/** **************************************************************************************** * * @file bt_app_api.c * * @brief Application entry point * * Copyright (C) Espressif 2016 * Created by Yulong at 2016/10/17 * * **************************************************************************************** */ #include "bt_app_api.h" #include "btm_ble_api.h" //#include "btm_ble_int.h" /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_config_adv_data ** ** @brief This function is called to override the BTA default ADV parameters. ** ** @param[in] adv_data: Pointer to User defined ADV data structure. This ** memory space can not be freed until p_adv_data_cback ** is received. ** @param[in|out] adv_data_cback: set adv data complete callback. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_config_adv_data (esp_ble_adv_data_cfg_t *adv_data, esp_ble_set_adv_data_cmpl_cb_t *adv_data_cback) { if(adv_data != NULL) { ble_config_adv_data(adv_data, adv_data_cback); }else{ LOG_ERROR("The adv_data is NULL\n"); } if(++adv_data != NULL) { ble_set_scan_rsp(adv_data, NULL); } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_start_advertising ** ** @brief This function is called to start advertising. ** ** @param[in] esp_ble_adv_params_all_t: ointer to User defined adv_params data structure. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_start_advertising (esp_ble_adv_params_all_t *ble_adv_params) { if (!API_BLE_ISVALID_PARAM(ble_adv_params->adv_int_min, BTM_BLE_ADV_INT_MIN, BTM_BLE_ADV_INT_MAX) || !API_BLE_ISVALID_PARAM(ble_adv_params->adv_int_max, BTM_BLE_ADV_INT_MIN, BTM_BLE_ADV_INT_MAX)) { LOG_ERROR("Invalid advertisting interval parameters.\n"); return ; } if ((ble_adv_params->adv_type < API_NON_DISCOVERABLE) && (ble_adv_params->adv_type > API_BROADCASTER_MODE) ) { LOG_ERROR("Invalid advertisting type parameters.\n"); return; } if ((ble_adv_params->adv_filter_policy < ADV_ALLOW_SCAN_ANY_CON_ANY) && (ble_adv_params->adv_filter_policy > ADV_ALLOW_SCAN_WLST_CON_WLST) ) { LOG_ERROR("Invalid advertisting type parameters.\n"); return; } LOG_ERROR("API_Ble_AppStartAdvertising\n"); /// BTA_DmSetBleAdvParamsAll(ble_adv_params->adv_int_min, ble_adv_params->adv_int_max, ble_adv_params->adv_type, ble_adv_params->addr_type_own, ble_adv_params->channel_map, ble_adv_params->adv_filter_policy, ble_adv_params->p_dir_bda); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_set_scan_params ** ** @brief This function is called to set scan parameters ** ** @param[in] esp_ble_scan_params: Pointer to User defined scan_params data structure. This ** memory space can not be freed until scan_param_setup_cback ** @param[in] client_if: Client interface ID ** @param[in|out] scan_param_setup_status_cback - Set scan param status callback ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_set_scan_params (esp_ble_scan_params *scan_params, esp_gattc_if_t client_if, esp_scan_param_setup_cb_t scan_param_setup_cback) { if (API_BLE_ISVALID_PARAM(scan_params->scan_intv, BTM_BLE_SCAN_INT_MIN, BTM_BLE_SCAN_INT_MAX) && API_BLE_ISVALID_PARAM(scan_params->scan_win, BTM_BLE_SCAN_WIN_MIN, BTM_BLE_SCAN_WIN_MAX) && (scan_params->scan_type == BTM_BLE_SCAN_MODE_ACTI || scan_params->scan_type == BTM_BLE_SCAN_MODE_PASS)) { BTA_DmSetBleScanFilterParams(client_if, scan_params->scan_intv, scan_params->scan_win, scan_params->scan_type, scan_params->scan_fil_policy, scan_params->addr_type_own, scan_param_setup_cback); } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_start_scanning ** ** @brief This procedure keep the device scanning the peer device whith advertising on the air ** ** @param[in] duration: Keeping the scaning time, the unit is second. ** @param[in|out] results_cb: The scanning function callback when the peer device has been scan ** which advertising on the air ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_start_scanning (UINT8 duration, esp_dm_search_cb_t *results_cb) { if((duration != 0) && (results_cb != NULL)) { ///Start scan the device BTA_DmBleObserve(true, duration, results_cb); }else{ LOG_ERROR("The scan duration or p_results_cb invalid\n"); } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_stop_advertising ** ** @brief This function is called to stop advertising. ** ** @param None ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_stop_advertising (void) { bool stop_adv = true; BTA_DmBleBroadcast(stop_adv); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_update_conn_params ** ** @brief Update connection parameters, can only be used when connection is up. ** ** @param[in] bd_addr - BD address of the peer ** @param[in] min_int - minimum connection interval, [0x0004~ 0x4000] ** @param[in] max_int - maximum connection interval, [0x0004~ 0x4000] ** @param[in] latency - slave latency [0 ~ 500] ** @param[in] timeout - supervision timeout [0x000a ~ 0xc80] ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_update_conn_params (BD_ADDR bd_addr, uint16_t min_int, uint16_t max_int, uint16_t latency, uint16_t timeout) { if (min_int > max_int){ min_int = max_int; } if (min_int < BTM_BLE_CONN_INT_MIN || max_int > BTM_BLE_CONN_INT_MAX){ LOG_ERROR("Invalid interval value.\n"); } BTA_DmBleUpdateConnectionParams(bd_addr, min_int, max_int, latency, timeout); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_set_pkt_data_len ** ** @brief This function is to set maximum LE data packet size ** ** @return None ** ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_set_pkt_data_len (BD_ADDR remote_device, uint16_t tx_data_length) { if (tx_data_length > BTM_BLE_DATA_SIZE_MAX){ tx_data_length = BTM_BLE_DATA_SIZE_MAX; }else if (tx_data_length < BTM_BLE_DATA_SIZE_MIN){ tx_data_length = BTM_BLE_DATA_SIZE_MIN; } BTA_DmBleSetDataLength(remote_device, tx_data_length); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_set_rand_addr ** ** @brief This function set the random address for the appliction ** ** @param[in] rand_addr: the random address whith should be setting ** ** @return None ** ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_set_rand_addr (BD_ADDR rand_addr) { if (rand_addr != NULL){ BTA_DmSetRandAddress(rand_addr); }else{ LOG_ERROR("Invalid randrom address.\n"); } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_config_local_privacy ** ** @brief Enable/disable privacy on the local device ** ** @param[in] privacy_enable - enable/disabe privacy on remote device. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_config_local_privacy (BOOLEAN privacy_enable) { BTA_DmBleConfigLocalPrivacy(privacy_enable); } /******************************************************************************* ** @function esp_gattc_disable ** @brief This function is called by application to disable GATTC module ** ** @param NULL ** ** @return None. ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_gattc_disable(void) { // TODO: This API funciton didn't finish, will be added it in future } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_app_register ** ** @brief This function is called to register application callbacks ** with GATTC module. ** ** @param[in] app_uuid - applicaiton UUID ** @param[in] client_cb - pointer to the application callback function. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gattc_app_register(esp_bt_uuid_t *app_uuid, esp_gattc_cb_t *client_cb) { if (app_uuid != NULL) { BTA_GATTC_AppRegister(app_uuid, client_cb); }else{ LOG_ERROR("The app uuid invalid.\n"); } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_app_unregister ** ** @brief This function is called to unregister an application ** from GATTC module. ** ** @param[in] client_if - client interface identifier. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gattc_app_unregister(esp_gattc_if_t client_if) { BTA_GATTC_AppDeregister(client_if); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_conn ** ** @brief Open a direct connection or add a background auto connection ** bd address ** ** @param[in] client_if: server interface. ** @param[in] remote_bda: remote device BD address. ** @param[in] is_direct: direct connection or background auto connection ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gattc_conn(esp_gattc_if_t client_if, BD_ADDR remote_bda, BOOLEAN is_direct) { tBTA_GATT_TRANSPORT transport = BTA_GATT_TRANSPORT_LE; if(remote_bda == NULL ){ LOG_ERROR("Invaild address data \n"); return; } BTA_GATTC_Open(client_if, remote_bda, is_direct, transport); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_cancel_conn ** ** @brief Cancel a direct open connection or remove a background auto connection ** bd address ** ** @param[in] client_if: server interface. ** @param[in] remote_bda: remote device BD address. ** @param[in] is_direct: direct connection or background auto connection ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gattc_cancel_conn (esp_gattc_if_t client_if, BD_ADDR remote_bda, BOOLEAN is_direct) { if(remote_bda == NULL ){ LOG_ERROR("Invaild address data \n"); return; } BTA_GATTC_CancelOpen(client_if, remote_bda, is_direct); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_close ** ** @brief Close a connection to a GATT server. ** ** @param[in] conn_id: connectino ID to be closed. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gattc_close (uint16_t conn_id) { BTA_GATTC_Close(conn_id); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_config_mtu ** ** @brief Configure the MTU size in the GATT channel. This can be done ** only once per connection. ** ** @param[in] conn_id: connection ID. ** mtu: desired MTU size to use. ** ** @return Command status code: ** - @ref ESP_GATT_OK: If request succeeds ** - @ref ESP_GATT_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER: If the mtu value invalid ** *******************************************************************************/ esp_gatt_status_t esp_ble_gattc_config_mtu (uint16_t conn_id, uint16_t mtu) { if ((mtu < GATT_DEF_BLE_MTU_SIZE) || (mtu > GATT_MAX_MTU_SIZE)){ LOG_ERROR("Invalid MTU parameters\n"); return ESP_GATT_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER; } BTA_GATTC_ConfigureMTU (conn_id, mtu); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_svc_search_req ** ** @brief This function is called to request a GATT service discovery ** on a GATT server. This function report service search result ** by a callback event, and followed by a service search complete ** event. ** ** @param[in] conn_id: connection ID. ** @param[in] srvc_uuid: a UUID of the service application is interested in. ** If Null, discover for all services. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gattc_svc_search_req (uint16_t conn_id, esp_bt_uuid_t *srvc_uuid) { BTA_GATTC_ServiceSearchRequest(conn_id, srvc_uuid); } /**************************************************************************************************** ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_get_first_char ** ** @brief This function is called to find the first characteristic of the ** service on the given server. ** ** @param[in] conn_id: connection ID which identify the server. ** @param[in] srvc_id: the service ID of which the characteristic is belonged to. ** @param[in] char_uuid_cond: Characteristic UUID, if NULL find the first available ** characteristic. ** @param[in] char_result: output parameter which will store the GATT ** characteristic ID. ** @param[in] property: output parameter to carry the characteristic property. ** ** @return Command status code: ** - @ref ESP_GATT_OK: If request succeeds ** - @ref ESP_GATT_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER: If the srvc_id or char_result parameter is NULL. ** *****************************************************************************************************/ esp_gatt_status_t esp_ble_gattc_get_first_char (uint16_t conn_id, esp_gatt_srvc_id_t *srvc_id, esp_bt_uuid_t *char_uuid_cond, esp_gattc_char_id_t *char_result, esp_gatt_char_prop_t *property) { esp_gatt_status_t status = 0; if (!srvc_id || !char_result){ return ESP_GATT_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER; } status = BTA_GATTC_GetFirstChar (conn_id, srvc_id, char_uuid_cond, char_result, property); return status; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_get_first_char_descr ** ** @brief This function is called to find the first characteristic descriptor of the ** characteristic on the given server. ** ** @param[in] conn_id: connection ID which identify the server. ** @param[in] char_id: the characteristic ID of which the descriptor is belonged to. ** @param[in] descr_uuid_cond: Characteristic Descr UUID, if NULL find the first available ** characteristic. ** @param[in] descr_result: output parameter which will store the GATT ** characteristic descriptor ID. ** ** @return Command status code: ** - @ref ESP_GATT_OK: If request succeeds ** - @ref ESP_GATT_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER: If the char_id or descr_result parameter is NULL. ** *******************************************************************************/ esp_gatt_status_t esp_ble_gattc_get_first_char_descr (uint16_t conn_id, esp_gattc_char_id_t *char_id, esp_bt_uuid_t *descr_uuid_cond, esp_gattc_char_descr_id_t *descr_result) { esp_gatt_status_t status; if (!char_id || !descr_result){ return ESP_GATT_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER; } status = BTA_GATTC_GetFirstCharDescr (conn_id, char_id, descr_uuid_cond, descr_result); return status; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_get_next_char ** ** @brief This function is called to find the next characteristic of the ** service on the given server. ** ** @param[in] conn_id: connection ID which identify the server. ** @param[in] start_char_id: start the characteristic search from the next record ** after the one identified by char_id. ** @param[in] char_uuid_cond: Characteristic UUID, if NULL find the first available ** characteristic. ** @param[in] char_result: output parameter which will store the GATT ** characteristic ID. ** @param[in] property: output parameter to carry the characteristic property. ** ** @return Command status code: ** - @ref ESP_GATT_OK: If request succeeds ** - @ref ESP_GATT_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER: If the start_char_id or char_result parameter is NULL. ** *******************************************************************************/ esp_gatt_status_t esp_ble_gattc_get_next_char (uint16_t conn_id, esp_gattc_char_id_t *start_char_id, esp_bt_uuid_t *char_uuid_cond, esp_gattc_char_id_t *char_result, esp_gatt_char_prop_t *property) { esp_gatt_status_t status; if (!start_char_id || !char_result){ return ESP_GATT_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER; } status = BTA_GATTC_GetNextChar(conn_id, start_char_id, char_uuid_cond, char_result, property); return status; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_get_next_char_descr ** ** @brief This function is called to find the next characteristic descriptor ** of the characterisctic. ** ** @param[in] conn_id: connection ID which identify the server. ** @param[in] start_descr_id: start the descriptor search from the next record ** after the one identified by p_start_descr_id. ** @param[in] descr_uuid_cond: Characteristic descriptor UUID, if NULL find ** the first available characteristic descriptor. ** @param[in] descr_result: output parameter which will store the GATT ** characteristic descriptor ID. ** ** @return Command status code: ** - @ref ESP_GATT_OK: If request succeeds ** - @ref ESP_GATT_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER: If the start_descr_id or descr_result parameter is NULL. ** *******************************************************************************/ esp_gatt_status_t esp_ble_gattc_get_next_char_descr (uint16_t conn_id, esp_gattc_char_descr_id_t *start_descr_id, esp_bt_uuid_t *descr_uuid_cond, esp_gattc_char_descr_id_t *descr_result) { esp_gatt_status_t status; if (!start_descr_id || !descr_result){ return ESP_GATT_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER; } status = BTA_GATTC_GetNextCharDescr (conn_id, start_descr_id, descr_uuid_cond, descr_result); return status; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_get_first_inclu_srvc ** ** @brief This function is called to find the first included service of the ** service on the given server. ** ** @param[in] conn_id: connection ID which identify the server. ** @param[in] srvc_id: the service ID of which the characteristic is belonged to. ** @param[in] uuid_cond: Characteristic UUID, if NULL find the first available ** characteristic. ** @param[in] result: output parameter which will store the GATT ID ** of the included service found. ** ** @return Command status code: ** - @ref ESP_GATT_OK: If request succeeds ** - @ref ESP_GATT_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER: If the srvc_id or result parameter is NULL. ** *******************************************************************************/ esp_gatt_status_t esp_ble_gattc_get_first_inclu_srvc (uint16_t conn_id, esp_gatt_srvc_id_t *srvc_id, esp_bt_uuid_t *uuid_cond, esp_gattc_incl_srvc_id_t *result) { esp_gatt_status_t status; if (!srvc_id || !result){ return ESP_GATT_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER; } status = BTA_GATTC_GetFirstIncludedService(conn_id, srvc_id, uuid_cond, result); return status; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_get_next_inclu_srvc ** ** @brief This function is called to find the next included service of the ** service on the given server. ** ** @param[in] conn_id: connection ID which identify the server. ** @param[in] start_id: start the search from the next record ** after the one identified by p_start_id. ** @param[in] uuid_cond: Included service UUID, if NULL find the first available ** included service. ** @param[in] result: output parameter which will store the GATT ID ** of the included service found. ** ** @return Command status code: ** - @ref ESP_GATT_OK: If request succeeds ** - @ref ESP_GATT_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER: If the p_char_id or p_descr_result parameter is NULL. *******************************************************************************/ esp_gatt_status_t esp_ble_gattc_get_next_inclu_srvc (uint16_t conn_id, esp_gattc_incl_srvc_id_t *start_id, esp_bt_uuid_t *uuid_cond, esp_gattc_incl_srvc_id_t *result) { esp_gatt_status_t status; if (!start_id || !result){ return ESP_GATT_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER; } status = BTA_GATTC_GetNextIncludedService(conn_id, start_id, uuid_cond, result); return status; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_read_char ** ** @brief This function is called to read a service's characteristics of ** the given characteritisc ID. ** ** @param[in] conn_id - connectino ID. ** @param[in] char_id - characteritic ID to read. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gattc_read_char (uint16_t conn_id, esp_gattc_char_id_t *char_id, esp_gatt_auth_req_t auth_req) { BTA_GATTC_ReadCharacteristic(conn_id, char_id, auth_req); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_read_char_descr ** ** @brief This function is called to read a characteristics descriptor. ** ** @param[in] conn_id - connection ID. ** @param[in] descr_id - characteritic descriptor ID to read. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gattc_read_char_descr (uint16_t conn_id, esp_gattc_char_descr_id_t *descr_id, esp_gatt_auth_req_t auth_req) { BTA_GATTC_ReadCharDescr (conn_id, descr_id, auth_req); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_read_multi ** ** @brief This function is called to read multiple characteristic or ** characteristic descriptors. ** ** @param[in] conn_id - connectino ID. ** @param[in] read_multi - pointer to the read multiple parameter. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gattc_read_multi (uint16_t conn_id, esp_gattc_multi_t *read_multi, esp_gatt_auth_req_t auth_req) { BTA_GATTC_ReadMultiple(conn_id, read_multi, auth_req); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_write_char_val ** ** @brief This function is called to write characteristic value. ** ** @param[in] conn_id - connection ID. ** @param[in] char_id - characteristic ID to write. ** @param[in] write_type - type of write. ** @param[in] len: length of the data to be written. ** @param[in] value - the value to be written. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gattc_write_char_val ( uint16_t conn_id, esp_gattc_char_id_t *char_id, esp_gattc_write_type_t write_type, uint16_t len, uint8_t *value, esp_gatt_auth_req_t auth_req) { BTA_GATTC_WriteCharValue (conn_id, char_id, write_type, len, value, auth_req); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_write_char_descr ** ** @brief This function is called to write characteristic descriptor value. ** ** @param[in] conn_id - connection ID ** @param[in] char_descr_id - characteristic descriptor ID to write. ** @param[in] write_type - write type. ** @param[in] data - the value to be written. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gattc_write_char_descr (uint16_t conn_id, esp_gattc_char_descr_id_t *char_descr_id, esp_gattc_write_type_t write_type, esp_gatt_unfmt_t *data, esp_gatt_auth_req_t auth_req) { BTA_GATTC_WriteCharDescr (conn_id, char_descr_id, write_type, data, auth_req); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_prepa_write ** ** @brief This function is called to prepare write a characteristic value. ** ** @param[in] conn_id - connection ID. ** @param[in] char_id - GATT characteritic ID of the service. ** @param[in] offset - offset of the write value. ** @param[in] len: length of the data to be written. ** @param[in] value - the value to be written. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gattc_prepa_write (uint16_t conn_id, esp_gattc_char_id_t *char_id, uint16_t offset, uint16_t len, uint8_t *value, esp_gatt_auth_req_t auth_req) { BTA_GATTC_PrepareWrite (conn_id, char_id, offset, len, value, auth_req); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_execu_write ** ** @brief This function is called to execute write a prepare write sequence. ** ** @param[in] conn_id - connection ID. ** @param[in] is_execute - execute or cancel. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gattc_execu_write (uint16_t conn_id, BOOLEAN is_execute) { BTA_GATTC_ExecuteWrite (conn_id, is_execute); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_send_ind_cfm ** ** @brief This function is called to send handle value confirmation. ** ** @param[in] conn_id - connection ID. ** @param[in] char_id - characteristic ID to confirm. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gattc_send_ind_cfm (uint16_t conn_id, esp_gattc_char_id_t *char_id) { BTA_GATTC_SendIndConfirm (conn_id, char_id); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_register_ntf ** ** @brief This function is called to register for notification of a service. ** ** @param[in] client_if - client interface. ** @param[in] bda - target GATT server. ** @param[in] char_id - pointer to GATT characteristic ID. ** ** @return OK if registration succeed, otherwise failed. ** *******************************************************************************/ esp_gatt_status_t esp_ble_gattc_register_ntf (esp_gattc_if_t client_if, BD_ADDR bda, esp_gattc_char_id_t *char_id) { esp_gatt_status_t status = ESP_GATT_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER; status = BTA_GATTC_RegisterForNotifications (client_if, bda, char_id); return status; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_unregister_ntf ** ** @brief This function is called to de-register for notification of a service. ** ** @param[in] client_if - client interface. ** @param[in] bda - target GATT server. ** @param[in] char_id - pointer to GATT characteristic ID. ** ** @return OK if deregistration succeed, otherwise failed. ** *******************************************************************************/ tBTA_GATT_STATUS esp_ble_gattc_unregister_ntf (esp_gattc_if_t client_if, BD_ADDR bda, esp_gattc_char_id_t *char_id) { esp_gatt_status_t status = ESP_GATT_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER; status = BTA_GATTC_DeregisterForNotifications (client_if, bda, char_id); return status; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gatts_disale ** ** @brief This function is called to disable GATTS module ** ** @param[in] None. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gatts_disale(void) { BTA_GATTS_Disable(); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gatts_app_register ** ** @brief This function is called to register application callbacks ** with BTA GATTS module. ** ** @param[in] app_uuid - applicaiton UUID ** @param[in] cback - pointer to the application callback function. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gatts_app_register(esp_bt_uuid_t *app_uuid, esp_gatts_cb_t *cback) { BTA_GATTS_AppRegister(app_uuid, cback); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gatts_app_unregister ** ** @brief un-register with GATT Server. ** ** @param[in] server_if: service interface id. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gatts_app_unregister(esp_gatts_if_t server_if) { BTA_GATTS_AppDeregister(server_if); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gatts_create_srvc ** ** @brief Create a service. When service creation is done, a callback ** event BTA_GATTS_CREATE_SRVC_EVT is called to report status ** and service ID to the profile. The service ID obtained in ** the callback function needs to be used when adding included ** service and characteristics/descriptors into the service. ** ** @param[in] server_if: Profile ID this service is belonged to. ** @param[in] service_uuid: service UUID. ** @param[in] inst: instance ID number of this service. ** @param[in] num_handle: numble of handle requessted for this service. ** @param[in] is_primary: is this service a primary one or not. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gatts_create_srvc(esp_gatts_if_t server_if, esp_bt_uuid_t *service_uuid, uint8_t inst, uint16_t num_handle, BOOLEAN is_primary) { BTA_GATTS_CreateService(server_if, service_uuid, inst, num_handle, is_primary); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gatts_add_inclu_srvc ** ** @brief This function is called to add an included service. After included ** service is included, a callback event BTA_GATTS_ADD_INCL_SRVC_EVT ** is reported the included service ID. ** ** @param[in] service_id: service ID to which this included service is to ** be added. ** @param[in] included_service_id: the service ID to be included. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gatts_add_inclu_srvc (uint16_t service_id, uint16_t included_service_id) { BTA_GATTS_AddIncludeService(service_id, included_service_id); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gatts_add_char ** ** @brief This function is called to add a characteristic into a service. ** ** @param[in] service_id: service ID to which this included service is to ** be added. ** @param[in] char_uuid : Characteristic UUID. ** @param[in] perm : Characteristic value declaration attribute permission. ** @param[in] property : Characteristic Properties ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gatts_add_char (uint16_t service_id, esp_bt_uuid_t *char_uuid, esp_gatt_perm_t perm, esp_gatt_char_prop_t property) { BTA_GATTS_AddCharacteristic (service_id, char_uuid, perm, property); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gatts_add_char_descr ** ** @brief This function is called to add characteristic descriptor. When ** it's done, a callback event BTA_GATTS_ADD_DESCR_EVT is called ** to report the status and an ID number for this descriptor. ** ** @param[in] service_id: service ID to which this charatceristic descriptor is to ** be added. ** @param[in] perm: descriptor access permission. ** @param[in] descr_uuid: descriptor UUID. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gatts_add_char_descr (uint16_t service_id, esp_gatt_perm_t perm, esp_bt_uuid_t * descr_uuid) { BTA_GATTS_AddCharDescriptor (service_id, perm, descr_uuid); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gatts_dele_srvc ** ** @brief This function is called to delete a service. When this is done, ** a callback event BTA_GATTS_DELETE_EVT is report with the status. ** ** @param[in] service_id: service_id to be deleted. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gatts_dele_srvc (uint16_t service_id) { BTA_GATTS_DeleteService(service_id); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gatts_start_srvc ** ** @brief This function is called to start a service. ** ** @param[in] service_id: the service ID to be started. ** @param[in] sup_transport: supported trasnport. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gatts_start_srvc(uint16_t service_id) { tBTA_GATT_TRANSPORT transport = BT_TRANSPORT_LE; BTA_GATTS_StartService(service_id, transport); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gatts_stop_srvc ** ** @brief This function is called to stop a service. ** ** @param[in] service_id - service to be topped. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gatts_stop_srvc(uint16_t service_id) { BTA_GATTS_StopService(service_id); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gatts_hdl_val_indica ** ** @brief This function is called to read a characteristics descriptor. ** ** @param[in] bda - remote device bd address to indicate. ** @param[in] attr_id - attribute ID to indicate. ** @param[in] data_len - indicate data length. ** @param[in] data: data to indicate. ** @param[in] need_confirm - if this indication expects a confirmation or not. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gatts_hdl_val_indica (uint16_t conn_id, uint16_t attr_id, uint16_t data_len, uint8_t *data, BOOLEAN need_confirm) { BTA_GATTS_HandleValueIndication (conn_id, attr_id, data_len, data, need_confirm); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gatts_send_rsp ** ** @brief This function is called to send a response to a request. ** ** @param[in] conn_id - connection identifier. ** @param[in] trans_id - transaction ID. ** @param[in] status - response status ** @param[in] msg - response data. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gatts_send_rsp (uint16_t conn_id, uint32_t trans_id, esp_gatt_status_t status, esp_gatts_rsp_t *msg) { BTA_GATTS_SendRsp (conn_id, trans_id, status, msg); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gatts_conn ** ** @brief Open a direct open connection or add a background auto connection ** bd address ** ** @param[in] server_if: server interface. ** @param[in] remote_bda: remote device BD address. ** @param[in] is_direct: direct connection or background auto connection ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gatts_conn (esp_gatts_if_t server_if, BD_ADDR remote_bda, BOOLEAN is_direct) { tBTA_GATT_TRANSPORT transport = BT_TRANSPORT_LE; BTA_GATTS_Open(server_if, remote_bda, is_direct, transport); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gatts_cancel_conn ** ** @brief Cancel a direct open connection or remove a background auto connection ** bd address ** ** @param[in] server_if: server interface. ** @param[in] remote_bda: remote device BD address. ** @param[in] is_direct: direct connection or background auto connection ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gatts_cancel_conn (esp_gatts_if_t server_if, BD_ADDR remote_bda, BOOLEAN is_direct) { BTA_GATTS_CancelOpen(server_if, remote_bda, is_direct); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gatts_close ** ** @param[in] Close a connection a remote device. ** ** @param[in] conn_id: connectino ID to be closed. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_ble_gatts_close(uint16_t conn_id) { BTA_GATTS_Close(conn_id); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_prf_app_register ** ** @brief This function is called to register application callbacks ** with BTA GATTS module. ** ** @param[in] p_app_uuid - applicaiton UUID ** @param[in] p_cback - pointer to the application callback function. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ void esp_prf_app_register(uint8_t prf_id, void *p_cback) { //tBTA_GATTS_API_REG *p_buf; /* register with BTA system manager */ if (bt_prf_sys_is_register(PRF_ID_SYS) == FALSE) { bt_prf_sys_register(PRF_ID_SYS, NULL); } // if ((p_buf = (tBTA_GATTS_API_REG *) GKI_getbuf(sizeof(tBTA_GATTS_API_REG))) != NULL) // { // p_buf->hdr.event = BTA_GATTS_API_REG_EVT; // if (p_app_uuid != NULL) // memcpy(&p_buf->app_uuid, p_app_uuid, sizeof(tBT_UUID)); // p_buf->p_cback = p_cback; // bta_sys_sendmsg(p_buf); // } return; }