*************************************** Building OpenOCD from Sources for MacOS *************************************** The following instructions are alternative to downloading binary OpenOCD from Espressif website. To quickly setup the binary OpenOCD, instead of compiling it yourself, backup and proceed to section :doc:`setup-openocd-macos`. .. highlight:: bash Download Sources of OpenOCD =========================== The sources for the ESP32-enabled variant of OpenOCD are available from Espressif GitHub under https://github.com/espressif/openocd-esp32. To download the sources, use the following commands:: cd ~/esp git clone –recursive https://github.com/espressif/openocd-esp32.git The clone of sources should be now saved in ``~/esp/openocd-esp32`` directory. Install Dependencies ==================== Install packages that are required to compile OpenOCD using Homebrew:: brew install automake libtool libusb wget gcc@4.9 Build OpenOCD ============= Proceed with configuring and building OpenOCD:: cd ~/esp/openocd-esp32 ./bootstrap ./configure make Optionally you can add ``sudo make install`` step at the end. Skip it, if you have an existing OpenOCD (from e.g. another development platform), as it may get overwritten. .. note:: * Should an error occur, resolve it and try again until the command ``make`` works. * If there is a submodule problem from OpenOCD, please ``cd`` to the ``openocd-esp32`` directory and input ``git submodule update --init``. * If the ``./configure`` is successfully run, information of enabled JTAG will be printed under ``OpenOCD configuration summary``. * If the information of your device is not shown in the log, use ``./configure`` to enable it as described in ``../openocd-esp32/doc/INSTALL.txt``. * For details concerning compiling OpenOCD, please refer to ``openocd-esp32/README.OSX``. Once ``make`` process is successfully completed, the executable of OpenOCD will be saved in ``~/esp/openocd-esp32/src/openocd`` directory. Next Steps ========== To carry on with debugging environment setup, proceed to section :ref:`jtag-debugging-configuring-esp32-target`.