Angus Gratton f991f812ab unit test: Fix bug in idf.py ut-apply-config- targets
Bug was this sequence:

1. old sdkconfig file has some settings (maybe target=esp32s2beta)
2. idf.py builds a new sdkconfig.defaults file with full new settings
3. new settings includes something that conflicts with the old settings (for example,
4. confgen tries to apply the new "defaults" to the existing sdkconfig, settings end up a mix of both due to the conflicts

Fix is to generate the sdkconfig file directly.
2019-09-23 06:26:49 +02:00

260 lines
10 KiB

import copy
import glob
import os
import os.path
import re
import shutil
def action_extensions(base_actions, project_path=os.getcwd()):
""" Describes extensions for unit tests. This function expects that actions "all" and "reconfigure" """
PROJECT_NAME = "unit-test-app"
# List of unit-test-app configurations.
# Each file in configs/ directory defines a configuration. The format is the
# same as sdkconfig file. Configuration is applied on top of sdkconfig.defaults
# file from the project directory
CONFIG_NAMES = os.listdir(os.path.join(project_path, "configs"))
# Build (intermediate) and output (artifact) directories
BUILDS_DIR = os.path.join(project_path, "builds")
BINARIES_DIR = os.path.join(project_path, "output")
def parse_file_to_dict(path, regex):
Parse the config file at 'path'
Returns a dict of name:value.
compiled_regex = re.compile(regex)
result = {}
with open(path) as f:
for line in f:
m = compiled_regex.match(line)
if m:
result[m.group(1)] = m.group(2)
return result
def parse_config(path):
Expected format with default regex is "key=value"
return parse_file_to_dict(path, r"^([^=]+)=(.+)$")
def ut_apply_config(ut_apply_config_name, ctx, args):
config_name = re.match(r"ut-apply-config-(.*)", ut_apply_config_name).group(1)
# Make sure that define_cache_entry is list
args.define_cache_entry = list(args.define_cache_entry)
new_cache_values = {}
sdkconfig_set = list(filter(lambda s: "SDKCONFIG=" in s, args.define_cache_entry))
sdkconfig_path = os.path.join(args.project_dir, "sdkconfig")
if sdkconfig_set:
sdkconfig_path = sdkconfig_set[-1].split("=")[1]
sdkconfig_path = os.path.abspath(sdkconfig_path)
except OSError:
if config_name in CONFIG_NAMES:
# Parse the sdkconfig for components to be included/excluded and tests to be run
config_path = os.path.join(project_path, "configs", config_name)
config = parse_config(config_path)
target = config.get("CONFIG_IDF_TARGET", "esp32").strip("'").strip('"')
print("Reconfigure: config %s, target %s" % (config_name, target))
# Clean up and set idf-target
base_actions["actions"]["fullclean"]["callback"]("fullclean", ctx, args)
base_actions["actions"]["set-target"]["callback"]("set-target", ctx, args, target)
new_cache_values["EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS"] = config.get("EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS", "''")
new_cache_values["TEST_EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS"] = config.get("TEST_EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS", "''")
new_cache_values["TEST_COMPONENTS"] = config.get("TEST_COMPONENTS", "''")
new_cache_values["TESTS_ALL"] = int(new_cache_values["TEST_COMPONENTS"] == "''")
# write a new sdkconfig file from the combined defaults and the config
# value folder
with open(os.path.join(project_path, "sdkconfig"), "w") as sdkconfig:
sdkconfig_default = os.path.join(project_path, "sdkconfig.defaults")
with open(sdkconfig_default, "rb") as sdkconfig_default_file:
sdkconfig_config = os.path.join(project_path, "configs", config_name)
with open(sdkconfig_config, "rb") as sdkconfig_config_file:
args.define_cache_entry.extend(["%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in new_cache_values.items()])
base_actions["actions"]["reconfigure"]["callback"](None, ctx, args)
# This target builds the configuration. It does not currently track dependencies,
# but is good enough for CI builds if used together with clean-all-configs.
# For local builds, use 'apply-config-NAME' target and then use normal 'all'
# and 'flash' targets.
def ut_build(ut_build_name, ctx, args):
# Create a copy of the passed arguments to prevent arg modifications to accrue if
# all configs are being built
build_args = copy.copy(args)
config_name = re.match(r"ut-build-(.*)", ut_build_name).group(1)
if config_name in CONFIG_NAMES:
build_args.build_dir = os.path.join(BUILDS_DIR, config_name)
src = os.path.join(BUILDS_DIR, config_name)
dest = os.path.join(BINARIES_DIR, config_name)
except OSError:
# Build, tweaking paths to sdkconfig and sdkconfig.defaults
ut_apply_config("ut-apply-config-" + config_name, ctx, build_args)
build_target = base_actions["actions"]["all"]["callback"]
build_target("all", ctx, build_args)
# Copy artifacts to the output directory
os.path.join(build_args.project_dir, "sdkconfig"),
os.path.join(dest, "sdkconfig"),
binaries = [PROJECT_NAME + x for x in [".elf", ".bin", ".map"]]
for binary in binaries:
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(src, binary), os.path.join(dest, binary))
os.mkdir(os.path.join(dest, "bootloader"))
except OSError:
os.path.join(src, "bootloader", "bootloader.bin"),
os.path.join(dest, "bootloader", "bootloader.bin"),
for partition_table in glob.glob(os.path.join(src, "partition_table", "partition-table*.bin")):
os.mkdir(os.path.join(dest, "partition_table"))
except OSError:
os.path.join(dest, "partition_table", os.path.basename(partition_table)),
os.path.join(src, "flasher_args.json"),
os.path.join(dest, "flasher_args.json"),
binaries = glob.glob(os.path.join(src, "*.bin"))
binaries = [os.path.basename(s) for s in binaries]
for binary in binaries:
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(src, binary), os.path.join(dest, binary))
def ut_clean(ut_clean_name, ctx, args):
config_name = re.match(r"ut-clean-(.*)", ut_clean_name).group(1)
if config_name in CONFIG_NAMES:
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(BUILDS_DIR, config_name), ignore_errors=True)
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(BINARIES_DIR, config_name), ignore_errors=True)
def test_component_callback(ctx, global_args, tasks):
""" Convert the values passed to the -T and -E parameter to corresponding cache entry definitions TESTS_ALL and TEST_COMPONENTS """
test_components = global_args.test_components
test_exclude_components = global_args.test_exclude_components
cache_entries = {}
if test_components:
if "all" in test_components:
cache_entries["TESTS_ALL"] = 1
cache_entries["TEST_COMPONENTS"] = "''"
cache_entries["TESTS_ALL"] = 0
cache_entries["TEST_COMPONENTS"] = " ".join(test_components)
if test_exclude_components:
cache_entries["TEST_EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS"] = " ".join(test_exclude_components)
if cache_entries:
global_args.define_cache_entry = list(global_args.define_cache_entry)
global_args.define_cache_entry.extend(["%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in cache_entries.items()])
# Add global options
extensions = {
"global_options": [{
"names": ["-T", "--test-components"],
"help": "Specify the components to test.",
"scope": "shared",
"multiple": True,
}, {
"names": ["-E", "--test-exclude-components"],
"help": "Specify the components to exclude from testing.",
"scope": "shared",
"multiple": True,
"global_action_callbacks": [test_component_callback],
"actions": {},
# This generates per-config targets (clean, build, apply-config).
build_all_config_deps = []
clean_all_config_deps = []
for config in CONFIG_NAMES:
config_build_action_name = "ut-build-" + config
config_clean_action_name = "ut-clean-" + config
config_apply_config_action_name = "ut-apply-config-" + config
extensions["actions"][config_build_action_name] = {
"Build unit-test-app with configuration provided in configs/NAME. " +
"Build directory will be builds/%s/, " % config_build_action_name +
"output binaries will be under output/%s/" % config_build_action_name,
extensions["actions"][config_clean_action_name] = {
"callback": ut_clean,
"help": "Remove build and output directories for configuration %s." % config_clean_action_name,
extensions["actions"][config_apply_config_action_name] = {
"Generates configuration based on configs/%s in sdkconfig file." % config_apply_config_action_name +
"After this, normal all/flash targets can be used. Useful for development/debugging.",
extensions["actions"]["ut-build-all-configs"] = {
"callback": ut_build,
"help": "Build all configurations defined in configs/ directory.",
"dependencies": build_all_config_deps,
extensions["actions"]["ut-clean-all-configs"] = {
"callback": ut_clean,
"help": "Remove build and output directories for all configurations defined in configs/ directory.",
"dependencies": clean_all_config_deps,
return extensions