#include #include #include "esp_event.h" #include "sdkconfig.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "esp_event_loop.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "freertos/portmacro.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "driver/periph_ctrl.h" #include "driver/timer.h" #include "esp_event.h" #include "esp_event_private.h" #include "esp_event_internal.h" #include "esp_heap_caps.h" #include "sdkconfig.h" #include "unity.h" #include "test_utils.h" static const char* TAG = "test_event"; // #define TEST_CONFIG_ITEMS_TO_REGISTER 5 #define TEST_CONFIG_TASKS_TO_SPAWN 2 #define TEST_CONFIG_WAIT_MULTIPLIER 5 // The initial logging "initializing test" is to ensure mutex allocation is not counted against memory not being freed // during teardown. #define TEST_SETUP() \ ESP_LOGI(TAG, "initializing test"); \ size_t free_mem_before = heap_caps_get_free_size(MALLOC_CAP_DEFAULT); \ test_setup(); \ s_test_core_id = xPortGetCoreID(); \ s_test_priority = uxTaskPriorityGet(NULL); #define TEST_TEARDOWN() \ test_teardown(); \ vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(CONFIG_ESP_INT_WDT_TIMEOUT_MS * TEST_CONFIG_WAIT_MULTIPLIER)); \ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(free_mem_before, heap_caps_get_free_size(MALLOC_CAP_DEFAULT)); // typedef struct { // void* data; // SemaphoreHandle_t start; // SemaphoreHandle_t done; // } task_arg_t; // typedef struct { // esp_event_base_t base; // int32_t id; // esp_event_handler_t* handles; // int32_t num; // esp_event_loop_handle_t loop; // bool is_registration; // } handler_registration_data_t; // typedef struct { // esp_event_base_t base; // int32_t id; // esp_event_loop_handle_t loop; // int32_t num; // } post_event_data_t; // typedef struct { // int performed; // int expected; // SemaphoreHandle_t done; // } performance_data_t; // typedef struct { // void* data; // SemaphoreHandle_t mutex; // } simple_arg_t; // typedef struct { // int *arr; // int index; // } ordered_data_t; static BaseType_t s_test_core_id; static UBaseType_t s_test_priority; ESP_EVENT_DECLARE_BASE(s_test_base1); ESP_EVENT_DECLARE_BASE(s_test_base2); // ESP_EVENT_DEFINE_BASE(s_test_base1); // ESP_EVENT_DEFINE_BASE(s_test_base2); enum { TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_MAX }; // enum { // TEST_EVENT_BASE2_EV1, // TEST_EVENT_BASE2_EV2, // TEST_EVENT_BASE2_MAX // }; // static BaseType_t test_event_get_core() // { // static int calls = 0; // if (portNUM_PROCESSORS > 1) { // return (s_test_core_id + calls++) % portNUM_PROCESSORS; // } else { // return s_test_core_id; // } // } // static esp_event_loop_args_t test_event_get_default_loop_args() // { // esp_event_loop_args_t loop_config = { // .queue_size = CONFIG_ESP_SYSTEM_EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE, // .task_name = "loop", // .task_priority = s_test_priority, // .task_stack_size = 2048, // .task_core_id = test_event_get_core() // }; // return loop_config; // } // static void test_event_simple_handler(void* event_handler_arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, void* event_data) // { // if (!event_handler_arg) { // return; // } // simple_arg_t* arg = (simple_arg_t*) event_handler_arg; // xSemaphoreTake(arg->mutex, portMAX_DELAY); // int* count = (int*) arg->data; // if (event_data == NULL) { // (*count)++; // } else { // (*count) += *((int*) event_data); // } // xSemaphoreGive(arg->mutex); // } // static void test_event_ordered_dispatch(void* event_handler_arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, void* event_data) // { // int *arg = (int*) event_handler_arg; // ordered_data_t *data = *((ordered_data_t**) (event_data)); // data->arr[data->index++] = *arg; // } // static void test_event_performance_handler(void* event_handler_arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, void* event_data) // { // performance_data_t* data = (performance_data_t*) event_handler_arg; // data->performed++; // if (data->performed >= data->expected) { // xSemaphoreGive(data->done); // } // } // static void test_event_post_task(void* args) // { // task_arg_t* arg = (task_arg_t*) args; // post_event_data_t* data = arg->data; // xSemaphoreTake(arg->start, portMAX_DELAY); // for (int i = 0; i < data->num; i++) { // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(data->loop, data->base, data->id, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // vTaskDelay(1); // } // xSemaphoreGive(arg->done); // vTaskDelete(NULL); // } // static void test_event_simple_handler_registration_task(void* args) // { // task_arg_t* arg = (task_arg_t*) args; // handler_registration_data_t* data = (handler_registration_data_t*) arg->data; // xSemaphoreTake(arg->start, portMAX_DELAY); // for(int i = 0; i < data->num; i++) { // if (data->is_registration) { // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(data->loop, data->base, data->id, data->handles[i], NULL)); // } else { // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_unregister_with(data->loop, data->base, data->id, data->handles[i])); // } // vTaskDelay(1); // } // xSemaphoreGive(arg->done); // vTaskDelete(NULL); // } // static void test_handler_post_w_task(void* event_handler_arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, void* event_data) // { // simple_arg_t* arg = (simple_arg_t*) event_handler_arg; // esp_event_loop_handle_t* loop = (esp_event_loop_handle_t*) event_data; // int* count = (int*) arg->data; // (*count)++; // if (*count <= 2) { // if (event_base == s_test_base1 && event_id == TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1) { // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(*loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // } else{ // xSemaphoreGive((SemaphoreHandle_t) arg->mutex); // } // } else { // // Test that once the queue is full and the handler attempts to post to the same loop, // // posting does not block indefinitely. // if (event_base == s_test_base1 && event_id == TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1) { // xSemaphoreTake((SemaphoreHandle_t) arg->mutex, portMAX_DELAY); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT, esp_event_post_to(*loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // } // } // } // static void test_handler_post_wo_task(void* event_handler_arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, void* event_data) // { // simple_arg_t* arg = (simple_arg_t*) event_handler_arg; // esp_event_loop_handle_t* loop = (esp_event_loop_handle_t*) event_data; // int* count = (int*) arg->data; // (*count)++; // if (*count <= 2) { // if (event_base == s_test_base1 && event_id == TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1) { // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(*loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // } else{ // xSemaphoreGive((SemaphoreHandle_t) arg->mutex); // } // } else { // // Test that once the queue is full and the handler attempts to post to the same loop, // // posting does not block indefinitely. // if (event_base == s_test_base1 && event_id == TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1) { // xSemaphoreTake((SemaphoreHandle_t) arg->mutex, portMAX_DELAY); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(*loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT, esp_event_post_to(*loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // } // } // } // static void test_post_from_handler_loop_task(void* args) // { // esp_event_loop_handle_t event_loop = (esp_event_loop_handle_t) args; // while(1) { // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_run(event_loop, portMAX_DELAY)); // } // } static void test_setup(void) { TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(TEST_CONFIG_TASKS_TO_SPAWN >= 2); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_create_default()); } static void test_teardown(void) { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_delete_default()); } #define TIMER_DIVIDER 16 // Hardware timer clock divider #define TIMER_SCALE (TIMER_BASE_CLK / TIMER_DIVIDER) // convert counter value to seconds #define TIMER_INTERVAL0_SEC (2.0) // sample test interval for the first timer #if CONFIG_ESP_EVENT_POST_FROM_ISR static void test_handler_post_from_isr(void* event_handler_arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, void* event_data) { SemaphoreHandle_t *sem = (SemaphoreHandle_t*) event_handler_arg; // Event data is just the address value (maybe have been truncated due to casting). int *data = (int*) event_data; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(*data, (int) (*sem)); xSemaphoreGive(*sem); } void IRAM_ATTR test_event_on_timer_alarm(void* para) { /* Retrieve the interrupt status and the counter value from the timer that reported the interrupt */ uint64_t timer_counter_value = timer_group_get_counter_value_in_isr(TIMER_GROUP_0, TIMER_0); timer_group_intr_clr_in_isr(TIMER_GROUP_0, TIMER_0); timer_counter_value += (uint64_t) (TIMER_INTERVAL0_SEC * TIMER_SCALE); timer_group_set_alarm_value_in_isr(TIMER_GROUP_0, TIMER_0, timer_counter_value); int data = (int) para; // Posting events with data more than 4 bytes should fail. TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, esp_event_isr_post(s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, &data, 5, NULL)); // This should succeedd, as data is int-sized. The handler for the event checks that the passed event data // is correct. BaseType_t task_unblocked; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_isr_post(s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, &data, sizeof(data), &task_unblocked)); if (task_unblocked == pdTRUE) { portYIELD_FROM_ISR(); } } #endif //CONFIG_ESP_EVENT_POST_FROM_ISR // TEST_CASE("can create and delete event loops", "[event]") // { // /* this test aims to verify that: // * - creating loops with and without a task succeeds // * - event queue can accomodate the set queue size, and drops the post when exceeded // * - deleting loops with unconsumed posts and unregistered handlers (when unregistration is enabled) does not leak memory */ // TEST_SETUP(); // esp_event_loop_handle_t loop1; // with dedicated task // esp_event_loop_handle_t loop2; // without dedicated task // esp_event_loop_handle_t loop3; // with leftover post and handlers // esp_event_loop_args_t loop_args = test_event_get_default_loop_args(); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_create(&loop_args, &loop1)); // loop_args.task_name = NULL; // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_create(&loop_args, &loop2)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_create(&loop_args, &loop3)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop3, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, (void*) 0x00000001, NULL)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop3, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, (void*) 0x00000002, NULL)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop3, s_test_base2, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, (void*) 0x00000003, NULL)); // for (int i = 0; i < loop_args.queue_size; i++) { // int mod = i % 4; // switch(mod) { // case 0: // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop3, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // break; // case 1: // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop3, s_test_base2, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // break; // case 2: // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop3, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // break; // case 3: // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop3, s_test_base2, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // break; // default: // break; // } // } // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT, esp_event_post_to(loop3, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, NULL, 0, pdMS_TO_TICKS(10))); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_delete(loop1)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_delete(loop2)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_delete(loop3)); // TEST_TEARDOWN(); // } // TEST_CASE("can register/unregister handlers for all events/all events for a specific base", "[event]") // { // /* this test aims to verify that handlers can be registered to be called on all events // * or for all events with specific bases */ // TEST_SETUP(); // esp_event_loop_handle_t loop; // int count = 0; // simple_arg_t arg = { // .data = &count, // .mutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex() // }; // esp_event_loop_args_t loop_args = test_event_get_default_loop_args(); // loop_args.task_name = NULL; // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_create(&loop_args, &loop)); // /* Register the handler twice to the same base and id but with a different argument (expects to return ESP_OK and log a warning) // * This aims to verify: 1) Handler's argument to be updated // * 2) Registration not to leak memory // */ // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop, ESP_EVENT_ANY_BASE, ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID, test_event_simple_handler, NULL)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop, ESP_EVENT_ANY_BASE, ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID, test_event_simple_handler, &arg)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop, s_test_base1, ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID, test_event_simple_handler, &arg)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop, ESP_EVENT_ANY_BASE, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, test_event_simple_handler, &arg)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, test_event_simple_handler, &arg)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, test_event_simple_handler, &arg)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop, s_test_base2, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, test_event_simple_handler, &arg)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, esp_event_post_to(loop, ESP_EVENT_ANY_BASE, ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, esp_event_post_to(loop, s_test_base1, ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, esp_event_post_to(loop, ESP_EVENT_ANY_BASE, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // exec loop, base and id level (+3) // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // exec loop, base and id level (+3) // // Post unknown events. Respective loop level and base level handlers should still execute. // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_MAX, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // exec loop and base level (+2) // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop, s_test_base2, TEST_EVENT_BASE2_MAX, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // exec loop level (+1) // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_run(loop, pdMS_TO_TICKS(10))); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(9, count); // 3 + 3 + 2 + 1 // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_delete(loop)); // vSemaphoreDelete(arg.mutex); // TEST_TEARDOWN(); // } // TEST_CASE("can unregister handler", "[event]") // { // /* this test aims to verify that unregistered handlers no longer execute when events are raised */ // TEST_SETUP(); // esp_event_loop_handle_t loop; // esp_event_loop_args_t loop_args = test_event_get_default_loop_args(); // loop_args.task_name = NULL; // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_create(&loop_args, &loop)); // int count = 0; // simple_arg_t arg = { // .data = &count, // .mutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex() // }; // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, test_event_simple_handler, &arg)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop, s_test_base2, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, test_event_simple_handler, &arg)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop, s_test_base2, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_run(loop, pdMS_TO_TICKS(10))); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(2, count); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_unregister_with(loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, test_event_simple_handler)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop, s_test_base2, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_run(loop, pdMS_TO_TICKS(10))); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(3, count); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_delete(loop)); // vSemaphoreDelete(arg.mutex); // TEST_TEARDOWN(); // } // TEST_CASE("can exit running loop at approximately the set amount of time", "[event]") // { // /* this test aims to verify that running loop does not block indefinitely in cases where // * events are posted frequently */ // TEST_SETUP(); // esp_event_loop_handle_t loop; // esp_event_loop_args_t loop_args = test_event_get_default_loop_args(); // loop_args.task_name = NULL; // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_create(&loop_args, &loop)); // performance_data_t handler_data = { // .performed = 0, // .expected = INT32_MAX, // .done = xSemaphoreCreateBinary() // }; // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, test_event_performance_handler, &handler_data)); // post_event_data_t post_event_data = { // .base = s_test_base1, // .id = TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, // .loop = loop, // .num = INT32_MAX // }; // task_arg_t post_event_arg = { // .data = &post_event_data, // .done = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(), // .start = xSemaphoreCreateBinary() // }; // TaskHandle_t post_task; // xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(test_event_post_task, "post", 2048, &post_event_arg, s_test_priority, &post_task, test_event_get_core()); // int runtime_ms = 10; // int runtime_us = runtime_ms * 1000; // int64_t start, diff; // start = esp_timer_get_time(); // xSemaphoreGive(post_event_arg.start); // // Run the loop for the runtime_ms set amount of time, regardless of whether events // // are still being posted to the loop. // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_run(loop, pdMS_TO_TICKS(runtime_ms))); // diff = (esp_timer_get_time() - start); // // Threshold is 25 percent. // TEST_ASSERT(diff < runtime_us * 1.25f); // // Verify that the post task still continues // TEST_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL(pdTRUE, xSemaphoreTake(post_event_arg.done, pdMS_TO_TICKS(10))); // vSemaphoreDelete(post_event_arg.done); // vSemaphoreDelete(post_event_arg.start); // vSemaphoreDelete(handler_data.done); // vTaskDelete(post_task); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_delete(loop)); // TEST_TEARDOWN(); // } // TEST_CASE("can register/unregister handlers simultaneously", "[event]") // { // /* this test aims to verify that the event handlers list remains consistent despite // * simultaneous access by differenct tasks */ // TEST_SETUP(); // const char* base = "base"; // int32_t id = 0; // esp_event_loop_handle_t loop; // esp_event_loop_args_t loop_args = test_event_get_default_loop_args(); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_create(&loop_args, &loop)); // ESP_LOGI(TAG, "registering handlers"); // handler_registration_data_t* registration_data = calloc(TEST_CONFIG_TASKS_TO_SPAWN, sizeof(*registration_data)); // task_arg_t* registration_arg = calloc(TEST_CONFIG_TASKS_TO_SPAWN, sizeof(*registration_arg)); // for (int i = 0; i < TEST_CONFIG_TASKS_TO_SPAWN; i++) { // registration_data[i].base = base; // registration_data[i].id = id; // registration_data[i].loop = loop; // registration_data[i].handles = calloc(TEST_CONFIG_ITEMS_TO_REGISTER, sizeof(esp_event_handler_t)); // registration_data[i].num = TEST_CONFIG_ITEMS_TO_REGISTER; // registration_data[i].is_registration = true; // for (int j = 0; j < TEST_CONFIG_ITEMS_TO_REGISTER; j++) { // registration_data[i].handles[j] = (void*) (i * TEST_CONFIG_ITEMS_TO_REGISTER) + (j + TEST_CONFIG_ITEMS_TO_REGISTER); // } // registration_arg[i].start = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); // registration_arg[i].done = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); // registration_arg[i].data = ®istration_data[i]; // xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(test_event_simple_handler_registration_task, "register", 2048, ®istration_arg[i], s_test_priority, NULL, test_event_get_core()); // } // // Give the semaphores to the spawned registration task // for (int i = 0; i < TEST_CONFIG_TASKS_TO_SPAWN; i++) { // xSemaphoreGive(registration_arg[i].start); // } // // Take the same semaphores in order to proceed // for (int i = 0; i < TEST_CONFIG_TASKS_TO_SPAWN; i++) { // xSemaphoreTake(registration_arg[i].done, portMAX_DELAY); // } // ESP_LOGI(TAG, "checking consistency of handlers list"); // // Check consistency of events list // for (int i = 0; i < TEST_CONFIG_TASKS_TO_SPAWN; i++) { // for (int j = 0; j < TEST_CONFIG_ITEMS_TO_REGISTER; j++) { // TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(esp_event_is_handler_registered(loop, base, id, registration_data[i].handles[j])); // } // } // ESP_LOGI(TAG, "unregistering handlers"); // /* Test if tasks can unregister simultaneously */ // // Unregister registered events // handler_registration_data_t* unregistration_data = calloc(TEST_CONFIG_TASKS_TO_SPAWN, sizeof(*unregistration_data)); // task_arg_t* unregistration_arg = calloc(TEST_CONFIG_TASKS_TO_SPAWN, sizeof(*unregistration_arg)); // for (int i = 0; i < TEST_CONFIG_TASKS_TO_SPAWN; i++) { // unregistration_data[i].base = base; // unregistration_data[i].id = id; // unregistration_data[i].loop = loop; // unregistration_data[i].handles = calloc(TEST_CONFIG_ITEMS_TO_REGISTER, sizeof(esp_event_handler_t)); // unregistration_data[i].num = TEST_CONFIG_ITEMS_TO_REGISTER; // unregistration_data[i].is_registration = false; // memcpy(unregistration_data[i].handles, registration_data[i].handles, TEST_CONFIG_ITEMS_TO_REGISTER * sizeof(esp_event_handler_t)); // unregistration_arg[i].data = &unregistration_data[i]; // unregistration_arg[i].start = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); // unregistration_arg[i].done = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); // xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(test_event_simple_handler_registration_task, "unregister", 2048, &unregistration_arg[i], s_test_priority, NULL, test_event_get_core()); // } // // Give the semaphores to the spawned unregistration task // for (int i = 0; i < TEST_CONFIG_TASKS_TO_SPAWN; i++) { // xSemaphoreGive(unregistration_arg[i].start); // } // // Take the same semaphores in order to proceed // for (int i = 0; i < TEST_CONFIG_TASKS_TO_SPAWN; i++) { // xSemaphoreTake(unregistration_arg[i].done, portMAX_DELAY); // } // ESP_LOGI(TAG, "checking consistency of handlers list"); // // Check consistency of events list // for (int i = 0; i < TEST_CONFIG_TASKS_TO_SPAWN; i++) { // for (int j = 0; j < TEST_CONFIG_ITEMS_TO_REGISTER; j++) { // TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(esp_event_is_handler_registered(loop, base, id, registration_data[i].handles[j])); // } // } // // Do cleanup // for (int i = 0; i < TEST_CONFIG_TASKS_TO_SPAWN; i++) { // free(registration_data[i].handles); // vSemaphoreDelete(registration_arg[i].start); // vSemaphoreDelete(registration_arg[i].done); // free(unregistration_data[i].handles); // vSemaphoreDelete(unregistration_arg[i].start); // vSemaphoreDelete(unregistration_arg[i].done); // } // free(registration_data); // free(unregistration_data); // free(registration_arg); // free(unregistration_arg); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_delete(loop)); // TEST_TEARDOWN(); // } // TEST_CASE("can post and run events", "[event]") // { // /* this test aims to verify that: // * - multiple tasks can post to the queue simultaneously // * - handlers recieve the appropriate handler arg and associated event data */ // TEST_SETUP(); // esp_event_loop_handle_t loop; // esp_event_loop_args_t loop_args = test_event_get_default_loop_args(); // loop_args.task_name = NULL; // loop_args.queue_size = TEST_CONFIG_TASKS_TO_SPAWN * TEST_CONFIG_ITEMS_TO_REGISTER; // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_create(&loop_args, &loop)); // int count = 0; // simple_arg_t arg = { // .data = &count, // .mutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex() // }; // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, test_event_simple_handler, &arg)); // post_event_data_t* post_event_data = calloc(TEST_CONFIG_TASKS_TO_SPAWN, sizeof(*post_event_data)); // task_arg_t* post_event_arg = calloc(TEST_CONFIG_TASKS_TO_SPAWN, sizeof(*post_event_arg)); // for (int i = 0; i < TEST_CONFIG_TASKS_TO_SPAWN; i++) // { // post_event_data[i].base = s_test_base1; // post_event_data[i].id = TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1; // post_event_data[i].loop = loop; // post_event_data[i].num = TEST_CONFIG_ITEMS_TO_REGISTER; // post_event_arg[i].data = &post_event_data[i]; // post_event_arg[i].start = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); // post_event_arg[i].done = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); // xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(test_event_post_task, "post", 2048, &post_event_arg[i], s_test_priority, NULL, test_event_get_core()); // } // for (int i = 0; i < TEST_CONFIG_TASKS_TO_SPAWN; i++) { // xSemaphoreGive(post_event_arg[i].start); // } // // Execute some events as they are posted // for (int i = 0; i < (TEST_CONFIG_TASKS_TO_SPAWN * TEST_CONFIG_ITEMS_TO_REGISTER) / 2; i++) { // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_run(loop, pdMS_TO_TICKS(10))); // } // for (int i = 0; i < TEST_CONFIG_TASKS_TO_SPAWN; i++) { // xSemaphoreTake(post_event_arg[i].done, portMAX_DELAY); // } // // Execute the rest // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_run(loop, pdMS_TO_TICKS(10))); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(TEST_CONFIG_TASKS_TO_SPAWN * TEST_CONFIG_ITEMS_TO_REGISTER, count); // // Cleanup // for (int i = 0; i < TEST_CONFIG_TASKS_TO_SPAWN; i++) { // vSemaphoreDelete(post_event_arg[i].start); // vSemaphoreDelete(post_event_arg[i].done); // } // free(post_event_data); // free(post_event_arg); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_delete(loop)); // vSemaphoreDelete(arg.mutex); // TEST_TEARDOWN(); // } // static void loop_run_task(void* args) // { // esp_event_loop_handle_t event_loop = (esp_event_loop_handle_t) args; // while(1) { // esp_event_loop_run(event_loop, portMAX_DELAY); // } // } // static void performance_test(bool dedicated_task) // { // // rand() seems to do a one-time allocation. Call it here so that the memory it allocates // // is not counted as a leak. // unsigned int _rand __attribute__((unused)) = rand(); // TEST_SETUP(); // const char test_base[] = "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxvbnmmnbvcxzqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxvbnmmnbvcxz"; // #define TEST_CONFIG_BASES (sizeof(test_base) - 1) // #define TEST_CONFIG_IDS (TEST_CONFIG_BASES / 2) // // Create loop // esp_event_loop_args_t loop_args = test_event_get_default_loop_args(); // esp_event_loop_handle_t loop; // if (!dedicated_task) { // loop_args.task_name = NULL; // } // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_create(&loop_args, &loop)); // performance_data_t data; // // Register the handlers // for (int base = 0; base < TEST_CONFIG_BASES; base++) { // for (int id = 0; id < TEST_CONFIG_IDS; id++) { // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop, test_base + base, id, test_event_performance_handler, &data)); // } // } // TaskHandle_t mtask = NULL; // if (!dedicated_task) { // xTaskCreate(loop_run_task, "loop_run", loop_args.task_stack_size, (void*) loop, loop_args.task_priority, &mtask); // } // // Perform performance test // float running_sum = 0; // float running_count = 0; // for (int bases = 1; bases <= TEST_CONFIG_BASES; bases *= 2) { // for (int ids = 1; ids <= TEST_CONFIG_IDS; ids *= 2) { // data.performed = 0; // data.expected = bases * ids; // data.done = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); // // Generate randomized list of posts // int post_bases[TEST_CONFIG_BASES]; // int post_ids[TEST_CONFIG_IDS]; // for (int i = 0; i < bases; i++) { // post_bases[i] = i; // } // for (int i = 0; i < ids; i++) { // post_ids[i] = i; // } // for (int i = 0; i < bases; i++) { // int rand_a = rand() % bases; // int rand_b = rand() % bases; // int temp = post_bases[rand_a]; // post_bases[rand_a]= post_bases[rand_b]; // post_bases[rand_b] = temp; // } // for (int i = 0; i < ids; i++) { // int rand_a = rand() % ids; // int rand_b = rand() % ids; // int temp = post_ids[rand_a]; // post_ids[rand_a]= post_ids[rand_b]; // post_ids[rand_b] = temp; // } // // Post the events // int64_t start = esp_timer_get_time(); // for (int base = 0; base < bases; base++) { // for (int id = 0; id < ids; id++) { // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop, test_base + post_bases[base], post_ids[id], NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // } // } // xSemaphoreTake(data.done, portMAX_DELAY); // int64_t elapsed = esp_timer_get_time() - start; // // Record data // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.expected, data.performed); // running_count++; // running_sum += data.performed / (elapsed / (1000000.0)); // vSemaphoreDelete(data.done); // } // } // int average = (int) (running_sum / (running_count)); // if (!dedicated_task) { // ((esp_event_loop_instance_t*) loop)->task = mtask; // } // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_delete(loop)); // TEST_TEARDOWN(); // #ifdef CONFIG_ESP_EVENT_LOOP_PROFILING // ESP_LOGI(TAG, "events dispatched/second with profiling enabled: %d", average); // // Enabling profiling will slow down event dispatch, so the set threshold // // is not valid when it is enabled. // #else // #ifndef CONFIG_SPIRAM // TEST_PERFORMANCE_GREATER_THAN(EVENT_DISPATCH, "%d", average); // #else // TEST_PERFORMANCE_GREATER_THAN(EVENT_DISPATCH_PSRAM, "%d", average); // #endif // CONFIG_SPIRAM // #endif // CONFIG_ESP_EVENT_LOOP_PROFILING // } // TEST_CASE("performance test - dedicated task", "[event]") // { // performance_test(true); // } // TEST_CASE("performance test - no dedicated task", "[event]") // { // performance_test(false); // } // TEST_CASE("can post to loop from handler - dedicated task", "[event]") // { // TEST_SETUP(); // esp_event_loop_handle_t loop_w_task; // esp_event_loop_args_t loop_args = test_event_get_default_loop_args(); // int count; // simple_arg_t arg = { // .data = &count, // .mutex = xSemaphoreCreateBinary() // }; // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_create(&loop_args, &loop_w_task)); // count = 0; // // Test that a handler can post to a different loop while there is still slots on the queue // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop_w_task, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, test_handler_post_w_task, &arg)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop_w_task, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, test_handler_post_w_task, &arg)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop_w_task, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, &loop_w_task, sizeof(&loop_w_task), portMAX_DELAY)); // xSemaphoreTake(arg.mutex, portMAX_DELAY); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(2, count); // // Test that other tasks can still post while there is still slots in the queue, while handler is executing // count = 100; // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop_w_task, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, &loop_w_task, sizeof(&loop_w_task), portMAX_DELAY)); // for (int i = 0; i < loop_args.queue_size; i++) { // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop_w_task, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // } // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT, esp_event_post_to(loop_w_task, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, NULL, 0, // pdMS_TO_TICKS(CONFIG_ESP_INT_WDT_TIMEOUT_MS * TEST_CONFIG_WAIT_MULTIPLIER))); // xSemaphoreGive(arg.mutex); // vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(CONFIG_ESP_INT_WDT_TIMEOUT_MS * TEST_CONFIG_WAIT_MULTIPLIER)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_delete(loop_w_task)); // vSemaphoreDelete(arg.mutex); // TEST_TEARDOWN(); // } // TEST_CASE("can post to loop from handler - no dedicated task", "[event]") // { // TEST_SETUP(); // esp_event_loop_handle_t loop_wo_task; // esp_event_loop_args_t loop_args = test_event_get_default_loop_args(); // int count; // simple_arg_t arg = { // .data = &count, // .mutex = xSemaphoreCreateBinary() // }; // count = 0; // loop_args.queue_size = 1; // loop_args.task_name = NULL; // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_create(&loop_args, &loop_wo_task)); // TaskHandle_t mtask; // xTaskCreate(test_post_from_handler_loop_task, "task", 2584, (void*) loop_wo_task, s_test_priority, &mtask); // // Test that a handler can post to a different loop while there is still slots on the queue // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop_wo_task, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, test_handler_post_wo_task, &arg)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop_wo_task, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, test_handler_post_wo_task, &arg)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop_wo_task, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, &loop_wo_task, sizeof(&loop_wo_task), portMAX_DELAY)); // xSemaphoreTake(arg.mutex, portMAX_DELAY); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(2, count); // count = 100; // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop_wo_task, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, &loop_wo_task, sizeof(&loop_wo_task), portMAX_DELAY)); // vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(CONFIG_ESP_INT_WDT_TIMEOUT_MS * TEST_CONFIG_WAIT_MULTIPLIER)); // // For loop without tasks, posting is more restrictive. Posting should wait until execution of handler finishes // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT, esp_event_post_to(loop_wo_task, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, NULL, 0, // pdMS_TO_TICKS(CONFIG_ESP_INT_WDT_TIMEOUT_MS * TEST_CONFIG_WAIT_MULTIPLIER))); // xSemaphoreGive(arg.mutex); // vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(CONFIG_ESP_INT_WDT_TIMEOUT_MS * TEST_CONFIG_WAIT_MULTIPLIER)); // vTaskDelete(mtask); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_delete(loop_wo_task)); // vSemaphoreDelete(arg.mutex); // TEST_TEARDOWN(); // } // static void test_event_simple_handler_template(void* handler_arg, esp_event_base_t base, int32_t id, void* event_arg) // { // int* count = (int*) handler_arg; // (*count)++; // } // static void test_event_simple_handler_1(void* handler_arg, esp_event_base_t base, int32_t id, void* event_arg) // { // test_event_simple_handler_template(handler_arg, base, id, event_arg); // } // static void test_event_simple_handler_3(void* handler_arg, esp_event_base_t base, int32_t id, void* event_arg) // { // test_event_simple_handler_template(handler_arg, base, id, event_arg); // } // static void test_event_simple_handler_2(void* handler_arg, esp_event_base_t base, int32_t id, void* event_arg) // { // test_event_simple_handler_template(handler_arg, base, id, event_arg); // } // static void test_registration_from_handler_hdlr(void* handler_arg, esp_event_base_t base, int32_t id, void* event_arg) // { // esp_event_loop_handle_t* loop = (esp_event_loop_handle_t*) event_arg; // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(*loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, test_event_simple_handler_1, handler_arg)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(*loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, test_event_simple_handler_2, handler_arg)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(*loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, test_event_simple_handler_3, handler_arg)); // } // static void test_unregistration_from_handler_hdlr(void* handler_arg, esp_event_base_t base, int32_t id, void* event_arg) // { // esp_event_loop_handle_t* loop = (esp_event_loop_handle_t*) event_arg; // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_unregister_with(*loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, test_event_simple_handler_1)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_unregister_with(*loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, test_event_simple_handler_2)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_unregister_with(*loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, test_event_simple_handler_3)); // } // TEST_CASE("can register from handler", "[event]") // { // TEST_SETUP(); // esp_event_loop_handle_t loop; // esp_event_loop_args_t loop_args = test_event_get_default_loop_args(); // loop_args.task_name = NULL; // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_create(&loop_args, &loop)); // int count = 0; // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, test_registration_from_handler_hdlr, &count)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop, s_test_base2, TEST_EVENT_BASE2_EV1, test_unregistration_from_handler_hdlr, &count)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, &loop, sizeof(&loop), portMAX_DELAY)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_run(loop, pdMS_TO_TICKS(10))); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_run(loop, pdMS_TO_TICKS(10))); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(3, count); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop, s_test_base2, TEST_EVENT_BASE2_EV1, &loop, sizeof(&loop), portMAX_DELAY)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_run(loop, pdMS_TO_TICKS(10))); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_run(loop, pdMS_TO_TICKS(10))); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(3, count); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_delete(loop)); // TEST_TEARDOWN(); // } // static void test_create_loop_handler(void* handler_args, esp_event_base_t base, int32_t id, void* event_data) // { // esp_event_loop_args_t loop_args = test_event_get_default_loop_args(); // if (id == TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1) { // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_create(&loop_args, (esp_event_loop_handle_t*) handler_args)); // } else { // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_delete(*((esp_event_loop_handle_t*) handler_args))); // } // } // TEST_CASE("can create and delete loop from handler", "[event]") // { // TEST_SETUP(); // esp_event_loop_handle_t loop; // esp_event_loop_handle_t test_loop; // esp_event_loop_args_t loop_args = test_event_get_default_loop_args(); // loop_args.task_name = NULL; // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_create(&loop_args, &loop)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, test_create_loop_handler, &test_loop)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, test_create_loop_handler, &test_loop)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_run(loop, pdMS_TO_TICKS(10))); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_run(loop, pdMS_TO_TICKS(10))); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_delete(loop)); // TEST_TEARDOWN(); // } // TEST_CASE("events are dispatched in the order they are registered", "[event]") // { // TEST_SETUP(); // esp_event_loop_handle_t loop; // esp_event_loop_args_t loop_args = test_event_get_default_loop_args(); // loop_args.task_name = NULL; // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_create(&loop_args, &loop)); // int id_arr[7]; // for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { // id_arr[i] = i; // } // int data_arr[12] = {0}; // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop, s_test_base2, TEST_EVENT_BASE2_EV1, test_event_ordered_dispatch, id_arr + 0)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop, ESP_EVENT_ANY_BASE, ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID, test_event_ordered_dispatch, id_arr + 1)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop, s_test_base1, ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID, test_event_ordered_dispatch, id_arr + 2)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop, s_test_base2, TEST_EVENT_BASE2_EV2, test_event_ordered_dispatch, id_arr + 3)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, test_event_ordered_dispatch, id_arr + 4)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop, s_test_base2, ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID, test_event_ordered_dispatch, id_arr + 5)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register_with(loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, test_event_ordered_dispatch, id_arr + 6)); // esp_event_dump(stdout); // ordered_data_t data = { // .arr = data_arr, // .index = 0 // }; // ordered_data_t* dptr = &data; // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop, s_test_base2, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, &dptr, sizeof(dptr), portMAX_DELAY)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, &dptr, sizeof(dptr), portMAX_DELAY)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV2, &dptr, sizeof(dptr), portMAX_DELAY)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop, s_test_base2, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, &dptr, sizeof(dptr), portMAX_DELAY)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_run(loop, pdMS_TO_TICKS(10))); // // Expected data executing the posts above // int ref_arr[12] = {1, 3, 5, 1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 6, 0, 1, 5}; // for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ref_arr[i], data_arr[i]); // } // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_delete(loop)); // TEST_TEARDOWN(); // } #if CONFIG_ESP_EVENT_POST_FROM_ISR // TEST_CASE("can properly prepare event data posted to loop", "[event]") // { // TEST_SETUP(); // esp_event_loop_handle_t loop; // esp_event_loop_args_t loop_args = test_event_get_default_loop_args(); // loop_args.task_name = NULL; // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_create(&loop_args, &loop)); // esp_event_post_instance_t post; // esp_event_loop_instance_t* loop_def = (esp_event_loop_instance_t*) loop; // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_post_to(loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, NULL, 0, portMAX_DELAY)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(pdTRUE, xQueueReceive(loop_def->queue, &post, portMAX_DELAY)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, post.data_set); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, post.data_allocated); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(NULL, post.data.ptr); // int sample = 0; // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_isr_post_to(loop, s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, &sample, sizeof(sample), NULL)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(pdTRUE, xQueueReceive(loop_def->queue, &post, portMAX_DELAY)); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, post.data_set); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, post.data_allocated); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, post.data.val); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_delete(loop)); // TEST_TEARDOWN(); // } TEST_CASE("can post events from interrupt handler", "[event]") { SemaphoreHandle_t sem = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); /* Select and initialize basic parameters of the timer */ timer_config_t config; config.divider = TIMER_DIVIDER; config.counter_dir = TIMER_COUNT_UP; config.counter_en = TIMER_PAUSE; config.alarm_en = TIMER_ALARM_EN; config.intr_type = TIMER_INTR_LEVEL; config.auto_reload = false; timer_init(TIMER_GROUP_0, TIMER_0, &config); /* Timer's counter will initially start from value below. Also, if auto_reload is set, this value will be automatically reload on alarm */ timer_set_counter_value(TIMER_GROUP_0, TIMER_0, 0x00000000ULL); /* Configure the alarm value and the interrupt on alarm. */ timer_set_alarm_value(TIMER_GROUP_0, TIMER_0, TIMER_INTERVAL0_SEC * TIMER_SCALE); timer_enable_intr(TIMER_GROUP_0, TIMER_0); timer_isr_register(TIMER_GROUP_0, TIMER_0, test_event_on_timer_alarm, (void *) sem, ESP_INTR_FLAG_IRAM, NULL); timer_start(TIMER_GROUP_0, TIMER_0); TEST_SETUP(); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register(s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, test_handler_post_from_isr, &sem)); xSemaphoreTake(sem, portMAX_DELAY); TEST_TEARDOWN(); } #endif // CONFIG_ESP_EVENT_POST_FROM_ISR