# SPIFFS example This example demonstrates how to use SPIFFS with ESP32. Example does the following steps: 1. Use an "all-in-one" `esp_vfs_spiffs_register` function to: - initialize SPIFFS, - mount SPIFFS filesystem using SPIFFS library (and format, if the filesystem can not be mounted), - register SPIFFS filesystem in VFS, enabling C standard library and POSIX functions to be used. 2. Create a file using `fopen` and write to it using `fprintf`. 3. Rename the file. Before renaming, check if destination file already exists using `stat` function, and remove it using `unlink` function. 4. Open renamed file for reading, read back the line, and print it to the terminal. ## Example output Here is an example console output. In this case `format_if_mount_failed` parameter was set to `true` in the source code. SPIFFS was unformatted, so the initial mount has failed. SPIFFS was then formatted, and mounted again. ``` I (195) example: Initializing SPIFFS E (195) SPIFFS: mount failed, -10025. formatting... I (4525) example: Opening file I (4635) example: File written I (4685) example: Renaming file I (4735) example: Reading file I (4735) example: Read from file: 'Hello World!' I (4735) example: SPIFFS unmounted ```