# File contains known/allowed Sphinx warnings. # # Build will fail if sphinx-warning-log.txt contains any lines # which are not in this file. Lines are pre-sanitized by # check_doc_warnings.sh to remove formatting, paths, line numbers. # # Warnings in this file must be in the same overall order as the log file. # # # Sphinx known issue https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/issues/2683 # _build/inc/esp_a2dp_api.inc:line: WARNING: Invalid definition: Expected identifier in nested name. [error at 21] union esp_a2d_mcc_t::@1 esp_a2d_mcc_t::cie ---------------------^ _build/inc/esp_bt_defs.inc:line: WARNING: Invalid definition: Expected identifier in nested name. [error at 21] union esp_bt_uuid_t::@0 esp_bt_uuid_t::uuid ---------------------^