/* ESP BLE Mesh Example This example code is in the Public Domain (or CC0 licensed, at your option.) Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, this software is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */ #include "run_tc.h" #include "test_env.h" #include "wifi_unit.h" #include "ble_unit.h" #include "sync.h" #include "wifi_connect.h" #define TAG "CASE" xQueueHandle xTaskQueue = 0; static const char *coex_get_case_env(coex_test_env_t *test_env, const char *keyword) { const char *ret = NULL; if (!strcmp(keyword, "ap_ssid")) { ret = test_env->ap_ssid; } else if (!strcmp(keyword, "ap_password")) { ret = test_env->ap_password; } else if (!strcmp(keyword, "test_port")) { ret = test_env->test_port; } else if (!strcmp(keyword, "server_ip")) { ret = test_env->server_ip; } else if (!strcmp(keyword, "duration")) { ret = test_env->duration; } return ret; } static void wifi_tc_sta_throughput_timeout(void *arg) { static uint32_t statistic_count = 0; static uint64_t accumulate_speed = 0; uint32_t now = utils_get_system_ts(); uint32_t *report = (uint32_t *) arg; uint32_t last_timestamp = report[0]; if (now > last_timestamp) { uint32_t speed = report[1] * 8 / (now - last_timestamp); accumulate_speed += speed; statistic_count += 1; printf("speed: %d kbps average speed: %lld kbps\n", speed, accumulate_speed / statistic_count ); report[1] = 0; report[0] = now; } } static esp_err_t create_statistic_timer(esp_timer_handle_t *timer_hdl , uint32_t statistic_date[]) { esp_err_t ret; esp_timer_create_args_t tca = { .callback = (esp_timer_cb_t)wifi_tc_sta_throughput_timeout, .dispatch_method = ESP_TIMER_TASK, .name = "TCP_STATISTIC", }; tca.arg = statistic_date; ret = esp_timer_create(&tca, timer_hdl); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "statistic_timer create failed"); return ret; } esp_timer_start_periodic(*timer_hdl, 1000000); //1000ms return ret; } void wifi_tcp_tx_throught_start(void *param) { esp_timer_handle_t timer_hdl = NULL; esp_err_t ret; int sock = -1; uint32_t statistic_date[2] = {0}; const char *ssid = coex_get_case_env(param, "ap_ssid"); const char *passwd = coex_get_case_env(param, "ap_password"); wifi_util_init(); // wifi_unit_connect_ap(ssid, passwd); example_connect(ssid, passwd); #if defined(CONFIG_EXAMPLE_AUTO) if (((coex_test_env_t *)param)->run_mutex != NULL) { //This will be blocked by the sync timer. xSemaphoreTake(((coex_test_env_t *)param)->run_mutex, portMAX_DELAY); xSemaphoreGive(((coex_test_env_t *)param)->run_mutex); } #endif const char *ip = coex_get_case_env(param, "server_ip"); const char *port = coex_get_case_env(param, "test_port"); const char *duration = coex_get_case_env(param, "duration"); wifi_unit_client_establish(&sock, ip, port); ret = create_statistic_timer(&timer_hdl, statistic_date); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "statistic_timer create failed"); goto _stop; } ret = wifi_util_tcp_send(sock, 1460, 0, &statistic_date[1], atoi(duration)); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "send failed, %x", ret); } _stop: if (timer_hdl) { esp_timer_stop(timer_hdl); esp_timer_delete(timer_hdl); } if (sock > 0) { close(sock); } } void wifi_tcp_tx_throught_end(void) { esp_wifi_disconnect(); } void wifi_tcp_rx_throught_start(void *param) { esp_timer_handle_t timer_hdl = NULL; esp_err_t ret; int sock = -1; uint32_t statistic_date[2] = {0}; const char *ssid = coex_get_case_env(param, "ap_ssid"); const char *passwd = coex_get_case_env(param, "ap_password"); const char *port = coex_get_case_env(param, "test_port"); const char *duration = coex_get_case_env(param, "duration"); wifi_util_init(); // wifi_unit_connect_ap(ssid, passwd); example_connect(ssid, passwd); wifi_unit_server_establish( &sock, port); ret = create_statistic_timer(&timer_hdl, statistic_date); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "statistic_timer create failed"); goto _stop; } ret = wifi_unit_tcp_recv(sock, duration, statistic_date); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "tcp receive failed"); goto _stop; } _stop: if (timer_hdl) { esp_timer_stop(timer_hdl); esp_timer_delete(timer_hdl); } if (sock > 0) { close(sock); } } void wifi_tcp_rx_throught_end(void) { esp_wifi_disconnect(); } void ble_adv_start(void *param) { esp_err_t ret; const char *duration = coex_get_case_env(param, "duration"); #if defined(CONFIG_EXAMPLE_MANAUL) bt_test_init(); #endif ret = ble_gap_util_set_default_adv_data(); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "failed to set adv data"); return; } ret = ble_gap_util_start_adv(&default_adv_param); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "failed to start adv"); return; } vTaskDelay(atoi(duration) / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } void ble_adv_end(void) { ble_gap_util_stop(); } void ble_scan_start(void *param) { esp_err_t ret; #if defined(CONFIG_EXAMPLE_MANAUL) bt_test_init(); vTaskDelay(10 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); init_ble_gap_test_util(); #endif ret = ble_gap_util_set_scan_param(&default_scan_param); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "set scan param fail"); return; } vTaskDelay(10 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); scan_count.adv_count = 0; scan_count.scan_res_count = 0; ret = esp_ble_gap_start_scanning(BLE_TC_SCAN_REPORT_PERIOD); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "esp_ble_gap_start_scanning error, %d", ret); return; } } void ble_scan_end(void) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "%s \n", __func__); } tc_t tc_case[] = { DECLARE_TC(TC_WIFI_COEX_TCP_TX_THROUGHPUT, 0, wifi_tcp_tx_throught_start, wifi_tcp_tx_throught_end, (void *)&test_env), DECLARE_TC(TC_WIFI_COEX_TCP_RX_THROUGHPUT, 1, wifi_tcp_rx_throught_start, wifi_tcp_rx_throught_end, (void *)&test_env), DECLARE_TC(TC_BLE_COEX_ADV, 2, ble_adv_start, ble_adv_end, (void *)&test_env), DECLARE_TC(TC_BLE_COEX_SCAN, 3, ble_scan_start, ble_scan_end, (void *)&test_env), }; static void excute_case(void *arg) { tc_t *run_case = (tc_t *) arg; if (run_case && run_case->func_start != NULL) { run_case->func_start(run_case->param_list); } if (run_case && run_case->func_stop != NULL ) { vTaskDelay(100 / portTICK_RATE_MS); run_case->func_stop(); } vTaskDelete(NULL); } static void run_task(void *arg) { tc_t *tc_case_table = (tc_t *) arg; run_task_msg_t msg; for (;;) { if (pdTRUE == xQueueReceive(xTaskQueue, &msg, (portTickType)portMAX_DELAY)) { if ( msg.case_id < sizeof(tc_case) / sizeof(tc_case[0]) ) { xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(excute_case, tc_case_table->name, 4096, &tc_case_table[msg.case_id], RUN_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL, 0); } else { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "msg.case_id %d\n", msg.case_id); } } } vTaskDelete(NULL); } void run_tc_init(void) { xTaskQueue = xQueueCreate(RUN_TASK_QUEUE_LEN, sizeof(run_task_msg_t)); if (!xTaskQueue) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "xTaskQueue create failed"); return; } xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(run_task, "run_task", 4096, tc_case, RUN_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL, 0); }