# Copyright 2018 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # APIs for interpreting and creating protobuf packets for Wi-Fi Scanning from __future__ import print_function from future.utils import tobytes import utils import proto def print_verbose(security_ctx, data): if (security_ctx.verbose): print("++++ " + data + " ++++") def scan_start_request(security_ctx, blocking=True, passive=False, group_channels=5, period_ms=120): # Form protobuf request packet for ScanStart command cmd = proto.wifi_scan_pb2.WiFiScanPayload() cmd.msg = proto.wifi_scan_pb2.TypeCmdScanStart cmd.cmd_scan_start.blocking = blocking cmd.cmd_scan_start.passive = passive cmd.cmd_scan_start.group_channels = group_channels cmd.cmd_scan_start.period_ms = period_ms enc_cmd = security_ctx.encrypt_data(cmd.SerializeToString()).decode('latin-1') print_verbose(security_ctx, "Client -> Device (Encrypted CmdScanStart) " + utils.str_to_hexstr(enc_cmd)) return enc_cmd def scan_start_response(security_ctx, response_data): # Interpret protobuf response packet from ScanStart command dec_resp = security_ctx.decrypt_data(tobytes(response_data)) resp = proto.wifi_scan_pb2.WiFiScanPayload() resp.ParseFromString(dec_resp) print_verbose(security_ctx, "ScanStart status " + str(resp.status)) if resp.status != 0: raise RuntimeError def scan_status_request(security_ctx): # Form protobuf request packet for ScanStatus command cmd = proto.wifi_scan_pb2.WiFiScanPayload() cmd.msg = proto.wifi_scan_pb2.TypeCmdScanStatus enc_cmd = security_ctx.encrypt_data(cmd.SerializeToString()).decode('latin-1') print_verbose(security_ctx, "Client -> Device (Encrypted CmdScanStatus) " + utils.str_to_hexstr(enc_cmd)) return enc_cmd def scan_status_response(security_ctx, response_data): # Interpret protobuf response packet from ScanStatus command dec_resp = security_ctx.decrypt_data(tobytes(response_data)) resp = proto.wifi_scan_pb2.WiFiScanPayload() resp.ParseFromString(dec_resp) print_verbose(security_ctx, "ScanStatus status " + str(resp.status)) if resp.status != 0: raise RuntimeError return {"finished": resp.resp_scan_status.scan_finished, "count": resp.resp_scan_status.result_count} def scan_result_request(security_ctx, index, count): # Form protobuf request packet for ScanResult command cmd = proto.wifi_scan_pb2.WiFiScanPayload() cmd.msg = proto.wifi_scan_pb2.TypeCmdScanResult cmd.cmd_scan_result.start_index = index cmd.cmd_scan_result.count = count enc_cmd = security_ctx.encrypt_data(cmd.SerializeToString()).decode('latin-1') print_verbose(security_ctx, "Client -> Device (Encrypted CmdScanResult) " + utils.str_to_hexstr(enc_cmd)) return enc_cmd def scan_result_response(security_ctx, response_data): # Interpret protobuf response packet from ScanResult command dec_resp = security_ctx.decrypt_data(tobytes(response_data)) resp = proto.wifi_scan_pb2.WiFiScanPayload() resp.ParseFromString(dec_resp) print_verbose(security_ctx, "ScanResult status " + str(resp.status)) if resp.status != 0: raise RuntimeError authmode_str = ["Open", "WEP", "WPA_PSK", "WPA2_PSK", "WPA_WPA2_PSK", "WPA2_ENTERPRISE"] results = [] for entry in resp.resp_scan_result.entries: results += [{"ssid": entry.ssid.decode('latin-1').rstrip('\x00'), "bssid": utils.str_to_hexstr(entry.bssid.decode('latin-1')), "channel": entry.channel, "rssi": entry.rssi, "auth": authmode_str[entry.auth]}] print_verbose(security_ctx, "ScanResult SSID : " + str(results[-1]["ssid"])) print_verbose(security_ctx, "ScanResult BSSID : " + str(results[-1]["bssid"])) print_verbose(security_ctx, "ScanResult Channel : " + str(results[-1]["channel"])) print_verbose(security_ctx, "ScanResult RSSI : " + str(results[-1]["rssi"])) print_verbose(security_ctx, "ScanResult AUTH : " + str(results[-1]["auth"])) return results