// Copyright 2017-2018 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #ifndef _ESP_BLE_MESH_HEALTH_MODEL_API_H_ #define _ESP_BLE_MESH_HEALTH_MODEL_API_H_ #include "esp_ble_mesh_defs.h" /** @def ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_HEALTH_SRV * * @brief Define a new Health Server Model. * * @note The Health Server Model can only be included by a Primary Element. * * @param srv Pointer to the unique struct esp_ble_mesh_health_srv_t. * @param pub Pointer to the unique struct esp_ble_mesh_model_pub_t. * * @return New Health Server Model instance. */ #define ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_HEALTH_SRV(srv, pub) \ ESP_BLE_MESH_SIG_MODEL(ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_ID_HEALTH_SRV, \ NULL, pub, srv) /** @def ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_HEALTH_CLI * * @brief Define a new Health Client Model. * * @note This API needs to be called for each element on which * the application needs to have a Health Client Model. * * @param cli_data Pointer to the unique struct esp_ble_mesh_client_t. * * @return New Health Client Model instance. */ #define ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_HEALTH_CLI(cli_data) \ ESP_BLE_MESH_SIG_MODEL(ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_ID_HEALTH_CLI, \ NULL, NULL, cli_data) typedef struct { /* Fetch current faults */ int (*fault_get_cur)(esp_ble_mesh_model_t *model, uint8_t *test_id, uint16_t *company_id, uint8_t *faults, uint8_t *fault_count); /* Fetch registered faults */ int (*fault_get_reg)(esp_ble_mesh_model_t *model, uint16_t company_id, uint8_t *test_id, uint8_t *faults, uint8_t *fault_count); /* Clear registered faults */ int (*fault_clear)(esp_ble_mesh_model_t *model, uint16_t company_id); /* Run a specific test */ int (*fault_test)(esp_ble_mesh_model_t *model, uint8_t test_id, uint16_t company_id); /* Attention on */ void (*attn_on)(esp_ble_mesh_model_t *model); /* Attention off */ void (*attn_off)(esp_ble_mesh_model_t *model); } esp_ble_mesh_health_srv_cb_t; /** ESP BLE Mesh Health Server Model Context */ typedef struct { esp_ble_mesh_model_t *model; /* Optional callback struct */ const esp_ble_mesh_health_srv_cb_t *cb; /* Attention Timer state */ struct k_delayed_work attn_timer; } esp_ble_mesh_health_srv_t; /** BLE Mesh Health Client Model fault get Context */ typedef struct { uint16_t company_id; /*!< Bluetooth assigned 16-bit Company ID */ } esp_ble_mesh_health_fault_get_t; /** Mesh Health Client Model attention set Context */ typedef struct { uint8_t attention; /*!< Value of the Attention Timer state */ } esp_ble_mesh_health_attention_set_t; /** Mesh Health client Model period set Context */ typedef struct { uint8_t fast_period_divisor; /*!< Divider for the Publish Period */ } esp_ble_mesh_health_period_set_t; /** BLE Mesh Health Client Model fault test Context */ typedef struct { uint16_t company_id; /*!< Bluetooth assigned 16-bit Company ID */ uint8_t test_id; /*!< ID of a specific test to be performed */ } esp_ble_mesh_health_fault_test_t; /** BLE Mesh Health Client Model fault clear Context */ typedef struct { uint16_t company_id; /*!< Bluetooth assigned 16-bit Company ID */ } esp_ble_mesh_health_fault_clear_t; /** * @brief For ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_OP_HEALTH_FAULT_GET * ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_OP_ATTENTION_GET * ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_OP_HEALTH_PERIOD_GET * the get_state parameter in the esp_ble_mesh_health_client_get_state function should not be set to NULL. */ typedef union { esp_ble_mesh_health_fault_get_t fault_get; /*!< For ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_OP_HEALTH_FAULT_GET. */ } esp_ble_mesh_health_client_get_state_t; /** * @brief For ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_OP_HEALTH_FAULT_CLEAR * ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_OP_HEALTH_FAULT_CLEAR_UNACK * ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_OP_HEALTH_FAULT_TEST * ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_OP_HEALTH_FAULT_TEST_UNACK * ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_OP_HEALTH_PERIOD_SET * ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_OP_HEALTH_PERIOD_SET_UNACK * ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_OP_ATTENTION_SET * ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_OP_ATTENTION_SET_UNACK * the set_state parameter in the esp_ble_mesh_health_client_set_state function should not be set to NULL. */ typedef union { esp_ble_mesh_health_attention_set_t attention_set; /*!< For ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_OP_ATTENTION_SET or ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_OP_ATTENTION_SET_UNACK. */ esp_ble_mesh_health_period_set_t period_set; /*!< For ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_OP_HEALTH_PERIOD_SET or ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_OP_HEALTH_PERIOD_SET_UNACK. */ esp_ble_mesh_health_fault_test_t fault_test; /*!< For ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_OP_HEALTH_FAULT_TEST or ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_OP_HEALTH_FAULT_TEST_UNACK. */ esp_ble_mesh_health_fault_clear_t fault_clear; /*!< For ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_OP_HEALTH_FAULT_CLEAR or ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_OP_HEALTH_FAULT_CLEAR_UNACK. */ } esp_ble_mesh_health_client_set_state_t; typedef struct { uint8_t test_id; /*!< ID of a most recently performed test */ uint16_t company_id; /*!< Bluetooth assigned 16-bit Company ID */ struct net_buf_simple *fault_array; /*!< FaultArray field contains a sequence of 1-octet fault values */ } esp_ble_mesh_health_current_status_cb_t; typedef struct { uint8_t test_id; /*!< ID of a most recently performed test */ uint16_t company_id; /*!< Bluetooth assigned 16-bit Company ID */ struct net_buf_simple *fault_array; /*!< FaultArray field contains a sequence of 1-octet fault values */ } esp_ble_mesh_health_fault_status_cb_t; typedef struct { uint8_t fast_period_divisor; /*!< Divider for the Publish Period */ } esp_ble_mesh_health_period_status_cb_t; typedef struct { uint8_t attention; /*!< Value of the Attention Timer state */ } esp_ble_mesh_health_attention_status_cb_t; typedef union { esp_ble_mesh_health_current_status_cb_t current_status; /*!< The health current status value */ esp_ble_mesh_health_fault_status_cb_t fault_status; /*!< The health fault status value */ esp_ble_mesh_health_period_status_cb_t period_status; /*!< The health period status value */ esp_ble_mesh_health_attention_status_cb_t attention_status; /*!< The health attention status value */ } esp_ble_mesh_health_client_common_cb_param_t; typedef struct { int error_code; /*!< Appropriate error code */ esp_ble_mesh_client_common_param_t *params; /*!< The client common parameters. */ esp_ble_mesh_health_client_common_cb_param_t status_cb; /*!< The health message status callback values */ } esp_ble_mesh_health_client_cb_param_t; typedef enum { ESP_BLE_MESH_HEALTH_CLIENT_GET_STATE_EVT, ESP_BLE_MESH_HEALTH_CLIENT_SET_STATE_EVT, ESP_BLE_MESH_HEALTH_CLIENT_PUBLISH_EVT, ESP_BLE_MESH_HEALTH_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_EVT, ESP_BLE_MESH_HEALTH_CLIENT_EVT_MAX, } esp_ble_mesh_health_client_cb_event_t; typedef struct { int error_code; /*!< Appropriate error code */ } esp_ble_mesh_health_server_cb_param_t; typedef enum { ESP_BLE_MESH_HEALTH_SERVER_FAULT_UPDATE_COMPLETE_EVT, ESP_BLE_MESH_HEALTH_SERVER_EVT_MAX, } esp_ble_mesh_health_server_cb_event_t; /** * @brief Bluetooth Mesh Health Client and Server Model function. */ /** @brief: event, event code of Health Client Model event; param, parameters of Health Client Model event) */ typedef void (* esp_ble_mesh_health_client_cb_t)(esp_ble_mesh_health_client_cb_event_t event, esp_ble_mesh_health_client_cb_param_t *param); /** @brief: event, event code of Health Server Model event; param, parameters of Health Server Model event) */ typedef void (* esp_ble_mesh_health_server_cb_t)(esp_ble_mesh_health_server_cb_event_t event, esp_ble_mesh_health_server_cb_param_t *param); /** * @brief Register BLE Mesh Health Model callback, the callback will report Health Client & Server Model events. * * @param[in] callback: Pointer to the callback function. * * @return ESP_OK on success or error code otherwise. * */ esp_err_t esp_ble_mesh_register_health_client_callback(esp_ble_mesh_health_client_cb_t callback); /** * @brief Register BLE Mesh Health Server Model callback. * * @param[in] callback: Pointer to the callback function. * * @return ESP_OK on success or error code otherwise. * */ esp_err_t esp_ble_mesh_register_health_server_callback(esp_ble_mesh_health_server_cb_t callback); /** * @brief This function is called to get the Health Server states using the Health Client Model get messages. * * @note If you want to find the opcodes and corresponding meanings accepted by this API, * please refer to (@ref esp_ble_mesh_opcode_health_client_get_t). * * @param[in] params: Pointer to BLE Mesh common client parameters. * @param[in] get_state: Pointer to a union, each kind of opcode corresponds to one structure inside. * Shall not be set to NULL. * * @return ESP_OK on success or error code otherwise. * */ esp_err_t esp_ble_mesh_health_client_get_state(esp_ble_mesh_client_common_param_t *params, esp_ble_mesh_health_client_get_state_t *get_state); /** * @brief This function is called to set the Health Server states using the Health Client Model set messages. * * @note If you want to find the opcodes and corresponding meanings accepted by this API, * please refer to (@ref esp_ble_mesh_opcode_health_client_set_t). * * @param[in] params: Pointer to BLE Mesh common client parameters. * @param[in] set_state: Pointer to a union, each kind of opcode corresponds to one structure inside. * Shall not be set to NULL. * * @return ESP_OK on success or error code otherwise. * */ esp_err_t esp_ble_mesh_health_client_set_state(esp_ble_mesh_client_common_param_t *params, esp_ble_mesh_health_client_set_state_t *set_state); /** * @brief This function is called by the Health Server Model to start to publish its Current Health Fault. * * @param[in] element: The element to which the Health Server Model belongs. * * @return ESP_OK on success or error code otherwise. * */ esp_err_t esp_ble_mesh_health_server_fault_update(esp_ble_mesh_elem_t *element); #endif /** _ESP_BLE_MESH_HEALTH_MODEL_API_H_ */