Anurag Kar e2da1d9905 http_server : Fix and enable example tests
This introduces the following changes in the example test scripts :
* Dependency on python requests library removed in favor of httplib
* Bug fixed in the logic responsible for receiving and processing http chunked responses
* Default timeouts increased Note : Due to connectivity issues (between runner host and DUT) in the runner environment, some of the advanced_tests are being ignored. These tests are intended for verifying the expected limits of the http_server capabilities, and implement sending and receiving of large HTTP packets and malformed requests, running multiple parallel sessions, etc. It is advised that all these tests be run locally, when making changes or adding new features to this component.
2018-08-30 03:01:59 +05:30

152 lines
5.7 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2018 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import httplib
import argparse
def verbose_print(verbosity, *args):
if (verbosity):
print ''.join(str(elems) for elems in args)
def test_get_handler(ip, port, verbosity = False):
verbose_print(verbosity, "======== GET HANDLER TEST =============")
# Establish HTTP connection
verbose_print(verbosity, "Connecting to => " + ip + ":" + port)
sess = httplib.HTTPConnection(ip + ":" + port)
uri = "/hello?query1=value1&query2=value2&query3=value3"
# GET hello response
test_headers = {"Test-Header-1":"Test-Value-1", "Test-Header-2":"Test-Value-2"}
verbose_print(verbosity, "Sending GET to URI : ", uri)
verbose_print(verbosity, "Sending additional headers : ")
for k, v in test_headers.iteritems():
verbose_print(verbosity, "\t", k, ": ", v)
sess.request("GET", url=uri, headers=test_headers)
resp = sess.getresponse()
resp_hdrs = resp.getheaders()
resp_data = resp.read()
if resp.getheader("Custom-Header-1") != "Custom-Value-1":
return False
if resp.getheader("Custom-Header-2") != "Custom-Value-2":
return False
return False
verbose_print(verbosity, "vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv")
verbose_print(verbosity, "Server response to GET /hello")
verbose_print(verbosity, "Response Headers : ")
for k, v in resp_hdrs:
verbose_print(verbosity, "\t", k, ": ", v)
verbose_print(verbosity, "Response Data : " + resp_data)
verbose_print(verbosity, "========================================\n")
# Close HTTP connection
return (resp_data == "Hello World!")
def test_post_handler(ip, port, msg, verbosity = False):
verbose_print(verbosity, "======== POST HANDLER TEST ============")
# Establish HTTP connection
verbose_print(verbosity, "Connecting to => " + ip + ":" + port)
sess = httplib.HTTPConnection(ip + ":" + port)
# POST message to /echo and get back response
sess.request("POST", url="/echo", body=msg)
resp = sess.getresponse()
resp_data = resp.read()
verbose_print(verbosity, "Server response to POST /echo (" + msg + ")")
verbose_print(verbosity, "vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv")
verbose_print(verbosity, resp_data)
verbose_print(verbosity, "========================================\n")
# Close HTTP connection
return (resp_data == msg)
def test_put_handler(ip, port, verbosity = False):
verbose_print(verbosity, "======== PUT HANDLER TEST =============")
# Establish HTTP connection
verbose_print(verbosity, "Connecting to => " + ip + ":" + port)
sess = httplib.HTTPConnection(ip + ":" + port)
# PUT message to /ctrl to disable /hello URI handler
verbose_print(verbosity, "Disabling /hello handler")
sess.request("PUT", url="/ctrl", body="0")
resp = sess.getresponse()
sess.request("GET", url="/hello")
resp = sess.getresponse()
resp_data1 = resp.read()
verbose_print(verbosity, "Response on GET /hello : " + resp_data1)
# PUT message to /ctrl to enable /hello URI handler
verbose_print(verbosity, "Enabling /hello handler")
sess.request("PUT", url="/ctrl", body="1")
resp = sess.getresponse()
sess.request("GET", url="/hello")
resp = sess.getresponse()
resp_data2 = resp.read()
verbose_print(verbosity, "Response on GET /hello : " + resp_data2)
# Close HTTP connection
return ((resp_data2 == "Hello World!") and (resp_data1 == "This URI doesn't exist"))
def test_custom_uri_query(ip, port, query, verbosity = False):
verbose_print(verbosity, "======== GET HANDLER TEST =============")
# Establish HTTP connection
verbose_print(verbosity, "Connecting to => " + ip + ":" + port)
sess = httplib.HTTPConnection(ip + ":" + port)
uri = "/hello?" + query
# GET hello response
verbose_print(verbosity, "Sending GET to URI : ", uri)
sess.request("GET", url=uri, headers={})
resp = sess.getresponse()
resp_data = resp.read()
verbose_print(verbosity, "vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv")
verbose_print(verbosity, "Server response to GET /hello")
verbose_print(verbosity, "Response Data : " + resp_data)
verbose_print(verbosity, "========================================\n")
# Close HTTP connection
return (resp_data == "Hello World!")
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Configure argument parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run HTTPd Test')
parser.add_argument('IP' , metavar='IP' , type=str, help='Server IP')
parser.add_argument('port', metavar='port', type=str, help='Server port')
parser.add_argument('msg', metavar='message', type=str, help='Message to be sent to server')
args = vars(parser.parse_args())
# Get arguments
ip = args['IP']
port = args['port']
msg = args['msg']
if not test_get_handler (ip, port, True):
print "Failed!"
if not test_post_handler(ip, port, msg, True):
print "Failed!"
if not test_put_handler (ip, port, True):
print "Failed!"