#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2018 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # from __future__ import print_function from builtins import range from future.moves.itertools import zip_longest import sys import os import csv import argparse import distutils.dir_util try: sys.path.insert(0, os.getenv('IDF_PATH') + "/components/nvs_flash/nvs_partition_generator/") import nvs_partition_gen except Exception as e: print(e) sys.exit("Please check IDF_PATH") def verify_values_exist(input_values_file, keys_in_values_file): """ Verify all keys have corresponding values in values file """ line_no = 1 key_count_in_values_file = len(keys_in_values_file) values_file = open(input_values_file, 'r') values_file_reader = csv.reader(values_file, delimiter=',') next(values_file_reader) for values_data in values_file_reader: line_no += 1 if len(values_data) != key_count_in_values_file: raise SystemExit("\nOops...Number of values is not equal to number of keys in file: %s at line No:%s\n" % (str(input_values_file), str(line_no))) def verify_keys_exist(values_file_keys, input_config_file): """ Verify all keys from config file are present in values file """ keys_missing = [] config_file = open(input_config_file,'r') config_file_reader = csv.reader(config_file, delimiter=',') for line_no, config_data in enumerate(config_file_reader,1): if 'namespace' not in config_data: if values_file_keys: if config_data[0] == values_file_keys[0]: del values_file_keys[0] else: keys_missing.append([config_data[0], line_no]) else: keys_missing.append([config_data[0], line_no]) if keys_missing: for key, line_no in keys_missing: print("Key:`", str(key), "` at line no:", str(line_no), " in config file is not found in values file.") config_file.close() raise SystemExit(1) config_file.close() def verify_datatype_encoding(input_config_file): """ Verify datatype and encodings from config file is valid """ valid_encodings = ["string", "binary", "hex2bin","u8", "i8", "u16", "u32", "i32","base64"] valid_datatypes = ["file","data","namespace"] line_no = 0 config_file = open(input_config_file,'r') config_file_reader = csv.reader(config_file, delimiter=',') for config_data in config_file_reader: line_no += 1 if config_data[1] not in valid_datatypes: raise SystemExit("Oops...config file: %s has invalid datatype at line no:%s\n`" % (str(input_config_file), str(line_no))) if 'namespace' not in config_data: if config_data[2] not in valid_encodings: raise SystemExit("Oops...config file: %s has invalid encoding at line no:%s\n`" % (str(input_config_file), str(line_no))) def verify_file_data_count(input_config_file, keys_repeat): """ Verify count of data on each line in config file is equal to 3 (as format must be: ) """ line_no = 0 config_file = open(input_config_file, 'r') config_file_reader = csv.reader(config_file, delimiter=',') for line in config_file_reader: line_no += 1 if len(line) != 3 and line[0] not in keys_repeat: raise SystemExit("Oops...data missing in config file at line no:%s \n" % str(line_no)) config_file.close() def verify_data_in_file(input_config_file, input_values_file, config_file_keys, keys_in_values_file, keys_repeat): """ Verify count of data on each line in config file is equal to 3 \ (as format must be: ) Verify datatype and encodings from config file is valid Verify all keys from config file are present in values file and \ Verify each key has corresponding value in values file """ try: values_file_keys = [] verify_file_data_count(input_config_file, keys_repeat) verify_datatype_encoding(input_config_file) # Get keys from values file present in config files values_file_keys = get_keys(keys_in_values_file, config_file_keys) verify_keys_exist(values_file_keys, input_config_file) verify_values_exist(input_values_file, keys_in_values_file) except Exception as err: print(err) raise def get_keys(keys_in_values_file, config_file_keys): """ Get keys from values file present in config file """ values_file_keys = [] for key in range(len(keys_in_values_file)): if keys_in_values_file[key] in config_file_keys: values_file_keys.append(keys_in_values_file[key]) return values_file_keys def add_config_data_per_namespace(input_config_file): """ Add config data per namespace to `config_data_to_write` list """ config_data_to_write = [] config_data_per_namespace = [] csv_config_file = open(input_config_file,'r') config_file_reader = csv.reader(csv_config_file, delimiter=',') # `config_data_per_namespace` is added to `config_data_to_write` list after reading next namespace for config_data in config_file_reader: if 'REPEAT' in config_data: config_data.remove('REPEAT') if 'namespace' in config_data: if config_data_per_namespace: config_data_to_write.append(config_data_per_namespace) config_data_per_namespace = [] config_data_per_namespace.append(config_data) else: config_data_per_namespace.append(config_data) else: config_data_per_namespace.append(config_data) # `config_data_per_namespace` is added to `config_data_to_write` list as EOF is reached if (not config_data_to_write) or (config_data_to_write and config_data_per_namespace): config_data_to_write.append(config_data_per_namespace) csv_config_file.close() return config_data_to_write def get_fileid_val(file_identifier, keys_in_config_file, keys_in_values_file, values_data_line, key_value_data, fileid_value): """ Get file identifier value """ file_id_found = False for key in key_value_data: if file_identifier and not file_id_found and file_identifier in key: fileid_value = key[1] file_id_found = True if not file_id_found: fileid_value = str(int(fileid_value) + 1) return fileid_value def add_data_to_file(config_data_to_write, key_value_pair, output_csv_file): """ Add data to csv target file """ header = ['key', 'type', 'encoding', 'value'] data_to_write = [] target_csv_file = open(output_csv_file, 'w') output_file_writer = csv.writer(target_csv_file, delimiter=',') output_file_writer.writerow(header) for namespace_config_data in config_data_to_write: for data in namespace_config_data: data_to_write = data[:] if 'namespace' in data: data_to_write.append('') output_file_writer.writerow(data_to_write) else: key = data[0] while key not in key_value_pair[0]: del key_value_pair[0] if key in key_value_pair[0]: value = key_value_pair[0][1] data_to_write.append(value) del key_value_pair[0] output_file_writer.writerow(data_to_write) # Set index to start of file target_csv_file.seek(0) target_csv_file.close() def create_dir(filetype, output_dir_path): """ Create new directory(if doesn't exist) to store file generated """ output_target_dir = output_dir_path + filetype if not os.path.isdir(output_target_dir): distutils.dir_util.mkpath(output_target_dir) return output_target_dir def set_repeat_value(total_keys_repeat, keys, csv_file, target_filename): key_val_pair = [] key_repeated = [] with open(csv_file, 'r') as read_from, open(target_filename,'w') as write_to: csv_file_reader = csv.reader(read_from, delimiter=',') headers = next(csv_file_reader) values = next(csv_file_reader) csv_file_writer = csv.writer(write_to, delimiter=',') csv_file_writer.writerow(headers) csv_file_writer.writerow(values) total_keys_values = list(zip_longest(keys, values)) # read new data, add value if key has repeat tag, write to new file for row in csv_file_reader: index = -1 key_val_new = list(zip_longest(keys, row)) key_val_pair = total_keys_values[:] key_repeated = total_keys_repeat[:] while key_val_new and key_repeated: index = index + 1 # if key has repeat tag, get its corresponding value, write to file if key_val_new[0][0] == key_repeated[0]: val = key_val_pair[0][1] row[index] = val csv_file_writer.writerow(row) del key_repeated[0] del key_val_new[0] del key_val_pair[0] return target_filename def main(input_config_file=None,input_values_file=None,target_file_name_prefix=None, file_identifier=None,output_dir_path=None,part_size=None,input_version=None, input_is_keygen=None,input_is_encrypt=None,input_is_keyfile=None): try: if all(arg is None for arg in [input_config_file,input_values_file,target_file_name_prefix, file_identifier,output_dir_path]): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='./mfg_gen.py', description="Create binary files from input config and values file", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--conf', dest='config_file', help='the input configuration csv file', default=None) parser.add_argument('--values', dest='values_file', help='the input values csv file', default=None) parser.add_argument('--prefix', dest='prefix', help='the unique name as each filename prefix') parser.add_argument('--fileid', dest='fileid', help='the unique file identifier(any key in values file) \ as each filename suffix (Default: numeric value(1,2,3...)') parser.add_argument('--outdir', dest='outdir', default=os.getcwd(), help='the output directory to store the files created\ (Default: current directory)') parser.add_argument("--size", dest='part_size', help='Size of NVS Partition in bytes (must be multiple of 4096)') parser.add_argument("--version", dest="version", help='Set version. Default: v2', choices=['v1','v2'], default='v2', type=str.lower) parser.add_argument("--keygen", dest="keygen", help='Generate keys for encryption. Default: false', choices=['true','false'], default='false', type=str.lower) parser.add_argument("--encrypt", dest="encrypt", help='Set encryption mode. Default: false', choices=['true','false'], default='false', type=str.lower) parser.add_argument("--keyfile", dest="keyfile", help='File having key for encryption (Applicable only if encryption mode is true)', default=None) args = parser.parse_args() args.outdir = os.path.join(args.outdir, '') input_config_file = args.config_file input_values_file = args.values_file target_file_name_prefix = args.prefix output_dir_path = args.outdir part_size = args.part_size input_version = args.version input_is_keygen = args.keygen input_is_encrypt = args.encrypt input_is_keyfile = args.keyfile file_identifier = '' print_arg_str = "Invalid.\nTo generate binary --conf, --values, --prefix and --size arguments are mandatory.\ \nTo generate encryption keys --keygen argument is mandatory." print_encrypt_arg_str = "Missing parameter. Enter --keygen or --keyfile." if args.fileid: file_identifier = args.fileid if input_config_file and input_is_encrypt.lower() == 'true' and input_is_keygen.lower() == 'true' and input_is_keyfile: sys.exit('Invalid. Cannot provide both --keygen and --keyfile argument together.') nvs_partition_gen.check_input_args(input_config_file, input_values_file, part_size, input_is_keygen, input_is_encrypt, input_is_keyfile, input_version, print_arg_str, print_encrypt_arg_str, output_dir_path) if not input_config_file and input_is_keygen: if input_is_encrypt == 'true': sys.exit("Invalid.\nOnly --keyfile and --outdir arguments allowed.\n") # Generate Key Only nvs_partition_gen.nvs_part_gen(input_filename=input_config_file, output_filename=input_values_file, input_part_size=part_size, is_key_gen=input_is_keygen, encrypt_mode=input_is_encrypt, key_file=input_is_keyfile, version_no=input_version, output_dir=output_dir_path) exit(0) if not (input_config_file and input_values_file and target_file_name_prefix and part_size): sys.exit(print_arg_str) keys_in_values_file = [] keys_in_config_file = [] config_data_to_write = [] key_value_data = [] csv_file_list = [] keys_repeat = [] is_empty_line = False files_created = False file_identifier_value = '0' output_target_dir = '' target_values_file = None output_file_prefix = None # Verify config file is not empty if os.stat(input_config_file).st_size == 0: raise SystemExit("Oops...config file: %s is empty." % input_config_file) # Verify values file is not empty if os.stat(input_values_file).st_size == 0: raise SystemExit("Oops...values file: %s is empty." % input_values_file) # Verify config file does not have empty lines csv_config_file = open(input_config_file,'r') try: config_file_reader = csv.reader(csv_config_file, delimiter=',') for config_data in config_file_reader: for data in config_data: empty_line = data.strip() if empty_line is '': is_empty_line = True else: is_empty_line = False break if is_empty_line: raise SystemExit("Oops...config file: %s cannot have empty lines. " % input_config_file) if not config_data: raise SystemExit("Oops...config file: %s cannot have empty lines." % input_config_file) csv_config_file.seek(0) # Extract keys from config file for config_data in config_file_reader: if 'namespace' not in config_data: keys_in_config_file.append(config_data[0]) if 'REPEAT' in config_data: keys_repeat.append(config_data[0]) csv_config_file.close() except Exception as e: print(e) finally: csv_config_file.close() is_empty_line = False # Verify values file does not have empty lines csv_values_file = open(input_values_file, 'r') try: values_file_reader = csv.reader(csv_values_file, delimiter=',') for values_data in values_file_reader: for data in values_data: empty_line = data.strip() if empty_line is '': is_empty_line = True else: is_empty_line = False break if is_empty_line: raise SystemExit("Oops...values file: %s cannot have empty lines." % input_values_file) if not values_data: raise SystemExit("Oops...values file: %s cannot have empty lines." % input_values_file) csv_values_file.seek(0) # Extract keys from values file keys_in_values_file = next(values_file_reader) csv_values_file.close() except Exception as e: print(e) exit(1) finally: csv_values_file.close() # Verify file identifier exists in values file if file_identifier: if file_identifier not in keys_in_values_file: raise SystemExit('Oops...target_file_identifier: %s does not exist in values file.\n' % file_identifier) # Verify data in the input_config_file and input_values_file verify_data_in_file(input_config_file, input_values_file, keys_in_config_file, keys_in_values_file, keys_repeat) # Add config data per namespace to `config_data_to_write` list config_data_to_write = add_config_data_per_namespace(input_config_file) try: with open(input_values_file, 'r') as csv_values_file: values_file_reader = csv.reader(csv_values_file, delimiter=',') keys = next(values_file_reader) filename, file_ext = os.path.splitext(input_values_file) target_filename = filename + "_created" + file_ext if keys_repeat: target_values_file = set_repeat_value(keys_repeat, keys, input_values_file, target_filename) else: target_values_file = input_values_file csv_values_file = open(target_values_file, 'r') values_file_reader = csv.reader(csv_values_file, delimiter=',') next(values_file_reader) for values_data_line in values_file_reader: key_value_data = list(zip_longest(keys_in_values_file,values_data_line)) # Get file identifier value from values file file_identifier_value = get_fileid_val(file_identifier, keys_in_config_file, keys_in_values_file, values_data_line, key_value_data, file_identifier_value) key_value_pair = key_value_data[:] # Create new directory(if doesn't exist) to store csv file generated output_target_dir = create_dir("csv/", output_dir_path) # Verify if output csv file does not exist csv_filename = target_file_name_prefix + "-" + file_identifier_value + ".csv" csv_file_list.append(csv_filename) output_csv_file = output_target_dir + csv_filename if os.path.isfile(output_csv_file): raise SystemExit("Target csv file: %s already exists.`" % output_csv_file) # Add values corresponding to each key to csv target file add_data_to_file(config_data_to_write, key_value_pair, output_csv_file) # Create new directory(if doesn't exist) to store bin file generated output_target_dir = create_dir("bin/", output_dir_path) # Verify if output bin file does not exist # todo for keys output_file_prefix = target_file_name_prefix + "-" + file_identifier_value output_bin_file = output_target_dir + output_file_prefix + ".bin" if os.path.isfile(output_bin_file): raise SystemExit("Target csv file: %s already exists.`" % output_bin_file) # Create output csv and bin file if input_is_keygen.lower() == 'true' and input_is_keyfile: input_is_keyfile = os.path.basename(input_is_keyfile) nvs_partition_gen.nvs_part_gen(input_filename=output_csv_file, output_filename=output_bin_file, input_part_size=part_size, is_key_gen=input_is_keygen, encrypt_mode=input_is_encrypt, key_file=input_is_keyfile, version_no=input_version, encr_key_prefix=output_file_prefix, output_dir=output_dir_path) print("CSV Generated: ", str(output_csv_file)) files_created = True csv_values_file.close() except Exception as e: print(e) exit(1) finally: csv_values_file.close() return csv_file_list, files_created, target_values_file except ValueError as err: print(err) except Exception: raise if __name__ == "__main__": main()