Michael (XIAO Xufeng) a0e66fef08 spi: fix the memory accessed while cache disabled issue in the bus lock when log level is verbose
When CONFIG_LOG_DEFAULT_LEVEL is verbose, the ESP_(EARLY_)LOGx will try
to print with format string and tag out of the DRAM while the cache is
disabled. This commit puts the TAG into DRAM, and uses the
'ESP_DRAM_LOGx` to fix the cache miss bug.

Also fixes a LoadProhibited issue when last_dev is NULL.
2020-04-03 15:04:52 +02:00

828 lines
33 KiB

// Copyright 2015-2020 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/semphr.h"
#include <stdatomic.h>
#include "sdkconfig.h"
#include "spi_common_internal.h"
#include "esp_intr_alloc.h"
#include "soc/spi_caps.h"
#include "stdatomic.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
#include <strings.h>
* This lock is designed to solve the conflicts between SPI devices (used in tasks) and
* the background operations (ISR or cache access).
* There are N (device/task) + 1 (BG) acquiring processer candidates that may touch the bus.
* The core of the lock is a `status` atomic variable, which is always available. No intermediate
* status is allowed. The atomic operations (mainly `atomic_fetch_and`, `atomic_fetch_or`)
* atomically read the status, and bitwisely write status value ORed / ANDed with given masks.
* Definitions of the status:
* - [30] WEAK_BG_FLAG, active when the BG is the cache
* - [29:20] LOCK bits, active when corresponding device is asking for acquiring
* - [19:10] PENDING bits, active when the BG acknowledges the REQ bits, but hasn't fully handled them.
* - [ 9: 0] REQ bits, active when corresponding device is requesting for BG operations.
* The REQ bits together PENDING bits are called BG bits, which represent the actual BG request
* state of devices. Either one of REQ or PENDING being active indicates the device has pending BG
* requests. Reason of having two bits instead of one is in the appendix below.
* Acquiring processer means the current processor (task or ISR) allowed to touch the critical
* resources, or the SPI bus.
* States of the lock:
* - STATE_IDLE: There's no acquiring processor. No device is acquiring the bus, and no BG
* operation is in progress.
* - STATE_ACQ: The acquiring processor is a device task. This means one of the devices is
* acquiring the bus.
* - STATE_BG: The acquiring processor is the ISR, and there is no acquiring device.
* - STATE_BG_ACQ: The acquiring processor is the ISR, and there is an acquiring device.
* Whenever a bit is written to the status, it means the a device on a task is trying to acquire
* the lock (either for the task, or the ISR). When there is no LOCK bits or BG bits active, the
* caller immediately become the acquiring processor. Otherwise, the task has to block, and the ISR
* will not be invoked until scheduled by the current acquiring processor.
* The acquiring processor is responsible to assign the next acquiring processor by calling the
* scheduler, usually after it finishes some requests, and cleared the corresponding status bit.
* But there is one exception, when the last bit is cleared from the status, after which there is
* no other LOCK bits or BG bits active, the acquiring processor lost its role immediately, and
* don't need to call the scheduler to assign the next acquiring processor.
* The acquiring processor may also choose to assign a new acquiring device when there is no, by
* calling `spi_bus_lock_bg_rotate_acq_dev` in the ISR. But the acquiring processor, in this case,
* is still the ISR, until it calls the scheduler.
* Transition of the FSM:
* - STATE_IDLE: no acquiring device, nor acquiring processor, no LOCK or BG bits active
* -> STATE_BG: by `req_core`
* -> STATE_ACQ: by `acquire_core`
* * No acquiring device, the ISR is the acquiring processor, there is BG bits active, but no LOCK
* bits
* * The BG operation should be enabled while turning into this state.
* -> STATE_IDLE: by `bg_exit_core` after `clear_pend_core` for all BG bits
* -> STATE_BG_ACQ: by `schedule_core`, when there is new LOCK bit set (by `acquire_core`)
* * There is acquiring device, the ISR is the acquiring processor, there may be BG bits active for
* the acquiring device.
* * The BG operation should be enabled while turning into this state.
* -> STATE_ACQ: by `bg_exit_core` after `clear_pend_core` for all BG bits for the acquiring
* device.
* Should not go to the STATE_ACQ (unblock the acquiring task) until all requests of the
* acquiring device are finished. This is to preserve the sequence of foreground (polling) and
* background operations of the device. The background operations queued before the acquiring
* should be completed first.
* * There is acquiring device, the task is the acquiring processor, there is no BG bits active for
* the acquiring device.
* * The acquiring task (if blocked at `spi_bus_lock_acquire_start` or `spi_bus_lock_wait_bg_done`)
* should be resumed while turning into this state.
* -> STATE_BG_ACQ: by `req_core`
* -> STATE_BG_ACQ (other device): by `acquire_end_core`, when there is LOCK bit for another
* device, and the new acquiring device has active BG bits.
* -> STATE_ACQ (other device): by `acquire_end_core`, when there is LOCK bit for another devices,
* but the new acquiring device has no active BG bits.
* -> STATE_BG: by `acquire_end_core` when there is no LOCK bit active, but there are active BG
* bits.
* -> STATE_IDLE: by `acquire_end_core` when there is no LOCK bit, nor BG bit active.
* The `req_core` used in the task is a little special. It asks for acquiring processor for the
* ISR. When it succeed for the first time, it will invoke the ISR (hence passing the acquiring
* role to the BG). Otherwise it will not block, the ISR will be automatically be invoked by other
* acquiring processor. The caller of `req_core` will never become acquiring processor by this
* function.
* Appendix: The design, that having both request bit and pending bit, is to solve the
* concurrency issue between tasks and the bg, when the task can queue several requests,
* however the request bit cannot represent the number of requests queued.
* Here's the workflow of task and ISR work concurrently:
* - Task: (a) Write to Queue -> (b) Write request bit
* The Task have to write request bit (b) after the data is prepared in the queue (a),
* otherwise the BG may fail to read from the queue when it sees the request bit set.
* - BG: (c) Read queue -> (d) Clear request bit
* Since the BG cannot know the number of requests queued, it have to repeatedly check the
* queue (c), until it find the data is empty, and then clear the request bit (d).
* The events are possible to happen in the order: (c) -> (a) -> (b) -> (d). This may cause a false
* clear of the request bit. And there will be data prepared in the queue, but the request bit is
* inactive.
* (e) move REQ bits to PEND bits, happen before (c) is introduced to solve this problem. In this
* case (d) is changed to clear the PEND bit. Even if (e) -> (c) -> (a) -> (b) -> (d), only PEND
* bit is cleared, while the REQ bit is still active.
struct spi_bus_lock_dev_t;
typedef struct spi_bus_lock_dev_t spi_bus_lock_dev_t;
typedef struct spi_bus_lock_t spi_bus_lock_t;
#define MAX_DEV_NUM 10
// Bit 29-20: lock bits, Bit 19-10: pending bits
// Bit 9-0: request bits, Bit 30:
#define LOCK_SHIFT 20
#define PENDING_SHIFT 10
#define REQ_SHIFT 0
#define WEAK_BG_FLAG BIT(30) /**< The bus is permanently requested by background operations.
* This flag is weak, will not prevent acquiring of devices. But will help the BG to be re-enabled again after the bus is release.
// get the bit mask wher bit [high-1, low] are all 1'b1 s.
#define BIT1_MASK(high, low) ((UINT32_MAX << (high)) ^ (UINT32_MAX << (low)))
#define LOCK_BIT(mask) ((mask) << LOCK_SHIFT)
#define REQUEST_BIT(mask) ((mask) << REQ_SHIFT)
#define PENDING_BIT(mask) ((mask) << PENDING_SHIFT)
#define DEV_MASK(id) (LOCK_BIT(1<<id) | PENDING_BIT(1<<id) | REQUEST_BIT(1<<id))
#define ID_DEV_MASK(mask) (ffs(mask) - 1)
#define DEV_REQ_MASK(dev) ((dev)->mask & REQ_MASK)
#define DEV_PEND_MASK(dev) ((dev)->mask & PEND_MASK)
#define DEV_BG_MASK(dev) ((dev)->mask & BG_MASK)
struct spi_bus_lock_t {
* The core of the lock. These bits are status of the lock, which should be always available.
* No intermediate status is allowed. This is realized by atomic operations, mainly
* `atomic_fetch_and`, `atomic_fetch_or`, which atomically read the status, and bitwise write
* status value ORed / ANDed with given masks.
* The request bits together pending bits represent the actual bg request state of one device.
* Either one of them being active indicates the device has pending bg requests.
* Whenever a bit is written to the status, it means the a device on a task is trying to
* acquire the lock. But this will succeed only when no LOCK or BG bits active.
* The acquiring processor is responsible to call the scheduler to pass its role to other tasks
* or the BG, unless it clear the last bit in the status register.
//// Critical resources, they are only writable by acquiring processor, and stable only when read by the acquiring processor.
atomic_uint_fast32_t status;
spi_bus_lock_dev_t* volatile acquiring_dev; ///< The acquiring device
bool volatile acq_dev_bg_active; ///< BG is the acquiring processor serving the acquiring device, used for the wait_bg to skip waiting quickly.
bool volatile in_isr; ///< ISR is touching HW
//// End of critical resources
atomic_intptr_t dev[DEV_NUM_MAX]; ///< Child locks.
bg_ctrl_func_t bg_enable; ///< Function to enable background operations.
bg_ctrl_func_t bg_disable; ///< Function to disable background operations
void* bg_arg; ///< Argument for `bg_enable` and `bg_disable` functions.
spi_bus_lock_dev_t* last_dev; ///< Last used device, to decide whether to refresh all registers.
int periph_cs_num; ///< Number of the CS pins the HW has.
//debug information
int host_id; ///< Host ID, for debug information printing
uint32_t new_req; ///< Last int_req when `spi_bus_lock_bg_start` is called. Debug use.
struct spi_bus_lock_dev_t {
SemaphoreHandle_t semphr; ///< Binray semaphore to notify the device it claimed the bus
spi_bus_lock_t* parent; ///< Pointer to parent spi_bus_lock_t
uint32_t mask; ///< Bitwise OR-ed mask of the REQ, PEND, LOCK bits of this device
DRAM_ATTR static const char TAG[] = "bus_lock";
#define LOCK_CHECK(a, str, ret_val, ...) \
if (!(a)) { \
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"%s(%d): "str, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
return (ret_val); \
static inline uint32_t mask_get_id(uint32_t mask);
static inline uint32_t dev_lock_get_id(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_lock);
* atomic operations to the status
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR static inline uint32_t lock_status_fetch_set(spi_bus_lock_t *lock, uint32_t set)
return atomic_fetch_or(&lock->status, set);
IRAM_ATTR static inline uint32_t lock_status_fetch_clear(spi_bus_lock_t *lock, uint32_t clear)
return atomic_fetch_and(&lock->status, ~clear);
IRAM_ATTR static inline uint32_t lock_status_fetch(spi_bus_lock_t *lock)
return atomic_load(&lock->status);
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR static inline void lock_status_init(spi_bus_lock_t *lock)
atomic_store(&lock->status, 0);
// return the remaining status bits
IRAM_ATTR static inline uint32_t lock_status_clear(spi_bus_lock_t* lock, uint32_t clear)
//the fetch and clear should be atomic, avoid missing the all '0' status when all bits are clear.
uint32_t state = lock_status_fetch_clear(lock, clear);
return state & (~clear);
* Schedule service
* The modification to the status bits may cause rotating of the acquiring processor. It also have
* effects to `acquired_dev` (the acquiring device), `in_isr` (HW used in BG), and
* `acq_dev_bg_active` (wait_bg_end can be skipped) members of the lock structure.
* Most of them should be atomic, and special attention should be paid to the operation
* sequence.
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR static inline void resume_dev_in_isr(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_lock, BaseType_t *do_yield)
xSemaphoreGiveFromISR(dev_lock->semphr, do_yield);
IRAM_ATTR static inline void resume_dev(const spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_lock)
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR static inline void bg_disable(spi_bus_lock_t *lock)
IRAM_ATTR static inline void bg_enable(spi_bus_lock_t* lock)
// Set the REQ bit. If we become the acquiring processor, invoke the ISR and pass that to it.
// The caller will never become the acquiring processor after this function returns.
SPI_MASTER_ATTR static inline void req_core(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_handle)
spi_bus_lock_t *lock = dev_handle->parent;
// Though `acquired_dev` is critical resource, `dev_handle == lock->acquired_dev`
// is a stable statement unless `acquire_start` or `acquire_end` is called by current
// device.
if (dev_handle == lock->acquiring_dev){
// Set the REQ bit and check BG bits if we are the acquiring processor.
// If the BG bits were not active before, invoke the BG again.
// Avoid competitive risk against the `clear_pend_core`, `acq_dev_bg_active` should be set before
// setting REQ bit.
lock->acq_dev_bg_active = true;
uint32_t status = lock_status_fetch_set(lock, DEV_REQ_MASK(dev_handle));
if ((status & DEV_BG_MASK(dev_handle)) == 0) {
bg_enable(lock); //acquiring processor passed to BG
} else {
uint32_t status = lock_status_fetch_set(lock, DEV_REQ_MASK(dev_handle));
if (status == 0) {
bg_enable(lock); //acquiring processor passed to BG
//Set the LOCK bit. Handle related stuff and return true if we become the acquiring processor.
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR static inline bool acquire_core(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_handle)
spi_bus_lock_t* lock = dev_handle->parent;
uint32_t status = lock_status_fetch_set(lock, dev_handle->mask & LOCK_MASK);
// Check all bits except WEAK_BG
if ((status & (BG_MASK | LOCK_MASK)) == 0) {
//succeed at once
lock->acquiring_dev = dev_handle;
if (status & WEAK_BG_FLAG) {
//Mainly to disable the cache (Weak_BG), that is not able to disable itself
return true;
return false;
* Find the next acquiring processor according to the status. Will directly change
* the acquiring device if new one found.
* Cases:
* - BG should still be the acquiring processor (Return false):
* 1. Acquiring device has active BG bits: out_desired_dev = new acquiring device
* 2. No acquiring device, but BG active: out_desired_dev = randomly pick one device with active BG bits
* - BG should yield to the task (Return true):
* 3. Acquiring device has no active BG bits: out_desired_dev = new acquiring device
* 4. No acquiring device while no active BG bits: out_desired_dev=NULL
* Acquiring device task need to be resumed only when case 3.
* This scheduling can happen in either task or ISR, so `in_isr` or `bg_active` not touched.
* @param lock
* @param status Current status
* @param out_desired_dev Desired device to work next, see above.
* @return False if BG should still be the acquiring processor, otherwise True (yield to task).
IRAM_ATTR static inline bool
schedule_core(spi_bus_lock_t *lock, uint32_t status, spi_bus_lock_dev_t **out_desired_dev)
spi_bus_lock_dev_t* desired_dev = NULL;
uint32_t lock_bits = (status & LOCK_MASK) >> LOCK_SHIFT;
uint32_t bg_bits = status & BG_MASK;
bg_bits = ((bg_bits >> REQ_SHIFT) | (bg_bits >> PENDING_SHIFT)) & REQ_MASK;
bool bg_yield;
if (lock_bits) {
int dev_id = mask_get_id(lock_bits);
desired_dev = (spi_bus_lock_dev_t *)atomic_load(&lock->dev[dev_id]);
lock->acquiring_dev = desired_dev;
bg_yield = ((bg_bits & desired_dev->mask) == 0);
lock->acq_dev_bg_active = !bg_yield;
} else {
lock->acq_dev_bg_active = false;
if (bg_bits) {
int dev_id = mask_get_id(bg_bits);
desired_dev = (spi_bus_lock_dev_t *)atomic_load(&lock->dev[dev_id]);
lock->acquiring_dev = NULL;
bg_yield = false;
} else {
desired_dev = NULL;
lock->acquiring_dev = NULL;
bg_yield = true;
*out_desired_dev = desired_dev;
return bg_yield;
//Clear the LOCK bit and trigger a rescheduling.
IRAM_ATTR static inline void acquire_end_core(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_handle)
spi_bus_lock_t* lock = dev_handle->parent;
uint32_t status = lock_status_clear(lock, dev_handle->mask & LOCK_MASK);
spi_bus_lock_dev_t* desired_dev = NULL;
bool invoke_bg = !schedule_core(lock, status, &desired_dev);
if (invoke_bg) {
} else if (desired_dev) {
} else if (status & WEAK_BG_FLAG) {
// Move the REQ bits to corresponding PEND bits. Must be called by acquiring processor.
// Have no side effects on the acquiring device/processor.
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR static inline void update_pend_core(spi_bus_lock_t *lock, uint32_t status)
uint32_t active_req_bits = status & REQ_MASK;
uint32_t pending_mask = active_req_bits << (PENDING_SHIFT - REQ_SHIFT);
uint32_t pending_mask = active_req_bits >> (REQ_SHIFT - PENDING_SHIFT);
// We have to set the PEND bits and then clear the REQ bits, since BG bits are using bitwise OR logic,
// this will not influence the effectiveness of the BG bits of every device.
lock_status_fetch_set(lock, pending_mask);
lock_status_fetch_clear(lock, active_req_bits);
// Clear the PEND bit (not REQ bit!) of a device, return the suggestion whether we can try to quit the ISR.
// Lost the acquiring processor immediately when the BG bits for active device are inactive, indiciating by the return value.
// Can be called only when ISR is acting as the acquiring processor.
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR static inline bool clear_pend_core(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_handle)
bool finished;
spi_bus_lock_t *lock = dev_handle->parent;
uint32_t pend_mask = DEV_PEND_MASK(dev_handle);
BUS_LOCK_DEBUG_EXECUTE_CHECK(lock_status_fetch(lock) & pend_mask);
uint32_t status = lock_status_clear(lock, pend_mask);
if (lock->acquiring_dev == dev_handle) {
finished = ((status & DEV_REQ_MASK(dev_handle)) == 0);
if (finished) {
lock->acq_dev_bg_active = false;
} else {
finished = (status == 0);
return finished;
// Return true if the ISR has already touched the HW, which means previous operations should
// be terminated first, before we use the HW again. Otherwise return false.
// In either case `in_isr` will be marked as true, until call to `bg_exit_core` with `wip=false` successfully.
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR static inline bool bg_entry_core(spi_bus_lock_t *lock)
BUS_LOCK_DEBUG_EXECUTE_CHECK(!lock->acquiring_dev || lock->acq_dev_bg_active);
* The interrupt is disabled at the entry of ISR to avoid competitive risk as below:
* The `esp_intr_enable` will be called (b) after new BG request is queued (a) in the task;
* while `esp_intr_disable` should be called (c) if we check and found the sending queue is empty (d).
* If (c) happens after (d), if things happens in this sequence:
* (d) -> (a) -> (b) -> (c), the interrupt will be disabled while there's pending BG request in the queue.
* To avoid this, interrupt is disabled here, and re-enabled later if required. (c) -> (d) -> (a) -> (b) -> revert (c) if !d
if (lock->in_isr) {
return false;
} else {
lock->in_isr = true;
return true;
// Handle the conditions of status and interrupt, avoiding the ISR being disabled when there is any new coming BG requests.
// When called with `wip=true`, means the ISR is performing some operations. Will enable the interrupt again and exit unconditionally.
// When called with `wip=false`, will only return `true` when there is no coming BG request. If return value is `false`, the ISR should try again.
// Will not change acquiring device.
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR static inline bool bg_exit_core(spi_bus_lock_t *lock, bool wip, BaseType_t *do_yield)
//See comments in `bg_entry_core`, re-enable interrupt disabled in entry if we do need the interrupt
if (wip) {
BUS_LOCK_DEBUG_EXECUTE_CHECK(!lock->acquiring_dev || lock->acq_dev_bg_active);
return true;
bool ret;
uint32_t status = lock_status_fetch(lock);
if (lock->acquiring_dev) {
if (status & DEV_BG_MASK(lock->acquiring_dev)) {
ret = false;
} else {
// The request may happen any time, even after we fetched the status.
// The value of `acq_dev_bg_active` is random.
resume_dev_in_isr(lock->acquiring_dev, do_yield);
ret = true;
} else {
ret = !(status & BG_MASK);
if (ret) {
//when successfully exit, but no transaction done, mark BG as inactive
lock->in_isr = false;
return ret;
IRAM_ATTR static inline void dev_wait_prepare(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_handle)
xSemaphoreTake(dev_handle->semphr, 0);
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR static inline esp_err_t dev_wait(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_handle, TickType_t wait)
BaseType_t ret = xSemaphoreTake(dev_handle->semphr, wait);
if (ret == pdFALSE) return ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT;
return ESP_OK;
* Initialization & Deinitialization
esp_err_t spi_bus_init_lock(spi_bus_lock_handle_t *out_lock, const spi_bus_lock_config_t *config)
spi_bus_lock_t* lock = (spi_bus_lock_t*)calloc(sizeof(spi_bus_lock_t), 1);
if (lock == NULL) {
return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM;
lock->acquiring_dev = NULL;
lock->last_dev = NULL;
lock->periph_cs_num = config->cs_num;
lock->host_id = config->host_id;
*out_lock = lock;
return ESP_OK;
void spi_bus_deinit_lock(spi_bus_lock_handle_t lock)
for (int i = 0; i < DEV_NUM_MAX; i++) {
assert(atomic_load(&lock->dev[i]) == (intptr_t)NULL);
static int try_acquire_free_dev(spi_bus_lock_t *lock, bool cs_required)
if (cs_required) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < lock->periph_cs_num; i++) {
intptr_t null = (intptr_t) NULL;
//use 1 to occupy the slot, actual setup comes later
if (atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&lock->dev[i], &null, (intptr_t) 1)) {
return ((i == lock->periph_cs_num)? -1: i);
} else {
int i;
for (i = DEV_NUM_MAX - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
intptr_t null = (intptr_t) NULL;
//use 1 to occupy the slot, actual setup comes later
if (atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&lock->dev[i], &null, (intptr_t) 1)) {
return i;
esp_err_t spi_bus_lock_register_dev(spi_bus_lock_handle_t lock, spi_bus_lock_dev_config_t *config,
spi_bus_lock_dev_handle_t *out_dev_handle)
int id = try_acquire_free_dev(lock, config->flags & SPI_BUS_LOCK_DEV_FLAG_CS_REQUIRED);
if (id == -1) return ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
spi_bus_lock_dev_t* dev_lock = (spi_bus_lock_dev_t*)heap_caps_calloc(sizeof(spi_bus_lock_dev_t), 1, MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL | MALLOC_CAP_8BIT);
if (dev_lock == NULL) {
return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM;
dev_lock->semphr = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
if (dev_lock->semphr == NULL) {
atomic_store(&lock->dev[id], (intptr_t)NULL);
return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM;
dev_lock->parent = lock;
dev_lock->mask = DEV_MASK(id);
ESP_LOGV(TAG, "device registered on bus %d slot %d.", lock->host_id, id);
atomic_store(&lock->dev[id], (intptr_t)dev_lock);
*out_dev_handle = dev_lock;
return ESP_OK;
void spi_bus_lock_unregister_dev(spi_bus_lock_dev_handle_t dev_handle)
int id = dev_lock_get_id(dev_handle);
spi_bus_lock_t* lock = dev_handle->parent;
BUS_LOCK_DEBUG_EXECUTE_CHECK(atomic_load(&lock->dev[id]) == (intptr_t)dev_handle);
if (lock->last_dev == dev_handle) lock->last_dev = NULL;
atomic_store(&lock->dev[id], (intptr_t)NULL);
if (dev_handle->semphr) {
IRAM_ATTR static inline uint32_t mask_get_id(uint32_t mask)
return ID_DEV_MASK(mask);
IRAM_ATTR static inline uint32_t dev_lock_get_id(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_lock)
return mask_get_id(dev_lock->mask);
void spi_bus_lock_set_bg_control(spi_bus_lock_handle_t lock, bg_ctrl_func_t bg_enable, bg_ctrl_func_t bg_disable, void *arg)
lock->bg_enable = bg_enable;
lock->bg_disable = bg_disable;
lock->bg_arg = arg;
IRAM_ATTR int spi_bus_lock_get_dev_id(spi_bus_lock_dev_handle_t dev_handle)
return (dev_handle? dev_lock_get_id(dev_handle): -1);
//will be called when cache disabled
IRAM_ATTR bool spi_bus_lock_touch(spi_bus_lock_dev_handle_t dev_handle)
spi_bus_lock_dev_t* last_dev = dev_handle->parent->last_dev;
dev_handle->parent->last_dev = dev_handle;
if (last_dev) {
ESP_DRAM_LOGD(TAG, "SPI dev changed from %d to %d",
dev_lock_get_id(last_dev), dev_lock_get_id(dev_handle));
return (dev_handle != last_dev);
* Acquiring service
IRAM_ATTR esp_err_t spi_bus_lock_acquire_start(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_handle, TickType_t wait)
LOCK_CHECK(wait == portMAX_DELAY, "timeout other than portMAX_DELAY not supported", ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG);
spi_bus_lock_t* lock = dev_handle->parent;
// Clear the semaphore before checking
if (!acquire_core(dev_handle)) {
//block until becoming the acquiring processor (help by previous acquiring processor)
esp_err_t err = dev_wait(dev_handle, wait);
//TODO: add timeout handling here.
if (err != ESP_OK) return err;
ESP_DRAM_LOGV(TAG, "dev %d acquired.", dev_lock_get_id(dev_handle));
BUS_LOCK_DEBUG_EXECUTE_CHECK(lock->acquiring_dev == dev_handle);
//When arrives at here, requests of this device should already be handled
uint32_t status = lock_status_fetch(lock);
(void) status;
BUS_LOCK_DEBUG_EXECUTE_CHECK((status & DEV_BG_MASK(dev_handle)) == 0);
return ESP_OK;
IRAM_ATTR esp_err_t spi_bus_lock_acquire_end(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_handle)
//release the bus
spi_bus_lock_t* lock = dev_handle->parent;
LOCK_CHECK(lock->acquiring_dev == dev_handle, "Cannot release a lock that hasn't been acquired.", ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE);
ESP_LOGV(TAG, "dev %d released.", dev_lock_get_id(dev_handle));
return ESP_OK;
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR spi_bus_lock_dev_handle_t spi_bus_lock_get_acquiring_dev(spi_bus_lock_t *lock)
return lock->acquiring_dev;
* BG (background operation) service
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR bool spi_bus_lock_bg_entry(spi_bus_lock_t* lock)
return bg_entry_core(lock);
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR bool spi_bus_lock_bg_exit(spi_bus_lock_t* lock, bool wip, BaseType_t* do_yield)
return bg_exit_core(lock, wip, do_yield);
SPI_MASTER_ATTR esp_err_t spi_bus_lock_bg_request(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_handle)
return ESP_OK;
IRAM_ATTR esp_err_t spi_bus_lock_wait_bg_done(spi_bus_lock_dev_handle_t dev_handle, TickType_t wait)
spi_bus_lock_t *lock = dev_handle->parent;
LOCK_CHECK(lock->acquiring_dev == dev_handle, "Cannot wait for a device that is not acquired", ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE);
LOCK_CHECK(wait == portMAX_DELAY, "timeout other than portMAX_DELAY not supported", ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG);
// If no BG bits active, skip quickly. This is ensured by `spi_bus_lock_wait_bg_done`
// cannot be executed with `bg_request` on the same device concurrently.
if (lock_status_fetch(lock) & DEV_BG_MASK(dev_handle)) {
// Clear the semaphore before checking
if (lock_status_fetch(lock) & DEV_BG_MASK(dev_handle)) {
//block until becoming the acquiring processor (help by previous acquiring processor)
esp_err_t err = dev_wait(dev_handle, wait);
//TODO: add timeout handling here.
if (err != ESP_OK) return err;
BUS_LOCK_DEBUG_EXECUTE_CHECK((lock_status_fetch(lock) & DEV_BG_MASK(dev_handle)) == 0);
return ESP_OK;
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR bool spi_bus_lock_bg_clear_req(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_handle)
bool finished = clear_pend_core(dev_handle);
ESP_EARLY_LOGV(TAG, "dev %d served from bg.", dev_lock_get_id(dev_handle));
return finished;
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR bool spi_bus_lock_bg_check_dev_acq(spi_bus_lock_t *lock,
spi_bus_lock_dev_handle_t *out_dev_lock)
uint32_t status = lock_status_fetch(lock);
return schedule_core(lock, status, out_dev_lock);
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR bool spi_bus_lock_bg_check_dev_req(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_lock)
spi_bus_lock_t* lock = dev_lock->parent;
uint32_t status = lock_status_fetch(lock);
uint32_t dev_status = status & dev_lock->mask;
// move REQ bits of all device to corresponding PEND bits.
// To reduce executing time, only done when the REQ bit of the calling device is set.
if (dev_status & REQ_MASK) {
update_pend_core(lock, status);
return true;
} else {
return dev_status & PEND_MASK;
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR bool spi_bus_lock_bg_req_exist(spi_bus_lock_t *lock)
uint32_t status = lock_status_fetch(lock);
return status & BG_MASK;
* Static variables of the locks of the main flash
static StaticSemaphore_t main_flash_semphr;
static spi_bus_lock_dev_t lock_main_flash_dev;
static spi_bus_lock_t main_spi_bus_lock = {
* the main bus cache is permanently required, this flag is set here and never clear so that the
* cache will always be enabled if acquiring devices yield.
.acquiring_dev = NULL,
.dev = {ATOMIC_VAR_INIT((intptr_t)&lock_main_flash_dev)},
.new_req = 0,
.periph_cs_num = SOC_SPI_PERIPH_CS_NUM(0),
static spi_bus_lock_dev_t lock_main_flash_dev = {
.semphr = NULL,
.parent = &main_spi_bus_lock,
.mask = DEV_MASK(0),
const spi_bus_lock_handle_t g_main_spi_bus_lock = &main_spi_bus_lock;
const spi_bus_lock_dev_handle_t g_spi_lock_main_flash_dev = &lock_main_flash_dev;
esp_err_t spi_bus_lock_init_main_dev(void)
g_spi_lock_main_flash_dev->semphr = xSemaphoreCreateBinaryStatic(&main_flash_semphr);
if (g_spi_lock_main_flash_dev->semphr == NULL) {
return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM;
return ESP_OK;