import yaml import os import os.path import re import sys import shutil MODULE_MAP = yaml.load(open("ModuleDefinition.yml", "r")) TEST_CASE_PATTERN = { "initial condition": "UTINIT1", "SDK": "ESP32_IDF", "level": "Unit", "execution time": 0, "Test App": "UT", "auto test": "Yes", "category": "Function", "test point 1": "basic function", "version": "v1 (2016-12-06)", "test environment": "UT_T1_1", "expected result": "1. set succeed" } CONFIG_FILE_PATTERN = { "Config": {"execute count": 1, "execute order": "in order"}, "DUT": [], "Filter": [{"Add": {"ID": []}}] } test_cases = list() test_ids = {} test_ids_by_job = {} unit_jobs = {} os.chdir(os.path.join("..", "..")) IDF_PATH = os.getcwd() class Parser(object): @classmethod def parse_test_folders(cls): test_folder_paths = list() os.chdir(os.path.join(IDF_PATH, "components")) component_dirs = [d for d in os.listdir(".") if os.path.isdir(d)] for dir in component_dirs: os.chdir(dir) if "test" in os.listdir("."): test_folder_paths.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "test")) os.chdir("..") Parser.parse_test_files(test_folder_paths) @classmethod def parse_test_files(cls, test_folder_paths): for path in test_folder_paths: os.chdir(path) for file_path in os.listdir("."): if file_path[-2:] == ".c": Parser.read_test_file(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), file_path), len(test_cases)+1) os.chdir(os.path.join("..", "..")) Parser.dump_test_cases(test_cases) @classmethod def read_test_file(cls, test_file_path, file_index): test_index = 0 with open(test_file_path, "r") as file: for line in file: if re.match("TEST_CASE", line): test_index += 1 tags = re.split(r"[\[\]\"]", line) Parser.parse_test_cases(file_index, test_index, tags) @classmethod def parse_test_cases(cls, file_index, test_index, tags): ci_ready = "Yes" test_env = "UT_T1_1" for tag in tags: if tag == "ignore": ci_ready = "No" if re.match("test_env=", tag): test_env = tag[9:] module_name = tags[4] try: MODULE_MAP[module_name] except KeyError: module_name = "misc" id = "UT_%s_%s_%03d%02d" % (MODULE_MAP[module_name]['module abbr'], MODULE_MAP[module_name]['sub module abbr'], file_index, test_index) test_case = dict(TEST_CASE_PATTERN) test_case.update({"module": MODULE_MAP[module_name]['module'], "CI ready": ci_ready, "cmd set": ["IDFUnitTest/UnitTest", [tags[1]]], "ID": id, "test point 2": module_name, "steps": tags[1], "comment": tags[1], "test environment": test_env, "sub module": MODULE_MAP[module_name]['sub module'], "summary": tags[1]}) if test_case["CI ready"] == "Yes": if test_ids.has_key(test_env): test_ids[test_env].append(id) else: test_ids.update({test_env: [id]}) test_cases.append(test_case) @classmethod def dump_test_cases(cls, test_cases): os.chdir(os.path.join(IDF_PATH, "components", "idf_test", "unit_test")) with open ("TestCaseAll.yml", "wb+") as f: yaml.dump({"test cases": test_cases}, f, allow_unicode=True, default_flow_style=False) @classmethod def dump_ci_config(cls): Parser.split_test_cases() os.chdir(os.path.join(IDF_PATH, "components", "idf_test", "unit_test")) if not os.path.exists("CIConfigs"): os.makedirs("CIConfigs") os.chdir("CIConfigs") for unit_job in unit_jobs: job = dict(CONFIG_FILE_PATTERN) job.update({"DUT": ["UT1"]}) job.update({"Filter": [{"Add": {"ID": test_ids_by_job[unit_job]}}]}) with open (unit_job + ".yml", "wb+") as f: yaml.dump(job, f, allow_unicode=True, default_flow_style=False) @classmethod def split_test_cases(cls): for job in unit_jobs: test_ids_by_job.update({job: list()}) for test_env in test_ids: available_jobs = list() for job in unit_jobs: if test_env in unit_jobs[job]: available_jobs.append(job) for idx, job in enumerate(available_jobs): test_ids_by_job[job] += (test_ids[test_env][idx*len(test_ids[test_env])/len(available_jobs):(idx+1)*len(test_ids[test_env])/len(available_jobs)]) @classmethod def parse_gitlab_ci(cls): os.chdir(IDF_PATH) with open(".gitlab-ci.yml", "rb") as f: gitlab_ci = yaml.load(f) keys = gitlab_ci.keys() for key in keys: if re.match("UT_", key): test_env = gitlab_ci[key]["tags"] unit_job = key key = {} key.update({unit_job: test_env}) unit_jobs.update(key) @classmethod def copy_module_def_file(cls): src = os.path.join(IDF_PATH, "tools", "unit-test-app", "ModuleDefinition.yml") dst = os.path.join(IDF_PATH, "components", "idf_test", "unit_test") shutil.copy(src, dst) def main(): Parser.parse_test_folders() Parser.parse_gitlab_ci() Parser.dump_ci_config() Parser.copy_module_def_file() if __name__ == '__main__': main()