#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Demonstrates command-line interface of Partition Tool, parttool.py # # # $1 - serial port where target device to operate on is connnected to, by default the first found valid serial port # $2 - path to this example's built binary file (parttool.bin), by default $PWD/build/parttool.bin PORT=$1 PARTTOOL_PY="python $IDF_PATH/components/partition_table/parttool.py -q" if [[ "$PORT" != "" ]]; then PARTTOOL_PY="$PARTTOOL_PY --port $PORT" fi GEN_EMPTY_PARTITION_PY="python $IDF_PATH/components/partition_table/gen_empty_partition.py" BINARY=$2 if [[ "$BINARY" == "" ]]; then BINARY=build/parttool.bin fi function assert_file_same() { sz_a=$(stat -c %s $1) sz_b=$(stat -c %s $2) sz=$((sz_a < sz_b ? sz_a : sz_b)) res=$(cmp -s -n $sz $1 $2) || (echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" echo "FAILURE: $3" echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") } # Read app partition and save the contents to a file. The app partition is identified # using type-subtype combination echo "Checking if device app binary matches built binary" $PARTTOOL_PY read_partition --partition-type=app --partition-subtype=factory --output=app.bin assert_file_same app.bin $BINARY "Device app binary does not match built binary" # Retrieve info on data storage partition, this time identifying it by name. offset=$($PARTTOOL_PY get_partition_info --partition-name=storage --info offset) size=$($PARTTOOL_PY get_partition_info --partition-name=storage --info size) echo "Found data partition at offset $offset with size $size" # Create a file whose contents will be written to the storage partition head -c $(($size)) /dev/urandom > write.bin # Write the contents of the created file to storage partition echo "Writing to data partition" $PARTTOOL_PY write_partition --partition-name=storage --input write.bin # Read back the contents of the storage partition echo "Reading data partition" $PARTTOOL_PY read_partition --partition-name=storage --output read.bin assert_file_same write.bin read.bin "Read contents of storage partition does not match source file contents" # Erase contents of the storage partition echo "Erasing data partition" $PARTTOOL_PY erase_partition --partition-name=storage # Read back the erased data partition echo "Reading data partition" $PARTTOOL_PY read_partition --partition-name=storage --output read.bin # Generate a file of all 0xFF $GEN_EMPTY_PARTITION_PY $(($size)) blank.bin assert_file_same read.bin blank.bin "Contents of storage partition not fully erased" # Example end and cleanup printf "\nPartition tool operations performed successfully\n" rm -rf app.bin read.bin blank.bin write.bin