ESP-MESH Programming Guide ========================== This is a programming guide for ESP-MESH, including the API reference and coding examples. This guide is split into the following parts: 1. :ref:`mesh-programming-model` 2. :ref:`mesh-writing-mesh-application` 3. :ref:`mesh-application-examples` 4. :ref:`mesh-api-reference` For documentation regarding the ESP-MESH protocol, please see the :doc:`ESP-MESH API Guide<../../api-guides/mesh>`. .. ---------------------- ESP-MESH Programming Model -------------------------- .. _mesh-programming-model: ESP-MESH Programming Model -------------------------- Software Stack ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ESP-MESH software stack is built atop the Wi-Fi Driver/FreeRTOS and may use the LwIP Stack in some instances (i.e. the root node). The following diagram illustrates the ESP-MESH software stack. .. _mesh-going-to-software-stack: .. figure:: ../../../_static/mesh-software-stack.png :align: center :alt: ESP-MESH Software Stack :figclass: align-center ESP-MESH Software Stack System Events ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An application interfaces with ESP-MESH via **ESP-MESH Events**. Since ESP-MESH is built atop the Wi-Fi stack, it is also possible for the application to interface with the Wi-Fi driver via the **Wi-Fi Event Task**. The following diagram illustrates the interfaces for the various System Events in an ESP-MESH application. .. figure:: ../../../_static/mesh-events-delivery.png :align: center :alt: ESP-MESH System Events Delivery :figclass: align-center ESP-MESH System Events Delivery The :cpp:type:`mesh_event_id_t` defines all possible ESP-MESH system events and can indicate events such as the connection/disconnection of parent/child. Before ESP-MESH system events can be used, the application must register a **Mesh Event Callback** via :cpp:func:`esp_mesh_set_config`. The callback is used to receive events from the ESP-MESH stack as well as the LwIP Stack and should contain handlers for each event relevant to the application. Typical use cases of system events include using events such as :cpp:enumerator:`MESH_EVENT_PARENT_CONNECTED` and :cpp:enumerator:`MESH_EVENT_CHILD_CONNECTED` to indicate when a node can begin transmitting data upstream and downstream respectively. Likewise, :cpp:enumerator:`MESH_EVENT_ROOT_GOT_IP` and :cpp:enumerator:`MESH_EVENT_ROOT_LOST_IP` can be used to indicate when the root node can and cannot transmit data to the external IP network. .. warning:: When using ESP-MESH under self-organized mode, users must ensure that no calls to Wi-Fi API are made. This is due to the fact that the self-organizing mode will internally make Wi-Fi API calls to connect/disconnect/scan etc. **Any Wi-Fi calls from the application (including calls from callbacks and handlers of Wi-Fi events) may interfere with ESP-MESH's self-organizing behavior**. Therefore, user's should not call Wi-Fi APIs after :cpp:func:`esp_mesh_start` is called, and before :cpp:func:`esp_mesh_stop` is called. LwIP & ESP-MESH ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The application can access the ESP-MESH stack directly without having to go through the LwIP stack. The LwIP stack is only required by the root node to transmit/receive data to/from an external IP network. However, since every node can potentially become the root node (due to automatic root node selection), each node must still initialize the LwIP stack. **Each node is required to initialize LwIP by calling** :cpp:func:`tcpip_adapter_init`. In order to prevent non-root node access to LwIP, the application should stop the following services after LwIP initialization: - DHCP server service on the softAP interface. - DHCP client service on the station interface. The following code snippet demonstrates how to initialize LwIP for ESP-MESH applications. .. code-block:: c /* tcpip initialization */ tcpip_adapter_init(); /* * for mesh * stop DHCP server on softAP interface by default * stop DHCP client on station interface by default */ ESP_ERROR_CHECK(tcpip_adapter_dhcps_stop(TCPIP_ADAPTER_IF_AP)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(tcpip_adapter_dhcpc_stop(TCPIP_ADAPTER_IF_STA)); /* do not specify system event callback, use NULL instead. */ ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_event_loop_init(NULL, NULL)); .. note:: ESP-MESH requires a root node to be connected with a router. Therefore, in the event that a node becomes the root, **the corresponding handler must start the DHCP client service and immediately obtain an IP address**. Doing so will allow other nodes to begin transmitting/receiving packets to/from the external IP network. However, this step is unnecessary if static IP settings are used. .. ---------------------- Writing a Mesh Application -------------------------- .. _mesh-writing-mesh-application: Writing an ESP-MESH Application ------------------------------- The prerequisites for starting ESP-MESH is to initialize LwIP and Wi-Fi, The following code snippet demonstrates the necessary prerequisite steps before ESP-MESH itself can be initialized. .. code-block:: c tcpip_adapter_init(); /* * for mesh * stop DHCP server on softAP interface by default * stop DHCP client on station interface by default */ ESP_ERROR_CHECK(tcpip_adapter_dhcps_stop(TCPIP_ADAPTER_IF_AP)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(tcpip_adapter_dhcpc_stop(TCPIP_ADAPTER_IF_STA)); /* do not specify system event callback, use NULL instead. */ ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_event_loop_init(NULL, NULL)); /* Wi-Fi initialization */ wifi_init_config_t config = WIFI_INIT_CONFIG_DEFAULT(); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_wifi_init(&config)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_wifi_set_storage(WIFI_STORAGE_FLASH)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_wifi_start()); After initializing LwIP and Wi-Fi, the process of getting an ESP-MESH network up and running can be summarized into the following three steps: 1. :ref:`mesh-initialize-mesh` 2. :ref:`mesh-configuring-mesh` 3. :ref:`mesh-start-mesh` .. _mesh-initialize-mesh: Initialize Mesh ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following code snippet demonstrates how to initialize ESP-MESH .. code-block:: c /* mesh initialization */ ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_mesh_init()); .. _mesh-configuring-mesh: Configuring an ESP-MESH Network ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. todo - Add note about unified configuration ESP-MESH is configured via :cpp:func:`esp_mesh_set_config` which receives its arguments using the :cpp:type:`mesh_cfg_t` structure. The structure contains the following parameters used to configure ESP-MESH: +------------------+-------------------------------------+ | Parameter | Description | +==================+=====================================+ | Channel | Range from 1 to 14 | +------------------+-------------------------------------+ | Event Callback | Callback for Mesh Events, | | | see :cpp:type:`mesh_event_cb_t` | +------------------+-------------------------------------+ | Mesh ID | ID of ESP-MESH Network, | | | see :cpp:type:`mesh_addr_t` | +------------------+-------------------------------------+ | Router | Router Configuration, | | | see :cpp:type:`mesh_router_t` | +------------------+-------------------------------------+ | Mesh AP | Mesh AP Configuration, | | | see :cpp:type:`mesh_ap_cfg_t` | +------------------+-------------------------------------+ | Crypto Functions | Crypto Functions for Mesh IE, | | | see :cpp:type:`mesh_crypto_funcs_t` | +------------------+-------------------------------------+ The following code snippet demonstrates how to configure ESP-MESH. .. code-block:: c /* Enable the Mesh IE encryption by default */ mesh_cfg_t cfg = MESH_INIT_CONFIG_DEFAULT(); /* mesh ID */ memcpy((uint8_t *) &cfg.mesh_id, MESH_ID, 6); /* mesh event callback */ cfg.event_cb = &mesh_event_handler; /* channel (must match the router's channel) */ = CONFIG_MESH_CHANNEL; /* router */ cfg.router.ssid_len = strlen(CONFIG_MESH_ROUTER_SSID); memcpy((uint8_t *) &cfg.router.ssid, CONFIG_MESH_ROUTER_SSID, cfg.router.ssid_len); memcpy((uint8_t *) &cfg.router.password, CONFIG_MESH_ROUTER_PASSWD, strlen(CONFIG_MESH_ROUTER_PASSWD)); /* mesh softAP */ cfg.mesh_ap.max_connection = CONFIG_MESH_AP_CONNECTIONS; memcpy((uint8_t *) &cfg.mesh_ap.password, CONFIG_MESH_AP_PASSWD, strlen(CONFIG_MESH_AP_PASSWD)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_mesh_set_config(&cfg)); .. _mesh-start-mesh: Start Mesh ^^^^^^^^^^ The following code snippet demonstrates how to start ESP-MESH. .. code-block:: c /* mesh start */ ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_mesh_start()); After starting ESP-MESH, the application should check for ESP-MESH events to determine when it has connected to the network. After connecting, the application can start transmitting and receiving packets over the ESP-MESH network using :cpp:func:`esp_mesh_send` and :cpp:func:`esp_mesh_recv`. .. --------------------- ESP-MESH Application Examples ------------------------ .. _mesh-application-examples: Application Examples -------------------- ESP-IDF contains these ESP-MESH example projects: :example:`The Internal Communication Example` demonstrates how to setup a ESP-MESH network and have the root node send a data packet to every node within the network. :example:`The Manual Networking Example` demonstrates how to use ESP-MESH without the self-organizing features. This example shows how to program a node to manually scan for a list of potential parent nodes and select a parent node based on custom criteria. .. ------------------------- ESP-MESH API Reference --------------------------- .. _mesh-api-reference: API Reference -------------- .. include:: /_build/inc/