if(BOOTLOADER_BUILD) return() # don't keep recursing! endif() # Glue to build the bootloader subproject binary as an external # cmake project under this one # # set(bootloader_build_dir "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bootloader") set(bootloader_binary_files "${bootloader_build_dir}/bootloader.elf" "${bootloader_build_dir}/bootloader.bin" "${bootloader_build_dir}/bootloader.map" ) externalproject_add(bootloader # TODO: support overriding the bootloader in COMPONENT_PATHS SOURCE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/subproject" BINARY_DIR "${bootloader_build_dir}" CMAKE_ARGS -DSDKCONFIG=${SDKCONFIG} -DIDF_PATH=${IDF_PATH} -DEXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS=${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR} INSTALL_COMMAND "" BUILD_ALWAYS 1 # no easy way around this... BUILD_BYPRODUCTS ${bootloader_binary_files} ) # this is a hack due to an (annoying) shortcoming in cmake, it can't # extend the 'clean' target to the external project # see thread: https://cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2016-December/064660.html # # So for now we just have the top-level build remove the final build products... set_property(DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" APPEND PROPERTY ADDITIONAL_MAKE_CLEAN_FILES ${bootloader_binary_files})