ESP32 Power Management Algorithm -------------------------------- The table below shows how CPU and APB frequencies will be switched if dynamic frequency scaling is enabled. You can specify the maximum CPU frequency with either :cpp:func:`esp_pm_configure` or :ref:`CONFIG_ESP32_DEFAULT_CPU_FREQ_MHZ`. +---------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | Max CPU | Lock Acquisition | CPU and APB Frequncies | | Frequency Set | | | +---------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | 240 | | Any of ``ESP_PM_CPU_FREQ_MAX`` | | | | | or ``ESP_PM_APB_FREQ_MAX`` acquired | | CPU: 240 MHz | | | | | APB: 80 MHz | + +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | | None | Min values for both frequencies set | | | | with :cpp:func:`esp_pm_configure` | +---------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | 160 | ``ESP_PM_CPU_FREQ_MAX`` acquired | | CPU: 160 MHz | | | | | APB: 80 MHz | + +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | | ``ESP_PM_CPU_FREQ_MAX`` acquired, | | CPU: 80 MHz | | | ``ESP_PM_APB_FREQ_MAX`` not acquired | | APB: 80 MHz | + +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | | None | Min values for both frequencies set | | | | with :cpp:func:`esp_pm_configure` | +---------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | 80 | | Any of ``ESP_PM_CPU_FREQ_MAX`` | | CPU: 80 MHz | | | | or ``ESP_PM_APB_FREQ_MAX`` acquired | | APB: 80 MHz | + +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | | None | Min values for both frequencies set | | | | with :cpp:func:`esp_pm_configure` | +---------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ If none of the locks are acquired, and light sleep is enabled in a call to :cpp:func:`esp_pm_configure`, the system will go into light sleep mode. The duration of light sleep will be determined by: - FreeRTOS tasks blocked with finite timeouts - Timers registered with :doc:`High resolution timer ` APIs Light sleep duration will be chosen to wake up the chip before the nearest event (task being unblocked, or timer elapses).