# Simple Sniffer Example (See the README.md file in the upper level 'examples' directory for more information about examples.) ## Overview This example demonstrates basic usage of wifi sniffer mode by saving packets into SD card with pcap format. Go to wikipedia for more information about [pcap](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pcap). This example is based on esp-idf's console component. For more information about console you should read this [guide](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/api-guides/console.html). ## How to use example ### Hardware Required To run this example, you should have one ESP32 dev board integrated with a SD card slot (e.g ESP32-WROVER Kit) or just connect ESP32-DevKitC to a SD card breakout board. ### Configure the project Enter `make menuconfig` if you are using GNU Make based build system or enter `idf.py menuconfig` if you are using CMake based build system. Then go into `Example Configuration` menu. - Check `Store command history in flash` if you want to save command history into flash (recommend). - Set the mount point in your filesystem, for example, `/sdcard` if you want to store pcap file into SD card. - Set the length of sniffer work queue. - Set the stack size of the sniffer task. - Set the priority of the sniffer task. - Set the max number of packets to store in a single pcap file. The number of packets usually will be very large, so we just truncate them into multiple files. You should set a threshold value here. ### Build and Flash Enter `make -j4 flash monitor` if you are using GNU Make based build system or enter `idf.py build flash monitor` if you' are using CMake based build system. (To exit the serial monitor, type ``Ctrl-]``.) See the [Getting Started Guide](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/get-started/index.html) for full steps to configure and use ESP-IDF to build projects. ## Example Output ### `sniffer` Command Usage > sniffer [-f ][-i ] [-F ]... [-c ][--stop] > Capture specific packet and store in pcap format > -f, --file= name of the file storing the packets in pcap format > -i, --interface= which interface to capture packet > -F, --filter= filter parameters > -c, --channel= communication channel to use > --stop stop running sniffer The `sniffer` command support some important options as follow: * `-f`: Specify the name of file who will store the packets, default value is `sniffer`, and the resulting file name will be like “snifferX.pcap”, here ‘X’ shows the file’s order. * `-i`: Specify the interface to sniffer packets, currently only support `wlan` * `-c` :Specify the channel to sniffer packet * `-F`: Specify the filter condition, currently only support following filter conditions, you can select any number of them * mgmt: Management packets * data: Data packets * ctrl: Control packets * misc: Other packets * mpdu: MPDU packets * ampdu: AMPDU packets * `--stop`: Stop sniffer job ### Mount SD Card ```bash ======================================================= | Steps to sniffer WiFi packets | | | | 1. Enter 'help' to check all commands' usage | | 2. Enter 'mount ' to mount filesystem | | 3. Enter 'sniffer' to start capture packets | | 4. Enter 'unmount ' to unmount filesystem | | | ======================================================= esp32> mount sd I (158912) example: Initializing SD card I (158912) example: Using SDMMC peripheral I (158912) gpio: GPIO[13]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 1| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 0| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0 Name: SA16G Type: SDHC/SDXC Speed: 20 MHz Size: 14832MB ``` ### Start Sniffer ```bash esp32> sniffer -f sniffer-example -i wlan -c 2 I (36200) cmd_sniffer: Start WiFi Promicuous Mode I (36270) phy: phy_version: 4000, b6198fa, Sep 3 2018, 15:11:06, 0, 0 I (36270) wifi: ic_enable_sniffer I (36290) pcap: Store packets to file: /sdcard/sniffer-example0.pcap I (103810) pcap: Close Pcap file OK I (103830) pcap: Store packets to file: /sdcard/sniffer-example1.pcap I (177300) pcap: Close Pcap file OK I (177320) pcap: Store packets to file: /sdcard/sniffer-example2.pcap esp32> sniffer --stop I (212250) wifi: ic_disable_sniffer I (212250) wifi: flush txq I (212250) wifi: stop sw txq I (212260) wifi: lmac stop hw txq I (212340) pcap: Close Pcap file OK I (212340) cmd_sniffer: Sniffer Stopped ``` ### Unmount SD Card ```bash esp32> unmount sd I (248800) example: Card unmounted ``` ### Open PCap File in Wireshark ![sniffer-example0.pcap](sniffer-example0-pcap.png) ## Troubleshooting - Make sure you have pluged in your SD card and mount it into filesystem before doing sniffer work or you will get error message like “Create file /sdcard/sniffer0.pcap failed”. - To protect the SD card, we recommand you to execute command `unmount sd` before you plug out your SD card. (For any technical queries, please open an [issue](https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/issues) on GitHub. We will get back to you as soon as possible.)