// Copyright 2015-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #ifndef __THREAD_H__ #define __THREAD_H__ #include "freertos/xtensa_api.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOSConfig.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/queue.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "esp_task.h" #include "bt_defs.h" #define portBASE_TYPE int struct bt_task_evt { uint32_t sig; //task sig void *par; //point to task param void *cb; //point to function cb void *arg; //point to function arg }; typedef struct bt_task_evt BtTaskEvt_t; typedef bt_status_t (* BtTaskCb_t)(void *arg); typedef enum { SIG_HCI_HAL_RECV_PACKET = 0, SIG_HCI_HAL_NUM, } SIG_HCI_HAL_t; typedef enum { SIG_HCI_HOST_SEND_AVAILABLE = 0, SIG_HCI_HOST_NUM, } SIG_HCI_HOST_t; typedef enum { SIG_BTU_START_UP = 0, SIG_BTU_HCI_MSG, SIG_BTU_BTA_MSG, SIG_BTU_BTA_ALARM, SIG_BTU_GENERAL_ALARM, SIG_BTU_ONESHOT_ALARM, SIG_BTU_L2CAP_ALARM, SIG_BTU_NUM, } SIG_BTU_t; #define TASK_PINNED_TO_CORE (CONFIG_BLUEDROID_PINNED_TO_CORE < portNUM_PROCESSORS ? CONFIG_BLUEDROID_PINNED_TO_CORE : tskNO_AFFINITY) #define HCI_HOST_TASK_PINNED_TO_CORE (TASK_PINNED_TO_CORE) #define HCI_HOST_TASK_STACK_SIZE (2048 + BT_TASK_EXTRA_STACK_SIZE) #define HCI_HOST_TASK_PRIO (configMAX_PRIORITIES - 3) #define HCI_HOST_TASK_NAME "hciHostT" #define HCI_HOST_QUEUE_LEN 40 #define HCI_H4_TASK_PINNED_TO_CORE (TASK_PINNED_TO_CORE) #define HCI_H4_TASK_STACK_SIZE (2048 + BT_TASK_EXTRA_STACK_SIZE) #define HCI_H4_TASK_PRIO (configMAX_PRIORITIES - 4) #define HCI_H4_TASK_NAME "hciH4T" #define HCI_H4_QUEUE_LEN 60 #define BTU_TASK_PINNED_TO_CORE (TASK_PINNED_TO_CORE) #define BTU_TASK_STACK_SIZE (4096 + BT_TASK_EXTRA_STACK_SIZE) #define BTU_TASK_PRIO (configMAX_PRIORITIES - 5) #define BTU_TASK_NAME "btuT" #define BTU_QUEUE_LEN 50 #define BTC_TASK_PINNED_TO_CORE (TASK_PINNED_TO_CORE) #define BTC_TASK_STACK_SIZE (CONFIG_BTC_TASK_STACK_SIZE + BT_TASK_EXTRA_STACK_SIZE) //by menuconfig #define BTC_TASK_NAME "btcT" #define BTC_TASK_PRIO (configMAX_PRIORITIES - 6) #define BTC_TASK_QUEUE_LEN 60 #define BTC_A2DP_SINK_TASK_PINNED_TO_CORE (TASK_PINNED_TO_CORE) #define BTC_A2DP_SINK_TASK_STACK_SIZE (CONFIG_A2DP_SINK_TASK_STACK_SIZE + BT_TASK_EXTRA_STACK_SIZE) // by menuconfig #define BTC_A2DP_SINK_TASK_NAME "BtA2dSinkT" #define BTC_A2DP_SINK_TASK_PRIO (configMAX_PRIORITIES - 3) #define BTC_A2DP_SINK_DATA_QUEUE_LEN (1) #define BTC_A2DP_SINK_CTRL_QUEUE_LEN (5) #define BTC_A2DP_SINK_TASK_QUEUE_SET_LEN (BTC_A2DP_SINK_DATA_QUEUE_LEN + BTC_A2DP_SINK_CTRL_QUEUE_LEN) #define TASK_POST_NON_BLOCKING (0) #define TASK_POST_BLOCKING (portMAX_DELAY) typedef uint32_t task_post_t; /* Timeout of task post return, unit TICK */ typedef enum { TASK_POST_SUCCESS = 0, TASK_POST_FAIL, } task_post_status_t; task_post_status_t btu_task_post(uint32_t sig, void *param, task_post_t timeout); task_post_status_t hci_host_task_post(task_post_t timeout); task_post_status_t hci_hal_h4_task_post(task_post_t timeout); #endif /* __THREAD_H__ */