import os import time import random import threading import socket from TCAction import TCActionBase from NativeLog import NativeLog from NativeLog import ThroughputResult from Utility import RSSICalibrator from Utility import MakeFolder LOG_FOLDER = os.path.join("AT_LOG", "Performance", "Throughput") AP_PROP_KEY = ("ssid", "password", "apc") class SendThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, sock, send_len, target_addr): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(True) self.sock = sock self.send_len = send_len self.target_addr = target_addr self.exit_event = threading.Event() pass def exit(self): self.exit_event.set() def run(self): data = "A" * self.send_len if self.sock is None: return while True: if self.exit_event.isSet() is True: break try: self.sock.sendto(data, self.target_addr) except StandardError: break pass class RecvThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, sock): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(True) self.sock = sock self.exit_event = threading.Event() self.calc_event = threading.Event() self.bytes_recv = 0 def start_calc(self): self.calc_event.set() def stop_calc(self): self.calc_event.clear() self.exit_event.set() def run(self): if self.sock is None: return while True: if self.exit_event.isSet() is True: break try: data, addr = self.sock.recvfrom(65535) except StandardError: break if self.calc_event.isSet() is True: self.bytes_recv += len(data) def get_bytes_recv(self): return self.bytes_recv pass class UDPThroughput(TCActionBase.CommonTCActionBase): def __init__(self, name, test_env, cmd_set, timeout=30, log_path=TCActionBase.LOG_PATH): TCActionBase.CommonTCActionBase.__init__(self, name, test_env, cmd_set=cmd_set, timeout=timeout, log_path=log_path) self.att_test_list = range(60) # load param from excel for i in range(1, len(cmd_set)): if cmd_set[i][0] != "dummy": cmd_string = "self." + cmd_set[i][0] exec cmd_string # read AP list self.ap_list = [] for i in range(1, len(cmd_set)): for j in range(len(cmd_set[i][1])): if cmd_set[i][1][j] != "": cmd_string = "self.ap_list.append(dict(zip(AP_PROP_KEY, " + cmd_set[i][1][j] + ")))" exec cmd_string self.result_cntx = TCActionBase.ResultCheckContext(self, test_env, self.tc_name) pass def execute(self): TCActionBase.TCActionBase.execute(self) self.result_cntx.start() try: # configurable params ap_list = self.ap_list send_len = self.send_len att_test_list = self.att_test_list tx_enable = self.tx_enable rx_enable = self.rx_enable measure_period = self.measure_period # configurable params except StandardError, e: NativeLog.add_trace_critical("Error configuration for TCPThroughput script, error is %s" % e) raise StandardError("Error configuration") # find local ip and generate local port local_ip_list = socket.gethostbyname_ex(socket.gethostname())[2] for local_ip in local_ip_list: if local_ip.find("192.168.1.") != -1: pc_ip = local_ip break else: raise StandardError("Can't find local IP.") udp_port = random.randint(40000, 50000) # init throughput result data test_item = "" if tx_enable is True: test_item += "Tx" if rx_enable is True: test_item += "Rx" if test_item == "": raise StandardError("no throughput test item") folder_path = MakeFolder.make_folder(LOG_FOLDER) file_name = os.path.join(folder_path, "UDPThroughput_%s_%s" % (test_item, time.strftime("%d%H%M%S", time.localtime()))) result = ThroughputResult.ThroughputResult(file_name) # restart before executing throughput checker_stings = ["R SSC1 C !!!ready!!!"] test_action_string = ["SSC SSC1 reboot"] fail_string = "Fail, Fail to reboot" if self.load_and_exe_one_step(checker_stings, test_action_string, fail_string) is False: return # disable recv print during throughput test checker_stings = ["R SSC1 C +RECVPRINT"] test_action_string = ["SSC SSC1 soc -R -o 0"] fail_string = "Fail, Fail to disable recv print" if self.load_and_exe_one_step(checker_stings, test_action_string, fail_string) is False: return for ap_prop in ap_list: if ap_prop["password"] == "": # set a default string for open ap ap_prop["password"] = "1" # switch off all outlet, switch on AP outlet outlet_config_dict = dict.fromkeys(range(1, 9), "OFF") outlet_config_dict[ap_prop["apc"]] = "ON" apc_cmd = "APC " for outlet in outlet_config_dict: apc_cmd += " %s %s" % (outlet_config_dict[outlet], outlet) checker_stings = ["P PC_COM L OK"] fail_string = "Fail, Fail to switch apc" if self.load_and_exe_one_step(checker_stings, [apc_cmd], fail_string) is False: return # wait AP ready time.sleep(20) # create server udp_sock = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM) udp_sock.bind((pc_ip, udp_port)) udp_sock.settimeout(1) if tx_enable is True: result.add_test_item(ap_prop["ssid"] + "_tx") if rx_enable is True: result.add_test_item(ap_prop["ssid"] + "_rx") # create RSSI Calibrator calibrator = RSSICalibrator.Calibrator() for att_value in att_test_list: # step 0 set att value checker_stings = ["R PC_COM L OK"] test_action_string = ["ATT %s" % att_value] fail_string = "Fail, Fail to set att value" if self.load_and_exe_one_step(checker_stings, test_action_string, fail_string) is False: continue # step 1 connect to AP checker_stings = ["R SSC1 C +JAP:CONNECTED"] test_action_string = ["SSC SSC1 sta -C -s %s -p %s" % (ap_prop["ssid"], ap_prop["password"])] fail_string = "Fail, Fail to JAP" if self.load_and_exe_one_step(checker_stings, test_action_string, fail_string, check_freq=1, check_time=30) is False: continue checker_stings = ["R SSC1 A :STAIP:(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)"] test_action_string = ["SSC SSC1 ip -Q"] fail_string = "Fail, Fail to get ip" if self.load_and_exe_one_step(checker_stings, test_action_string, fail_string, check_freq=1, check_time=30) is False: continue target_ip = self.get_parameter("target_ip") # step 2 get AP RSSI checker_stings = ["R SSC1 A :\+SCAN:%s,[:\d\w]+,\d+,\d+,([-\d]+)\r" % ap_prop["ssid"]] test_action_string = ["SSC SSC1 sta -S -s %s" % ap_prop["ssid"]] fail_string = "Fail, Fail to scan" rssi = scan_count = 0 for i in range(3): if self.load_and_exe_one_step(checker_stings, test_action_string, fail_string) is False: continue rssi += int(self.test_env.get_variable_by_name("rssi")[1]) scan_count += 1 rssi = calibrator.calibrate_rssi(float(rssi)/scan_count if scan_count > 0 else 0, att_value) # step 3 close all connections checker_stings = ["R SSC1 C +CLOSEALL"] test_action_string = ["SSC SSC1 soc -T"] fail_string = "Fail, Fail to create server" if self.load_and_exe_one_step(checker_stings, test_action_string, fail_string) is False: continue # step 4 create UDP socket checker_stings = ["R SSC1 A :\+BIND:(\d+),OK"] test_action_string = ["SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -i %s -p %s" % (target_ip, udp_port)] fail_string = "Fail, Fail bind" if self.load_and_exe_one_step(checker_stings, test_action_string, fail_string) is False: continue # step 5 do throughput test send_thread = SendThread(udp_sock if rx_enable is True else None, send_len, (target_ip, udp_port)) send_thread.start() recv_thread = RecvThread(udp_sock if tx_enable is True else None) recv_thread.start() if tx_enable is True: # do send from target test_action_string = ["SSC SSC1 soc -S -s -l %s -n 10000000 -i %s -p %s" % (send_len, pc_ip, udp_port)] fail_string = "Fail, Fail to send" if self.load_and_exe_one_step([], test_action_string, fail_string) is False: pass # start throughput calculate recv_thread.start_calc() # sleep for measure period time.sleep(measure_period) # stop throughput calculate recv_thread.stop_calc() send_thread.exit() send_thread.join() recv_thread.join() # output throughput result # in Mbps if rx_enable is True: # get received data len from PC self.load_and_exe_one_step(["R SSC1 A :RECVLEN:(\d+)"], ["SSC SSC1 soc -Q -s -o 1"], "Fail, Fail to get recv data len") try: rx_data_len = int(self.get_parameter("recv_len")) except StandardError: rx_data_len = 0 result.log_throughput(ap_prop["ssid"] + "_rx", rssi, att_value, float(rx_data_len * 8) / (measure_period * 1000000)) if recv_thread.get_bytes_recv() > 0: result.log_throughput(ap_prop["ssid"] + "_tx", rssi, att_value, float(recv_thread.get_bytes_recv() * 8) / (measure_period * 1000000)) result.output_to_file() pass udp_sock.close() self.result_cntx.set_result("Succeed") # finally, execute done def result_check(self, port_name, data): TCActionBase.CommonTCActionBase.result_check(self, port_name, data) self.result_cntx.append_data(port_name, data) def main(): pass if __name__ == '__main__': main()