#include "btif_storage.h" #include "btif_util.h" #include "osi.h" #include "bt_trace.h" #include "esp_system.h" #include "nvs_flash.h" #include "nvs.h" #include "bta_api.h" #include "bdaddr.h" #include "btif_config.h" /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_storage_add_bonded_device ** ** Description BTIF storage API - Adds the newly bonded device to NVRAM ** along with the link-key, Key type and Pin key length ** ** Returns BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the store was successful, ** BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_storage_add_bonded_device(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bd_addr, LINK_KEY link_key, uint8_t key_type, uint8_t pin_length) { bdstr_t bdstr; bdaddr_to_string(remote_bd_addr, bdstr, sizeof(bdstr)); BTIF_TRACE_EVENT("add to storage: Remote device:%s\n", bdstr); int ret = btif_config_set_int(bdstr, "LinkKeyType", (int)key_type); ret &= btif_config_set_int(bdstr, "PinLength", (int)pin_length); ret &= btif_config_set_bin(bdstr, "LinkKey", link_key, sizeof(LINK_KEY)); /* write bonded info immediately */ btif_config_flush(); BTIF_TRACE_EVENT("Storage add rslt %d\n", ret); return ret ? BT_STATUS_SUCCESS : BT_STATUS_FAIL; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_in_fetch_bonded_devices ** ** Description Internal helper function to fetch the bonded devices ** from NVRAM ** ** Returns BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ static bt_status_t btif_in_fetch_bonded_devices(int add) { BOOLEAN bt_linkkey_file_found = FALSE; for (const btif_config_section_iter_t *iter = btif_config_section_begin(); iter != btif_config_section_end(); iter = btif_config_section_next(iter)) { const char *name = btif_config_section_name(iter); if (!string_is_bdaddr(name)) { continue; } BTIF_TRACE_EVENT("Remote device:%s\n", name); LINK_KEY link_key; size_t size = sizeof(link_key); if (btif_config_get_bin(name, "LinkKey", link_key, &size)) { int linkkey_type; if (btif_config_get_int(name, "LinkKeyType", &linkkey_type)) { //int pin_len; //btif_config_get_int(name, "PinLength", &pin_len)) bt_bdaddr_t bd_addr; string_to_bdaddr(name, &bd_addr); if (add) { DEV_CLASS dev_class = {0, 0, 0}; int cod; int pin_length = 0; if (btif_config_get_int(name, "DevClass", &cod)) { uint2devclass((UINT32)cod, dev_class); } btif_config_get_int(name, "PinLength", &pin_length); BTA_DmAddDevice(bd_addr.address, dev_class, link_key, 0, 0, (UINT8)linkkey_type, 0, pin_length); } bt_linkkey_file_found = TRUE; } else { BTIF_TRACE_ERROR("bounded device:%s, LinkKeyType or PinLength is invalid\n", name); } } if (!bt_linkkey_file_found) { BTIF_TRACE_EVENT("Remote device:%s, no link key\n", name); } } return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_storage_load_bonded_devices ** ** Description BTIF storage API - Loads all the bonded devices from NVRAM ** and adds to the BTA. ** Additionally, this API also invokes the adaper_properties_cb ** and remote_device_properties_cb for each of the bonded devices. ** ** Returns BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_storage_load_bonded_devices(void) { bt_status_t status; status = btif_in_fetch_bonded_devices(1); BTIF_TRACE_EVENT("Storage load rslt %d\n", status); return status; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_storage_remove_bonded_device ** ** Description BTIF storage API - Deletes the bonded device from NVRAM ** ** Returns BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the deletion was successful, ** BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_storage_remove_bonded_device(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bd_addr) { bdstr_t bdstr; bdaddr_to_string(remote_bd_addr, bdstr, sizeof(bdstr)); BTIF_TRACE_EVENT("Add to storage: Remote device:%s\n", bdstr); int ret = 1; if (btif_config_exist(bdstr, "LinkKeyType")) { ret &= btif_config_remove(bdstr, "LinkKeyType"); } if (btif_config_exist(bdstr, "PinLength")) { ret &= btif_config_remove(bdstr, "PinLength"); } if (btif_config_exist(bdstr, "LinkKey")) { ret &= btif_config_remove(bdstr, "LinkKey"); } /* write bonded info immediately */ btif_config_flush(); return ret ? BT_STATUS_SUCCESS : BT_STATUS_FAIL; }