#!/usr/bin/env python # # esp-idf NVS partition generation tool. Tool helps in generating NVS-compatible # partition binary, with key-value pair entries provided via a CSV file. # # Copyright 2018 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import sys import argparse import binascii import random import struct import os import array import csv import zlib from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend """ Class for standard NVS page structure """ class Page(object): PAGE_PARAMS = { "max_size": 4096, "max_old_blob_size": 1984, "max_new_blob_size": 4000, "max_entries": 126 } # Item type codes U8 = 0x01 I8 = 0x11 U16 = 0x02 I16 = 0x12 U32 = 0x04 I32 = 0x14 SZ = 0x21 BLOB = 0x41 BLOB_DATA = 0x42 BLOB_IDX = 0x48 # Few Page constants HEADER_SIZE = 32 BITMAPARRAY_OFFSET = 32 BITMAPARRAY_SIZE_IN_BYTES = 32 FIRST_ENTRY_OFFSET = 64 SINGLE_ENTRY_SIZE = 32 CHUNK_ANY = 0xFF ACTIVE = 0xFFFFFFFE FULL = 0xFFFFFFFC VERSION1=0xFF VERSION2=0xFE def __init__(self, page_num): self.entry_num = 0 self.is_encrypt = False self.encr_key = None self.bitmap_array = array.array('B') self.version = Page.VERSION1 self.page_buf = bytearray(b'\xff')*Page.PAGE_PARAMS["max_size"] self.bitmap_array = self.create_bitmap_array() self.set_header(page_num) def set_header(self, page_num): global page_header # set page state to active page_header= bytearray(b'\xff')*32 page_state_active_seq = Page.ACTIVE page_header[0:4] = struct.pack(' 2: if not addr_len % 2: addr_tmp = addr tweak_tmp = self.reverse_hexbytes(addr_tmp) tweak_val = tweak_tmp + (init_tweak_val * (tweak_len_needed - (len(tweak_tmp)))) else: addr_tmp = init_tweak_val + addr tweak_tmp = self.reverse_hexbytes(addr_tmp) tweak_val = tweak_tmp + (init_tweak_val * (tweak_len_needed - (len(tweak_tmp)))) else: tweak_val = addr + (init_tweak_val * (tweak_len_needed - len(addr))) # Encrypt data data_bytes = data_input[start_idx:end_idx] data_val = data_bytes + (init_data_val * (data_len_needed - len(data_bytes))) encr_data_ret = self.encrypt_entry(data_val, tweak_val, encr_key_input) encr_data_to_write = encr_data_to_write + encr_data_ret # Update values for encrypting next set of data bytes start_idx = end_idx end_idx = start_idx + 64 entry_no += 1 return encr_data_to_write def write_entry_to_buf(self, data, entrycount,nvs_obj): encr_data = bytearray() if self.is_encrypt: encr_data_ret = self.encrypt_data(data, entrycount,nvs_obj) encr_data[0:len(encr_data_ret)] = encr_data_ret data = encr_data data_offset = Page.FIRST_ENTRY_OFFSET + (Page.SINGLE_ENTRY_SIZE * self.entry_num) start_idx = data_offset end_idx = data_offset + len(data) self.page_buf[start_idx:end_idx] = data # Set bitmap array for entries in current page for i in range(0, entrycount): self.write_bitmaparray() self.entry_num += 1 def set_crc_header(self, entry_struct): crc_data = bytearray(28) crc_data[0:4] = entry_struct[0:4] crc_data[4:28] = entry_struct[8:32] crc = zlib.crc32(buffer(crc_data), 0xFFFFFFFF) entry_struct[4:8] = struct.pack(' Page.PAGE_PARAMS["max_old_blob_size"]: raise InputError("%s: Size exceeds max allowed length." % key) if version == Page.VERSION2: if encoding == "string": if datalen > Page.PAGE_PARAMS["max_new_blob_size"]: raise InputError("%s: Size exceeds max allowed length." % key) # Calculate no. of entries data will require rounded_size = (datalen + 31) & ~31 data_entry_count = rounded_size / 32 total_entry_count = data_entry_count + 1 # +1 for the entry header # Check if page is already full and new page is needed to be created right away if encoding == "string": if (self.entry_num + total_entry_count) >= Page.PAGE_PARAMS["max_entries"]: raise PageFullError() # Entry header entry_struct = bytearray('\xff')*32 # Set Namespace Index entry_struct[0] = ns_index # Set Span if version == Page.VERSION2: if encoding == "string": entry_struct[2] = data_entry_count + 1 # Set Chunk Index chunk_index = Page.CHUNK_ANY entry_struct[3] = chunk_index else: entry_struct[2] = data_entry_count + 1 # set key key_array = bytearray('\x00')*16 entry_struct[8:24] = key_array entry_struct[8:8 + len(key)] = key # set Type if encoding == "string": entry_struct[1] = Page.SZ elif encoding in ["hex2bin", "binary", "base64"]: entry_struct[1] = Page.BLOB if version == Page.VERSION2 and (encoding in ["hex2bin", "binary", "base64"]): entry_struct = self.write_varlen_binary_data(entry_struct,ns_index,key,data,\ datalen,total_entry_count, nvs_obj) else: self.write_single_page_entry(entry_struct, data, datalen, data_entry_count, nvs_obj) """ Low-level function to write data of primitive type into page buffer. """ def write_primitive_data(self, key, data, encoding, ns_index,nvs_obj): # Check if entry exceeds max number of entries allowed per page if self.entry_num >= Page.PAGE_PARAMS["max_entries"]: raise PageFullError() entry_struct = bytearray('\xff')*32 entry_struct[0] = ns_index # namespace index entry_struct[2] = 0x01 # Span chunk_index = Page.CHUNK_ANY entry_struct[3] = chunk_index # write key key_array = bytearray('\x00')*16 entry_struct[8:24] = key_array entry_struct[8:8 + len(key)] = key if encoding == "u8": entry_struct[1] = Page.U8 entry_struct[24] = struct.pack('