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* /store/scripts/lib/foglight.js
* Module plugin:
* Foglight control with speed adaption and auto off on vehicle off.
* Version 1.0 Michael Balzer <dexter@dexters-web.de>
* Enable:
* - install at above path
* - add to /store/scripts/ovmsmain.js:
* foglight = require("lib/foglight");
* - script reload
* Config:
* - vehicle foglight.port …EGPIO output port number
* - vehicle foglight.auto …yes = speed automation
* - vehicle foglight.speed.on …auto turn on below this speed
* - vehicle foglight.speed.off …auto turn off above this speed
* Usage:
* - script eval foglight.set(1) …toggle foglight on
* - script eval foglight.set(0) …toggle foglight off
* - script eval foglight.info() …show config & state (JSON)
var cfg = {
"foglight.port": "1",
"foglight.auto": "no",
"foglight.speed.on": "45",
"foglight.speed.off": "55",
var state = {
on: 0, // foglight on/off
port: 0, // current port output state
ticker: false, // ticker subscription
// Read config:
function readconfig() {
var cmdres, lines, cols, i;
cmdres = OvmsCommand.Exec("config list vehicle");
lines = cmdres.split("\n");
for (i=0; i<lines.length; i++) {
if (lines[i].indexOf("foglight") >= 0) {
cols = lines[i].substr(2).split(": ");
cfg[cols[0]] = cols[1];
// update ticker subscription:
if (cfg["foglight.auto"] == "yes" && !state.ticker) {
state.ticker = PubSub.subscribe("ticker.1", checkspeed);
} else if (cfg["foglight.auto"] != "yes" && state.ticker) {
state.ticker = false;
// EGPIO port control:
function toggle(onoff) {
if (state.port != onoff) {
OvmsCommand.Exec("egpio output " + cfg["foglight.port"] + " " + onoff);
state.port = onoff;
OvmsCommand.Exec("event raise usr.foglight." + (onoff ? "on" : "off"));
// Check speed:
function checkspeed() {
if (!state.on)
var speed = OvmsMetrics.AsFloat("v.p.speed");
if (speed <= cfg["foglight.speed.on"])
else if (speed >= cfg["foglight.speed.off"])
// API method foglight.set(onoff):
exports.set = function(onoff) {
if (onoff) {
state.on = 1;
if (cfg["foglight.auto"] == "yes") {
print("Foglight AUTO mode\n");
} else {
print("Foglight ON\n");
} else {
state.on = 0;
print("Foglight OFF\n");
// API method foglight.info():
exports.info = function() {
JSON.print({ "cfg": cfg, "state": state });
// Init:
PubSub.subscribe("config.changed", readconfig);
PubSub.subscribe("vehicle.off", function(){ exports.set(0); });