/* ESP BLE Mesh Example This example code is in the Public Domain (or CC0 licensed, at your option.) Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, this software is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */ #include "ble_unit.h" #include "sync.h" #define TAG "BLE_UINT" #define GAP_TRANS_DEFAULT_SHORT_TO 50 // 50ms for events expected to reported as soon as API called static uint8_t default_adv_data[] = { 0x02, 0x01, 0x06, 0x02, 0x0a, 0xeb, 0x03, 0x03, 0xab, 0xcd }; static uint8_t default_scan_rsp_data[] = { 0x0f, 0x09, 0x45, 0x53, 0x50, 0x5f, 0x47, 0x41, 0x54, 0x54, 0x53, 0x5f, 0x43, 0x4f, 0x45, 0x58 }; esp_ble_scan_params_t default_scan_param = { .scan_type = BLE_SCAN_TYPE_ACTIVE, .own_addr_type = BLE_ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC, .scan_filter_policy = BLE_SCAN_FILTER_ALLOW_ALL, .scan_interval = 0x100, .scan_window = 0x100 }; esp_ble_adv_params_t default_adv_param = { .adv_int_min = 0x40, .adv_int_max = 0x40, .adv_type = ADV_TYPE_IND, .own_addr_type = BLE_ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC, .channel_map = ADV_CHNL_ALL, .adv_filter_policy = ADV_FILTER_ALLOW_SCAN_ANY_CON_ANY, }; ble_util_scan_count_t scan_count; static void ble_gap_event_default_handler(esp_gap_ble_cb_event_t event, esp_ble_gap_cb_param_t *param) { switch (event) { case ESP_GAP_BLE_SCAN_PARAM_SET_COMPLETE_EVT: { if (param->scan_param_cmpl.status != ESP_BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "set scan parameter failed, error status = %x", param->scan_param_cmpl.status); } break; } case ESP_GAP_BLE_ADV_DATA_RAW_SET_COMPLETE_EVT: { if (param->adv_data_raw_cmpl.status != ESP_BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "set row data failed, error status = %x", param->adv_data_raw_cmpl.status); } break; } case ESP_GAP_BLE_SCAN_RSP_DATA_RAW_SET_COMPLETE_EVT: { if (param->scan_rsp_data_raw_cmpl.status != ESP_BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "set scan response data failed, error status = %x", param->scan_rsp_data_raw_cmpl.status); } break; } case ESP_GAP_BLE_ADV_START_COMPLETE_EVT: { if (param->adv_start_cmpl.status != ESP_BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Advertising start failed\n"); } break; } case ESP_GAP_BLE_ADV_STOP_COMPLETE_EVT: if (param->adv_stop_cmpl.status != ESP_BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Advertising stop failed\n"); } break; case ESP_GAP_BLE_SCAN_START_COMPLETE_EVT: { if (param->scan_start_cmpl.status != ESP_BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "scan start failed, error status = %x", param->scan_start_cmpl.status); } break; } case ESP_GAP_BLE_SCAN_STOP_COMPLETE_EVT: if (param->scan_stop_cmpl.status != ESP_BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "scan stop failed, error status = %x", param->scan_stop_cmpl.status); } break; default: break; } } static void ble_gap_util_handler(esp_gap_ble_cb_event_t event, esp_ble_gap_cb_param_t *param) { if (sync_obj.cmd_recv != NULL) { sync_obj.cmd_recv(param->scan_rst.ble_adv, param->scan_rst.adv_data_len); } switch (event) { case ESP_GAP_BLE_SCAN_RESULT_EVT: switch (param->scan_rst.search_evt) { case ESP_GAP_SEARCH_INQ_RES_EVT: if (param->scan_rst.adv_data_len > 0 \ && (memcmp(default_adv_data, param->scan_rst.ble_adv, sizeof(default_adv_data)) == 0)) { scan_count.adv_count += 1; if (scan_count.adv_count % 10 == 0) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "adv count:%d scan_res count %d\n", scan_count.adv_count, scan_count.scan_res_count); } } if (param->scan_rst.scan_rsp_len > 0 \ && (memcmp(default_scan_rsp_data, (param->scan_rst.ble_adv + param->scan_rst.adv_data_len), sizeof(default_scan_rsp_data)) == 0)) { scan_count.scan_res_count += 1; } break; default: break; } break; default: ble_gap_event_default_handler(event, param); break; } } esp_err_t ble_gap_util_set_adv_data(uint8_t *adv_data, uint32_t adv_data_len, uint8_t *scan_rsp_data, uint32_t scan_rsp_data_len) { esp_err_t ret; ret = esp_ble_gap_config_adv_data_raw(adv_data, adv_data_len); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "esp_ble_gap_config_adv_data_raw error, %d", ret); return ret; } ret = esp_ble_gap_config_scan_rsp_data_raw(scan_rsp_data, scan_rsp_data_len); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "esp_ble_gap_config_scan_rsp_data_raw error, %d", ret); return ret; } return 0; } esp_err_t ble_gap_util_set_default_adv_data(void) { return ble_gap_util_set_adv_data(default_adv_data, sizeof(default_adv_data), default_scan_rsp_data, sizeof(default_scan_rsp_data)); } esp_err_t ble_gap_util_start_adv(esp_ble_adv_params_t *adv_param) { esp_err_t ret; ret = esp_ble_gap_start_advertising(adv_param); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "esp_ble_gap_start_advertising error, %d", ret); return ret; } return 0; } esp_err_t ble_gap_util_start_adv_default(void) { esp_err_t ret; ret = esp_ble_gap_start_advertising(&default_adv_param); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "esp_ble_gap_start_advertising error, %d", ret); return ret; } return 0; } esp_err_t ble_gap_util_stop_adv(void) { esp_err_t ret; ret = esp_ble_gap_stop_advertising(); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "esp_ble_gap_stop_advertising error, %d", ret); return ret; } return 0; } esp_err_t ble_gap_util_set_scan_param(esp_ble_scan_params_t *scan_param) { esp_err_t ret; ret = esp_ble_gap_set_scan_params(scan_param); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "esp_ble_gap_set_scan_params error, %d", ret); return ret; } return 0; } esp_err_t ble_gap_util_set_default_scan_param(void) { return ble_gap_util_set_scan_param(&default_scan_param); } esp_err_t ble_gap_util_start_scan(uint32_t duration) { esp_err_t ret; ret = esp_ble_gap_start_scanning(duration); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "esp_ble_gap_start_scanning error, %d", ret); return ret; } return 0; } esp_err_t ble_gap_util_stop_scan(void) { esp_err_t ret; ret = esp_ble_gap_stop_scanning(); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "esp_ble_gap_stop_scanning error, %d", ret); return ret; } return 0; } void ble_gap_util_stop(void) { ble_gap_util_stop_adv(); ble_gap_util_stop_scan(); } esp_err_t init_ble_gap_test_util(void) { esp_err_t ret; ret = esp_ble_gap_register_callback(ble_gap_util_handler); if (ret) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "gap register error, error code = %x", ret); } return ret; } void bt_test_init(void) { ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_bt_controller_mem_release(ESP_BT_MODE_CLASSIC_BT)); esp_bt_controller_config_t bt_cfg = BT_CONTROLLER_INIT_CONFIG_DEFAULT(); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_bt_controller_init(&bt_cfg)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_bt_controller_enable(ESP_BT_MODE_BLE)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_bluedroid_init()); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_bluedroid_enable()); } void bt_test_deinit(void) { esp_bluedroid_disable(); esp_bluedroid_deinit(); esp_bt_controller_disable(); esp_bt_controller_deinit(); }