import random import time import string import threading from TCAction import TCActionBase from NativeLog import NativeLog from TCAction import PerformanceTCBase from Utility import Encoding class STAJAPThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, test_action, port_name, ssid, password, delay1, delay2, change_mac): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(True) self.test_action = test_action self.port_name = port_name self.ssid = ssid self.password = password self.delay1 = delay1 self.delay2 = delay2 self.change_mac = change_mac self.exit_flag = threading.Event() pass def exit(self): self.exit_flag.set() pass def run(self): total_test_count = 0 fail_count = 0 while self.exit_flag.isSet() is False: # change mac if self.change_mac is True: mac = Encoding.generate_random_mac() self.test_action.serial_write_line(self.port_name, "mac -S -o 1 -m %s" % mac) self.test_action.check_response(self.port_name, "+MAC:STA,OK") time.sleep(1) # JAP total_test_count += 1 # flush current port data self.test_action.flush_data(self.port_name) self.test_action.serial_write_line(self.port_name, "sta -C -s %s -p %s" % (self.ssid, self.password)) if self.test_action.check_response(self.port_name, "+JAP:CONNECTED", 45) is False: fail_count += 1 NativeLog.add_trace_critical("[%s] Failed to JAP, Failed/Total : %d/%d" % (self.port_name, fail_count, total_test_count)) continue time.sleep(random.randint(self.delay1[0], self.delay1[1])) # QAP self.test_action.serial_write_line(self.port_name, "sta -D") if self.test_action.check_response(self.port_name, "+QAP:OK", 5) is False: NativeLog.add_trace_critical("[%s] Failed to QAP" % self.port_name) time.sleep(random.randint(self.delay2[0], self.delay2[1])) # make sure quit AP self.test_action.serial_write_line(self.port_name, "sta -D") pass pass class SoftAPNSTA(PerformanceTCBase.PerformanceTCBase): def __init__(self, name, test_env, cmd_set, timeout=30, log_path=TCActionBase.LOG_PATH): PerformanceTCBase.PerformanceTCBase.__init__(self, name, test_env, cmd_set=cmd_set, timeout=timeout, log_path=log_path) self.sta_num = 0 self.max_sta = 4 self.test_time = 60 self.delay1 = [5, 30] self.delay2 = [5, 10] self.change_mac = True = 11 # load param from excel for i in range(1, len(cmd_set)): if cmd_set[i][0] != "dummy" and cmd_set[i][0] != "": cmd_string = "self." + cmd_set[i][0] exec cmd_string pass def process(self): # configurable parameters try: sta_num = self.sta_num max_sta = self.max_sta test_time = self.test_time # delay between JAP succeed and QAP delay1 = self.delay1 # delay between QAP and JAP delay2 = self.delay2 # if change mac each time before JAP change_mac = self.change_mac # channel channel = except StandardError, e: raise StandardError("miss mandatory parameters") # step 0, set op mode and enable dhcp self.serial_write_line("SSC1", "op -S -o 2") if self.check_response("SSC1", "+MODE:OK", 2) is False: NativeLog.add_trace_critical("Failed to set ap mode") return self.serial_write_line("SSC1", "dhcp -E -o 2") if self.check_response("SSC1", "+DHCP:AP,OK", 2) is False: NativeLog.add_trace_critical("Failed to enable ap dhcp") return self.serial_write_line("SSC1", "dhcp -L -s -e -t 1") if self.check_response("SSC1", "+DHCP:LEASE,OK", 2) is False: NativeLog.add_trace_critical("Failed to enable ap dhcp") return self.serial_write_line("SSC1", "dhcp -S -o 2") if self.check_response("SSC1", "+DHCP:AP,OK", 2) is False: NativeLog.add_trace_critical("Failed to enable ap dhcp") return for i in range(sta_num): self.serial_write_line("SSC%d" % (i+2), "op -S -o 1") if self.check_response("SSC%d" % (i+2), "+MODE:OK", 2) is False: NativeLog.add_trace_critical("Failed to set sta mode") return self.serial_write_line("SSC%d" % (i+2), "dhcp -S -o 1") if self.check_response("SSC%d" % (i+2), "+DHCP:STA,OK", 2) is False: NativeLog.add_trace_critical("Failed to enable sta dhcp") # step 1, set ap config and load ap_ssid = "".join([random.choice(string.uppercase) for m in range(15)]) ap_password = "".join([random.choice(string.lowercase) for m in range(15)]) self.serial_write_line("SSC1", "ap -S -s %s -p %s -t 3 -m %s -n %s" % (ap_ssid, ap_password, max_sta, channel)) if self.check_response("SSC1", "+SAP:OK", 2) is False: NativeLog.add_trace_critical("Failed to set AP") return # step 2, start thread to let STA JAP sta_thread_list = [] for i in range(sta_num): sta_thread_list.append(STAJAPThread(self, "SSC%d" % (i+2), ap_ssid, ap_password, delay1, delay2, change_mac)) for sta_thread in sta_thread_list: sta_thread.start() # step 3, sleep for test time for i in range(test_time): self.flush_data("SSC1") time.sleep(60) # step 4, close all thread, will disconnect when exit thread for sta_thread in sta_thread_list: sta_thread.exit() for sta_thread in sta_thread_list: sta_thread.join() # wait and make sure disconnect done time.sleep(1) # step 5, join AP and check sta_num_temp = max_sta if sta_num > max_sta else sta_num for i in range(sta_num_temp): self.serial_write_line("SSC%d" % (i+2), "sta -C -s %s -p %s" % (ap_ssid, ap_password)) if self.check_response("SSC%d" % (i+2), "+JAP:CONNECTED", 45) is False: self.set_result("Fail") break pass else: self.set_result("Succeed") def main(): pass if __name__ == '__main__': main()