#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2018 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import argparse import re import fnmatch import string import collections import textwrap # list files here which should not be parsed ignore_files = [ 'components/mdns/test_afl_fuzz_host/esp32_compat.h' ] # macros from here have higher priorities in case of collisions priority_headers = [ 'components/esp32/include/esp_err.h' ] err_dict = collections.defaultdict(list) #identified errors are stored here; mapped by the error code rev_err_dict = dict() #map of error string to error code unproc_list = list() #errors with unknown codes which depend on other errors class ErrItem: """ Contains information about the error: - name - error string - file - relative path inside the IDF project to the file which defines this error - comment - (optional) comment for the error - rel_str - (optional) error string which is a base for the error - rel_off - (optional) offset in relation to the base error """ def __init__(self, name, file, comment, rel_str = "", rel_off = 0): self.name = name self.file = file self.comment = comment self.rel_str = rel_str self.rel_off = rel_off def __str__(self): ret = self.name + " from " + self.file if (self.rel_str != ""): ret += " is (" + self.rel_str + " + " + str(self.rel_off) + ")" if self.comment != "": ret += " // " + self.comment return ret def __cmp__(self, other): if self.file in priority_headers and other.file not in priority_headers: return -1 elif self.file not in priority_headers and other.file in priority_headers: return 1 base = "_BASE" if self.file == other.file: if self.name.endswith(base) and not(other.name.endswith(base)): return 1 elif not(self.name.endswith(base)) and other.name.endswith(base): return -1 self_key = self.file + self.name other_key = other.file + other.name if self_key < other_key: return -1 elif self_key > other_key: return 1 else: return 0 class InputError(RuntimeError): """ Represents and error on the input """ def __init__(self, p, e): super(InputError, self).__init__(p + ": " + e) def process(line, idf_path): """ Process a line of text from file idf_path (relative to IDF project). Fills the global list unproc_list and dictionaries err_dict, rev_err_dict """ if idf_path.endswith(".c"): # We would not try to include a C file raise InputError(idf_path, "This line should be in a header file: %s" % line) words = re.split(r' +', line, 2) # words[1] is the error name # words[2] is the rest of the line (value, base + value, comment) if len(words) < 2: raise InputError(idf_path, "Error at line %s" % line) line = "" todo_str = words[2] comment = "" # identify possible comment m = re.search(r'/\*!<(.+?(?=\*/))', todo_str) if m: comment = string.strip(m.group(1)) todo_str = string.strip(todo_str[:m.start()]) # keep just the part before the comment # identify possible parentheses () m = re.search(r'\((.+)\)', todo_str) if m: todo_str = m.group(1) #keep what is inside the parentheses # identify BASE error code, e.g. from the form BASE + 0x01 m = re.search(r'\s*(\w+)\s*\+(.+)', todo_str) if m: related = m.group(1) # BASE todo_str = m.group(2) # keep and process only what is after "BASE +" # try to match a hexadecimal number m = re.search(r'0x([0-9A-Fa-f]+)', todo_str) if m: num = int(m.group(1), 16) else: # Try to match a decimal number. Negative value is possible for some numbers, e.g. ESP_FAIL m = re.search(r'(-?[0-9]+)', todo_str) if m: num = int(m.group(1), 10) elif re.match(r'\w+', todo_str): # It is possible that there is no number, e.g. #define ERROR BASE related = todo_str # BASE error num = 0 # (BASE + 0) else: raise InputError(idf_path, "Cannot parse line %s" % line) try: related except NameError: # The value of the error is known at this moment because it do not depends on some other BASE error code err_dict[num].append(ErrItem(words[1], idf_path, comment)) rev_err_dict[words[1]] = num else: # Store the information available now and compute the error code later unproc_list.append(ErrItem(words[1], idf_path, comment, related, num)) def process_remaining_errors(): """ Create errors which could not be processed before because the error code for the BASE error code wasn't known. This works for sure only if there is no multiple-time dependency, e.g.: #define BASE1 0 #define BASE2 (BASE1 + 10) #define ERROR (BASE2 + 10) - ERROR will be processed successfully only if it processed later than BASE2 """ for item in unproc_list: if item.rel_str in rev_err_dict: base_num = rev_err_dict[item.rel_str] base = err_dict[base_num][0] num = base_num + item.rel_off err_dict[num].append(ErrItem(item.name, item.file, item.comment)) rev_err_dict[item.name] = num else: print(item.rel_str + " referenced by " + item.name + " in " + item.file + " is unknown") del unproc_list[:] def path_to_include(path): """ Process the path (relative to the IDF project) in a form which can be used to include in a C file. Using just the filename does not work all the time because some files are deeper in the tree. This approach tries to find an 'include' parent directory an include its subdirectories, e.g. "components/XY/include/esp32/file.h" will be transported into "esp32/file.h" So this solution works only works when the subdirectory or subdirectories are inside the "include" directory. Other special cases need to be handled here when the compiler gives an unknown header file error message. """ spl_path = string.split(path, os.sep) try: i = spl_path.index('include') except ValueError: # no include in the path -> use just the filename return os.path.basename(path) else: return str(os.sep).join(spl_path[i+1:]) # subdirectories and filename in "include" def print_warning(error_list, error_code): """ Print warning about errors with the same error code """ print("[WARNING] The following errors have the same code (%d):" % error_code) for e in error_list: print(" " + str(e)) def max_string_width(): max = 0 for k in err_dict.keys(): for e in err_dict[k]: x = len(e.name) if x > max: max = x return max def generate_output(fin, fout): """ Writes the output to fout based on th error dictionary err_dict and template file fin. """ # make includes unique by using a set includes = set() for k in err_dict.keys(): for e in err_dict[k]: includes.add(path_to_include(e.file)) # The order in a set in non-deterministic therefore it could happen that the # include order will be different in other machines and false difference # in the output file could be reported. In order to avoid this, the items # are sorted in a list. include_list = list(includes) include_list.sort() max_width = max_string_width() + 17 + 1 # length of " ERR_TBL_IT()," with spaces is 17 max_decdig = max(len(str(k)) for k in err_dict.keys()) for line in fin: if re.match(r'@COMMENT@', line): fout.write("//Do not edit this file because it is autogenerated by " + os.path.basename(__file__) + "\n") elif re.match(r'@HEADERS@', line): for i in include_list: fout.write("#if __has_include(\"" + i + "\")\n#include \"" + i + "\"\n#endif\n") elif re.match(r'@ERROR_ITEMS@', line): last_file = "" for k in sorted(err_dict.keys()): if len(err_dict[k]) > 1: err_dict[k].sort() print_warning(err_dict[k], k) for e in err_dict[k]: if e.file != last_file: last_file = e.file fout.write(" // %s\n" % last_file) table_line = (" ERR_TBL_IT(" + e.name + "), ").ljust(max_width) + "/* " + str(k).rjust(max_decdig) fout.write("# ifdef %s\n" % e.name) fout.write(table_line) hexnum_length = 0 if k > 0: # negative number and zero should be only ESP_FAIL and ESP_OK hexnum = " 0x%x" % k hexnum_length = len(hexnum) fout.write(hexnum) if e.comment != "": if len(e.comment) < 50: fout.write(" %s" % e.comment) else: indent = " " * (len(table_line) + hexnum_length + 1) w = textwrap.wrap(e.comment, width=120, initial_indent = indent, subsequent_indent = indent) # this couldn't be done with initial_indent because there is no initial_width option fout.write(" %s" % w[0].strip()) for i in range(1, len(w)): fout.write("\n%s" % w[i]) fout.write(" */\n# endif\n") else: fout.write(line) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='ESP32 esp_err_to_name lookup generator for esp_err_t') parser.add_argument('input', help='Path to the esp_err_to_name.c.in template input.', default=os.environ['IDF_PATH'] + '/components/esp32/esp_err_to_name.c.in', nargs='?') parser.add_argument('output', help='Path to the esp_err_to_name.c output.', default=os.environ['IDF_PATH'] + '/components/esp32/esp_err_to_name.c', nargs='?') args = parser.parse_args() for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(os.environ['IDF_PATH']): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.[ch]'): full_path = os.path.join(root, filename) idf_path = os.path.relpath(full_path, os.environ['IDF_PATH']) if idf_path in ignore_files: continue with open(full_path, "r+") as f: for line in f: # match also ESP_OK and ESP_FAIL because some of ESP_ERRs are referencing them if re.match(r"\s*#define\s+(ESP_ERR_|ESP_OK|ESP_FAIL)", line): try: process(str.strip(line), idf_path) except InputError as e: print (e) process_remaining_errors() with open(args.input, 'r') as fin, open(args.output, 'w') as fout: generate_output(fin, fout) if __name__ == "__main__": main()