#ifndef __ESP_EXPRESSION_WITH_STACK_H #define __ESP_EXPRESSION_WITH_STACK_H #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/semphr.h" /** * @brief Executes a 1-line expression with a application alocated stack * @param lock Mutex object to protect in case of shared stack * @param stack Pointer to user alocated stack, it must points to its top * @param expression Expression or function to be executed using the stack */ #define EXECUTE_EXPRESSION_WITH_STACK(lock, stack, expression) \ ({ \ if(lock) { \ uint32_t backup; \ xSemaphoreTake(lock, portMAX_DELAY); \ switch_stack_enter(stack, &backup); \ { \ expression; \ } \ switch_stack_exit(&backup); \ xSemaphoreGive(lock); \ } \ }) /** * These functions are intended to be use by the macro above, and * Should never be called directly, otherwise crashes could * occur */ extern void switch_stack_enter(portSTACK_TYPE *stack, uint32_t *backup_stack); extern void switch_stack_exit(uint32_t *backup_stack); #endif