function(debug message) if(DEBUG) message(STATUS "${message}") endif() endfunction() # Given a component name (find_name) and a list of component paths (component_paths), # return the path to the component in 'variable' # # Fatal error is printed if the component is not found. function(find_component_path find_name components component_paths variable) list(FIND components ${find_name} idx) if(NOT idx EQUAL -1) list(GET component_paths ${idx} path) set("${variable}" "${path}" PARENT_SCOPE) return() else() endif() # TODO: find a way to print the dependency chain that lead to this not-found component message(FATAL_ERROR "Required component ${find_name} is not found in any of the provided COMPONENT_DIRS") endfunction() # components_find_all: Search 'component_dirs' for components and return them # as a list of names in 'component_names' and a list of full paths in # 'component_paths' # # component_paths contains only unique component names. Directories # earlier in the component_dirs list take precedence. function(components_find_all component_dirs component_paths component_names test_component_names) # component_dirs entries can be files or lists of files set(_paths "") set(_names "") set(_test_names "") # start by expanding the component_dirs list with all subdirectories foreach(dir ${component_dirs}) if(EXISTS ${dir}/CMakeLists.txt) get_filename_component(_path "${dir}" ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(_name "${_path}" NAME) if(NOT name IN_LIST names) list(APPEND _names "${_name}") list(APPEND _paths "${_path}") endif() if(EXISTS "${_path}/test/CMakeLists.txt") list(APPEND _test_names "${_name}") endif() else() if(EXISTS ${dir}/ get_filename_component(legacy_component "${legacy_component}" DIRECTORY) message(WARNING "Component ${legacy_component} contains old-style but no CMakeLists.txt. " "Component will be skipped.") else() if(NOT __recursing) # recurse only once file(GLOB subdirs LIST_DIRECTORIES true "${dir}/*") set(__recursing 1) components_find_all("${subdirs}" __paths __names __test_names) set(__recursing 0) if(__paths) list(APPEND _paths "${__paths}") list(APPEND _names "${__names}") list(APPEND _test_names "${__test_names}") endif() endif() endif() endif() endforeach() set(${test_component_names} "${_test_names}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(${component_paths} "${_paths}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(${component_names} "${_names}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction()