#include [Setup] AppName=ESP-IDF Tools AppVersion=1.1 OutputBaseFilename=esp-idf-tools-setup-1.1 DefaultDirName={pf}\Espressif\ESP-IDF Tools DefaultGroupName=ESP-IDF Tools Compression=lzma2 SolidCompression=yes ChangesEnvironment=yes ; Note: the rest of the installer setup is written to work cleanly on win32 also, *however* ; Ninja doesn't ship a 32-bit binary so there's no way yet to install on win32 :( ; See https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/issues/1339 ArchitecturesAllowed=x64 ArchitecturesInstallIn64BitMode=x64 [Types] Name: "full"; Description: "Default installation" Name: "custom"; Description: "Custom installation"; Flags: iscustom [Components] Name: toolchain; Description: ESP32 Xtensa GCC Cross-Toolchain; Types: full custom; Name: mconf_idf; Description: ESP-IDF console menuconfig tool; Types: full custom; Name: ninja; Description: Install Ninja build v1.8.2; Types: full custom [Tasks] ; Should installer prepend to Path (does this by default) Name: addpath; Description: "Add tools to Path"; GroupDescription: "Add to Path:"; Name: addpath\allusers; Description: "For all users"; GroupDescription: "Add to Path:"; Flags: exclusive Name: addpath\user; Description: "For the current user only"; GroupDescription: "Add to Path:"; Flags: exclusive unchecked ; External installation tasks ; ; Note: The Check conditions here auto-select 32-bit or 64-bit installers, as needed ; The tasks won't appear if CMake/Python27 already appear to be installed on this system Name: cmake32; Description: Download and Run CMake 3.11.1 Installer; GroupDescription: "Other Required Tools:"; Check: not IsWin64 and not CMakeInstalled Name: cmake64; Description: Download and Run CMake 3.11.1 Installer; GroupDescription: "Other Required Tools:"; Check: IsWin64 and not CMakeInstalled Name: python32; Description: Download and Run Python 2.7.14 Installer and install pyserial; GroupDescription: "Other Required Tools:"; Check: not IsWin64 and not Python27Installed Name: python64; Description: Download and Run Python 2.7.14 Installer and install pyserial; GroupDescription: "Other Required Tools:"; Check: IsWin64 and not Python27Installed [Files] Components: toolchain; Source: "input\xtensa-esp32-elf\*"; DestDir: "{app}\toolchain\"; Flags: recursesubdirs; Components: mconf_idf; Source: "input\mconf-v4.6.0.0-idf-20180525-win32\*"; DestDir: "{app}\mconf-idf\"; Components: ninja; Source: "input\ninja.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; [Run] Tasks: cmake32 cmake64; Filename: "msiexec.exe"; Parameters: "/i ""{tmp}\cmake.msi"" /qb! {code:GetCMakeInstallerArgs}"; StatusMsg: Running CMake installer...; Tasks: python32 python64; Filename: "msiexec.exe"; Parameters: "/i ""{tmp}\python.msi"" /qb! {code:GetPythonInstallerArgs} REBOOT=Supress"; StatusMsg: Running Python installer...; Tasks: python32 python64; Filename: "C:\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe"; Parameters: "install pyserial"; StatusMsg: Installing pyserial...; [Registry] ; Prepend various entries to Path in the registry. Can either be HKLM (all users) or HKCU (single user only) ; ninja path (in root app directory) Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"; \ ValueType: expandsz; ValueName: "Path"; ValueData: "{app};{olddata}"; Check: not IsInPath('{app}'); \ Components: ninja; Tasks: addpath\allusers Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Environment"; \ ValueType: expandsz; ValueName: "Path"; ValueData: "{app};{olddata}"; Check: not IsInPath('{app}'); \ Components: ninja; Tasks: addpath\user ; mconf-idf path Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"; \ ValueType: expandsz; ValueName: "Path"; ValueData: "{app}\mconf-idf;{olddata}"; Check: not IsInPath('{app}\mconf-idf'); \ Components: mconf_idf; Tasks: addpath\allusers Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Environment"; \ ValueType: expandsz; ValueName: "Path"; ValueData: "{app}\mconf-idf;{olddata}"; Check: not IsInPath('{app}\mconf-idf'); \ Components: mconf_idf; Tasks: addpath\user ; toolchain path Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"; \ ValueType: expandsz; ValueName: "Path"; ValueData: "{app}\toolchain\bin;{olddata}"; Check: not IsInPath('{app}\toolchain\bin'); \ Components: toolchain; Tasks: addpath\allusers Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Environment"; \ ValueType: expandsz; ValueName: "Path"; ValueData: "{app}\toolchain\bin;{olddata}"; Check: not IsInPath('{app}\toolchain\bin'); \ Components: toolchain; Tasks: addpath\user [Code] procedure InitializeWizard; begin idpDownloadAfter(wpReady); end; procedure CurPageChanged(CurPageID: Integer); begin { When the Ready page is being displayed, initialise downloads based on which Tasks are selected } if CurPageID=wpReady then begin if IsTaskSelected('python32') then begin idpAddFile('https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.14/python-2.7.14.msi', ExpandConstant('{tmp}\python.msi')); end; if IsTaskSelected('python64') then begin idpAddFile('https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.14/python-2.7.14.amd64.msi', ExpandConstant('{tmp}\python.msi')); end; if IsTaskSelected('cmake32') then begin idpAddFile('https://cmake.org/files/v3.11/cmake-3.11.1-win32-x86.msi', ExpandConstant('{tmp}\cmake.msi')); end; if IsTaskSelected('cmake64') then begin idpAddFile('https://cmake.org/files/v3.11/cmake-3.11.1-win64-x64.msi', ExpandConstant('{tmp}\cmake.msi')); end; end; end; { Utility to search in HKLM for an installation path. Looks in both 64-bit & 32-bit registry. } function GetInstallPath(key, valuename : String) : Variant; var value : string; begin Result := Null; if RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key, valuename, value) then begin Result := value; end else begin { This is 32-bit setup running on 64-bit Windows, but ESP-IDF can use 64-bit tools also } if IsWin64 and RegQueryStringValue(HKLM64, key, valuename, value) then begin Result := value; end; end; end; { Return the path of the CMake install, if there is one } function CMakeInstallPath() : Variant; begin Result := GetInstallPath('SOFTWARE\Kitware\CMake', 'InstallDir'); end; { Return 'True' if CMake is installed } function CMakeInstalled() : Boolean; begin Result := not VarIsNull(CMakeInstallPath()); end; { Return the path where Python 2.7 is installed, if there is one } function Python27InstallPath() : Variant; begin Result := GetInstallPath('SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\2.7\InstallPath', ''); end; { Return True if Python 2.7 is installed } function Python27Installed() : Boolean; begin Result := not VarIsNull(Python27InstallPath()); end; { Return arguments to pass to CMake installer, ie should it add CMake to the Path } function GetCMakeInstallerArgs(Param : String) : String; begin if IsTaskSelected('addpath\allusers') then begin Result := 'ADD_CMAKE_TO_PATH=System'; end else if IsTaskSelected('addpath\user') then begin Result := 'ADD_CMAKE_TO_PATH=User'; end else begin Result := 'ADD_CMAKE_TO_PATH=None'; end; end; { Return arguments to pass to the Python installer, ie should it install for all users and should it prepend to the Path } function GetPythonInstallerArgs(Param : String) : String; begin { Note: The Python 2.7 installer appears to always add PATH to system environment variables, regardless of ALLUSERS setting. This appears to be fixed in the Python 3.x installers (which use WiX) } if IsTaskSelected('addpath') then begin Result := 'ADDLOCAL=ALL '; end else begin Result := '' end; if IsTaskSelected('addpath\allusers') then begin Result := Result + 'ALLUSERS=1'; end else begin Result := Result + 'ALLUSERS='; end; end; { Return True if the param is already set in the Path (user or system, depending on which Task is chosen) Adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/3431379 } function IsInPath(Param: string): boolean; var OrigPath: string; RootKey : Integer; SubKey : String; begin if IsTaskSelected('addpath\allusers') then begin RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; SubKey := 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment'; end else begin RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; SubKey := 'Environment'; end; if not RegQueryStringValue(RootKey, SubKey, 'Path', OrigPath) then begin Result := False; end else begin { look for the path with leading and trailing semicolon } Result := Pos(';' + Param + ';', ';' + OrigPath + ';') > 0; end; end;