#!/bin/bash # # Check for Documentation warnings: # doxygen-warning-log.txt should be an empty file # sphinx-warning-log.txt should only contain (fuzzy) matches to ../sphinx-known-warnings.txt RESULT=0 STARS='***************************************************' if [ -s doxygen-warning-log.txt ]; then echo "$STARS" echo "Build failed due to doxygen warnings:" cat doxygen-warning-log.txt echo "$STARS" RESULT=1 fi # Remove escape characters, file paths, line numbers from # the Sphinx warning log # (escape char removal from https://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/6141/remove-color-codes-special-characters-with-sed sed -r 's:\x1B\[[0-9;]*[mK]::g' sphinx-warning-log.txt | \ sed -E "s~${IDF_PATH}~\${IDF_PATH}~" | \ sed -E "s/:[0-9]+:/:line:/" > sphinx-warning-log-sanitized.txt # diff sanitized warnings, ignoring lines which only appear in ../sphinx-known-warnings.txt # format is to display only lines new or changed in second argument DIFF_FORMAT="--unchanged-line-format= --old-line-format= --new-line-format=%L" SPHINX_WARNINGS=$(diff $DIFF_FORMAT ../sphinx-known-warnings.txt sphinx-warning-log-sanitized.txt) if ! [ -z "$SPHINX_WARNINGS" ]; then echo "$STARS" echo "Build failed due to new/different Sphinx warnings:" echo "$SPHINX_WARNINGS" echo "$STARS" RESULT=1 echo "(Check files ../sphinx-known-warnings.txt and sphinx-warning-log.txt for full details.)" fi exit $RESULT