import os import sys import subprocess import logging import shutil import re from .common import BuildSystem, BuildItem, BuildError BUILD_SYSTEM_CMAKE = "cmake" IDF_PY = "" # While ESP-IDF component CMakeLists files can be identified by the presence of 'idf_component_register' string, # there is no equivalent for the project CMakeLists files. This seems to be the best option... CMAKE_PROJECT_LINE = r"include($ENV{IDF_PATH}/tools/cmake/project.cmake)" SUPPORTED_TARGETS_REGEX = re.compile(r'Supported [Tt]argets((?:[\s|]+(?:ESP[0-9A-Z\-]+))+)') SDKCONFIG_LINE_REGEX = re.compile(r"^([^=]+)=\"?([^\"\n]*)\"?\n*$") FORMAL_TO_USUAL = { 'ESP32': 'esp32', 'ESP32-S2': 'esp32s2', } # If these keys are present in sdkconfig.defaults, they will be extracted and passed to CMake SDKCONFIG_TEST_OPTS = [ "EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS", "TEST_EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS", "TEST_COMPONENTS", "TEST_GROUPS" ] class CMakeBuildSystem(BuildSystem): NAME = BUILD_SYSTEM_CMAKE @staticmethod def build(build_item): # type: (BuildItem) -> None build_path, work_path = BuildSystem.build_prepare(build_item) # Prepare the build arguments args = [ # Assume it is the responsibility of the caller to # set up the environment (run . ./ IDF_PY, "-B", build_path, "-C", work_path, "-DIDF_TARGET=" +, ] for key, val in extra_cmakecache_items.items(): args.append("-D{}={}".format(key, val)) if "TEST_EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS" in extra_cmakecache_items \ and "TEST_COMPONENTS" not in extra_cmakecache_items: args.append("-DTESTS_ALL=1") if build_item.verbose: args.append("-v") args.append("build") cmdline = format(" ".join(args))"Running {}".format(cmdline)) if build_item.dry_run: return log_file = None build_stdout = sys.stdout build_stderr = sys.stderr if build_item.build_log_path:"Writing build log to {}".format(build_item.build_log_path)) log_file = open(build_item.build_log_path, "w") build_stdout = log_file build_stderr = log_file try: subprocess.check_call(args, stdout=build_stdout, stderr=build_stderr) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise BuildError("Build failed with exit code {}".format(e.returncode)) else: # Also save the sdkconfig file in the build directory shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(work_path, "sdkconfig"), os.path.join(build_path, "sdkconfig"), ) finally: if log_file: log_file.close() @staticmethod def _read_cmakelists(app_path): cmakelists_path = os.path.join(app_path, "CMakeLists.txt") if not os.path.exists(cmakelists_path): return None with open(cmakelists_path, "r") as cmakelists_file: return @staticmethod def is_app(path): cmakelists_file_content = CMakeBuildSystem._read_cmakelists(path) if not cmakelists_file_content: return False if CMAKE_PROJECT_LINE not in cmakelists_file_content: return False return True