Sagar Bijwe e14b836fcc nvs-flash: Support for blobs larger than half of SPI Flash sector size
This change removes the earlier limitation of 1984 bytes for storing data-blobs.
Blobs larger than the sector size are split and stored on multiple sectors.
For this purpose, two new datatypes (multi-page index and multi-page data) are
added for entries stored in the sectors. The underlying read, write, erase and find
operations are modified to support these large blobs. The change is transparent
to users of the library and no special APIs need to be used to store these large
2018-09-24 18:50:35 +05:30

541 lines
19 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python
# esp-idf NVS partition generation tool. Tool helps in generating NVS-compatible
# partition binary, with key-value pair entries provided via a CSV file.
# Copyright 2018 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import sys
import argparse
import binascii
import getopt
import struct
import os
import array
import csv
import zlib
from os import path
""" Class for standard NVS page structure """
class Page(object):
"max_size": 4096,
"max_old_blob_size": 1984,
"max_new_blob_size": 4000,
"max_entries": 126
# Item type codes
U8 = 0x01
I8 = 0x11
U16 = 0x02
I16 = 0x12
U32 = 0x04
I32 = 0x14
SZ = 0x21
BLOB = 0x41
BLOB_DATA = 0x42
BLOB_IDX = 0x48
# Few Page constants
def __init__(self, page_num):
self.entry_num = 0
self.bitmap_array = array.array('B')
self.version = Page.VERSION1
self.page_buf = bytearray(b'\xff')*Page.PAGE_PARAMS["max_size"]
self.bitmap_array = self.create_bitmap_array()
def set_header(self, page_num):
global page_header
# set page state to active
page_header= bytearray(b'\xff')*32
page_state_active_seq = Page.ACTIVE
page_header[0:4] = struct.pack('<I', page_state_active_seq)
# set page sequence number
page_header[4:8] = struct.pack('<I', page_num)
# set version
if version == Page.VERSION2:
page_header[8] = Page.VERSION2
elif version == Page.VERSION1:
page_header[8] = Page.VERSION1
# set header's CRC
crc_data = page_header[4:28]
crc = zlib.crc32(buffer(crc_data), 0xFFFFFFFF)
page_header[28:32] = struct.pack('<I', crc & 0xFFFFFFFF)
self.page_buf[0:len(page_header)] = page_header
def create_bitmap_array(self):
bitarray = array.array('B')
charsize = 32 # bitmaparray has 256 bits, hence 32 bytes
fill = 255 # Fill all 8 bits with 1's
bitarray.extend((fill,) * charsize)
return bitarray
def write_bitmaparray(self):
bitnum = self.entry_num * 2
byte_idx = bitnum / 8 # Find byte index in the array
bit_offset = bitnum & 7 # Find bit offset in given byte index
mask = ~(1 << bit_offset)
self.bitmap_array[byte_idx] &= mask
self.page_buf[start_idx:end_idx] = self.bitmap_array
def write_entry_to_buf(self, data, entrycount):
data_offset = Page.FIRST_ENTRY_OFFSET + (Page.SINGLE_ENTRY_SIZE * self.entry_num)
start_idx = data_offset
end_idx = data_offset + len(data)
self.page_buf[start_idx:end_idx] = data
# Set bitmap array for entries in current page
for i in range(0, entrycount):
self.entry_num += 1
def set_crc_header(self, entry_struct):
crc_data = bytearray(28)
crc_data[0:4] = entry_struct[0:4]
crc_data[4:28] = entry_struct[8:32]
crc = zlib.crc32(buffer(crc_data), 0xFFFFFFFF)
entry_struct[4:8] = struct.pack('<I', crc & 0xFFFFFFFF)
return entry_struct
def write_varlen_binary_data(self, entry_struct, ns_index, key, data, data_size, total_entry_count,nvs_obj):
chunk_start = 0
chunk_count = 0
chunk_index = Page.CHUNK_ANY
offset = 0
remaining_size = data_size
tailroom = None
while True:
chunk_size = 0
# Get the size available in current page
if self.entry_num < (Page.PAGE_PARAMS["max_entries"] - 1):
tailroom = (Page.PAGE_PARAMS["max_entries"] - self.entry_num - 1) * Page.SINGLE_ENTRY_SIZE
# Split the binary data into two and store a chunk of available size onto curr page
if tailroom < remaining_size:
chunk_size = tailroom
chunk_size = remaining_size
remaining_size = remaining_size - chunk_size
# Change type of data to BLOB_DATA
entry_struct[1] = Page.BLOB_DATA
# Calculate no. of entries data chunk will require
datachunk_rounded_size = (chunk_size + 31) & ~31
datachunk_entry_count = datachunk_rounded_size / 32
datachunk_total_entry_count = datachunk_entry_count + 1 # +1 for the entry header
# Set Span
entry_struct[2] = datachunk_total_entry_count
# Update the chunkIndex
chunk_index = chunk_start + chunk_count
entry_struct[3] = chunk_index
# Set data chunk
data_chunk = data[offset:offset + chunk_size]
# Compute CRC of data chunk
entry_struct[24:26] = struct.pack('<H', chunk_size)
crc = zlib.crc32(data_chunk, 0xFFFFFFFF)
entry_struct[28:32] = struct.pack('<I', crc & 0xFFFFFFFF)
# compute crc of entry header
entry_struct = self.set_crc_header(entry_struct)
# write entry header
self.write_entry_to_buf(entry_struct, 1)
# write actual data
self.write_entry_to_buf(data_chunk, datachunk_entry_count)
chunk_count = chunk_count + 1
if remaining_size or (tailroom - chunk_size) < Page.SINGLE_ENTRY_SIZE:
if page_header[0:4] != Page.FULL:
page_state_full_seq = Page.FULL
page_header[0:4] = struct.pack('<I', page_state_full_seq)
self = nvs_obj.cur_page
offset = offset + chunk_size
# All chunks are stored, now store the index
if not remaining_size:
# change type of data to BLOB_IDX
entry_struct[1] = Page.BLOB_IDX
# Set Span
entry_struct[2] = 1
# Update the chunkIndex
chunk_index = Page.CHUNK_ANY
entry_struct[3] = chunk_index
entry_struct[24:28] = struct.pack('<I', data_size)
entry_struct[28] = chunk_count
entry_struct[29] = chunk_start
# compute crc of entry header
entry_struct = self.set_crc_header(entry_struct)
# write entry header
self.write_entry_to_buf(entry_struct, 1)
return entry_struct
def write_single_page_entry(self, entry_struct, data, datalen, data_entry_count):
# compute CRC of data
entry_struct[24:26] = struct.pack('<H', datalen)
crc = zlib.crc32(data, 0xFFFFFFFF)
entry_struct[28:32] = struct.pack('<I', crc & 0xFFFFFFFF)
# compute crc of entry header
entry_struct = self.set_crc_header(entry_struct)
# write entry header
self.write_entry_to_buf(entry_struct, 1)
# write actual data
self.write_entry_to_buf(data, data_entry_count)
Low-level function to write variable length data into page buffer. Data should be formatted
according to encoding specified.
def write_varlen_data(self, key, data, encoding, ns_index, nvs_obj):
# Set size of data
datalen = len(data)
if version == Page.VERSION1:
if datalen > Page.PAGE_PARAMS["max_old_blob_size"]:
raise InputError("%s: Size exceeds max allowed length." % key)
if version == Page.VERSION2:
if encoding == "string":
if datalen > Page.PAGE_PARAMS["max_new_blob_size"]:
raise InputError("%s: Size exceeds max allowed length." % key)
# Calculate no. of entries data will require
rounded_size = (datalen + 31) & ~31
data_entry_count = rounded_size / 32
total_entry_count = data_entry_count + 1 # +1 for the entry header
# Check if page is already full and new page is needed to be created right away
if encoding == "string":
if (self.entry_num + total_entry_count) >= Page.PAGE_PARAMS["max_entries"]:
raise PageFullError()
# Entry header
entry_struct = bytearray('\xff')*32
# Set Namespace Index
entry_struct[0] = ns_index
# Set Span
if version == Page.VERSION2:
if encoding == "string":
entry_struct[2] = data_entry_count + 1
# Set Chunk Index
chunk_index = Page.CHUNK_ANY
entry_struct[3] = chunk_index
entry_struct[2] = data_entry_count + 1
# set key
key_array = bytearray('\x00')*16
entry_struct[8:24] = key_array
entry_struct[8:8 + len(key)] = key
# set Type
if encoding == "string":
entry_struct[1] = Page.SZ
elif encoding in ["hex2bin", "binary", "base64"]:
entry_struct[1] = Page.BLOB
if version == Page.VERSION2 and (encoding in ["hex2bin", "binary", "base64"]):
entry_struct = self.write_varlen_binary_data(entry_struct,ns_index,key,data,\
datalen,total_entry_count, nvs_obj)
self.write_single_page_entry(entry_struct, data, datalen, data_entry_count)
""" Low-level function to write data of primitive type into page buffer. """
def write_primitive_data(self, key, data, encoding, ns_index):
# Check if entry exceeds max number of entries allowed per page
if self.entry_num >= Page.PAGE_PARAMS["max_entries"]:
raise PageFullError()
entry_struct = bytearray('\xff')*32
entry_struct[0] = ns_index # namespace index
entry_struct[2] = 0x01 # Span
chunk_index = Page.CHUNK_ANY
entry_struct[3] = chunk_index
# write key
key_array = bytearray('\x00')*16
entry_struct[8:24] = key_array
entry_struct[8:8 + len(key)] = key
if encoding == "u8":
entry_struct[1] = Page.U8
entry_struct[24] = struct.pack('<B', data)
elif encoding == "i8":
entry_struct[1] = Page.I8
entry_struct[24] = struct.pack('<b', data)
elif encoding == "u16":
entry_struct[1] = Page.U16
entry_struct[24:26] = struct.pack('<H', data)
elif encoding == "u32":
entry_struct[1] = Page.U32
entry_struct[24:28] = struct.pack('<I', data)
elif encoding == "i32":
entry_struct[1] = Page.I32
entry_struct[24:28] = struct.pack('<i', data)
# Compute CRC
crc_data = bytearray(28)
crc_data[0:4] = entry_struct[0:4]
crc_data[4:28] = entry_struct[8:32]
crc = zlib.crc32(buffer(crc_data), 0xFFFFFFFF)
entry_struct[4:8] = struct.pack('<I', crc & 0xFFFFFFFF)
# write to file
self.write_entry_to_buf(entry_struct, 1)
""" Get page buffer data of a given page """
def get_data(self):
return self.page_buf
NVS class encapsulates all NVS specific operations to create a binary with given key-value pairs. Binary can later be flashed onto device via a flashing utility.
class NVS(object):
def __init__(self, fout):
self.namespace_idx = 0
self.page_num = -1
self.pages = []
self.cur_page = self.create_new_page()
self.fout = fout
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
if exc_type == None and exc_value == None:
result = self.get_binary_data()
def create_new_page(self):
self.page_num += 1
new_page = Page(self.page_num)
new_page.version = version
self.cur_page = new_page
return new_page
Write namespace entry and subsequently increase namespace count so that all upcoming entries
will be mapped to a new namespace.
def write_namespace(self, key):
self.namespace_idx += 1
self.cur_page.write_primitive_data(key, self.namespace_idx, "u8", 0)
except PageFullError:
new_page = self.create_new_page()
new_page.write_primitive_data(key, self.namespace_idx, "u8", 0)
Write key-value pair. Function accepts value in the form of ascii character and converts
it into appropriate format before calling Page class's functions to write entry into NVS format.
Function handles PageFullError and creates a new page and re-invokes the function on a new page.
We don't have to guard re-invocation with try-except since no entry can span multiple pages.
def write_entry(self, key, value, encoding):
if encoding == "hex2bin":
if len(value) % 2 != 0:
raise InputError("%s: Invalid data length. Should be multiple of 2." % key)
value = binascii.a2b_hex(value)
if encoding == "base64":
value = binascii.a2b_base64(value)
if encoding == "string":
value += '\0'
encoding = encoding.lower()
varlen_encodings = ["string", "binary", "hex2bin", "base64"]
primitive_encodings = ["u8", "i8", "u16", "u32", "i32"]
if encoding in varlen_encodings:
self.cur_page.write_varlen_data(key, value, encoding, self.namespace_idx, self)
except PageFullError:
new_page = self.create_new_page()
new_page.write_varlen_data(key, value, encoding, self.namespace_idx, self)
elif encoding in primitive_encodings:
self.cur_page.write_primitive_data(key, int(value), encoding, self.namespace_idx)
except PageFullError:
new_page = self.create_new_page()
new_page.write_primitive_data(key, int(value), encoding, self.namespace_idx)
raise InputError("%s: Unsupported encoding" % encoding)
""" Return accumulated data of all pages """
def get_binary_data(self):
data = bytearray()
for page in self.pages:
data += page.get_data()
return data
class PageFullError(RuntimeError):
Represents error when current page doesn't have sufficient entries left
to accommodate current request
def __init__(self):
super(PageFullError, self).__init__()
class InputError(RuntimeError):
Represents error on the input
def __init__(self, e):
super(InputError, self).__init__(e)
def nvs_open(result_obj):
""" Wrapper to create and NVS class object. This object can later be used to set key-value pairs
:param result_obj: File/Stream object to dump resultant binary. If data is to be dumped into memory, one way is to use BytesIO object
:return: NVS class instance
return NVS(result_obj)
def write_entry(nvs_instance, key, datatype, encoding, value):
""" Wrapper to set key-value pair in NVS format
:param nvs_instance: Instance of an NVS class returned by nvs_open()
:param key: Key of the data
:param datatype: Data type. Valid values are "file", "data" and "namespace"
:param encoding: Data encoding. Valid values are "u8", "i8", "u16", "u32", "i32", "string", "binary", "hex2bin" and "base64"
:param value: Data value in ascii encoded string format for "data" datatype and filepath for "file" datatype
:return: None
if datatype == "file":
abs_file_path = value
if os.path.isabs(value) == False:
script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
abs_file_path = os.path.join(script_dir, value)
with open(abs_file_path, 'rb') as f:
value = f.read()
if datatype == "namespace":
nvs_instance.write_entry(key, value, encoding)
def nvs_close(nvs_instance):
""" Wrapper to finish writing to NVS and write data to file/stream object provided to nvs_open method
:param nvs_instance: Instance of NVS class returned by nvs_open()
:return: None
nvs_instance.__exit__(None, None, None)
def nvs_part_gen(input_filename=None, output_filename=None, version_no=None):
""" Wrapper to generate nvs partition binary
:param input_filename: Name of input file containing data
:param output_filename: Name of output file to store generated binary
:return: None
global version
version = version_no
if version == 'v1':
version = Page.VERSION1
elif version == 'v2':
version = Page.VERSION2
input_file = open(input_filename, 'rb')
output_file = open(output_filename, 'wb')
with nvs_open(output_file) as nvs_obj:
reader = csv.DictReader(input_file, delimiter=',')
for row in reader:
write_entry(nvs_obj, row["key"], row["type"], row["encoding"], row["value"])
except InputError as e:
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="ESP32 NVS partition generation utility")
help="Path to CSV file to parse. Will use stdin if omitted",
help='Path to output converted binary file. Will use stdout if omitted',
help='Set version. Default: v2',
args = parser.parse_args()
input_filename = args.input
output_filename = args.output
version_no = args.version
nvs_part_gen(input_filename, output_filename, version_no)
if __name__ == "__main__":