define: DUK_USE_ROM_OBJECTS introduced: 1.5.0 requires: - DUK_USE_ROM_STRINGS # use both DUK_USE_ROM_STRINGS + DUK_USE_ROM_OBJECTS together for now default: false tags: - lowmemory - experimental description: > Enable support for built-in objects compiled as constants and placed in a read-only data section. This reduces startup RAM usage considerably at the cost of a larger code footprint and slower performance overall. The built-in objects will be immutable: the objects will be non-extensible. ROM objects will always be non-extensible and properties are forced to be non-configurable. Other property attributes will have their usual values; in particular, properties can be "writable" from a property attributes standpoint, but an attempt to actually change the property value will fail with a TypeError. This may seem strange, but is necessary to allow a property value to be overridden in a RAM object inheriting from a ROM object: if the inherited ROM property was not writable, ECMAScript semantics would prevent a new property from being established in the RAM object.