protos.h', 'duk_bi_reflect.c', 'duk_bi_regexp.c', 'duk_bi_string.c', 'duk_bi_promise.c', 'duk_bi_proxy.c', 'duk_bi_symbol.c', 'duk_bi_thread.c', 'duk_bi_thrower.c', 'duk_dblunion.h', 'duk_debug_fixedbuffer.c', 'duk_debug.h', 'duk_debug_macros.c', 'duk_debug_vsnprintf.c', 'duk_debugger.c', 'duk_debugger.h', 'duk_error_augment.c', 'duk_error.h', 'duk_error_longjmp.c', 'duk_error_macros.c', 'duk_error_misc.c', 'duk_error_throw.c', 'duk_fltunion.h', 'duk_forwdecl.h', 'duk_harray.h', 'duk_hboundfunc.h', 'duk_hbuffer_alloc.c', 'duk_hbuffer_assert.c', 'duk_hbuffer.h', 'duk_hbuffer_ops.c', 'duk_hbufobj.h', 'duk_hbufobj_misc.c', 'duk_hcompfunc.h', 'duk_heap_alloc.c', 'duk_heap.h', 'duk_heap_hashstring.c', 'duk_heaphdr.h', 'duk_heaphdr_assert.c', 'duk_heap_finalize.c', 'duk_heap_markandsweep.c', 'duk_heap_memory.c', 'duk_heap_misc.c', 'duk_heap_refcount.c', 'duk_heap_stringcache.c', 'duk_heap_stringtable.c', 'duk_hnatfunc.h', 'duk_hobject_alloc.c', 'duk_hobject_assert.c', 'duk_hobject_class.c', 'duk_hobject_enum.c', 'duk_hobject.h', 'duk_hobject_misc.c', 'duk_hobject_pc2line.c', 'duk_hobject_props.c', 'duk_hproxy.h', 'duk_hstring.h', 'duk_hstring_assert.c', 'duk_hstring_misc.c', 'duk_hthread_alloc.c', 'duk_hthread_builtins.c', 'duk_hthread.h', 'duk_hthread_misc.c', 'duk_hthread_stacks.c', 'duk_henv.h', 'duk_internal.h', 'duk_jmpbuf.h', 'duk_exception.h', 'duk_js_arith.c', 'duk_js_bytecode.h', 'duk_js_call.c', 'duk_js_compiler.c', 'duk_js_compiler.h', 'duk_js_executor.c', 'duk_js.h', 'duk_json.h', 'duk_js_ops.c', 'duk_js_var.c', 'duk_lexer.c', 'duk_lexer.h', 'duk_numconv.c', 'duk_numconv.h', 'duk_refcount.h', 'duk_regexp_compiler.c', 'duk_regexp_executor.c', 'duk_regexp.h', 'duk_tval.c', 'duk_tval.h', 'duk_unicode.h', 'duk_unicode_support.c', 'duk_unicode_tables.c', 'duk_util.h', 'duk_util_bitdecoder.c', 'duk_util_bitencoder.c', 'duk_util_hashbytes.c', 'duk_util_tinyrandom.c', 'duk_util_bufwriter.c', 'duk_util_double.c', 'duk_util_cast.c', 'duk_util_memory.c', 'duk_util_memrw.c', 'duk_util_misc.c', 'duk_selftest.c', 'duk_selftest.h', 'duk_strings.h', 'duk_replacements.c', 'duk_replacements.h' ], srcdir, os.path.join(tempdir, 'src')) # Build temp versions of LICENSE.txt and AUTHORS.rst for embedding into # autogenerated C/H files. copy_and_cquote(license_file, os.path.join(tempdir, 'LICENSE.txt.tmp')) copy_and_cquote(authors_file, os.path.join(tempdir, 'AUTHORS.rst.tmp')) # Scan used stridx, bidx, config options, etc. res = exec_get_stdout([ sys.executable, os.path.join(script_path, 'scan_used_stridx_bidx.py') ] + glob.glob(os.path.join(srcdir, '*.c')) \ + glob.glob(os.path.join(srcdir, '*.h')) \ + glob.glob(os.path.join(srcdir, '*.h.in')) ) with open(os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_used_stridx_bidx_defs.json.tmp'), 'wb') as f: f.write(res) # Create a duk_config.h. # XXX: might be easier to invoke genconfig directly, but there are a few # options which currently conflict (output file, git commit info, etc). def forward_genconfig_options(): res = [] res += [ '--metadata', os.path.abspath(opts.config_metadata) ] # rename option, --config-metadata => --metadata if opts.platform is not None: res += [ '--platform', opts.platform ] if opts.compiler is not None: res += [ '--compiler', opts.compiler ] if opts.architecture is not None: res += [ '--architecture', opts.architecture ] if opts.c99_types_only: res += [ '--c99-types-only' ] if opts.dll: res += [ '--dll' ] if opts.support_feature_options: res += [ '--support-feature-options' ] if opts.emit_legacy_feature_check: res += [ '--emit-legacy-feature-check' ] if opts.emit_config_sanity_check: res += [ '--emit-config-sanity-check' ] if opts.omit_removed_config_options: res += [ '--omit-removed-config-options' ] if opts.omit_deprecated_config_options: res += [ '--omit-deprecated-config-options' ] if opts.omit_unused_config_options: res += [ '--omit-unused-config-options' ] if opts.add_active_defines_macro: res += [ '--add-active-defines-macro' ] if len(opts.force_options_yaml) > 0: # Use temporary files so that large option sets don't create # excessively large commands. for idx,i in enumerate(opts.force_options_yaml): tmpfn = os.path.join(tempdir, 'genconfig%d.yaml' % idx) with open(tmpfn, 'wb') as f: f.write(i) with open(tmpfn, 'rb') as f: logger.debug(f.read()) res += [ '--option-file', tmpfn ] for i in opts.fixup_header_lines: res += [ '--fixup-line', i ] if not opts.sanity_strict: res += [ '--sanity-warning' ] if opts.use_cpp_warning: res += [ '--use-cpp-warning' ] return res cmd = [ sys.executable, os.path.join(script_path, 'genconfig.py'), '--output', os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_config.h.tmp'), '--output-active-options', os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_config_active_options.json'), '--git-commit', git_commit, '--git-describe', git_describe, '--git-branch', git_branch, '--used-stridx-metadata', os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_used_stridx_bidx_defs.json.tmp') ] cmd += forward_genconfig_options() cmd += [ 'duk-config-header' ] + forward_loglevel logger.debug(repr(cmd)) exec_print_stdout(cmd) copy_file(os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_config.h.tmp'), os.path.join(outdir, 'duk_config.h')) # Build duktape.h from parts, with some git-related replacements. # The only difference between single and separate file duktape.h # is the internal DUK_SINGLE_FILE define. # # Newline after 'i \': # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25631989/sed-insert-line-command-osx copy_and_replace(os.path.join(srcdir, 'duktape.h.in'), os.path.join(tempdir, 'duktape.h'), { '@DUK_SINGLE_FILE@': '#define DUK_SINGLE_FILE', '@LICENSE_TXT@': read_file(os.path.join(tempdir, 'LICENSE.txt.tmp'), strip_last_nl=True), '@AUTHORS_RST@': read_file(os.path.join(tempdir, 'AUTHORS.rst.tmp'), strip_last_nl=True), '@DUK_VERSION_FORMATTED@': duk_version_formatted, '@GIT_COMMIT@': git_commit, '@GIT_COMMIT_CSTRING@': git_commit_cstring, '@GIT_DESCRIBE@': git_describe, '@GIT_DESCRIBE_CSTRING@': git_describe_cstring, '@GIT_BRANCH@': git_branch, '@GIT_BRANCH_CSTRING@': git_branch_cstring }) if opts.separate_sources: # keep the line so line numbers match between the two variant headers copy_and_replace(os.path.join(tempdir, 'duktape.h'), os.path.join(outdir, 'duktape.h'), { '#define DUK_SINGLE_FILE': '#undef DUK_SINGLE_FILE' }) else: copy_file(os.path.join(tempdir, 'duktape.h'), os.path.join(outdir, 'duktape.h')) # Autogenerated strings and built-in files # # There are currently no profile specific variants of strings/builtins, but # this will probably change when functions are added/removed based on profile. cmd = [ sys.executable, os.path.join(script_path, 'genbuiltins.py'), ] cmd += [ '--git-commit', git_commit, '--git-branch', git_branch, '--git-describe', git_describe, '--duk-version', str(duk_version) ] cmd += [ '--used-stridx-metadata', os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_used_stridx_bidx_defs.json.tmp'), '--strings-metadata', os.path.join(srcdir, 'strings.yaml'), '--objects-metadata', os.path.join(srcdir, 'builtins.yaml'), '--active-options', os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_config_active_options.json'), '--out-header', os.path.join(tempdir, 'src', 'duk_builtins.h'), '--out-source', os.path.join(tempdir, 'src', 'duk_builtins.c'), '--out-metadata-json', os.path.join(tempdir, 'genbuiltins_metadata.json') ] cmd.append('--ram-support') # enable by default if opts.rom_support: # ROM string/object support is not enabled by default because # it increases the generated duktape.c considerably. logger.debug('Enabling --rom-support for genbuiltins.py') cmd.append('--rom-support') if opts.rom_auto_lightfunc: logger.debug('Enabling --rom-auto-lightfunc for genbuiltins.py') cmd.append('--rom-auto-lightfunc') for fn in opts.builtin_files: logger.debug('Forwarding --builtin-file %s' % fn) cmd.append('--builtin-file') cmd.append(fn) cmd += forward_loglevel logger.debug(repr(cmd)) exec_print_stdout(cmd) # Autogenerated Unicode files # # Note: not all of the generated headers are used. For instance, the # match table for "WhiteSpace-Z" is not used, because a custom piece # of code handles that particular match. # # UnicodeData.txt contains ranges expressed like this: # # 4E00;;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; # 9FCB;;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; # # These are currently decoded into individual characters as a prestep. # # For IDPART: # UnicodeCombiningMark -> categories Mn, Mc # UnicodeDigit -> categories Nd # UnicodeConnectorPunctuation -> categories Pc # Whitespace (unused now) WHITESPACE_INCL='Zs' # USP = Any other Unicode space separator WHITESPACE_EXCL='NONE' # Unicode letter (unused now) LETTER_INCL='Lu,Ll,Lt,Lm,Lo' LETTER_EXCL='NONE' LETTER_NOA_INCL='Lu,Ll,Lt,Lm,Lo' LETTER_NOA_EXCL='ASCII' LETTER_NOABMP_INCL=LETTER_NOA_INCL LETTER_NOABMP_EXCL='ASCII,NONBMP' # Identifier start # E5 Section 7.6 IDSTART_INCL='Lu,Ll,Lt,Lm,Lo,Nl,0024,005F' IDSTART_EXCL='NONE' IDSTART_NOA_INCL='Lu,Ll,Lt,Lm,Lo,Nl,0024,005F' IDSTART_NOA_EXCL='ASCII' IDSTART_NOABMP_INCL=IDSTART_NOA_INCL IDSTART_NOABMP_EXCL='ASCII,NONBMP' # Identifier start - Letter: allows matching of (rarely needed) 'Letter' # production space efficiently with the help of IdentifierStart. The # 'Letter' production is only needed in case conversion of Greek final # sigma. IDSTART_MINUS_LETTER_INCL=IDSTART_NOA_INCL IDSTART_MINUS_LETTER_EXCL='Lu,Ll,Lt,Lm,Lo' IDSTART_MINUS_LETTER_NOA_INCL=IDSTART_NOA_INCL IDSTART_MINUS_LETTER_NOA_EXCL='Lu,Ll,Lt,Lm,Lo,ASCII' IDSTART_MINUS_LETTER_NOABMP_INCL=IDSTART_NOA_INCL IDSTART_MINUS_LETTER_NOABMP_EXCL='Lu,Ll,Lt,Lm,Lo,ASCII,NONBMP' # Identifier start - Identifier part # E5 Section 7.6: IdentifierPart, but remove IdentifierStart (already above) IDPART_MINUS_IDSTART_INCL='Lu,Ll,Lt,Lm,Lo,Nl,0024,005F,Mn,Mc,Nd,Pc,200C,200D' IDPART_MINUS_IDSTART_EXCL='Lu,Ll,Lt,Lm,Lo,Nl,0024,005F' IDPART_MINUS_IDSTART_NOA_INCL='Lu,Ll,Lt,Lm,Lo,Nl,0024,005F,Mn,Mc,Nd,Pc,200C,200D' IDPART_MINUS_IDSTART_NOA_EXCL='Lu,Ll,Lt,Lm,Lo,Nl,0024,005F,ASCII' IDPART_MINUS_IDSTART_NOABMP_INCL=IDPART_MINUS_IDSTART_NOA_INCL IDPART_MINUS_IDSTART_NOABMP_EXCL='Lu,Ll,Lt,Lm,Lo,Nl,0024,005F,ASCII,NONBMP' logger.debug('Expand UnicodeData.txt ranges') exec_print_stdout([ sys.executable, os.path.join(script_path, 'prepare_unicode_data.py'), '--unicode-data', unicode_data, '--output', os.path.join(tempdir, 'UnicodeData-expanded.tmp') ] + forward_loglevel) def extract_chars(incl, excl, suffix): logger.debug('- extract_chars: %s %s %s' % (incl, excl, suffix)) res = exec_get_stdout([ sys.executable, os.path.join(script_path, 'extract_chars.py'), '--unicode-data', os.path.join(tempdir, 'UnicodeData-expanded.tmp'), '--include-categories', incl, '--exclude-categories', excl, '--out-source', os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_unicode_%s.c.tmp' % suffix), '--out-header', os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_unicode_%s.h.tmp' % suffix), '--table-name', 'duk_unicode_%s' % suffix ]) with open(os.path.join(tempdir, suffix + '.txt'), 'wb') as f: f.write(res) def extract_caseconv(): logger.debug('- extract_caseconv case conversion') res = exec_get_stdout([ sys.executable, os.path.join(script_path, 'extract_caseconv.py'), '--command=caseconv_bitpacked', '--unicode-data', os.path.join(tempdir, 'UnicodeData-expanded.tmp'), '--special-casing', special_casing, '--out-source', os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_unicode_caseconv.c.tmp'), '--out-header', os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_unicode_caseconv.h.tmp'), '--table-name-lc', 'duk_unicode_caseconv_lc', '--table-name-uc', 'duk_unicode_caseconv_uc' ]) with open(os.path.join(tempdir, 'caseconv.txt'), 'wb') as f: f.write(res) logger.debug('- extract_caseconv canon lookup') res = exec_get_stdout([ sys.executable, os.path.join(script_path, 'extract_caseconv.py'), '--command=re_canon_lookup', '--unicode-data', os.path.join(tempdir, 'UnicodeData-expanded.tmp'), '--special-casing', special_casing, '--out-source', os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_unicode_re_canon_lookup.c.tmp'), '--out-header', os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_unicode_re_canon_lookup.h.tmp'), '--table-name-re-canon-lookup', 'duk_unicode_re_canon_lookup' ]) with open(os.path.join(tempdir, 'caseconv_re_canon_lookup.txt'), 'wb') as f: f.write(res) logger.debug('- extract_caseconv canon bitmap') res = exec_get_stdout([ sys.executable, os.path.join(script_path, 'extract_caseconv.py'), '--command=re_canon_bitmap', '--unicode-data', os.path.join(tempdir, 'UnicodeData-expanded.tmp'), '--special-casing', special_casing, '--out-source', os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_unicode_re_canon_bitmap.c.tmp'), '--out-header', os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_unicode_re_canon_bitmap.h.tmp'), '--table-name-re-canon-bitmap', 'duk_unicode_re_canon_bitmap' ]) with open(os.path.join(tempdir, 'caseconv_re_canon_bitmap.txt'), 'wb') as f: f.write(res) # XXX: Now with configure.py part of the distributable, could generate # only those Unicode tables needed by desired configuration (e.g. BMP-only # tables if BMP-only was enabled). # XXX: Improve Unicode preparation performance; it consumes most of the # source preparation time. logger.debug('Create Unicode tables for codepoint classes') extract_chars(WHITESPACE_INCL, WHITESPACE_EXCL, 'ws') extract_chars(LETTER_INCL, LETTER_EXCL, 'let') extract_chars(LETTER_NOA_INCL, LETTER_NOA_EXCL, 'let_noa') extract_chars(LETTER_NOABMP_INCL, LETTER_NOABMP_EXCL, 'let_noabmp') extract_chars(IDSTART_INCL, IDSTART_EXCL, 'ids') extract_chars(IDSTART_NOA_INCL, IDSTART_NOA_EXCL, 'ids_noa') extract_chars(IDSTART_NOABMP_INCL, IDSTART_NOABMP_EXCL, 'ids_noabmp') extract_chars(IDSTART_MINUS_LETTER_INCL, IDSTART_MINUS_LETTER_EXCL, 'ids_m_let') extract_chars(IDSTART_MINUS_LETTER_NOA_INCL, IDSTART_MINUS_LETTER_NOA_EXCL, 'ids_m_let_noa') extract_chars(IDSTART_MINUS_LETTER_NOABMP_INCL, IDSTART_MINUS_LETTER_NOABMP_EXCL, 'ids_m_let_noabmp') extract_chars(IDPART_MINUS_IDSTART_INCL, IDPART_MINUS_IDSTART_EXCL, 'idp_m_ids') extract_chars(IDPART_MINUS_IDSTART_NOA_INCL, IDPART_MINUS_IDSTART_NOA_EXCL, 'idp_m_ids_noa') extract_chars(IDPART_MINUS_IDSTART_NOABMP_INCL, IDPART_MINUS_IDSTART_NOABMP_EXCL, 'idp_m_ids_noabmp') logger.debug('Create Unicode tables for case conversion') extract_caseconv() logger.debug('Combine sources and clean up') # Inject autogenerated files into source and header files so that they are # usable (for all profiles and define cases) directly. # # The injection points use a standard C preprocessor #include syntax # (earlier these were actual includes). copy_and_replace(os.path.join(tempdir, 'src', 'duk_unicode.h'), os.path.join(tempdir, 'src', 'duk_unicode.h'), { '#include "duk_unicode_ids_noa.h"': read_file(os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_unicode_ids_noa.h.tmp'), strip_last_nl=True), '#include "duk_unicode_ids_noabmp.h"': read_file(os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_unicode_ids_noabmp.h.tmp'), strip_last_nl=True), '#include "duk_unicode_ids_m_let_noa.h"': read_file(os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_unicode_ids_m_let_noa.h.tmp'), strip_last_nl=True), '#include "duk_unicode_ids_m_let_noabmp.h"': read_file(os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_unicode_ids_m_let_noabmp.h.tmp'), strip_last_nl=True), '#include "duk_unicode_idp_m_ids_noa.h"': read_file(os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_unicode_idp_m_ids_noa.h.tmp'), strip_last_nl=True), '#include "duk_unicode_idp_m_ids_noabmp.h"': read_file(os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_unicode_idp_m_ids_noabmp.h.tmp'), strip_last_nl=True), '#include "duk_unicode_caseconv.h"': read_file(os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_unicode_caseconv.h.tmp'), strip_last_nl=True), '#include "duk_unicode_re_canon_lookup.h"': read_file(os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_unicode_re_canon_lookup.h.tmp'), strip_last_nl=True), '#include "duk_unicode_re_canon_bitmap.h"': read_file(os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_unicode_re_canon_bitmap.h.tmp'), strip_last_nl=True) }) copy_and_replace(os.path.join(tempdir, 'src', 'duk_unicode_tables.c'), os.path.join(tempdir, 'src', 'duk_unicode_tables.c'), { '#include "duk_unicode_ids_noa.c"': read_file(os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_unicode_ids_noa.c.tmp'), strip_last_nl=True), '#include "duk_unicode_ids_noabmp.c"': read_file(os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_unicode_ids_noabmp.c.tmp'), strip_last_nl=True), '#include "duk_unicode_ids_m_let_noa.c"': read_file(os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_unicode_ids_m_let_noa.c.tmp'), strip_last_nl=True), '#include "duk_unicode_ids_m_let_noabmp.c"': read_file(os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_unicode_ids_m_let_noabmp.c.tmp'), strip_last_nl=True), '#include "duk_unicode_idp_m_ids_noa.c"': read_file(os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_unicode_idp_m_ids_noa.c.tmp'), strip_last_nl=True), '#include "duk_unicode_idp_m_ids_noabmp.c"': read_file(os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_unicode_idp_m_ids_noabmp.c.tmp'), strip_last_nl=True), '#include "duk_unicode_caseconv.c"': read_file(os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_unicode_caseconv.c.tmp'), strip_last_nl=True), '#include "duk_unicode_re_canon_lookup.c"': read_file(os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_unicode_re_canon_lookup.c.tmp'), strip_last_nl=True), '#include "duk_unicode_re_canon_bitmap.c"': read_file(os.path.join(tempdir, 'duk_unicode_re_canon_bitmap.c.tmp'), strip_last_nl=True) }) # Create a combined source file, duktape.c, into a separate combined source # directory. This allows user to just include "duktape.c", "duktape.h", and # "duk_config.h" into a project and maximizes inlining and size optimization # opportunities even with older compilers. Because some projects include # these files into their repository, the result should be deterministic and # diffable. Also, it must retain __FILE__/__LINE__ behavior through # preprocessor directives. Whitespace and comments can be stripped as long # as the other requirements are met. For some users it's preferable *not* # to use #line directives in the combined source, so a separate variant is # created for that, see: https://github.com/svaarala/duktape/pull/363. def create_source_prologue(license_file, authors_file): res = [] # Because duktape.c/duktape.h/duk_config.h are often distributed or # included in project sources as is, add a license reminder and # Duktape version information to the duktape.c header (duktape.h # already contains them). duk_major = duk_version / 10000 duk_minor = duk_version / 100 % 100 duk_patch = duk_version % 100 res.append('/*') res.append(' * Single source autogenerated distributable for Duktape %d.%d.%d.' % (duk_major, duk_minor, duk_patch)) res.append(' *') res.append(' * Git commit %s (%s).' % (git_commit, git_describe)) res.append(' * Git branch %s.' % git_branch) res.append(' *') res.append(' * See Duktape AUTHORS.rst and LICENSE.txt for copyright and') res.append(' * licensing information.') res.append(' */') res.append('') # Add LICENSE.txt and AUTHORS.rst to combined source so that they're automatically # included and are up-to-date. res.append('/* LICENSE.txt */') with open(license_file, 'rb') as f: for line in f: res.append(line.strip()) res.append('') res.append('/* AUTHORS.rst */') with open(authors_file, 'rb') as f: for line in f: res.append(line.strip()) return '\n'.join(res) + '\n' def select_combined_sources(): # These files must appear before the alphabetically sorted # ones so that static variables get defined before they're # used. We can't forward declare them because that would # cause C++ issues (see GH-63). When changing, verify by # compiling with g++. handpick = [ 'duk_replacements.c', 'duk_debug_macros.c', 'duk_builtins.c', 'duk_error_macros.c', 'duk_unicode_support.c', 'duk_util_memrw.c', 'duk_util_misc.c', 'duk_hobject_class.c' ] files = [] for fn in handpick: files.append(fn) for fn in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(tempdir, 'src'))): f_ext = os.path.splitext(fn)[1] if f_ext not in [ '.c' ]: continue if fn in files: continue files.append(fn) res = map(lambda x: os.path.join(tempdir, 'src', x), files) logger.debug(repr(files)) logger.debug(repr(res)) return res if opts.separate_sources: for fn in os.listdir(os.path.join(tempdir, 'src')): copy_file(os.path.join(tempdir, 'src', fn), os.path.join(outdir, fn)) else: with open(os.path.join(tempdir, 'prologue.tmp'), 'wb') as f: f.write(create_source_prologue(os.path.join(tempdir, 'LICENSE.txt.tmp'), os.path.join(tempdir, 'AUTHORS.rst.tmp'))) cmd = [ sys.executable, os.path.join(script_path, 'combine_src.py'), '--include-path', os.path.join(tempdir, 'src'), '--include-exclude', 'duk_config.h', # don't inline '--include-exclude', 'duktape.h', # don't inline '--prologue', os.path.join(tempdir, 'prologue.tmp'), '--output-source', os.path.join(outdir, 'duktape.c'), '--output-metadata', os.path.join(tempdir, 'combine_src_metadata.json') ] if opts.line_directives: cmd += [ '--line-directives' ] cmd += select_combined_sources() cmd += forward_loglevel exec_print_stdout(cmd) # Merge metadata files. doc = { 'type': 'duk_source_meta', 'comment': 'Metadata for prepared Duktape sources and configuration', 'git_commit': git_commit, 'git_branch': git_branch, 'git_describe': git_describe, 'duk_version': duk_version, 'duk_version_string': duk_version_formatted } with open(os.path.join(tempdir, 'genbuiltins_metadata.json'), 'rb') as f: tmp = json.loads(f.read()) for k in tmp.keys(): doc[k] = tmp[k] if opts.separate_sources: pass else: with open(os.path.join(tempdir, 'combine_src_metadata.json'), 'rb') as f: tmp = json.loads(f.read()) for k in tmp.keys(): doc[k] = tmp[k] with open(os.path.join(outdir, 'duk_source_meta.json'), 'wb') as f: f.write(json.dumps(doc, indent=4)) logger.debug('Configure finished successfully') if __name__ == '__main__': main()