# # Copyright 2018-2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import os from sdkconfig import SDKConfig from pyparsing import OneOrMore from pyparsing import restOfLine from pyparsing import alphanums from pyparsing import Word from pyparsing import alphas from pyparsing import ParseFatalException from pyparsing import Suppress from pyparsing import Group from pyparsing import Literal from pyparsing import ZeroOrMore from pyparsing import Optional from pyparsing import originalTextFor from pyparsing import Forward from pyparsing import indentedBlock from collections import namedtuple import abc KeyGrammar = namedtuple("KeyGrammar", "grammar min max required") class FragmentFile(): """ Fragment file internal representation. Parses and stores instances of the fragment definitions contained within the file. """ def __init__(self, fragment_file, sdkconfig): try: fragment_file = open(fragment_file, "r") except TypeError: pass path = os.path.realpath(fragment_file.name) indent_stack = [1] class parse_ctx: fragment = None # current fragment key = "" # current key keys = list() # list of keys parsed key_grammar = None # current key grammar @staticmethod def reset(): parse_ctx.fragment_instance = None parse_ctx.key = "" parse_ctx.keys = list() parse_ctx.key_grammar = None def fragment_type_parse_action(toks): parse_ctx.reset() parse_ctx.fragment = FRAGMENT_TYPES[toks[0]]() # create instance of the fragment return None def expand_conditionals(toks, stmts): try: stmt = toks["value"] stmts.append(stmt) except KeyError: try: conditions = toks["conditional"] for condition in conditions: try: _toks = condition[1] _cond = condition[0] if sdkconfig.evaluate_expression(_cond): expand_conditionals(_toks, stmts) break except IndexError: expand_conditionals(condition[0], stmts) except KeyError: for tok in toks: expand_conditionals(tok, stmts) def key_body_parsed(pstr, loc, toks): stmts = list() expand_conditionals(toks, stmts) if parse_ctx.key_grammar.min and len(stmts) < parse_ctx.key_grammar.min: raise ParseFatalException(pstr, loc, "fragment requires at least %d values for key '%s'" % (parse_ctx.key_grammar.min, parse_ctx.key)) if parse_ctx.key_grammar.max and len(stmts) > parse_ctx.key_grammar.max: raise ParseFatalException(pstr, loc, "fragment requires at most %d values for key '%s'" % (parse_ctx.key_grammar.max, parse_ctx.key)) try: parse_ctx.fragment.set_key_value(parse_ctx.key, stmts) except Exception as e: raise ParseFatalException(pstr, loc, "unable to add key '%s'; %s" % (parse_ctx.key, e.message)) return None key = Word(alphanums + "_") + Suppress(":") key_stmt = Forward() condition_block = indentedBlock(key_stmt, indent_stack) key_stmts = OneOrMore(condition_block) key_body = Suppress(key) + key_stmts key_body.setParseAction(key_body_parsed) condition = originalTextFor(SDKConfig.get_expression_grammar()).setResultsName("condition") if_condition = Group(Suppress("if") + condition + Suppress(":") + condition_block) elif_condition = Group(Suppress("elif") + condition + Suppress(":") + condition_block) else_condition = Group(Suppress("else") + Suppress(":") + condition_block) conditional = (if_condition + Optional(OneOrMore(elif_condition)) + Optional(else_condition)).setResultsName("conditional") def key_parse_action(pstr, loc, toks): key = toks[0] if key in parse_ctx.keys: raise ParseFatalException(pstr, loc, "duplicate key '%s' value definition" % parse_ctx.key) parse_ctx.key = key parse_ctx.keys.append(key) try: parse_ctx.key_grammar = parse_ctx.fragment.get_key_grammars()[key] key_grammar = parse_ctx.key_grammar.grammar except KeyError: raise ParseFatalException(pstr, loc, "key '%s' is not supported by fragment" % key) except Exception as e: raise ParseFatalException(pstr, loc, "unable to parse key '%s'; %s" % (key, e.message)) key_stmt << (conditional | Group(key_grammar).setResultsName("value")) return None def name_parse_action(pstr, loc, toks): parse_ctx.fragment.name = toks[0] key.setParseAction(key_parse_action) ftype = Word(alphas).setParseAction(fragment_type_parse_action) fid = Suppress(":") + Word(alphanums + "_.").setResultsName("name") fid.setParseAction(name_parse_action) header = Suppress("[") + ftype + fid + Suppress("]") def fragment_parse_action(pstr, loc, toks): key_grammars = parse_ctx.fragment.get_key_grammars() required_keys = set([k for (k,v) in key_grammars.items() if v.required]) present_keys = required_keys.intersection(set(parse_ctx.keys)) if present_keys != required_keys: raise ParseFatalException(pstr, loc, "required keys %s for fragment not found" % list(required_keys - present_keys)) return parse_ctx.fragment fragment_stmt = Forward() fragment_block = indentedBlock(fragment_stmt, indent_stack) fragment_if_condition = Group(Suppress("if") + condition + Suppress(":") + fragment_block) fragment_elif_condition = Group(Suppress("elif") + condition + Suppress(":") + fragment_block) fragment_else_condition = Group(Suppress("else") + Suppress(":") + fragment_block) fragment_conditional = (fragment_if_condition + Optional(OneOrMore(fragment_elif_condition)) + Optional(fragment_else_condition)).setResultsName("conditional") fragment = (header + OneOrMore(indentedBlock(key_body, indent_stack, False))).setResultsName("value") fragment.setParseAction(fragment_parse_action) fragment.ignore("#" + restOfLine) fragment_stmt << (Group(fragment) | Group(fragment_conditional)) def fragment_stmt_parsed(pstr, loc, toks): stmts = list() expand_conditionals(toks, stmts) return stmts parser = ZeroOrMore(fragment_stmt) parser.setParseAction(fragment_stmt_parsed) self.fragments = parser.parseFile(fragment_file, parseAll=True) for fragment in self.fragments: fragment.path = path class Fragment(): __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta """ Encapsulates a fragment as defined in the generator syntax. Sets values common to all fragment and performs processing such as checking the validity of the fragment name and getting the entry values. """ IDENTIFIER = Word(alphas + "_", alphanums + "_") ENTITY = Word(alphanums + ".-_$") @abc.abstractmethod def set_key_value(self, key, parse_results): pass @abc.abstractmethod def get_key_grammars(self): pass class Sections(Fragment): grammars = { "entries": KeyGrammar(Word(alphanums + "+.").setResultsName("section"), 1, None, True) } """ Utility function that returns a list of sections given a sections fragment entry, with the '+' notation and symbol concatenation handled automatically. """ @staticmethod def get_section_data_from_entry(sections_entry, symbol=None): if not symbol: sections = list() sections.append(sections_entry.replace("+", "")) sections.append(sections_entry.replace("+", ".*")) return sections else: if sections_entry.endswith("+"): section = sections_entry.replace("+", ".*") expansion = section.replace(".*", "." + symbol) return (section, expansion) else: return (sections_entry, None) def set_key_value(self, key, parse_results): if key == "entries": self.entries = set() for result in parse_results: self.entries.add(result["section"]) def get_key_grammars(self): return self.__class__.grammars class Scheme(Fragment): """ Encapsulates a scheme fragment, which defines what target input sections are placed under. """ grammars = { "entries": KeyGrammar(Fragment.IDENTIFIER.setResultsName("sections") + Suppress("->") + Fragment.IDENTIFIER.setResultsName("target"), 1, None, True) } def set_key_value(self, key, parse_results): if key == "entries": self.entries = set() for result in parse_results: self.entries.add((result["sections"], result["target"])) def get_key_grammars(self): return self.__class__.grammars class Mapping(Fragment): """ Encapsulates a mapping fragment, which defines what targets the input sections of mappable entties are placed under. """ MAPPING_ALL_OBJECTS = "*" def set_key_value(self, key, parse_results): if key == "archive": self.archive = parse_results[0]["archive"] elif key == "entries": self.entries = set() for result in parse_results: obj = None symbol = None scheme = None try: obj = result["object"] except KeyError: pass try: symbol = result["symbol"] except KeyError: pass try: scheme = result["scheme"] except KeyError: pass self.entries.add((obj, symbol, scheme)) def get_key_grammars(self): # There are three possible patterns for mapping entries: # obj:symbol (scheme) # obj (scheme) # * (scheme) obj = Fragment.ENTITY.setResultsName("object") symbol = Suppress(":") + Fragment.IDENTIFIER.setResultsName("symbol") scheme = Suppress("(") + Fragment.IDENTIFIER.setResultsName("scheme") + Suppress(")") pattern1 = obj + symbol + scheme pattern2 = obj + scheme pattern3 = Literal(Mapping.MAPPING_ALL_OBJECTS).setResultsName("object") + scheme entry = pattern1 | pattern2 | pattern3 grammars = { "archive": KeyGrammar(Fragment.ENTITY.setResultsName("archive"), 1, 1, True), "entries": KeyGrammar(entry, 1, None, True) } return grammars FRAGMENT_TYPES = { "sections": Sections, "scheme": Scheme, "mapping": Mapping }