======== File API ======== The file API enables web clients to read and write files at arbitrary VFS locations. - API URL: ``/api/file`` - Methods: - ``GET`` -- read file - ``POST`` -- write file - Parameters: - ``path`` -- the full path to the file - ``content`` -- the new file content on ``POST`` - Output: - HTTP status: 200 (OK) or 400 (Error) - HTTP body: file content on ``GET`` or error message On writing, missing directories along the path will be created automatically. ------------- Usage Example ------------- The API can be accessed easily in the web frontend with the jQuery AJAX methods: .. code-block:: javascript // Write object JSON encoded into file: var json = JSON.stringify(object); $.post("/api/file", { "path": "/sd/mystore/file1", "content": json }) .done(function() { confirmdialog('Saved', '

File has been saved.

', ["OK"], 2); }) .fail(function(jqXHR) { confirmdialog('Save failed', jqXHR.responseText, ["OK"]); }); // Read JSON encoded object from file: $.get("/api/file", { "path": "/sd/mystore/file1" }) .done(function(responseText) { var object = JSON.parse(responseText); // … process object … }) .fail(function(jqXHR) { confirmdialog('Load failed', jqXHR.responseText, ["OK"]); }); --------------- External Access --------------- From external clients, the API can be used by either registering a session cookie or by supplying the ``apikey`` parameter (as explained in the general authorization overview). **Read example**:: curl "" **Write example**:: curl "" -d 'apikey=password' \ -d 'path=/sd/mystore/file1' --data-urlencode 'content@localfile'