/*! \ingroup AES \brief This function initializes an AES structure by setting the key and then setting the initialization vector. \return 0 On successfully setting key and initialization vector. \return BAD_FUNC_ARG Returned if key length is invalid. \param aes pointer to the AES structure to modify \param key 16, 24, or 32 byte secret key for encryption and decryption \param len length of the key passed in \param iv pointer to the initialization vector used to initialize the key \param dir Cipher direction. Set AES_ENCRYPTION to encrypt, or AES_DECRYPTION to decrypt. _Example_ \code Aes enc; int ret = 0; byte key[] = { some 16, 24 or 32 byte key }; byte iv[] = { some 16 byte iv }; if (ret = wc_AesSetKey(&enc, key, AES_BLOCK_SIZE, iv, AES_ENCRYPTION) != 0) { // failed to set aes key } \endcode \sa wc_AesSetKeyDirect \sa wc_AesSetIV */ WOLFSSL_API int wc_AesSetKey(Aes* aes, const byte* key, word32 len, const byte* iv, int dir); /*! \ingroup AES \brief This function sets the initialization vector for a particular AES object. The AES object should be initialized before calling this function. \return 0 On successfully setting initialization vector. \return BAD_FUNC_ARG Returned if AES pointer is NULL. \param aes pointer to the AES structure on which to set the initialization vector \param iv initialization vector used to initialize the AES structure. If the value is NULL, the default action initializes the iv to 0. _Example_ \code Aes enc; // set enc key byte iv[] = { some 16 byte iv }; if (ret = wc_AesSetIV(&enc, iv) != 0) { // failed to set aes iv } \endcode \sa wc_AesSetKeyDirect \sa wc_AesSetKey */ WOLFSSL_API int wc_AesSetIV(Aes* aes, const byte* iv); /*! \ingroup AES \brief Encrypts a plaintext message from the input buffer in, and places the resulting cipher text in the output buffer out using cipher block chaining with AES. This function requires that the AES object has been initialized by calling AesSetKey before a message is able to be encrypted. This function assumes that the input message is AES block length aligned. PKCS#7 style padding should be added beforehand. This differs from the OpenSSL AES-CBC methods which add the padding for you. To make the wolfSSL function and equivalent OpenSSL functions interoperate, one should specify the -nopad option in the OpenSSL command line function so that it behaves like the wolfSSL AesCbcEncrypt method and does not add extra padding during encryption. \return 0 On successfully encrypting message. \return BAD_ALIGN_E: Returned on block align error \param aes pointer to the AES object used to encrypt data \param out pointer to the output buffer in which to store the ciphertext of the encrypted message \param in pointer to the input buffer containing message to be encrypted \param sz size of input message _Example_ \code Aes enc; int ret = 0; // initialize enc with AesSetKey, using direction AES_ENCRYPTION byte msg[AES_BLOCK_SIZE * n]; // multiple of 16 bytes // fill msg with data byte cipher[AES_BLOCK_SIZE * n]; // Some multiple of 16 bytes if ((ret = wc_AesCbcEncrypt(&enc, cipher, message, sizeof(msg))) != 0 ) { // block align error } \endcode \sa wc_AesSetKey \sa wc_AesSetIV \sa wc_AesCbcDecrypt */ WOLFSSL_API int wc_AesCbcEncrypt(Aes* aes, byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz); /*! \ingroup AES \brief Decrypts a cipher from the input buffer in, and places the resulting plain text in the output buffer out using cipher block chaining with AES. This function requires that the AES structure has been initialized by calling AesSetKey before a message is able to be decrypted. This function assumes that the original message was AES block length aligned. This differs from the OpenSSL AES-CBC methods which do not require alignment as it adds PKCS#7 padding automatically. To make the wolfSSL function and equivalent OpenSSL functions interoperate, one should specify the -nopad option in the OpenSSL command line function so that it behaves like the wolfSSL AesCbcEncrypt method and does not create errors during decryption. \return 0 On successfully decrypting message. \return BAD_ALIGN_E Returned on block align error. \param aes pointer to the AES object used to decrypt data. \param out pointer to the output buffer in which to store the plain text of the decrypted message. \param in pointer to the input buffer containing cipher text to be decrypted. \param sz size of input message. _Example_ \code Aes dec; int ret = 0; // initialize dec with AesSetKey, using direction AES_DECRYPTION byte cipher[AES_BLOCK_SIZE * n]; // some multiple of 16 bytes // fill cipher with cipher text byte plain [AES_BLOCK_SIZE * n]; if ((ret = wc_AesCbcDecrypt(&dec, plain, cipher, sizeof(cipher))) != 0 ) { // block align error } \endcode \sa wc_AesSetKey \sa wc_AesCbcEncrypt */ WOLFSSL_API int wc_AesCbcDecrypt(Aes* aes, byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz); /*! \ingroup AES \brief Encrypts/Decrypts a message from the input buffer in, and places the resulting cipher text in the output buffer out using CTR mode with AES. This function is only enabled if WOLFSSL_AES_COUNTER is enabled at compile time. The AES structure should be initialized through AesSetKey before calling this function. Note that this function is used for both decryption and encryption. _NOTE:_ Regarding using same API for encryption and decryption. User should differentiate between Aes structures for encrypt/decrypt. \return int integer values corresponding to wolfSSL error or success status \param aes pointer to the AES object used to decrypt data \param out pointer to the output buffer in which to store the cipher text of the encrypted message \param in pointer to the input buffer containing plain text to be encrypted \param sz size of the input plain text _Example_ \code Aes enc; Aes dec; // initialize enc and dec with AesSetKeyDirect, using direction AES_ENCRYPTION // since the underlying API only calls Encrypt and by default calling encrypt on // a cipher results in a decryption of the cipher byte msg[AES_BLOCK_SIZE * n]; //n being a positive integer making msg some multiple of 16 bytes // fill plain with message text byte cipher[AES_BLOCK_SIZE * n]; byte decrypted[AES_BLOCK_SIZE * n]; wc_AesCtrEncrypt(&enc, cipher, msg, sizeof(msg)); // encrypt plain wc_AesCtrEncrypt(&dec, decrypted, cipher, sizeof(cipher)); // decrypt cipher text \endcode \sa wc_AesSetKey */ WOLFSSL_API int wc_AesCtrEncrypt(Aes* aes, byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz); /*! \ingroup AES \brief This function is a one-block encrypt of the input block, in, into the output block, out. It uses the key and iv (initialization vector) of the provided AES structure, which should be initialized with wc_AesSetKey before calling this function. It is only enabled if the configure option WOLFSSL_AES_DIRECT is enabled. __Warning:__ In nearly all use cases ECB mode is considered to be less secure. Please avoid using ECB API’s directly whenever possible \param aes pointer to the AES object used to encrypt data \param out pointer to the output buffer in which to store the cipher text of the encrypted message \param in pointer to the input buffer containing plain text to be encrypted _Example_ \code Aes enc; // initialize enc with AesSetKey, using direction AES_ENCRYPTION byte msg [AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; // 16 bytes // initialize msg with plain text to encrypt byte cipher[AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; wc_AesEncryptDirect(&enc, cipher, msg); \endcode \sa wc_AesDecryptDirect \sa wc_AesSetKeyDirect */ WOLFSSL_API void wc_AesEncryptDirect(Aes* aes, byte* out, const byte* in); /*! \ingroup AES \brief This function is a one-block decrypt of the input block, in, into the output block, out. It uses the key and iv (initialization vector) of the provided AES structure, which should be initialized with wc_AesSetKey before calling this function. It is only enabled if the configure option WOLFSSL_AES_DIRECT is enabled, and there is support for direct AES encryption on the system in question. __Warning:__ In nearly all use cases ECB mode is considered to be less secure. Please avoid using ECB API’s directly whenever possible \return none \param aes pointer to the AES object used to encrypt data \param out pointer to the output buffer in which to store the plain text of the decrypted cipher text \param in pointer to the input buffer containing cipher text to be decrypted _Example_ \code Aes dec; // initialize enc with AesSetKey, using direction AES_DECRYPTION byte cipher [AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; // 16 bytes // initialize cipher with cipher text to decrypt byte msg[AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; wc_AesDecryptDirect(&dec, msg, cipher); \endcode \sa wc_AesEncryptDirect \sa wc_AesSetKeyDirect */ WOLFSSL_API void wc_AesDecryptDirect(Aes* aes, byte* out, const byte* in); /*! \ingroup AES \brief This function is used to set the AES keys for CTR mode with AES. It initializes an AES object with the given key, iv (initialization vector), and encryption dir (direction). It is only enabled if the configure option WOLFSSL_AES_DIRECT is enabled. Currently wc_AesSetKeyDirect uses wc_AesSetKey internally. __Warning:__ In nearly all use cases ECB mode is considered to be less secure. Please avoid using ECB API’s directly whenever possible \return 0 On successfully setting the key. \return BAD_FUNC_ARG Returned if the given key is an invalid length. \param aes pointer to the AES object used to encrypt data \param key 16, 24, or 32 byte secret key for encryption and decryption \param len length of the key passed in \param iv initialization vector used to initialize the key \param dir Cipher direction. Set AES_ENCRYPTION to encrypt, or AES_DECRYPTION to decrypt. (See enum in wolfssl/wolfcrypt/aes.h) (NOTE: If using wc_AesSetKeyDirect with Aes Counter mode (Stream cipher) only use AES_ENCRYPTION for both encrypting and decrypting) _Example_ \code Aes enc; int ret = 0; byte key[] = { some 16, 24, or 32 byte key }; byte iv[] = { some 16 byte iv }; if (ret = wc_AesSetKeyDirect(&enc, key, sizeof(key), iv, AES_ENCRYPTION) != 0) { // failed to set aes key } \endcode \sa wc_AesEncryptDirect \sa wc_AesDecryptDirect \sa wc_AesSetKey */ WOLFSSL_API int wc_AesSetKeyDirect(Aes* aes, const byte* key, word32 len, const byte* iv, int dir); /*! \ingroup AES \brief This function is used to set the key for AES GCM (Galois/Counter Mode). It initializes an AES object with the given key. It is only enabled if the configure option HAVE_AESGCM is enabled at compile time. \return 0 On successfully setting the key. \return BAD_FUNC_ARG Returned if the given key is an invalid length. \param aes pointer to the AES object used to encrypt data \param key 16, 24, or 32 byte secret key for encryption and decryption \param len length of the key passed in _Example_ \code Aes enc; int ret = 0; byte key[] = { some 16, 24,32 byte key }; if (ret = wc_AesGcmSetKey(&enc, key, sizeof(key)) != 0) { // failed to set aes key } \endcode \sa wc_AesGcmEncrypt \sa wc_AesGcmDecrypt */ WOLFSSL_API int wc_AesGcmSetKey(Aes* aes, const byte* key, word32 len); /*! \ingroup AES \brief This function encrypts the input message, held in the buffer in, and stores the resulting cipher text in the output buffer out. It requires a new iv (initialization vector) for each call to encrypt. It also encodes the input authentication vector, authIn, into the authentication tag, authTag. \return 0 On successfully encrypting the input message \param aes - pointer to the AES object used to encrypt data \param out pointer to the output buffer in which to store the cipher text \param in pointer to the input buffer holding the message to encrypt \param sz length of the input message to encrypt \param iv pointer to the buffer containing the initialization vector \param ivSz length of the initialization vector \param authTag pointer to the buffer in which to store the authentication tag \param authTagSz length of the desired authentication tag \param authIn pointer to the buffer containing the input authentication vector \param authInSz length of the input authentication vector _Example_ \code Aes enc; // initialize aes structure by calling wc_AesGcmSetKey byte plain[AES_BLOCK_LENGTH * n]; //n being a positive integer making plain some multiple of 16 bytes // initialize plain with msg to encrypt byte cipher[sizeof(plain)]; byte iv[] = // some 16 byte iv byte authTag[AUTH_TAG_LENGTH]; byte authIn[] = // Authentication Vector wc_AesGcmEncrypt(&enc, cipher, plain, sizeof(cipher), iv, sizeof(iv), authTag, sizeof(authTag), authIn, sizeof(authIn)); \endcode \sa wc_AesGcmSetKey \sa wc_AesGcmDecrypt */ WOLFSSL_API int wc_AesGcmEncrypt(Aes* aes, byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz, const byte* iv, word32 ivSz, byte* authTag, word32 authTagSz, const byte* authIn, word32 authInSz); /*! \ingroup AES \brief This function decrypts the input cipher text, held in the buffer in, and stores the resulting message text in the output buffer out. It also checks the input authentication vector, authIn, against the supplied authentication tag, authTag. \return 0 On successfully decrypting the input message \return AES_GCM_AUTH_E If the authentication tag does not match the supplied authentication code vector, authTag. \param aes pointer to the AES object used to encrypt data \param out pointer to the output buffer in which to store the message text \param in pointer to the input buffer holding the cipher text to decrypt \param sz length of the cipher text to decrypt \param iv pointer to the buffer containing the initialization vector \param ivSz length of the initialization vector \param authTag pointer to the buffer containing the authentication tag \param authTagSz length of the desired authentication tag \param authIn pointer to the buffer containing the input authentication vector \param authInSz length of the input authentication vector _Example_ \code Aes enc; //can use the same struct as was passed to wc_AesGcmEncrypt // initialize aes structure by calling wc_AesGcmSetKey if not already done byte cipher[AES_BLOCK_LENGTH * n]; //n being a positive integer making cipher some multiple of 16 bytes // initialize cipher with cipher text to decrypt byte output[sizeof(cipher)]; byte iv[] = // some 16 byte iv byte authTag[AUTH_TAG_LENGTH]; byte authIn[] = // Authentication Vector wc_AesGcmDecrypt(&enc, output, cipher, sizeof(cipher), iv, sizeof(iv), authTag, sizeof(authTag), authIn, sizeof(authIn)); \endcode \sa wc_AesGcmSetKey \sa wc_AesGcmEncrypt */ WOLFSSL_API int wc_AesGcmDecrypt(Aes* aes, byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz, const byte* iv, word32 ivSz, const byte* authTag, word32 authTagSz, const byte* authIn, word32 authInSz); /*! \ingroup AES \brief This function initializes and sets the key for a GMAC object to be used for Galois Message Authentication. \return 0 On successfully setting the key \return BAD_FUNC_ARG Returned if key length is invalid. \param gmac pointer to the gmac object used for authentication \param key 16, 24, or 32 byte secret key for authentication \param len length of the key _Example_ \code Gmac gmac; key[] = { some 16, 24, or 32 byte length key }; wc_GmacSetKey(&gmac, key, sizeof(key)); \endcode \sa wc_GmacUpdate */ WOLFSSL_API int wc_GmacSetKey(Gmac* gmac, const byte* key, word32 len); /*! \ingroup AES \brief This function generates the Gmac hash of the authIn input and stores the result in the authTag buffer. After running wc_GmacUpdate, one should compare the generated authTag to a known authentication tag to verify the authenticity of a message. \return 0 On successfully computing the Gmac hash. \param gmac pointer to the gmac object used for authentication \param iv initialization vector used for the hash \param ivSz size of the initialization vector used \param authIn pointer to the buffer containing the authentication vector to verify \param authInSz size of the authentication vector \param authTag pointer to the output buffer in which to store the Gmac hash \param authTagSz the size of the output buffer used to store the Gmac hash _Example_ \code Gmac gmac; key[] = { some 16, 24, or 32 byte length key }; iv[] = { some 16 byte length iv }; wc_GmacSetKey(&gmac, key, sizeof(key)); authIn[] = { some 16 byte authentication input }; tag[AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; // will store authentication code wc_GmacUpdate(&gmac, iv, sizeof(iv), authIn, sizeof(authIn), tag, sizeof(tag)); \endcode \sa wc_GmacSetKey */ WOLFSSL_API int wc_GmacUpdate(Gmac* gmac, const byte* iv, word32 ivSz, const byte* authIn, word32 authInSz, byte* authTag, word32 authTagSz); /*! \ingroup AES \brief This function sets the key for an AES object using CCM (Counter with CBC-MAC). It takes a pointer to an AES structure and initializes it with supplied key. \return none \param aes aes structure in which to store the supplied key \param key 16, 24, or 32 byte secret key for encryption and decryption \param keySz size of the supplied key _Example_ \code Aes enc; key[] = { some 16, 24, or 32 byte length key }; wc_AesCcmSetKey(&aes, key, sizeof(key)); \endcode \sa wc_AesCcmEncrypt \sa wc_AesCcmDecrypt */ WOLFSSL_API int wc_AesCcmSetKey(Aes* aes, const byte* key, word32 keySz); /*! \ingroup AES \brief This function encrypts the input message, in, into the output buffer, out, using CCM (Counter with CBC-MAC). It subsequently calculates and stores the authorization tag, authTag, from the authIn input. \return none \param aes pointer to the AES object used to encrypt data \param out pointer to the output buffer in which to store the cipher text \param in pointer to the input buffer holding the message to encrypt \param sz length of the input message to encrypt \param nonce pointer to the buffer containing the nonce (number only used once) \param nonceSz length of the nonce \param authTag pointer to the buffer in which to store the authentication tag \param authTagSz length of the desired authentication tag \param authIn pointer to the buffer containing the input authentication vector \param authInSz length of the input authentication vector _Example_ \code Aes enc; // initialize enc with wc_AesCcmSetKey nonce[] = { initialize nonce }; plain[] = { some plain text message }; cipher[sizeof(plain)]; authIn[] = { some 16 byte authentication input }; tag[AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; // will store authentication code wc_AesCcmEncrypt(&enc, cipher, plain, sizeof(plain), nonce, sizeof(nonce), tag, sizeof(tag), authIn, sizeof(authIn)); \endcode \sa wc_AesCcmSetKey \sa wc_AesCcmDecrypt */ WOLFSSL_API int wc_AesCcmEncrypt(Aes* aes, byte* out, const byte* in, word32 inSz, const byte* nonce, word32 nonceSz, byte* authTag, word32 authTagSz, const byte* authIn, word32 authInSz); /*! \ingroup AES \brief This function decrypts the input cipher text, in, into the output buffer, out, using CCM (Counter with CBC-MAC). It subsequently calculates the authorization tag, authTag, from the authIn input. If the authorization tag is invalid, it sets the output buffer to zero and returns the error: AES_CCM_AUTH_E. \return 0 On successfully decrypting the input message \return AES_CCM_AUTH_E If the authentication tag does not match the supplied authentication code vector, authTag. \param aes pointer to the AES object used to encrypt data \param out pointer to the output buffer in which to store the cipher text \param in pointer to the input buffer holding the message to encrypt \param sz length of the input cipher text to decrypt \param nonce pointer to the buffer containing the nonce (number only used once) \param nonceSz length of the nonce \param authTag pointer to the buffer in which to store the authentication tag \param authTagSz length of the desired authentication tag \param authIn pointer to the buffer containing the input authentication vector \param authInSz length of the input authentication vector _Example_ \code Aes dec; // initialize dec with wc_AesCcmSetKey nonce[] = { initialize nonce }; cipher[] = { encrypted message }; plain[sizeof(cipher)]; authIn[] = { some 16 byte authentication input }; tag[AES_BLOCK_SIZE] = { authentication tag received for verification }; int return = wc_AesCcmDecrypt(&dec, plain, cipher, sizeof(cipher), nonce, sizeof(nonce),tag, sizeof(tag), authIn, sizeof(authIn)); if(return != 0) { // decrypt error, invalid authentication code } \endcode \sa wc_AesCcmSetKey \sa wc_AesCcmEncrypt */ WOLFSSL_API int wc_AesCcmDecrypt(Aes* aes, byte* out, const byte* in, word32 inSz, const byte* nonce, word32 nonceSz, const byte* authTag, word32 authTagSz, const byte* authIn, word32 authInSz); /*! \ingroup AES \brief This is to help with setting keys to correct encrypt or decrypt type. It is up to user to call wc_AesXtsFree on aes key when done. \return 0 Success \param aes AES keys for encrypt/decrypt process \param key buffer holding aes key | tweak key \param len length of key buffer in bytes. Should be twice that of key size. i.e. 32 for a 16 byte key. \param dir direction, either AES_ENCRYPTION or AES_DECRYPTION \param heap heap hint to use for memory. Can be NULL \param devId id to use with async crypto. Can be 0 _Example_ \code XtsAes aes; if(wc_AesXtsSetKey(&aes, key, sizeof(key), AES_ENCRYPTION, NULL, 0) != 0) { // Handle error } wc_AesXtsFree(&aes); \endcode \sa wc_AesXtsEncrypt \sa wc_AesXtsDecrypt \sa wc_AesXtsFree */ WOLFSSL_API int wc_AesXtsSetKey(XtsAes* aes, const byte* key, word32 len, int dir, void* heap, int devId); /*! \ingroup AES \brief Same process as wc_AesXtsEncrypt but uses a word64 type as the tweak value instead of a byte array. This just converts the word64 to a byte array and calls wc_AesXtsEncrypt. \return 0 Success \param aes AES keys to use for block encrypt/decrypt \param out output buffer to hold cipher text \param in input plain text buffer to encrypt \param sz size of both out and in buffers \param sector value to use for tweak _Example_ \code XtsAes aes; unsigned char plain[SIZE]; unsigned char cipher[SIZE]; word64 s = VALUE; //set up keys with AES_ENCRYPTION as dir if(wc_AesXtsEncryptSector(&aes, cipher, plain, SIZE, s) != 0) { // Handle error } wc_AesXtsFree(&aes); \endcode \sa wc_AesXtsEncrypt \sa wc_AesXtsDecrypt \sa wc_AesXtsSetKey \sa wc_AesXtsFree */ WOLFSSL_API int wc_AesXtsEncryptSector(XtsAes* aes, byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz, word64 sector); /*! \ingroup AES \brief Same process as wc_AesXtsDecrypt but uses a word64 type as the tweak value instead of a byte array. This just converts the word64 to a byte array. \return 0 Success \param aes AES keys to use for block encrypt/decrypt \param out output buffer to hold plain text \param in input cipher text buffer to decrypt \param sz size of both out and in buffers \param sector value to use for tweak _Example_ \code XtsAes aes; unsigned char plain[SIZE]; unsigned char cipher[SIZE]; word64 s = VALUE; //set up aes key with AES_DECRYPTION as dir and tweak with AES_ENCRYPTION if(wc_AesXtsDecryptSector(&aes, plain, cipher, SIZE, s) != 0) { // Handle error } wc_AesXtsFree(&aes); \endcode \sa wc_AesXtsEncrypt \sa wc_AesXtsDecrypt \sa wc_AesXtsSetKey \sa wc_AesXtsFree */ WOLFSSL_API int wc_AesXtsDecryptSector(XtsAes* aes, byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz, word64 sector); /*! \ingroup AES \brief AES with XTS mode. (XTS) XEX encryption with Tweak and cipher text Stealing. \return 0 Success \param aes AES keys to use for block encrypt/decrypt \param out output buffer to hold cipher text \param in input plain text buffer to encrypt \param sz size of both out and in buffers \param i value to use for tweak \param iSz size of i buffer, should always be AES_BLOCK_SIZE but having this input adds a sanity check on how the user calls the function. _Example_ \code XtsAes aes; unsigned char plain[SIZE]; unsigned char cipher[SIZE]; unsigned char i[AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; //set up key with AES_ENCRYPTION as dir if(wc_AesXtsEncrypt(&aes, cipher, plain, SIZE, i, sizeof(i)) != 0) { // Handle error } wc_AesXtsFree(&aes); \endcode \sa wc_AesXtsDecrypt \sa wc_AesXtsSetKey \sa wc_AesXtsFree */ WOLFSSL_API int wc_AesXtsEncrypt(XtsAes* aes, byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz, const byte* i, word32 iSz); /*! \ingroup AES \brief Same process as encryption but Aes key is AES_DECRYPTION type. \return 0 Success \param aes AES keys to use for block encrypt/decrypt \param out output buffer to hold plain text \param in input cipher text buffer to decrypt \param sz size of both out and in buffers \param i value to use for tweak \param iSz size of i buffer, should always be AES_BLOCK_SIZE but having this input adds a sanity check on how the user calls the function. _Example_ \code XtsAes aes; unsigned char plain[SIZE]; unsigned char cipher[SIZE]; unsigned char i[AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; //set up key with AES_DECRYPTION as dir and tweak with AES_ENCRYPTION if(wc_AesXtsDecrypt(&aes, plain, cipher, SIZE, i, sizeof(i)) != 0) { // Handle error } wc_AesXtsFree(&aes); \endcode \sa wc_AesXtsEncrypt \sa wc_AesXtsSetKey \sa wc_AesXtsFree */ WOLFSSL_API int wc_AesXtsDecrypt(XtsAes* aes, byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz, const byte* i, word32 iSz); /*! \ingroup AES \brief This is to free up any resources used by the XtsAes structure \return 0 Success \param aes AES keys to free _Example_ \code XtsAes aes; if(wc_AesXtsSetKey(&aes, key, sizeof(key), AES_ENCRYPTION, NULL, 0) != 0) { // Handle error } wc_AesXtsFree(&aes); \endcode \sa wc_AesXtsEncrypt \sa wc_AesXtsDecrypt \sa wc_AesXtsSetKey */ WOLFSSL_API int wc_AesXtsFree(XtsAes* aes); /*! \ingroup AES \brief Initialize Aes structure. Sets heap hint to be used and ID for use with async hardware \return 0 Success \param aes aes structure in to initialize \param heap heap hint to use for malloc / free if needed \param devId ID to use with async hardware _Example_ \code Aes enc; void* hint = NULL; int devId = INVALID_DEVID; //if not using async INVALID_DEVID is default //heap hint could be set here if used wc_AesInit(&aes, hint, devId); \endcode \sa wc_AesSetKey \sa wc_AesSetIV */ WOLFSSL_API int wc_AesInit(Aes*, void*, int);